Blog Song

Friday, November 20, 2015

Protecting An Asset?

An anonymous commenter made the following remark of which I will respond in this entry post:  

The CCOG wants to return control of the RMS to the archbishop. Please be fair and not spread falsehoods that they are attempting to enrich themselves personally. The same goes for Tim Rhor. They are protecting an asset of the archdiocese. Who can fault that?
This is my response:  
Anyone who read the jungle knows that Tim Rohr and CCOG are not interested in protecting the RM seminary.  They spoke about closing the RM seminary down and selling it.  According to Tim Rohr: 
Of course none of these idiots have actually spoken with any of the terminated members of the AFC to ask if they had ever suggested that the property be sold. However, I have. I spoke with Richard Untalan and he said that he indeed had suggested it and for good reason.............
But back to selling the property. Mr. Untalan proposed it as a way to create capital to pay down Apuron's debt (yes, Apuron's debt), and to fund a real seminary. The proposal was never about "selling the seminary", it was about selling the property and building and sustaining a seminary instead of trying to keep and maintain the hotel monstrosity.

Their intention was expressed right there in the jungle blog, Anonymous.  Their intention is not to protect the asset.  Their intention was to shut down the RM seminary and sell the hotel property.  Right now, they think that this valuable asset is not under the Archdiocese of Agana when in fact it is.   

If this is God's providence that it will go to court, then let it be. Sometimes, one needs to learn the hard way.  When CCOG learns that they are wrong and that the property had always been under the Archdiocese of Agana, do you think that will solve the problem?  Nevertheless, God is the author of history. Something good will come out of this for the NCW, the Archbishop, and the Archdiocese of Agana.    


  1. I agree with you about the case going to court. Only then will it be settled as to who has control over RMS. If the archbishop does have control, he is the only person who can sell it if he so wishes. That property is worth millions of dollars. RMS does not need an ocean view. It can be rebuilt in another location. The archdiocese could benefit from such a lucrative sale. It's best for the court to decide this case. CCOG's lawyer is an expert in real estate law on Guam.
    CCOG wants to ensure the archbishop has control of such a valuable property. That is their only concern in going to court.
    Getting rid of RMS on Guam is a separate issue. It has no bearing on the court case.
    The court issue is who has control of RMS.

    1. Dear Anonymous 10:39 am,

      This is why I said in my entry post that once CCOG finds out that they are wrong in that the RM seminary is still and has always been under the Archdiocese, the problem is not over. Their next step is to sell the property. Thank you for proving my point.

    2. The archbishop is the only one who can sell the property on which RMS stands. The archbishop
      refuses to meet with members of CCOG so how could they influence the archbishop to sell this property if he doesn't wish to?
      If the archbishop has control over the RMS property as you state, no one can make him sell it especially not a group he refuses to meet with.
      CCOG has no control over any property owned by the archdiocese of Agaña. You are creating a problem where no problem exists.
      CCOG has no control or power to sell any asset of the archdiocese. There is no basis for your belief that CCOG can sell this property. As you state, the archbishop has the control. Quit making problems where none exist.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:10 pm,

      If that were the case, then why do they try so hard to remove the Archbishop? The jungle is saying that Rome is too slow and that they will remove him themselves. They try so hard to remove him even to the point of making up sexual molestation charges.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:39, no, you will never get rid of the RMS on Guam. Do you understand me? RMS is and always will be victorious against all the miserable plots of its desperate opponents. Therefore, stop being total retards please and raising false, even stupid hopes in your adherents.

      One day they will question you why did you misled them wasting away all their moneys and landing your cause in an irrevocably bitter dead end! What will you say then? Will you still be so proud of yourself? Lol! Your only excuse will be an admission that you were total retards all along.

    5. Don't get your panties in a knot. I said "getting rid of RMS on Guam is a separate issue." I am not advocating getting rid of it. It's another issue for CCOG. Stay calm and quit getting over-emotional. Besides, why do you even care what CCOG does? Just ignore what they do. What have they to do with us?

    6. Sweet Lord, what is this I am reading over there at the jungle?? Are these folks complete nuts? I cannot believe how sick their minds must be!

      """Agnes November 22, 2015 at 8:13 PM

      Frenchie, are you saying the NCW leadership have KILLED their followers who are no longer an asset?

      frenchie November 23, 2015 at 3:10 AM

      Dear Agnes, there has been a large list of sudden death in the immediate surrounding of Kiko from the beginning 40 years ago. People with no apparent health issues, seem to die of heart attacks at a suspicious rate. Of course there is also the odd falling under a train, and car running off the road, type of accident.

      There is always plausible deniability.

      But they always are person that no longer agreed with the leadership or opponents that were difficult to ignore."""

    7. Dear Anonymous at 6:53 am ,

      This only shows their desperation. They are spreading false rumors about the NCW leadership. This causes some consternation. What message is Frenchie trying to incite someone to do? Is the jungle now threatening the Archbishop's life?

    8. Gosh, Diana you are absolutely right! If this is true, then Frenchie is one sick bastard!!

      There must be a reason why he had to leave France and bring his undercover "expertise" of professional church disruption to Guam. I would not be surprised if he would be on the list of the Interpol's wanted criminals. Is is very much a possibility.

      Frenchie is shielded here by Tim Rohr and his free masonic comrades who incite revolution against the Catholic Church and want to execute its local leader.

    9. This is too funny. The suggestion is that the NCW benefits from sudden, unexplained deaths. There is nothing for you to conclude that "frenchie" and his "comrades" want to "execute" the local Church leader. In fact he is saying the opposite.

      Also, before you go bringing up the Freemasons, you might want to actually learn about what it is they want to achieve in regard to the Church. You might then see where the NCW fits into that objective.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 10:44 am,

      Many times the things that a person accuse the other of doing is actually a projection of himself. Who has been calling for war and a revolution? Who has been demonizing the NCW? I have not demonized the other side, but the other side has demonized the NCW as "evil incarnate" "cult", and even "devil." When one demonizes a group of people, it makes it easier for others to kill that group of people.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 10:44, no, the proposition was that in case of a sudden unexplained death of the Archbishop, the NCW would be blamed. So it is a call for a free killing of someone, because it does not matter who does it, the NCW will be blamed anyway. We exactly understand the murderous intention of a criminal mind who is a trained and fierce enemy of our Holy Mother Church. We exactly understand the words that was written down.

      Now, there is much fear and consternation at the jungle gang, because a recognizable and undeniably criminal mind surfaced among their ranks. There is much shrieking and gnashing the teeth in secret, because they do not wanna get associated with this masonic criminal. I can surely understand that. So anonymous, please, do not try to deflect and explain away what was written. It was written and cannot be revoked.

      I just hope the Archbishop has a bodyguard around him, wherever he might be.

  2. Two questions please Diana:

    1. If the CCOG were to get their way (regarding the documents to "return" the property to the Archbishop), would it be possible for anyone other than the Archbishop to authorize the sale of the property?

    2. As it currently stands (the use of the property divested to the RMS board of Guarantors), could the property be legally sold without the Archbishop's consent?


    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:48 am,

      1. Only the Archbishop can authorize the sale of the property, which is why CCOG wants his removal and Monsignor James and Father Paul reinstated back into their position in the hopes that one of them (probably Monsignor James) to be the next Archbishop.

      2. No, it cannot be sold without the Archbishop's consent.

    2. I don't believe CCOG desires to remove Archbishop.
      CCOG only asking about status of RMS

    3. Dear Anonymous at 9:22 pm,

      CCOG and the Laity Forward Movement are together. They protest together at the Hyatt Hotel holding up signs that read "Reform, Restore, Resign." Vangie Lujan is an officer of CCOG. As a matter of fact, CCOG now has the Laity Forward Movement in their website as part of their group.

  3. Diana,

    You seemed to have overlooked the word "proposed" by Richard Untalan. Why are you assuming that this is the "true" intent when it's just a "suggestion"? Do you have any other solutions to solve the debts of the archdiocese? Does RMS Have to have a school in a former hotel? Has the NCW even thought of "downsizing" the size of the school campus to a more manageable campus? Why assume that that's what the CCOG and Tim want to do? Can you read minds now? What's wrong with opening the floor to SUGGESTIONS to solve the on going financial issues the archdiocese has?

    Better yet, why don't YOU be the first to give up all your income to the archdiocese? Then don't question what the archdiocese does with your money.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:51 am,

      At first you say that it is only a proposal. Then instead of "proposing" an alternative solution, you criticize the RM seminary. And speaking about downsizing RMS. I thought this was a suggestion on how to pay the debt. So, how did suggesting to pay off the debt go to downsizing RMS??? The fact that you even went there in the same way as Rohr did shows the person's intent.

    2. Anyone can suggest ways for the archdiocese to make money. Selling the RMS property is one suggestion. It's up to the Generinis and the other member of the Board of Guantors and the archbishop to sell or not to sell. Though it remains to be seen if the three side against the archbishop will their desires prevail. He seems malleable to the will of the Generinis. Mr. Generini is in effect the archbishop's superior as far as the Neo hierarchy goes. Which takes precedence? His duties as archbishop or his obedience to Guiseppi Generini?

    3. Everything I said is just a suggest Diana. Shouldn't it ALL be placed on the table? As for downsizing the campus, how many seminarians does RMS normally house? I'm sure there is a significant amount of empty rooms being that RMS was a former hotel. So what's wrong with downsizing the campus to one which is more manageable rather then one that isn't?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:37 pm,

      You are only repeating words from the jungle. The Archbishop is not controlled by anyone. He has a mind to think like everyone else. The jungle is wrong in saying that the Archbishop is mindless. These are all invented stories.

    5. What words am I repeating when I'm just referring to what you posted on here? What proof iis there if you assume these are invented stories? The words I've used are on the post you posted.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 1:36 pm,

      I apologize. I was actually responding to Anonymous 12:28 pm, which is just above your comment.

  4. Why are all the Board of RMS foreigners(except AAA) Diana/Susana? Where are the Son's and Daughters of the island?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:00 pm,

      There is no such thing as the sons and daughters of Guam in the Catholic Church. Only the children of God exists in the Catholic Church.

    2. 12:00 PM is that you again Tim ? foreigner? where you from Tim.

    3. It is true that the only local person on the RMS board is the archbishop. The Neocatechumenal bosses are can out-vote the archbishop.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 4:45 pm,

      They are only there to assist the Archbishop. Archbishop Apuron is the one with full authority.

    5. JW folk saying cult controls Archbishop. We are regular mass going Catholics wanting to understand tense situation confronting our church.

    6. If it comes to a vote among the Board of Guantors among the which the archbishop is only one of four votes, they can out-vote him in any issue that comes before them. Who says they are there to assist him? They are there to protect the interests of the Neocatechumenal Way and their control of the RMS. the archbishop will go along with the Board of Guantors as he is an obedient Neo as he should be. It is inconceivable that his thinking would not be in agreement with Guiseppi Genarini. He must follow the dictates of Generini as his superior in the Neocatechumenal Way. He has no choice or else why is he a staunch Neo?
      The archbishop is a Neo first. As a Neo, he must follow whatever Genarini wants. That is the way of the Way.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 10:05 pm,

      The Board of Guarantors are there to assist the Archbishop. He is the one who appointed them and he can remove them just like he did the former finance council. The Archbishop is obedient to the Pope. Where is your evidence that he is obedient to Generini? Did you hear the Archbishop say "yes sir" to Generini?

    8. The board of guarantors cannot be removed. The only one replaced will be the archbishop's place when he retires. The new archbishop will take his place. The archbishop HAS be obedient to Guiseppi Generini as he is superior to the archbishop in matters concerning the Neocatechumenal Way. When have you heard of any Neo disobeying a superior of the Neocatechumenal Way? DOES NOT HAPPEN.
      There is no occasion for the archbishop to say "yes sir" to Guiseppi Generini. He says "yes sir" by his obedience to the dictates of Generini. Whatever Generini tells the archbishop to do, he must do. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. This is the way things are in The Way. If you doubt this, you must start over with your first scrutiny. We must obey. We are taught this from the beginning.
      We do not ask questions. Why ask questions when the catechists know what's best for us? To ask questions is to doubt their good intentions.
      Generini is the head of the Neocatechumenal
      Way in the United States of which Guam is included. He makes the decisions and all neos obey including the archbishop. If the archbishop has no problem obeying Generini, we have no business objecting. This does not conflict with the archbishop's obedience to the Pope. If there were any conflict, the Pope would not give his blessing to the Neocatechumenal Way.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 10:01 am,

      The board of guarantors was chosen by the Archbishop and can be removed by him. The Archbishop is obedient only to the Pope. Even the head catechist, Father Pius has to listen to the Archbishop. There would not be an NCW if the Archbishop did not allow it.

      We have free will and some of my community members have disobeyed the catechists. The fact that there are some who left the Way shows that they have a choice. There are also some who have returned to the NCW of their own choice.

  5. And the children of God are all Europeans. Amen.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:19 pm,

      God is not racist. He does see race or nationality. He only created male and female.

    2. AnonymousNovember 20, 2015 at 12:19 PM - your delusional!

  6. But NCW is, right? All international itinerants are white Europeans? Kiko's magic 12 are all Europeans. Itenerants of US are all Europeans. And yes, God is not racist.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:58 pm,

      Most of the seminarians in RMS are Pacific Islanders and South Americans. The itinerants are from different countries. Not all of them are from Europe.

    2. Not good allowing South Americans to serve priests on island.
      They don't fit into our culture.
      They only come here to get our money
      One told us his country so poor only eat sardines rice.
      Once here steak nightly dinner.
      Given daily money $50 day for daily needs.

    3. Are any RMS seminarians supported by the diocese of their origin? I assume they must be sponsored by the archbishop of Agaña otherwise they wouldn't be ordained and incardinated in the archdiocese here. Does the archbishop actively recruit foreign seminarians to join the RMS on Guam? How do they even find out about our RMS? Does their Neocatechumenal community at their home of origin recruit them for Guam? I ask this because Guam is not well-known in the world in general. How do foreign seminarians hear about the RMS on Guam?
      Thank you for answering my questions.

    4. The truth is the RMS seminarians are not supported by their original dioceses. The dioceses i doubt even know about them as seminarians. It is all in the NCW communities. They do not even present them to their bishops that they are going to be RMS seminaries here in Guam. It is their itinerants who place them in RMS seminaries.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:30 am,

      We have six RMS seminarians from Guam. The others are mostly from American Samoa, Kiribati, and Latin American countries. Only three are from Europe and three from the United States.

      The Archbishop does not recruit anyone from the outside. Some were sent by lottery to come here. Those who were picked by lottery do not know where Guam is located. Of course, later on they would know. Others were sent by their Diocese to study here on Guam. For example, the Diocese of American Samoa would send their men to study here because they do not have a seminary there. People in the Pacific region know about Guam, So those in American Samoa, Nauru, Hawaii, and Kiribati know about us because we live in the same region.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:16 am,

      Father Santiago is from South America. He is from Ecuador. I have heard only good things about him. The people of South America have a similar history and culture as Chamorros. Like us, they (with the exception of Brazil) were conquered by the Spanish.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 10:42 am,

      According to EWTN (Capitalization is mine):

      "The Church can now say that she is nurturing the faith of the islands as she watches 45 men prepare themselves for the presbyterate, four of whom were born in Guam, all of them, once ordained, to be incardinated in the Archdiocese of Agana, Guam. Furthermore, the Redemptoris Mater of Guam is presently welcoming several seminarians from the Samoa islands
      WHO WERE SENT TO GUAM BY THEIR BISHOPS to take advantage of the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Institute for Oceania, affiliated to the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, for their seminary formation."

    8. Why would their communities send seminarians out of their country of origin if a Redemptoris Mater Seminary is located there? There is one in Quito, Ecuador and there is one in Medellin, Colombia, where the archbishop is currently visiting with Fr. Harold whose hometown is Medellin. Is there a reason for sending them so far away from the RMS located in their hometown? Thank you for explaining this.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 12:10 am,

      RMS trains seminarians to be worldwide missionaries. To do that, they need to be outside their country and learn the culture and language of another country.

    10. Do you speak in any authoritative capacity for the Neocatechumenal Way? Your answer is disingenuous since what foreign RMS seminarians learn about Guam and the Chamorro language will not help them if they are sent out on mission to say, Zambia or Madagascar or Taiwan or Pakistan.
      There must be another reason they are sent away from their country of origin even if RMS exists there. Why do men from Guam attend RMS on Guam? Why are they not learning the culture and language of a foreign country since they too will go on mission? Please explain.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 12:17 pm,

      Three of the Guam RMS seminarians are off-island. Some of those seminarians who were sent out by lottery will serving here; therefore, they will need to know our language and culture.

    12. Sorry Diana but that is not true, they are not trained to be worldwide missionaries. Because their mission is only to the NCW communities in the other countries. That is their top priority. The rest are secondary to their intentions. Deception and lies written all over.

    13. Dear Anonymous at 12:50 pm,

      The RMS priests that are in a parish are doing parish Mass. That is a fact. If they are trained only to the NCW communities, they would not be celebrating Mass in the parish with those who are not walking in the Way. The fact that they are celebrating Mass with people not walking in the Way shows that they are for the Catholic Church.

  7. Tim Rohr, Blue Pacific Realty, Guam, sale Commission$$$$$ CCOG Casino $$$$$$ sell sell sell

    1. Anonymous at 4:13 PM
      The archbishop is no fan of Tim Rhor or the members of the CCOG. Come on, you know the sale of the RMS property if it ever were to be sold, would be handled by a NEO realtor and any legal matters handled by a NEO lawyer such as Jackie Terlaje. What is wrong with you? The archbishop would never rely on the services of a non-Neo. Neos are the only ones he can trust or who believe in him implicitly. Have faith in the archbishop and your fellow Neos. No non-Neo has influence over the archbishop. Quit spinning conspiracy theories and doubting the power of the Neocatechumenal Way on Guam.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:14 pm,

      At the Gala dinner, there were many people there who were not walking in the Way. The seminarians of the John Paul II seminary were there. Some of the Capuchins were there. Madeline Bordallo was there. And there were others who were not walking in the Way who were there. It is only the people who are jealous of the Archbishop who did not show up.

    3. Why would anyone be jealous of the arch bishop and why?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:39 am,

      Some are jealous because they want the Archbishop to pay more attention to them.

    5. Yes, everyone knows that the archbishop supports the Neocatechumenal Way and all Neos on Guam. If you want to be part of the "in" group in the archdiocese of Agaña you must join a Neo community. This is a fact. It is the age of the new evangelization on Guam and anyone against the Neocatechumenal Way is left in the dust. All the chancery officers are Neos. Not a Neo? You are not anyone in the eyes of the archbishop. This makes his Neo superiors very satisfied with the way he has transformed the archdiocese to a Neo stronghold.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:20 am,

      You do not need to join the NCW to be part of the "in" group. You simply learn to get along. If those young capuchins can attend the Gala and the annual Catechetical conference with the Archbishop, why can't the rest??? The the seminarians from the John Paul II can get along with those in the RM seminary, why can't the rest?? If the parishioners who are not walking in the Way can work alongside the members of the NCW in the same parish, why can't they???? The NCW is actively involved in the Church alongside others who are not in the Way, and they get along fine with us. We get along well with them. There are people in the chancery who are not walking in the Way, but they get along well with the Archbishop. The problem is in the person's heart. Those who are jealous want the Archbishop all to themselves and do not want to share him with anyone. Those are the ones who stay away from him.

    7. You do have an "in" with the archbishop as a Neo--just a fact.

    8. Anonymous November 21, 2015 at 11:37 AM

      your perception of facts is a perception in fairytale. The in group? Is this the best contribution you have to the discussion?

  8. my dear Diana November 20, 2015 at 11:33 AM your reply to Dear Anonymous at 10:48 am,

    1. Only the Archbishop can authorize the sale of the property, which is why CCOG wants his removal and Monsignor James and Father Paul reinstated back into their position in the hopes that one of them (probably Monsignor James) to be the next Archbishop.

    WHO DETERMINES WHO BECOMES BISHOP.... in the event that you forgot how to google.....

    Stage 2: The Apostolic Nuncio

    By overseeing the final list of names forwarded to Rome, the apostolic nuncio plays a decisive role in the selection process. He not only gathers facts and information about potential candidates, but also interprets that information for the Congregation.

    Great weight is given to the nuncio's recommendations, but it is important to remember that his "gatekeeper" role, however, does not mean that his recommendations are always followed.

    For Diocesan Bishops

    After receiving the list of candidates forwarded by a province, the apostolic nuncio conducts his own investigation into the suitability of the candidates.

    A report is requested from the current bishop or the administrator of a diocese on the conditions and needs of the diocese.
    If the appointment is a replacement for a diocesan bishop or archbishop about to retire, consideration will be given to the incumbent's recommendations.
    Broad consultation within the diocese is encouraged with regard to the needs of the diocese, but not the names of candidates.

    The report is to include the names of individuals in the diocese with whom the Nuncio might consult and how to contact them.

    Previous bishops of the diocese are consulted.

    Bishops of the province are consulted

    The president and vice president of the USCCB are consulted.

    If the vacancy to be filled is an archdiocese, other archbishops in the United States may be consulted.

    At this point, the nuncio narrows his list and a questionnaire is sent to 20 or 30 people who know each of the candidates for their input.

    All material is collected and reviewed by the nuncio, and a report (approximately 20 pages) is prepared.

    Three candidates are listed alphabetically – the terna – with the nuncio's preference noted.
    All materials are then forwarded to the Congregation for Bishops in Rome.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:20 pm,

      Did you even read what I wrote? I said they want the Archbishop removed in the hopes that either Monsignor James or Father Paul would be the next Archbishop. I never said that CCOG was the one who determines who the Archbishop will be.

  9. NCW already on a life support machine on Guam. It will die a natural death.
    However, a small group will linger on after . When ever a despot has been removed there will always be a few who linger on after wanting to bring back golden days. Apuron will have that small group. Once Apuron is removed we will rebuild the damage he has dome to us. He is a bad part of Our history but after him we will heal our land. Mario de Guzman.

    1. Dear Mario de Guzman,

      The NCW on Guam is still very much alive. Most of the members are the youth and middle age. Every month, we get about 100 youth in scrutacio, praying and studying the Bible 3-4 hours. The Mass in which the NCW celebrates is 2 hours long, and we have many youth who do not mind those long hours. The Easter Vigil in the NCW is about 6 hours long, and our youth celebrate the Easter Vigil for 6 hours. As long as the youth is actively involved, it will not die. In your protest at the Gala dinner, I only saw one youth in your protest. Therefore, your protest will eventually die out.

    2. Mario De Guzman .
      I remember you walking around 6 years back.
      As Diana states NCW is very much alive here to stay.
      You are the one who needs to be salted.
      Remember you had a dealing with disobedience to the way .
      Reform repent return to the way.

    3. Brother Mario did not like his responsible.
      Tensions in community.
      Mario good guy but he has to lead not responsible.
      When he is a responsible it will be ok.

    4. I meant to say that Brother Mario does not need to return. He can remain where he is. If he returns, it will because of his own choice.

    5. to Mario....

      A man told his grandson: "A terrible fight is going on inside me -- a fight between two wolves. One is evil, and represents hate, anger, arrogance, intolerance, and superiority . The other is good, and represents joy, peace, love, tolerance, understanding, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, and compassion. This same fight is going on inside you, inside every other person too."

      The grandson then asked: "Which wolf will win?" The old man replied simply: "The one you feed." Anon.

      may the peace of the Lord be with you and your family Mario..

  10. Diana, what does Catholic church teach about Karma. ?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:59 am,

      Are you for real? Karma comes from Buddhism and Hinduism.

  11. Thank you Diana answering my question. I am a mass going catholic I go to everything Mass in Yigo and NCW Eucharist. I also attend victory chapel, St. John's. Some days if I have free days I go INC other groups. I call myself open minded . Also believe in Karma as I see it all the time. Good karma bad karma. I'm simply striving for good karma in life.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:13 am,

      You are welcome. The Catholic Church does not teach Karma because it is connected to reincarnation, which the Catholic Church does not believe in. "Rebirth" in Buddhism and Hinduism refers to reincarnation. On the other hand, "rebirth" in Catholic teaching refers to getting rid of the old man and becoming a new creature in Jesus Christ through baptism and sanctification. With that said, all mankind search for the truth because it is within our hearts to know the Truth. In other words, when Buddha searched for Enlightment, he was essentially searching for the truth like all men. Buddha was a man of peace and taught his followers many good things. Reincarnation was one of the things taught by him. In his search for Enlightment, Buddha also told his followers to question his teachings. Being human, he understood that he could be wrong about some things. Jesus, on the other hand, never told his followers to question Him. Rather, He told His followers that He is the Truth.

      I have said many times that I value freedom of expression, but I also value freedom of religion. A person is free to choose his/her own religious beliefs. In this, I am open-minded. I have interacted with Protestants, Muslims, Atheists, Buddhists, and many others including neo-pagans, but I am Catholic.

  12. Thank you Diana. I do not believe in reincarnation. When I use the work karma I believe if I act badly to other people than I will not be blessed by the lord. By being good and kind to those I journey with God will bless me in my life. This is how I see doctrine of karma in my life. May be there is another term for what I'm saying I just call it karma because it's all I know. But I don't believe in re incarnation. I just say karma. Hope you understand what I'm saying. Thank you Diana for taking questions.

    1. There is no "doctrine of karma" Anon at 3.45.

      You should be good and kind because God is good and kind and you love him. Not so that he "blesses you", whatever that actually means to you.

      Now, Jesus taught the golden rule "do unto others" etc, but even that paled in comparison to his ultimate teaching on love, which is to love one another the way he loved us. Think about it. Our Lord loved us even though it cost him his life. If thats the sort of blessing of God you expect, well OK, but otherwise, I suggest you give up this karma idea.

      Read what the Church teaches on Redemption, Justice and Mercy instead. I think you will be happy you did so.

  13. Even, Christians believe in the Golden Rule of Confucius. There is no One Christianity but christianities.
    Just look at the the early church/es. All different expressions of christianity. So yes, all religions lead to the One, God. It just happens, we have Jesus.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:38 am,

      There is only one Christianity. Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox are all Christians. They are under the one umbrella of Christianity.
