Blog Song

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Witnesses

"And I am particularly glad that this mission is carried out thanks to Christian families, united in a community, who have the mission to give witness to our faith that attract people to the beauty of the Gospel, in the words of Christ:  'This is how all will know that you are my disciples' (John 13:34), and 'be one and the world may believe' (John 17:21)." - Pope Francis
When God has worked a miracle in our lives, it should be shared with the world.  Many will say that the testimonies of the members of the Way are exactly the same.  Actually, they are similar but not exactly the same.  Why are they similar?  Because the problems found in every family and society are similar. Humans, regardless of their race and background, are not all that dissimilar from each other when confronted with daily problems at work and home.  We all face similar problems:  divorce, loss of a loved one, health issues, financial difficulties, problems with children, problems at work, drugs, alcohol, suicide, abusive relationships, etc.  All these are problems one finds at home and in society.    

The divorce rate has increased over the years.  How many people on Guam know someone who is divorced?  More people live with their girlfriend/boyfriend rather than marry. How many people know a couple who are living together? So, when a witness from the Neocatechumenal Way speaks about their parents on the verge of divorce or being raised by a single parent, this is a topic many people are facing.  

The testimonies of the NCW members are not from scripts, but testimonies of their own lives.  When God works a miracle in our lives, we are to share it to the world, not keep it to ourselves.  The testimonies reveal the everyday problems people face in our society, which are not new. It also manifests God's existence in our world who comes to heal us and take up our suffering. 

Most important of all is to live out one's baptismal promise.  Faith and works go hand in hand.  It is not human works, but the works of the Holy Spirit in us carrying out His work.  Carry the death of Jesus in your bodies.  With the Holy Spirit in you, the problems in your life no longer becomes a suffering and a burden.  One can see the light of Christ in that person during times of trials and death.  For example, the Apostles who were martyred went to their deaths with joy because death meant to see their Savior Jesus Christ.  

When I came into this world....I was crying and everyone around me was laughing.  But when I leave this world, I would be laughing and everyone around me would be was crying. 


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