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Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Question To Ponder

In my last entry post, Grow up in faith and an anonymous commenter brought up an interesting point.  It is true that the jungle have said that the Archbishop did not violate any civil laws.  Tim Rohr stated that the Archbishop was in violation of canon law.  In his blog, Tim Rohr even cited the canon laws that he believed were violated by the Archbishop.  So who convinced CCOG to sue the Archbishop in a civil court?  Why pursue a lawsuit in a civil court if there were no violation of any civil laws?   Why did they not obtain a canon lawyer instead, considering that the jungle have consistently stated that the Archbishop was in violation of canon law?


  1. "Why pursue a lawsuit in a civil court if there were no violation of any civil laws?"

    Yawn. You're never going to get it I suppose. Maybe one thing you can understand is that once the matter is before the civil courts, all sorts of records and information can be discovered. You can use your imagination as to why that might be useful.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:57 pm,

      The civil courts is not going to waste time and money debating on so-called liturgical abuses or anything that does not pertain to the ownership of the RMS property.

    2. Hey Timmy at 1:57 PM, good to see you over here! Are you spilling your beans here? CCOG will scold you! Lol. You thought we won't figure you out?! How come? You should not yawn that much, because we exactly know that is you. LOL!!

  2. Dear Diana, the reason could be quite simple: dementia. They don't remember today what they just said yesterday. Lol.

    Read this arrogant piece of bragging:

    "I, Chuck, and a few others, see the abomination that is Kiko Arguello in the context of the struggle for the Church that has existed since Christ gave Peter the keys. Arguello and his prostitute clerics are just the latest manifestation of a long list of attempts by Satan to undermine and rot out the Church from within."

    This is simply demented. You may say whatever you want, but at the end of the day there is no other explanation. Lol!


  3. Question becomes who exactly is behind Tim Rohr?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:40 pm,

      I do not think there is anyone behind him. Tim Rohr changes his story very often. At one point, he claims that the Archdiocese of Agana does not own the RMS property. Then later, he claims that the Archdiocese of Agana owns the property but does not have "control" over it. They cannot make up their mind.

  4. Dear anon at 1:57 p.m. this is like shooting into the dark. Every shot will cost you over $1000.00. Quite expensive to toy around with, isn't it? You may or may not hit someone in the dark. You may even hit yourself. What a bunch of spoiled kids not yielding to reason. The tuition will be high. Lol!


  5. I don't understand why they protest against Archbishop.
    Diana why are they against our Archbishop?

  6. Diana, Tim says that the seminary can be sold without the Archbishop's approval.

    AnonymousDecember 16, 2015 at 5:56 PM

    Correction to my previous comment: Can the Yona Property (aka Redemptorist Mater Seminary) now be sold without the approval of the Archdiocese of Agana (no matter who the Archbishop may be)? If so, who benefits?

    TimDecember 16, 2015 at 6:19 PM

    Yes. NCW
