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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

News Flash

Pope Francis has granted Kiko and Carmen the initiators of the Neocatechumenal Way another audience on March 18th at the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican. On that day, the Pope himself will be sending more families and priests for  fifty new missio ad gentes.


  1. The Pope really loves the neocatechumal way. This Way is truly alive. It keeps growing stronger.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:55 pm,

      I agree. Imagine 50 families on mission! This is the work of the Holy Spirit. :-)

    2. Lets wait and see what the Pope has to say before we rush to judgement. I have a feeling it won't be quite to your liking.

    3. The message of the Pope is that NCW is a missionary organization. Isn't it, Diana? Its only purpose and justification is to carry out missionary work as in the old times, missionaries going to foreign land to convert people from one religion to another, from whatever faith to Catholicism.

      NCW attracts people by aggressive recruiting among ordinary parishioners. This is what you do, right Diana? During an incubation period a support base financing missionary endeavor must be built and after the incubation period missionary candidates must stand up and get separate training to make them ready to go. The Pope has little money, so missionaries must sustain themselves by drawing funds from their respective support bases. NCW is an organization to produce willing sponsors, support bases and candidates for missionary work. Is this what NCW is doing, Diana?

      This impression is from propagandist articles placed in Catholic news media. It is futile to go against the trend of new evangelization, as some noted. Local protest movements criticizing NCW's ideology and practice, while sympathetic in their enthusiasm, will never achieve anything unless they look seriously into the interplay of missionary activity between the NCW and the Curia.

      Unless they come up with alternative means to build missionary support bases and develop Catholic missionaries, their anti-NCW efforts will hardly be honored by Rome.

      This applies to the local protest movement organized around JW, as well. Most of these efforts dwell in amusement and have significant entertainment value. It is refreshing to see their funny bones and read their daily jokes. But these kind of things will achieve nothing.

      Pope Francis is making it very clear that the church needs missionary enthusiasts and Rome will choose them over any purist objection or pressure. Diana, aren't you missionary enthusiasts at the NCW? When the Pope sends out the missionary crop, all those who would like to see the crop coming not from the NCW, but from someplace else, should tell the Pope where those missionaries will come from. This looks to be the real message of the Pope.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:28 am,

      My response is in the following weblink:

    5. This is wrong 9:28 AM. The catechists of the NCW do not catechize for missionaries but for the Catholic faith. Everybody can be in a missionary family, even you, and the Pope will send you out. He sends you out for mission into the unknown with blessing to evangelize the pagan and fight for Christ.

  2. I think this announcement is very important, which is why I decided to place it at the top. I am looking forward to March 18th when Pope Francis meets with Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez. Kudos to Pope Francis!!! :-)

  3. This news that Pope Francis is welcoming again in his house Kiko and Carmen and the neocatechumenals must be a hard pill for Tim Rohr to digest...

  4. My God this is really hateful news.
    I can only kneel down in humble adoration before the Lord asking him to please send no mission families to Guam. Hateful mission families. Make me sick. Using our money to buy their own shoes cloths living expenses.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:48 am,

      I allowed your comment to be publish to show everyone that it is you who goes against the Pope who will be sending off these families to evangelize just as Christ instructed His Church to do. Your comment was also published to show that it is you who care more about money than our Lord who instructed all of us to evangelize for the salvation of souls. May God have mercy on your soul.

    2. Diana, who do you think should be evangelized on Guam? Catholic parishioners who attend the regular masses?

    3. Deaf Anonymous at 6:09 pm,

      Yes, the lukewarm Catholics who passed the legislation on same sex marriage, the Catholics who are living with their common law spouse outside the sacrament of marriage, the seasonal Catholics who only show up for Mass on Christmas and Easter, the Catholics who support abortion, and the cafeteria Catholics who pick and choose the doctrines they want to follow while ignoring the rest.

  5. Just a comment.

    Im a member of one missio ad gentes (btw: as a responsible). We have never used any coin for our 'shoes cloths living expenses'. Of course, we are ready to accept :)

  6. Diana, don't you think it's right to disobey the archbishop if you know he's leading you astray. The priests who are defending the AAA are now abusing the liturgy by telling the congregation to obey the archbishop during the homily. Tim even quoted a saint who was brave enough to tell say that obedience to the an errant Pope would lead to eternal damnation.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:29 pm,

      Nowhere in the Catechism of the Catholic Church does it ever say that one should DISOBEY the Bishop. As for the homily, the weblink below stated:

      "“In the broadest sense, the homily is a discourse about the mysteries of faith and the standards of Christian life,” says the Homiletic Directory published by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments.

      Dated June 29, 2014, and approved by Pope Francis, the directory was released at the Vatican Tuesday, along with an appendix of passages from the catechism matched to each of the three readings for the three-year cycle of Sunday Masses and major holy days"

      Pope Francis has approved a new directory in 2014 on how homilies should be conducted by the priests. The homily can also be about the standards of Christian life. Being obedient to the Bishop is a standard of a Catholic life and is even found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

      As for St. Catherine, Tim Rohr took her story out of context. St. Catherine wrote letters to Pope Gregory XI pleading with him to return to Rome. She was not encouraging anyone to disobey the Pope. Her letters were written to the Pope himself, telling him to cast aside all fears and returned to Rome. See the weblink below:

      Tim Rohr took St. Catherine's letters out of context, making his readers believe that the saint was telling the faithful followers that it is okay to disobey the Bishop, including the Pope. St. Catherine did no such thing. Her letters were sent to the Pope himself in the hopes of correcting him. In the end, Pope Gregory listened to her and returned to Rome in 1377. What St. Catherine did is a far cry that what Tim Rohr is doing. St. Catherine wrote letters to the Pope praying and pleading with him to return to Rome. She warned the Pope of leading the flock astray. Tim Rohr, on the other hand, is addressing the Catholic faithful and commanding them to disobey the Archbishop.

    2. Those who break koinonia with their bishop are out of the Catholic church.

  7. I have the plane tickets to fly to Rome (from Portugal) with my wife on Monday, 14th March, then bus to Porto San Giorgio... and back in Rome on 18th March to be sent. So, just asking for prayers.
    God is good, so good. I'm going mainly out of gratitude. Where I go I don't know. How we're going to live I don't exactly know, but I do Know that when we got there, the good God will be there already waiting for us. God always provides what's needed.

    1. Hope you are having a good mission wherever you have been sent! I am going to Porto San Giorgio in January, I need to ask you, how did you find the bus in Rome airport?

  8. Dear Diana,
    Re Anonymous Mar7 2016 at 1204 PM who says:
    "Those who break koinonia with their bishop are out of the Catholic church."

    Be forewarned about judging those who are not in "total" agreement with the NCW even though they have many bishops supporting the Way in "every" aspect.

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in 883:
    "The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peter's successor, as its head." As such, this college has "supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but his power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff."

    In regards to the additions and deletions of the NCW Mass, the Roman Pontiff has not given the approval or permission. (Check the Approved Statutes which Pope Francis says to use to correct the NCW.) Therefore, no matter how many well-intentioned bishops who give their approval or permission for these alterations in the NCW Mass, this "approval or permission" DOES NOT have authority. If this "approval or permission" by misguided bishops does not have authority, it is an act of mercy to correct them; and, those who offer correction are certainly not out of the Catholic Church.
