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Friday, December 4, 2015

Advent Announcement

The NCW had their Advent Announcement last night.  The Advent announcement was started by Kiko Arguello, and this announcement was passed on to the Head Catechists and then to the communities.  The announcement was mainly about the coming of Christ.  Christmas has become so commercialized that many often forget that the reason for the season is Jesus.  The Catechists encouraged the brothers to pull out the Belen.  So, this year, the NCW communities are encouraged to set up a beautiful nativity in their homes and to pray the novena.  After the novena, one of the children in the family is to take the statue of the baby Jesus to present to all family members present in the novena so they could "amen" the baby Jesus.  A family that prays together stays together.   

Of course, we also heard many things during the announcement.  According to our catechists, Kiko Arguello also warned the brothers to stay away from chatting on the social media.  We were encourage to phone the person rather than texting the person.  To hear the human voice saying "I miss you" has more meaning than reading it in a text.  Kiko said that the internet itself is not evil, but people use it for good or bad purposes.  For example, pornography is found in the Internet and can destroy many marriages.  "Chatting" in the social media can also destroy lives. Even the Attorney General warns children of "chatting" on the social media for they could be chatting with a sexual predator. It can be dangerous to allow a child to have a computer in his/her bedroom.  The computer should always be in an area (such as the living room) where the parents can see what the child is doing on the computer.  

The announcement was also about the rejection of Christianity.  In France, 94% of the people are Catholics; however, the nativity has been banned.  You can read all about it here.  In Texas and in many schools across America, Christian children are being suspended for wearing a cross or crucifix to school.  Texas is known as the buckle of the Bible belt where there are more Roman Catholics and Southern Baptists; yet, a young Catholic boy was suspended from school for wearing a cross.  You can read all about it here.  In Guam, most of our senators are Catholics who passed the same sex marriage law.  All these laws passed by Catholic countries only goes to show that Catholics are rejecting their Christian faith despite that some of them attend Sunday Mass.  

A Catholic who leads a double life is a serious thing.  How can a Catholic go to Sunday Mass; yet, see nothing wrong with hating his brother?  How can a Catholic receive Jesus in the Eucharist; yet, see nothing wrong with banning the nativity in public?  The rejection of Christianity comes from Christians themselves.  This is why the Pope says that Christianity in Europe (and probably even in the U.S.) needs to be re-evangelized.  With the passage of same sex marriage on Guam, it appears that even Guam needs to be re-evangelized. Thirty years ago, people on Guam understood that same sex marriage was wrong.  Today, it is acceptable.  On Christ's second coming, He is not going to ask us where we put the tabernacle or where we celebrated Mass.  He is not going to question us on whether we received Him by hand or tongue during the Eucharist. 

Luke 18:8 ....However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?  


  1. "On Christ's second coming, He is not going to ask us where we put the tabernacle or where we celebrated Mass. He is not going to question us on whether we received Him by hand or tongue during the Eucharist. "

    You know this? How?

    IN regard to the manner in which you receive communion - either its important or it isn't.

    If it is important, why would you want to do it differently (communion, that is), and what justification could you possibly make for rejecting the normal way the Church instructs, to do it your own way?

    If it is not important, why not do it the way the Church normally does it?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:41 am,

      The Catholic Church says that one can receive Jesus either by tongue or hand. The MOST important thing is that you receive Him.

    2. The Catholic Church says there is a law that you receive the Blessed Sacrament on the tongue. However, in specific cases, it grants permission to break that law.

      As I said - if its not important, then do it the normal way the Church instructs, ie on the tongue.

      You won't though, because it is important to you to do it the NCW way. Which just goes to show how hypocritical you are.

      In fact, if the Church says its ok to do it either way, and if it doesn't really matter - how about next time you receive communion in your "Eucharist:, you receive on the tongue? Let's see whether you get a favorable reaction to that!

    3. "Christ looks more at how you treat your brothers. Do you respect them or do you impose and force them to follow your rule? "

      You mean, does the Church, her members and organizations violate a persons internal forum, tell them that in fact there is no choice about whether to receive communion on the tongue or in the hand, and actually to insist that they ought to do something that is a clear violation of the lawful authority of the Church with respect to the liturgy.

      You assert that Jesus doesn't care how you receive communion - whether on the tongue or in the hand. Presumably you would also assert that Jesus doesn't care whether you pay heed to the direction of the lawful Church authority in regard to this question.

      And yet, you readily admit that it would be impossible for anyone to licitly receive communion on the tongue in a NCW Eucharist. Why? If it didn't matter, as you assert, why then does the NCW interfere with that choice and direct you to do it a certain way, as if it does matter?

      I know why. Because the NCW believe it actually matters, and they believe that they have the "better" method of communicating than the rest of the Church. If the NCW didn't think their method was better, they would do it or insist on it, would they?

      Therefore, in taking communion the NCW way, each member if implicitly stating that the Church is mistaken in its teaching on communion. Think about it.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:22 am,

      The Catholic Church says that one may receive the Body of Christ either by hand or tongue. Receiving the Body of Christ is the most important thing. The Spirit of the Law also says to respect the Catholic Church, her members, and organizations. Christ looks more at how you treat your brothers. Do you respect them or do you impose and force them to follow your rule of law?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:08 pm,

      The Catholic Church believes in the free will of her members. This is the reason why you have liberal and conservative Catholics. However, the NCW does not violate the Church teaching in how they celebrate the Eucharist. We have already told you so many times that we have the permission of the Vatican to celebrate the Eucharist the way we do. Whether you believe that or not is not my problem. You are free to write a letter of complaint to the Vatican. So many already have written their letters. The Vatican is fully aware of how the NCW celebrate the Eucharist. We do not keep it a secret. And so far, your letters go unanswered.

      If a parent tells a child to obey their commands, they will be specific about it especially when they see their child climbing on top of the table. If the child continues to climb on the table, the parent is NOT going to tell the child to listen to their commands. No.....instead, they will tell their child not to climb on the table.

      In the same way, the Vatican is not going to say follow the liturgical books when they see the NCW consuming the Body of Christ sitting down. They will simply tell us specifically to consume the Body of Christ standing. So, continue writing your letters because you still do not understand why the Vatican do not answer your letters.

      If I were to attend a Traditional Latin Mass, I would respect the brothers by receiving on the tongue. If I were to attend the Eastern Catholic Mass, I would also do the same. And if an Eastern Catholic or a TLM attends the Mass of the NCW, which is approved by the Pope, I would expect them to respect us as well. That is what it means to respect.

  2. Jesus is going to ask, did you love the couples in same-sex marriages, the divorced, the ones hooked up in pornography, the filth of the earth. Catholics are rejecting the Christian faith because it is not responding to the sign of the times but continues to insist in some Middle Ages doctrinal philosophies that proposes an understanding that this 'world' is evil and only the 'spirit' matters. A dualistic philosophy that says internet is 'evil',
    and listening to catechesis that proposes unquestioning allegiance to Kiko is ok. Wake up. It is advent.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:42 am,

      Could you stick to the OP? Nothing in the OP says anything about homosexuals. I wrote about same sex marriage, which the Church opposes because marriage is only between one man and one woman. Is there anything in the OP that you disagree with? And if so, please explain why.

  3. Don't you tell your followers that Jesus is a sinner? I'm confused about what your beliefs are about Jesus that the Catholic Church has been doing for hundreds of years but then the neos seem to try to change. Such as the receiving of communion. Or the moving of the alter. Why the changes?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:48 am,

      In the NCW, we teach that the only two people who did NOT have any sins are Jesus and Mary. Jesus is NOT a sinner. He does not have any sins because He is God. Mary also did to have any sins. She was conceived without Original Sin because she is the Immaculate Conception, and during her life, she did not commit any personal sins. She was assumed into Heaven by her Son Jesus Christ where she was crowned Queen of Heaven.

  4. Diana/Susana, the problem is you have a cafeteria mentality. ONly NCW teaching matter. The Pope just said that the Internet and social media are making people across the world "increasingly interdependent."

    "The Internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity," Francis said. "This is something truly good, a gift from God."
    What is NCW, Middle Ages defender of the Church? The Holy Spirit has left the NCW. Seen it through the years.
    It has become a man-dated organization.
    The rejection of christianity comes from Christians like you, NCW. judgmental, divisive, exclusivist, and cultish.
    I have seen the likes of you from USA mainland, to South Korea, Philippines, and here in Guam.
    Savior of the world, LOL.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:38 pm,

      Did you read the OP. Are you denying that there is no pornography on the Internet? Did you not read about what I said about the Internet? How you use the internet determines whether it becomes bad or good. If a married man flirts with a woman on the internet, yo do not think that will cause a problem in his marriage? If a child chats with someone in the chat room, where is the guarantee that the child is not chatting with a sexual predator?

      The rejection of Christianity comes with Christians who adopts and accepts laws banning the nativity I public, banning the wearing of the cross at work or school, the passage of same sex marriage, and other things that goes against the moral teachings of the Church.

      Pope Francis stated that a liturgy that does not bring people to Christ is a dead liturgy. The liturgy in the Way is alive, which explains why Satan attacks the liturgy in the Way. So why worry that the NCW consumes the Body of Christ together with the priest? We receive the Body of Christ with great reverence, and that is what is the most important.

  5. Dear Diana, I also heard the very uplifting Advent announcement in my parish. This announcement was a specific spiritual tuning up for the arrival of our Lord at Christmas night. I have never had this unparalleled spiritual experience, coming from the announcement of good news, before I joined the Way.

    Most people do not care about spiritual preparation which is an important part of our identity as Christians. Many miss this great opportunity of focusing on the coming of the baby Jesus incarnated by Mary in the manger. But if they don't miss it, then the benefits are overwhelming: love abounding, families healing, enemies making peace, brothers and sisters coming together in expectant spirit and awesome unity at the table of the Lord. Is this not the true spirit of the holidays?

    I am sad about those who do not understand what Jesus is all about. About those whose holiday spirit is nothing else but shaking their fists and burping up ugly and incomprehensible utterances of threat and ridicule. About those who harbor hatred towards their sisters and brothers and through them, undoubtedly, towards our Savior!

    Come on, what is wrong with you, folks, over at the camp of the fist shakers? Why don't you embrace Him who embraced everyone to Himself? Do you think you are better than anyone else who confesses the Lord? You are so wrong! Your contempt for the Lord Jesus is an ache, a painful reminder that salvation cannot reach the hearts of the stubborn, of the self righteous, of the conceited. Salvation is coming only though humbly bowing down and releasing all your resistance in front of the newborn King. Just let go of yourself and let the King reign in your heart! Is this too much to ask for?

    Dear Reader, do you have a humble heart that is capable of receiving the grace of the baby Jesus? If not, perhaps the only thing you miss is an announcement of the good news of Christ who is coming to dwell among us. Hey, is there any better news imaginable on this earth?! Obviously no, there cannot be anything superseding the real good news ever! Why? Because it is also the best thing that could ever happen to you. Let His Peace be with you all!

  6. It seems to me that everything and anything that Kiko says or commands, you must follow.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:21 pm,

      It only seems that way to you, but in reality it is not. Is there anything in the OP you disagree with? Perhaps, you disagree with the Catechists who encourage the brothers to set a nativity in their homes and pray the novena? Is that what you disagree with?

      Perhaps, you disagree with the Catechists who express displeasure for France banning the nativity in public? Or perhaps you disagree with the Catechists who inform the brothers to be careful with social media? Perhaps, you feel that texting "I love you" to your spouse is actually better than SAYING it?

    2. Can you just answer? Do you do as Kiko says or commands? A simple yes or no will do. I have always been rather curious.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:31 pm,

      The NCW follows Pope Francis. With that said, you probably still do not believe me. So, do you agree with Kiko when he said that we should speak more with people face to face rather than texting or using the social media all the time?

    4. So why don't you come out in public and speak instead of answering on your blog. Practice what you preach.

    5. Dear anon 5;31 p.m., you are quite arrogant and provocative. We do not particularly enjoy the company of these kind of persons. Humility in your heart shows you are serious of what you say. But arrogance in your heart shows you are fake and you only look for a reason to attack. We can smell this kind of attitude from 1000 miles apart.

      Your arrogance blocks your mind and you tend to talk silly. More grievous is that your arrogance blocks your path to salvation even though it was offered free for everyone by Jesus. If you would just open the Gospels with a clean heart and honest intention, then you would find the Word of the Lord there. Just look for the letters printed in read! Then you could stop acting like an agent provocateur trying to trap your fellow Christian brothers with silly questions.

      All you want to get is a piece of raw meat that you may jump on like a pit bull and devour it for your own pleasure. Do you think it is nice? Pit bulls are attack dogs trained to devour the targets of their master hunter. They are mostly used for hunting. The hunter points a finger or shoots a gun and the pit bull is rushing to jump on the target. This hound dog revels in blood and death. It would not let the target slip out from the grip of their bloody teeth. This is how pit bulls work.

      Well, if you have ever read any page from the Bible, then how can you keep enjoying to be one of these blood thirsty hound dogs?! I will pray for you that your thirst may be satisfied by the Word of the Lord, rather than the blood of the innocent.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 7:19 pm,

      I do speak directly to people rather than texting on the phone. Kiko was not referring to public speaking or blogging publicly. He was referring to families who often text each other rather than speak to one another. As one person pointed out, his family would text each other rather than walk out of their bedrooms to talk to each other. The purpose of the Church is to save souls by spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth as well as to strengthen marriage and other vocations.

    7. Dear anon at 7;19 p.m. You should thank Diana, that she takes the time and pain to talk to you. She is allowing this conversation to go on that would be unfathomable at the jungle blog. Tim Rohr berates and throws out any meaningful question submitted to him. In contrast, Diana allows you to speak. But rather than appreciating the opportunity that Diana is graciously giving you, you want to devour her. I feel ashamed for you, brother.

      As for me, I would never allow Diana to come out to the public with her real name. Why? Because of the arrogance and violence living in your hearts. If Jesus would live in your heart, you would cherish Diana for her time and talent she is investing into her blog. But your heart is full of vanity. You do not allow the Lord to occupy your heart. This is why you breath arrogance and violence just like Saul did before he turned to be St. Paul.

      If you hurt Diana by any finger, my brother, I promise you that we will find you and give you a lesson in Christian equity. Justice will prevail and we are here to make sure that you make no mistake about it. Stop this silliness until you can go away free and unhurt. Do you understand me, my dear brother?

    8. 5.3m. Kiko is co founder NCW.
      I'm walking and proud to seek guidance of a holy man like Kiko.
      I also follow the pope.
      I follow good men and women who lead us to God.
      And so should you 5.31pm. Think of your salvation. Think of your death.
      Think of salvation. How will you walk to salvation. I'm walking towards
      Salvation . One day I will fall asleep but awake in the promised land.
      I want the same for you brother 5.31pm. Jesus give me Jesus.

    9. AT 7:49PM.............I second that!!!

    10. At 7:49pm, was there any mention of hurting Diana in my post? You are paranoid! Post was photographed and I take this as you threatening me!

    11. Dear Anonymous at 8:35 pm,

      Giving you a lesson in Christian equity is not even a threat. It sounds more like a classroom lecture to me.

    12. Dear Anonymous at 8:35 pm,

      Giving you a lesson in Christian equity is not even a threat. It sounds more like a classroom lecture to me.

  7. I read Kiko's message with interest. I believe we should stop texting and posting on face book as this cannot replace human contact. My family members sit in different rooms of our house texting rather than walking out the bedrooms to talk. I have not talked to my family for one year but I text daily. Now I'm seeing something wrong with communication medium. Thank you brother Kiko for the message passed to our community. Love you Kiko , Carmen, Fr. Mario. David walking.

  8. Listening to world news of shooting murder brother Kiko's message brings great hope to this world. In a world where is is now so easy to lose faith trust in humanity Kiko reminds us there is hope and this hope is Found in Jesus. Look to Jesus and he will bring us hope and lead us to awaken one day in salvation. Kiko brings us hope. We can hope because we are united to Jesus who is our hope our love our peace. Jesus will allow us to awaken in the state of salvation. This is hope. Guns can kill us - Jesus leads us to salvation. Jesus Jesus we must focus on the iconic face of Jesus. I placed Kiko's Image Icon of Jesus in each room of my home. Even bathroom I place icon image. Jesus constantly before my eyes.

    1. Why Kiko's icon of Christ. What is wrong with a regular crucifix? I too have icons. When you enter my home, the first thing you see is the crucifix. As you enter my dining room, I have the last supper. In my living room I have the Santa Marian Kamalen. In each off my children's room there is a crucifix, and icon if their patron saint and a small icon of the DIVINE Mercy. I do not need to have Kiko's icon plaster all over my home to be reminded of the the passion, crucifixion, resurrection and the second coming of Christ. You my friend are obsessed with Kiko.


    2. I am not asking you 12.23pm to plaster Kiko's icon all over your home. In same way I wouldn't expect you to tell me to plaster Sama Marian Kamalen in my home. Kiko's images of Jesus speak to me . I'm not saying they speak to you. your Images do not speak to me but it is not for me to express a judgement over your choices. Respect is of importance. I would like to see images of Kiko's icons in every church of our island home. I would replace all the statues with Icons. This is just me. I don't inflict personal thinking on others. So I place icons in my own home. Please do not be so defensive . No one is going to make you place icons in your room should you not like. Respect please. I am 10.10pm.

  9. You tell the jungle folks anything and they will not believe you. Yet, they still ask questions.

    This is amazing--their ignorance.

    1. Are you saying that I am ignorant because I don't have Kiko's icon plastered in my home? The only Holy Man I need to follow is Christ., NOT KIKO!

  10. You, 10:10, should wear the rosary too on the side, like Kiko and the boys.

    1. 9.20am Kiko is my spiritual Father. I follow Kiko for he leads me to face of Jesus.
      We are all different. For you another will lead you to Jesus.
      Important fact is we all arrive into salvation and respect each other.
      Respect for different Spiritual paths.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:27 am,

      The Apostle Paul told his congregation to follow him just as he follows Christ. God chooses people to lead others to Christ. Kiko also follows the Pope who follows Christ; therefore, it is not wrong to follow Kiko because Kiko always said to follow Christ . The Blessed Virgin Mary also told the people at Cana to listen to Jesus and do what he says. In my case, I have always been inspired by the Pope especially Pope John Paul II and now with Pope Francis.

  11. I have the painting of the Last Supper in my kitchen. It is a replica of the painting done by Leonardo Da Vinci. I have the icon of the Last Supper because of the painting. Who painted it does not matter to me. I also have the icon of Christ the King that is a replica done by another artist. The artwork should not be discriminated against because of the painter. Does it matter whether that art was from the Byzantine era, the 16th century, or the modern times. It is the icon itself that points to whom it represents, not to the painter.
