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Thursday, February 11, 2016

RMS Seminarians Continue To Grow

Seventeen seminarians from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary have been ordained into the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Agana.  The number of seminarians continues to grow.  There were 39 seminarians until four arrived in August and November of 2015; therefore, we have a total of 43 seminarians currently staying at the RM Seminary.  Three of the four who arrived in late 2015 were from the island of Kiribati while the fourth came from New Mexico. Welcome to the beautiful island of Guam. 

Five more seminarians will be arriving soon this year.  One will be coming from Paraguay, another from Peru, and three from Samoa-Avila.  God bless all our seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater and John Paul II, and we are praying for all of you. 


  1. Please, take care of my brother, he is the one from Paraguay. He is a great guy, I hope that he will discover his vocation

    1. Dear Esteban Serafini,

      Hafa Adai from Guam. Your brother is in our prayers. :-)

    2. The RMS Guam points to the east....beautiful view of the ocean..looking at Paraguay and South America. Please thank your parents and thank you for the gift of your brother answering the call. We are also praying as you are for everyone to discover our vocation.

  2. Dear Esteban.

    Hafa Adai. Our community welcomes your brother to our Island. He will be ordained for our Island home.
    Don't worry I'm well known in NCW community and I will take care of him in my family.. I will arrange for him to stay with my family cathedral community. Please come to Guam for his ordination. Looking forward to meeting you Esteban. Kile cathedral community Agana Guam.

    1. Wonderful testimony against those haters who are so desperate to kill the Spirit of God. They will never succeed! Biba Seminary, biba seminarians!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:19 am,

      It is refreshing to see that the people of Guam still have that island hospitality that we are well-known for. Thank you.

  3. JW is attacking Gov. Calvo and his family now!

    Anonymous February 12, 2016 at 9:30 AM

    Just curious as to where the Calvo family stands on all these issues, they are one of the richest families on Guam and I would think are influential in the Church.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:35 pm,

      I do not consider that an attack. The person is only curious to know where the Governor of Guam stands on the issue. He/she did not say anything negative about the governor. I think the governor has more pressing issues to deal with in his position as the island's governor.

    2. Thank you, brothers and sisters in the faith. Our minds and our prayers are with you. Looking forward to meeting you as well

    3. Dear Diana, they want to force the Governor to side with them. It is dirty politics, as usual, from JW.

  4. Thankyou Diana for an informative blog.

    I'm walking in San Framcosco community . Sorry to learn Guam community under attack.
    Praying for you.
    Margaret Bun.

    1. Dear Margaret, thanks for your prayers. We are under attack, indeed. There is an ugly witch hunt going on from the Middle Ages against the communities, the local Archbishop and the Seminary conducted by uneducated people with a mindset from the Middle Ages.

      It is scary to experience the "dark" Middle Ages in the minds of other people in the 21st century, but this is our reality here, right now. Thanks God, there are many of us in the communities and we stand our course, no matter what. These attackers cannot interfere with our spiritual growth and cannot take away our walking toward the Lord Jesus.

      God bless your heart and peace be with you.

    2. Look at this language from JW:

      Tim February 15, 2016 at 9:25 AM

      The Bishop is NOT Catholic. To say otherwise is an absurdity. You may think he is Catholic. You may wish he was. But until the bishop stops being “Brother Tony,” he is neither bishop nor Catholic.

      They deny that our Archbishop is Catholic! They want to determine who can be Catholic and who cannot. This is insanely sick! It is really the dark Middle Ages in the minds of these people. Their hate mongering closely follows the script of the Third Reich.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:25 am,

      People with common sense know that Tim Rohr has no authority to declare any Catholic bishop as NOT Catholic. Archbishop Apuron was placed there by the pope. As long as he has not been removed by the Pope, he remains the Archbishop legally by canon law. Tim can say whatever he wants, but his words do not change the fact that the Anthony Apuron is the legitimate Archbishop of Guam.

      There are many Catholics who are not in communion with the Catholic Church; however, they are still Catholic. For example, there are many married couples living together or couples who are married in court, but they are still Catholics despite they are not in communion with the Church and cannot receive Holy Communion.

    4. Do people at JW have common sense? I doubt it! Do they have decent education? Not sure either. They are used as cannon folders. Are they happy with that? It is very strange.

    5. Question Diana. Priests of Guam. Are they all in communion with the catholic church. Monsignor Fr. Paul are they in. On union with us? Jungle watchers are they in communion with catholic church? Michael Yigo.

    6. Dear Michael of Yigo,

      You ask whether all priests on Guam are in communion with the Catholic Church. The answer is no. The priest who anonymously wrote in the jungle was not in communion when he supported LFM. LFM have called for the resignation or removal of the Archbishop, and this priest (whoever he is) gave his support to them. Those who oppose the Archbishop are not in communion with the Catholic Church. By opposing the local Vicar of Christ, they put themselves outside the Church.

    7. Thankyou . So a priest who is not in communion yet says mass is the bread of his mass still the communion bread of Jesus body of Christ.

    8. Clergy members supporting LFM are in communion.
      Clergy who support removal of Archbishop are in communion.
      To question the authority of the bishop does not place oneself outside of communion. Diana gravely knowingly with full intention deceives the catholic community in her explanation. No understanding at all of ecclesiology.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 11:49 pm,

      Let us hope that the priest in question has gone to confession and reconcile with Christ. That would be the proper and right thing to do. With that said, God can still act within a sinful priest just as He did with His sinful Apostles. And yes, even those who sinned are still Catholics. Pope Francis called them "half-hearted Catholics."

    10. Dear Anonymous at 11:54 pm,

      They went beyond questioning his authority. They accused him of lying and demanded his resignation.

  5. Replies
    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:49 pm,

      I am sure she meant San Francisco, but mistyped it.


  6. 10.49pm. There is a Margaret Bun in SFO community. Priest I know knows Margaret. Sent word she mistyped.

  7. Thankyou Diana.

    Margaret Bun walks with us in San Francisco Community.
    Past months we read this blog as we are learning how we can contribute to the way in your mission diocese. We would like to help donate funds to RMS students as they prepare for ordination. We know the natives of Guam must be evangelized. They seem to need education in the faith.
    Will contact the Archbishop with our small gift of $2,000 for training of RM priest's Guam.
    Beverly Willcox San Francisco community.

    1. Dear Beverly Willcox and the brothers and sisters of the NCW San Francisco communities,

      Thank you for your kind generosity.


  8. Thanks Beverly. Read your article on San Francisco NCW page.
    Please help our Island church as we strive to support RMS.
    Praying good people like you will help our island church.
    NCW under attack by small group who insist on causing problems for our mission.
    NCW becomes stronger. We will fight these people who try to pull us down.
    Our seminary will survive Beverly.
