Blog Song

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Happy Easter!!!  Christ is risen!  Our Easter Vigil is approximately 6 hours long.  It began at 11:00 pm and lasted until the break of dawn with agape.  The agape, of course, is part of the Easter celebration. 

We prepared for the Easter vigil since Saturday morning.  The children were put to sleep in the afternoon so they would be able to keep awake all night long.  However, it is much harder for the adults who has to make sure the kids sleep in the afternoon.  In anticipation of the Easter vigil, it makes it harder for us to sleep.  In fact, I just recently woke up at 5:00 pm, and it is almost the end of the day.  I slept through lunch and it is almost time for dinner.  :-)

Happy Easter Sunday!!!  


  1. I pity you Diana you must be exhausted.
    Was it really worth holding a six hour liturgy?
    It sounds pathetic to me.
    You tired out all the children and adults for a liturgy that can be celebrated in two hours.
    In fact Litirgy I attended took less than one hour.
    Diana with so little sleep you get sick.
    All stress you went through so unnecessary.
    Where did it get you ? No where.
    Next time for heavens sake attend parish Mass stop all this stupidity .
    It will wear you out . Not worth it.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:00 am,

      Easter comes only once a year. For one whole night, we gave it to Christ. We kept awake the entire night to pray to Him and singing songs of praises and thanksgiving to Him. Why? Because He conquered death and gave us redemption. After all that Christ has done for us, it is only right that we spend this one whole night for Him. After all, He has done much more for us.

      Also, this is what the Pope said about our Easter Vigil last year in June: "The Neocatechumenal Way has restored in the church the EASTER VIGIL, which is the center of Christian life."

    2. Uh uh, Diana. The Pope did not say those words. You have quoted from Giuseppe and Claudia Gennarini, Father Angelo Pochetti, and Fernando Sousa Costa - not from the pope.

      Please try to be more careful in future, otherwise people might think you were being dishonest.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:25 am,

      You are correct. It came from them who in turn said it came from the Pope.

    4. Do you see the irony in the he said she said? If they said the sun was brown, you would believe it came from the pope?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:44 am,

      When I published those seven points, no one objected to it. They actually believed that it came from the Pope due to the seventh point. Now that I addressed only one of those points, you now questioned it?

  2. Timmy Timmy Timmy you must be getting exhausted all this nonsense

  3. How sad, the nameless slimin' worms are swarming around Jackie Terlaje who did not do anything wrong. She only follows the law as the law has been written.

    In the mainland the jungle could be shut down because of their many violations against basic decency and against the dignity of every human being. Obnoxious bad mouthing is their true profession and Rohr is their recruiter, trainer and handler in their most pitiable shadowy lives.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:40 pm,

      The jungle says they want to see the RMS property back into the Archdiocese of Agana, but that is further from the truth. What they really want is to have the Declaration of Deed Restriction remove.

      I heard in KUAM that there will be an oversight hearing over the RMS property. That is fine by me. The oversight hearing will still come out in favor of the Archbishop because he is the actual owner. What Bob Klitzke will bring up in the oversight hearing is the Declaration of Deed Restriction, and that will backfire on him. The Declaration of Deed Restriction is not a quitclaim deed or a deed of gift. It is a declaration or a decree. It was even filed as a "declaration" rather than as a "deed" at the Department of Revenue and Tax.

      This oversight hearing is probably the best thing that has happened. I can see the providence of God's hand in this. This is no longer a conflict between the Archdiocese and LFM. It is a conflict between Mike Borja (Director of Land Management) and Bob Klitzke.

    2. Diana, you're not worried about the oversight hearing?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:22 am,

      No. The oversight hearing is not there to determine the ownership of the RMS property. It is there to determine whether the process of correcting the Certificate of Titles were followed in accordance to the law.

      Mr. Klitzke will and can argue all he wants about the ownership of the property, but the fact is....the owner is the Archbishop who will most likely be at the oversight hearing. If Bob Klitzke is expecting someone else to be there, he will be sorely disappointed. The Archbishop has three other documents showing proof that he is the owner of RMS even with the Declaration of Deed Restriction in place.

    4. so what is Atty J. Terlaje working on behalf of the Archdiocese whom she does not represent ? Could she be representing the Newark couple, Giuseppi and Cladia?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:05 pm,

      I assume that she would be representing the corporate sole of RMS. In this case, the corporate sole of RMS (which the jungle has already declared a SEE) is the Archbishop. The Archbishop is the corporate sole of both the Archdiocese of Agana and the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.

  4. The end is coming near, Diana. The Archdiocese is running around like a chicken with its head cut off 'cuz they know the truth of their lies will come out in that oversight hearing.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:35 pm,

      On the contrary, the Archdiocese is not running around in a panic trying to figure out what to do. It is actually Mike Borja who is under stress because Mr. Klitzke and the jungle are attacking his job and integrity as the Director of Land Management. As you can see from Mr. Borja's letter to the Attorney General, he is inquiring as to whether the advise he received from her office was the correct procedure in accordance with the law. There is no question about ownership. Mike Borja's job is on the line because his position and integrity is under attack. When the oversight hearing comes, he wants to be certain that the procedure he followed in correcting the certificate of titles was in accordance with the law. Bob Klitzke, on the other hand, is more concern about the ownership. What he wants is the certificate of titles to read that the ownership is RMS so he and the jungle can proudly see, we were right all along! As long as the certificate of titles list the Archbishop as the owner, they are not happy.

    2. Yep. Junglewatch and their cohorts want the archbishop removed and they will destroy other people's jobs and reputation to do it. It doesn't matter if the person is innocent and has nothing to do with the Way.

    3. They are violent thugs. It is a big shame on them that they play dirty politics on the expense of the Holy Mother Church.

    4. Lol Timmy, lol! As you always say. Game over for ya'. ROTFL! We tell you just because we love you and don't want you to be ignorant. The embracing arms of our Savior are open for everyone.

      Goodbye, Timmy, the jungle is burnt, there are no more tree for ya' to jump on, boy. Why don't you just go home in peace? Why don't you just be a good Catholic and care for your own for a change?
