Blog Song

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To Little John the Mosquito

This post is in response to John Toves who made the following comment here.

John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 15, 2015 at 1:29 PM
I look forward to a swarm descending upon you. What century were you born? It's about the message, an honest message. Of course all need to decide for themselves, duh. But as typical, all your anonymous have no courage, and neither do you as your profile reveals NOTHING. How do you think you could possibly back up all your murmurings with no personality or honesty behind it. Get a life. I know you "J". Back things up with your real profile.

Lil mosquito me
This is my response:   
I see that you are now signing your name as Little mosquito.  That is the name the jungle has given you. Now, you can leave out the name "Typhoon".  "Little mosquito" is a name given to you by the jungle.  And in the jungle, a mosquito falls prey even to a spider.  This is how the jungle portrays you from the words of Tim Rohr, which can all be found here (the bold and black is mine): 
1.  Okay. Sure he came here last December and made a bit of a splash.
As anyone can see, here is Tim Rohr saying that John the typhoon came and made a "bit of a splash."  In other words, little mosquito, you are no longer recognize as a "typhoon" in the jungle.  According to Tim Rohr, you only brought a little rain, and it did not even cause a flood.  And this is supposed to be coming from someone whom you consider a friend????

2.  Even those who initially supported him had pretty much told him thanks but no thanks. "We appreciate your passion but without substance you're really no help." 

 So, Tim is now saying that those who support you are now saying "no thanks to you, John?  Surely, you are not going to tell me that what Tim is saying here is false, are you John???  Real friends always support one another.  False friends are only there when you can give them something. 
3.  Even I had reprimanded him several times and told him not to bother unless he had something. 
Really John???  Tim Rohr had to reprimand you???  Really???  He told you not to bother him unless you have something substantial? 
4.  John has nothing. Even he admits that all he has is his mouth. All little John wanted was your attention, and VOILA!
I find it demeaning that your friend Tim Rohr called you "little John."  And all along, here I am thinking that you were a MAN.  For a man to be called "little" is very demeaning.  Only boys are called "little."  Friends help one another, not patronize or destroy the other.  When Tim Rohr published your defamation on his blog, he was inviting the Archbishop's lawyer to sue you.  Real friends would protect their friend from being sued. 
You do not bring any honest message......just entertainment.  If you had any serious honest message to convey, you would leave out the dancing bishop and the three singing reindeers.  Your message lost all credibility when you resort to clowning around.  You surround yourself with false friends.   There will be no swarm descending upon anyone because you are only one little mosquito who only has so-called friends saying "thanks, but no thanks" or "come back when you have substance."     


  1. He doesn't make sense. Praying for him most especially his mother.

  2. That little mosquito can cause a plague that will destroy the Neos.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:47 pm,

      Did you not comprehend what Tim Rohr said about Little John??? He said, "John has nothing. Even he admits that all he has is his mouth." A person who has nothing cannot cause a plague because obviously he does not even have friends. Tim Rohr himself stated that little John has nothing.

    2. 4:47 PM........ You mean to destroy the church .Whack it off, mosquito just fly around, especially little.

  3. WOW!!!! ''that was well said " Diana now I know why the John C stands for...'' CLOWN "

  4. "I find it demeaning that your friend Tim Rohr called you "little John." And all along, here I am thinking that you were a MAN. For a man to be called "little" is very demeaning. Only boys are called "little.""

    Now, that's hitting below the belt, Diana. LOL!


  5. Not good Diana to say little John.

  6. If masculinity was judged by size, then Diana would be the most macho of them all (I don't think anyone would call Diana "little"!)

  7. Mr. Mosquito,

    Please ATTEMPT to suck the blood out of someone else. You were entertaining, but then eventually became super annoying. Please do us a favor and don't come back to Guam with that nonsense. I am not even a Neo and when you started making your case public and admitting that you have no real substance, you annoyed the crap out of me.

    Seriously-don't come back to Guam.

    Mrs. "I'll Smash You With My Slipper"

  8. Diana, does NOT have to play nice. LOL

    1. 11.52. Diana does not have to play nice? Then she has no business on a catholic blog. But then this blog is not catholic.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:01 am,

      I was being blunt to John. Someone needs to tell him that Tim Rohr gave him a new name, which is little John Mosquito. And this new name is not something to be proud of. What MAN would want to be called "little"?


    3. Diana, imagine John is bigger than you! Haha

  9. Demeaning? that's what Tim call him just read what Tim wrote. maybe little John should stop acting like a Boy all that threatening!! I see no MAN. NO LOL!

  10. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 16, 2015 at 3:02 PM

    You people are just so much better than the worst Scary Movie sequel. You are way too easy and too much. I rest my case.

    1. Hello Little John Mosquito. :-)

    2. Buzz-Buzz-Buzz- Mosquito, Go back to the ''JUNGLE''

  11. Diana you a catholic woman leader should be ashamed of yourself writing such comments. What kind of a woman are you! Shame on you.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:50 pm,

      I was quoting Tim Rohr.

    2. 10:50 PM Shame on Tim for his writing. a wannabe Catholic.

  12. John didnt get the memo that hes the laughing stock of all the clergy. Hes plays such an important role in all of this that he was placed on the regular meeting agenda earlier this year. Plan of action; please do not entertain Mr. Toves! This did not come from the Bishops mouth, nope! it came from Mr. Toves' fellow frat men of menlo, those who are aware of his mental instability.
    So Diana, I would suggest not allowing any of his comments thru. They have no substance. Just save them for later. We can all regroup and laugh our asses off while reading his ridiculous comments.
    Poor Toves! another victim of Rorh.

    My all time favorite quote of Mr. Toves, "all I have is my mouth..." lmao! and you wanna talk about sexual exploitation?

    -Jokers Wild

  13. Now, now, let's not be too hard on John. Remember, he's a victim of Tim Rohr. It's a known fact that Timmy and the archbishop were once good friends. Now, look at how Timmy is treating the archbishop. The same thing is happening to John. Don't know if John realizes, but Tim has replaced him with Mae. Mae is now the star of the show cuz she claims to hear about the alleged abuse from the victim himself.

    1. I agree that John Toves could very well be a victim of Tim Rohr. Tim is a very shrewd person, who rarely spills his beans, but then as in a snapshot we clearly see who he really is.

      Freudian slip in psychology applies to people who disguise themselves, who pretend to be a different from what they really are. Freudian slip happens when someone falls out of the role he is playing and says something blunt that reveals his true intention. Look:

      Tim Rohr tells to the beginner pedophile: "The pedophile begins by befriending his victim with gifts, attention, outings, and otherwise making him comfortable. It then moves on to special knowledge, secrecy, sharing things that only few know, and then eventually only the two of them know (or so the victim believes). The outings eventually become sleep-overs, and then..."

      So Tim's proposal is this:
      - befriend the future victim
      - bribe him with gifts and favors,
      - build dependency in him toward you,
      - then move forward.

      He continues: "Eventually the pedophile will rape his victim. Even a carefully groomed young boy or girl will know that something isn't right, but by then the victim is so deeply enmeshed in a psychological and emotional web of dependency, if not fear, that he can't extricate himself. Additionally, if he feels the victim might squeal, the pedophile will put the lid on him by threatening the child with "no one will believe you." "

      So the next phase, as Tim proposes is:
      - use psychology and emotions to increase the victim's dependency,
      - threaten and ridicule him if he tries to resist,
      - then (eventually) rape the victim.

      Very interesting, Tim, looks like you advice the beginner from the standpoint of someone with comprehensive knowledge. It is too bad you give yourself away by a Freudian slip: "One can only imagine the MESS of a life this poor child will now live. He sees his abuser feted and respected and honored and even holding up the Body of Christ with the same hands which groped his genitals. The child is forever wounded, tortured. Who would believe him if he ever spoke of what that man did to him?"

      So the signs of victory, according to Tim Rohr, are these:
      - the victim will have a miserable life,
      - he still will respect and honor the perpetrator, even if that person is a priest,
      - nobody will ever believe him, when he complains.

      Where is the Freudian slip? Well, Tim could not refrain himself from the entertainment value of a little clergy porn: he describes the hand of a pedophile priest. By naming the action, pronouncing the word "groping" in this context, well, he does something that no decent person would ever do. He directs the attention of the pedophile to what the target of the "master" should be, according to him.

      Goodness, Tim, why did you do that?! Transferring a physical image into the mind of others automatically happens when you direct the attention of people visually to a target area through the image. It does not matter if you approve or disapprove the particular image, because the impact is already much stronger than any positive or negative evaluation of the image. This is a tricky human phenomenon, but real. You used this technique, Tim, to project an image into the mind of the unsuspecting, thus raping your readers’ mind by a revolting image. You are a shameless person, Tim Rohr. The evidence is your blog entry:

      So dear John, if you want to expose pedophiles, why don't you look around the Jungle? Don't you think there must be a reason they sent you here? John, wake up and be a man!

    2. Anon. September 17, 2015 at 11:23 AM, you were right. Mae is Tim's star of the show. He put the post about Mae at the top.

    3. Yep, and Mae's post is more damaging than John the typhoon cuz she heard it straight from the victim himself. From Junglewatch:

      "So four months ago a gentleman came from off island and I happened to sit down at table for lunch with his mother and some other people in my family. I sat down at table and I don’t know what brought up the conversation that this man when he was a boy also was molested by Bishop Apuron - a priest at that time.

      And I was sitting across this gentleman and I looked at him and you should see pain in his eyes. I looked at him - and then the mother - when we brought up that issue that he was molested, the mother slapped the table, the dining table and said, “And that is why my son left the island!"

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:08 am,

      I cannot help but wonder if this person Mae has been "coached". I heard Mae's testimony on the radio, and she admitted that the victim was not ready to come out in public. NEVERMIND THE FACT, that Mae already admitted that the victim announced that he was molested in front of 11 people at the table. Yeah right!!!! So, where are the other 10 people who were supposed to also have heard this same molestation charge? And where is this victim who supposedly admitted that he was molested by the Archbishop in front of 11 people at table with him?

      What is even more amazing was when Patty Arroyo asked Mae WHY she suddenly came out with this information just now (after 4 months) and on the radio. She stated that her reason was because the Archbishop refused to listen to them. She said that every time they call the Archbishop, he would ignore their calls. Patty Arroyo then asked if she had called the Archbishop. And LO AND BEHOLD, Mae admitted that she never called the Archbishop. :-)

  14. Anonymous September 17, 2015 at 7:33 PM don't know who you are but WOW That was well said. Tim good at twisting words around.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:58 am,

      Tim Rohr is indeed very good at seducing people just like a pedophile is good at enticing children to him. And the victim is unaware that he is being seduced with lots of attention, gifts, etc. I don't think John Toves is fully aware that Tim Rohr has put him aside and placed Mae as his new shining star. It is actually indicated in his blog. According to Tim Rohr:

      "John Toves called Patti Arroyo this morning, repeated his allegations against Apuron, and invited Apuron to sue him.
      But there is bigger news here. During Patti's follow up call to me, a "Mae" phones in and relates first hand knowledge of what most people know as the "Agat boy(s).""

      If you go to his blog and look at those two sentences, you will notice that the sentence where Tim spoke of John Toves was written in very small letters while the sentence referring to Mae is much bigger. John thought that Tim Rohr was his friend. He did not realize that Tim is actually a false friend.

    2. DonaMila Taitano is ferociously attacking this entry and the whole blog of Diana at Junglewatch. The problem with DonaMila is not that she is a friend of Tom Rohr, Chuck White and all the others. She is free to choose her friends, isn't she?

      The problem is that DonaMila became a major advocate for the trash blog Junglewatch, a forum of the most ardent enemies of the Catholic Church and its local leaders appointed by Rome. Her allegiance seems to go with another community, not the Way's.Well, she claims to be a member of the Way. But is she in true hearth?

    3. Dear Anonymous September 18, 2015 at 2:58 AM, if you just have a look at the blog of Tim "groping what??" Rohr, you see immediately that something is seriously wrong with this guy. Do you remember, for example, how he called Fr. Louis, who was accused with custodial inference only? Fr. Louis repented and reformed his ways. Would Tim ever repent?

      In his blog he details the techniques of pedophiles. It sounds like advises from the "master". Doesn't he even notice how much he is exposing himself? It is especially troubling that he associates his own dirty fantasies with the Holy Eucharist! Doesn't he have any reverence for what is holy?! Here is what he says: "... holding up the Body of Christ with the same hands which groped his genitals." Wow, yes it is a big wow! Just how depraved you have to be, how much contempt you have to harbor in your heart toward Jesus, to involve His Body and His Blood into this dirt? It is a big shame by any measure for a Catholic to write down those sentences.

      Who is this Tim, really, will be fully exposed when some written records of his past deeds become accessible:
      - What had he to escape from to land on this island?
      - Why is he trying to prove himself so desperately as a "family man" of 11 children?
      - Why is he running away from the very same family on a daily basis to espouse his dirty fantasies at his blog?
      - Is he not abandoning his duty as a father who should be giving his kids much quality time?
      - Why is he so depraved in using and allowing all the dirty comments at his blog?

      All the trash that is coming out of Tim's blog is a true expression of his dirty mind. But the time of reckoning will surely come, perhaps it is already here! All that was kept secret for so long will come to light to be seen by everyone.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:06 pm,

      Dona Mila does not seem to have any problems with Tim Rohr attacking the Archbishop and Father Pius (whom she claims to be her catechist). Perhaps, someone should inform Father Pius of Dona Mila's post.

    5. Ooh, Someone's going to be a dobber - and someone's going to be in trouble! If pius finds out its going to be bad for you! Run while you can. You know what these cults are like.

    6. Rorh came to Guam to promote the Amway company. All you have to do is google "Amway Religious Cult" to learn more about the scam that lured people into building up another church. He was the top honcho on Guam at the time and I wouldnt be surprised if it was Amway that laid the ground for all his later business successions. This has to be taken into consideration when trying to figure out what is his real motivation or ultimately his hidden agenda.

      As for Dona Mila, I dont understand how she attacks this blog for its so called negative comments. If we were to compare and take a tally certainly it would be the jungle at the top of demeaning and negative comments. I also want to point out Dona that the comments here are nothing comparable to horrible sexually perverted comments that are allowed over at the jungle. Yes, you will find the occasional NCW member who vents anger and frustration by using some vulgar language but rarely will you find them insinuating comments of a perverted nature, especially towards our priests.
      Now Im not sure when did Father Pius specifically say to read the "Diana Blog" but I did hear him say to stay away from the blogs. I believe he asked us to do this for our own good. Many of us are learning from our mistakes.
      As I have warned Tim and Toves before, be careful! You will be opening a can of worms that will eventually leave us with nothing but RMS priests. I say this because if you place close attention to the time frame of certain alleged incidents, this was before or early on in the era of RMS ordinations. So, worst case, if its all true, it would implicate many of our local clergy. I am fine with our RMS priests but are they?
      Tim knows that the ultimate risk is that others will come forward, stories will surface. He knows that he cant point the finger at just one person. There were many in the room.

      -Jokers Wild

    7. I guarantee that God will not pass judgement on you by comparing your deeds to Tim's. He will pass judgement accordingly on your own merits. Claiming that "he does it too" reveals your weak resolve.

      This is just one of many reasons why this "blog" is laughable. Another is that you do not have the courage to post this.

    8. Dear Jokers Wild,

      I do not think that Tim Rohr cares who gets hurt as long as the Archbishop gets hurt. As well. All Tim has to do is blame the Archbishop for throwing the others under the bus. His latest blog says:

      "Correct. John doesn't have it. He (Tim) has it."

      Tim Rohr only confirmed that what I said in my comment was correct in that John does not have anything, and only Tim has everything. The problem with this scenario is..... that it was John who was served papers by the lawyer and was told that he will be sued in court. Tim ( who has everything) did not receive any papers from a lawyer. As you pointed out earlier, John is a victim of Tim Rohr. I have a feeling that Mae is also being used and is another victim of Tim.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 9:52 am,

      I published your comment. So, what do you have to say about that? In the first place, where in any of my posts or comments did I ever compare MY deeds with Tim's?

    10. Look at this anonymous coward at JW:

      "Anonymous September 18, 2015 at 1:34 PM

      Ummmm, dingbat diana, you are not well. Go to sleep little girl, and the world will be much better when you wake up in three years."

      This is Tim Rohr himself! He always gives himself away. Can he still go any lower?


    11. Archbishop wrecked havoc with our lives on this fact alone he needs to be removed and we will continue to hound him until he goes.

    12. Dear Anonymous at 2:05 pm,

      What havoc did he wreck in YOUR life. Be specific and not just come in here ranting and raving.

    13. Who exactly is wreaking havoc?! Tim the BULLDOZER??? Hah-hah. Just look below, one demented cheering the other with insanity! THESE are the guys who are wreaking havoc at JW! Gosh, talking about arrogant poopers...

      Anonymous September 19, 2015 at 7:59 PM

      Keep bulldozing them down Tim-one at a time... Please Tim, if necessary bulldoze down the entire island to put a stop from the abuse within our Catholic Church.

    14. Anonymous September 19, 2015 at 12:22 PM

      I see your point. He is the COVERT COWARD. LOL! ;) ;) ;)


    15. Who is making these " wrecking havoc" statement. ?

      What does it mean? How did Archbkshop wreck havoc ?

      There is havoc in our community caused by Jungle. Fed by persons against Archbishop.

      Talk to Archbishop express your heart to him.

      Creating havoc is no answer . Talk to him .

    16. Dear Anonymous at 12:26 pm,

      I read all the comments coming through my blog, so you did not make me do anything that I already do all the time. The fact that you have come here making this comment shows that we are winning, and we did not have to gather for meetings or protests. :-)


    17. Diana thank you. . Wrecking havoc mentality caused families to discuss exactly what it meant. Two cathedral families asking who they think writes prose . Some say the person ia technocrat operating inside NCW. Another saying it is Fr.Pius and seminarians. Re establishing a new church. All we can do is pray.

    18. To Anonymous September 18, 2015 at 12:50 PM

      Here is what he says: "... holding up the Body of Christ with the same hands which groped his genitals." Wow, yes it is a big wow! Just how depraved you have to be, how much contempt you have to harbor in your heart toward Jesus, to involve His Body and His Blood into this dirt?

      I checked what you say. It is true, Tim Rohr truly wrote down this sentence at his blog! I am amazed. Tim Rohr thinks that this language is permissible. He published this dirt under his own name. The "good Catholic"... ouch, I am disgusted! Does he feel so much protected? Based on what?!

      The logo of Jungle Watch could be this:

      The blog where the Body and Blood
      of Jesus Christ is not holy,
      but toy in the hands of a dirty mind.

      Be proud of yourself, Tim Rohr!


    19. ms.diana. Those of us who are walking express shock and awe at postings you have made past few days. Honestly, you lost support of our family. Posting on the male sex organ in the manner in which you have is unacceptable to us. Our children read you and you post on male sex for our children to read. I'm surprised you would fall so low.
      The posts you made in reference to the male genitals were copied forwarded to Rome. It has disturbed the community.

    20. Dear Anonymous at 8:40 pm,

      First of all, speak only for yourself. I walk in the Way, and you do not speak for me nor on my behalf.

      This only goes to show that when Tim Rohr wrote those words (which he actually did), you had no problems with it. What Anonymous 6:18 pm quoted was from Tim Rohr. It did not even come from him/her.

      I usually do not like to publish quotes from the jungle; nevertheless, I allowed the publication of Anonymous 6:18 pm to show that you are prejudice. You have no problems with Tim Rohr saying those things, but you have a problem when someone quotes Tim Rohr on my blog. In other words, you FAILED to see what Anonymous 6:18 pm was actually saying regarding Tim Rohr's quote.

    21. Dear Anonymous September 20, 2015 at 8:40 PM, dear DonaMilla, that was absolutely unnecessary. We already know your personal opinion. Please, do not talk in the name of others, who disapprove your attitude. We also know who helped Chuck White to leak out Second Scrutiny material. It was quite indecent of you.

    22. To Anon. Sept. 20, 2015 at 8:40 pm,
      DonaMila, you've gone anonymous now? I walk in the way and don't support Junglewatch. Diana has always been standing for the archbishop. You've been supporting someone who is against the archbishop and the way.

    23. Tim Rohr is damaged good now. He has to take responsibility for his action. Why did he become so desperate that he had to make DonaMila to blow her cover? Tim's handlers won't be happy. Not at all... The feds do not like to pay professional salary to amateurs, Timmy, you have to look for a real job very soon. Goodness, what a self inflated prick!

    24. Dear Anonymous at 8:38 am,

      Tim Rohr may be good at the art of seducing people. Someone under this thread brought up the fact that Tim Rohr was once a salesman in Amway. All salesmen are good at selling their products, but people still have a choice to say yes or no. In DonaMila's case, she made a choice to support the jungle, which defames the Archbishop, Father Adrian, Father Pius, Kiko Arguello, and the entire NCW.

    25. Now you're all anonymously (yes,even you "Diana") and thus cowardly attacking another individual here on this blog. It doesn't matter who else on what other blog does so. You, like someone wrote above, are responsible for your own actions.

      I expect to be attacked as well. Anonymously of course. You are all cowards.

    26. DonaMila hasn't posted any comments on this thread as to any of that. You assume too much.

      Your catechist must be proud of how you conduct yourselves and represent the NCW on this blog. Insider's View indeed.

    27. Dear Jose M.,

      Before you make a comment, I highly recommend that you read the thread first. I was correcting the individual. He/she thought that I was the one who wrote about "male genitals" due to his/her prejudice against me. The truth was a QUOTE from Tim Rohr, and the anonymous commenter even stated that. Obviously, some people recognize the individual to be DonaMila.

    28. Dear Jose M.,

      How do you know for certain that Anonymous Sept. 20, 2015 at 8:40 pm is not DonaMila? A couple of commenters recognize her writing. In fact, one of them even accuse her of giving information to Chuck White regarding the second scrutiny. Whoever this commenter is, he/she apparently knows her personally.

    29. How do we know you are not just all the anonymous comments, being you are fictitious yourself.

      You know she didn't post anonymously. She always uses her name. You don't have the courage to do the same.

    30. Dear Jose M.,

      The only comments I write on my blog are those that has my name "Diana." If you look at all the other anonymous comments, they are not my writing style. I do not know DonaMila personally, but those who do most likely recognize her writing style and suspected that she wrote anonymously.

    31. You don't have any credibility, as an anonymous blogger, to say you don't post as anyone else. In fact, your comments and posts have exhibited multiple writing styles.

      However, truthfully, your accusations and explanations don't mean a thing. The only reason to be concerned about "you" and this blog, is that Fr Pius sanctions this. You would be lying if you deny it. He knows who you all are and allows you to continue.

      Community members reading this know this too. You, "Diana," denying it would mean Fr. Pius is playing them for fools too.

    32. Jose M, you are a hypocrite big time! You regularly publish at JW but I have never ever seen that you raise your voice against the demented insults Tim Rohr is hurling toward everyone who disagrees with him.

      You have a double standard, sir, that you apply differently in one blog or the other. This is a sure sign of your moral corruption. How do you dare to lecture anyone when you support all the dirty language unopposed at the JW blog that you like?! Please, find the plank first in your own eye!

    33. Dear Jose M.,

      The only reason you think I have multiple writing styles is because you were misled by the jungle into believing that I am more than one person. I have always said that I am a female. The jungle, however, have always accused me of being Father Adrian, Father Edivaldo, Father Pius, Jackie Terlaje, Holly, and even a conglomerate of people. Tim Rohr is wrong. I am only one female. I have already made known my reasons for keeping my identity hidden. The Archbishop does not know who I am. In fact, even my own Responsible and my own catechists do not know my identity.

      I have never denied what Father Pius said. I was there when Father Pius visited my community. Of course, Father Pius did not know that I was there listening to him when he visited my community to give that information. I heard him tell us that we can speak out in the social media. However, my blog was created long before he made that statement to the communities. I heard him say that community members can read my blog. And I have also heard him tell the community members to stay away from the jungle because it is a hate blog, and reading a hate blog will only incite us to anger.

    34. You continue to distract by talking about Jungle Watch and what goes on there. Take responsibility for yourself.

      I, and manyothers, don't need JW or anyone else to tell us that you cowardly attack people as an anonymous blogger while representing a Fr Pius sanctioned blog. Since he is the island's leader for the NCW, this blog and what it represents is dangerous for Guam.

    35. Dear Jose M.,

      Really? You think this blog is dangerous? Then, this only goes to show that this blog is actually making an impact on those who stand against the NCW. :-)

    36. Ai adai. For the sake of yet another anonymous attack, for the record, I have always spoke up against disparaging anonymous comments on JW. Go search on your own time. (but would that mean being disobedient to your leader?)

      This here is different . Diana is anonymous and the blogger. At least Tim takes responsibility with his name. Cowards cannot. However, how does Tim's bad behavior justify yours? A very immature excuse that children and adults in arrested development use.

      Anon at 11:54, go get some courage and post your name to your attack on me. Stop being a coward. (Ironically, it's morally corrupt to lob stones while hiding behind a skirt.)

    37. Don't flatter yourself. You have only skewed the very obvious context to my comment about being dangerous for Guam. However, if you indeed have absolute skill, it is in skewing the truth.

    38. Are you are losing your temper, Jose? Why to freak out like a kid? Just because your idol Tim Rohr is collapsing, rolling and raving in his own dirt that he created for himself? You allow him to reign supreme over your mind because he flung sand into your eyes. Now you are like the blind led by the eyeless.

      In contrast, we have seen the true Tim Rohr as in a lightning given away by his own words. He cannot explain this away. We know him now better than his own confessor. Yuck!

    39. Jose M :''-( at 9:26 AM Go back to the Jungle, You sound like Tim Rohr with his favorite word.......COWARD and then this might be Tim, it represents is dangerous of Guam, look at what you and all the Anonymous talk about, just jungle trash, nothing but Hate.'' idiot ''

    40. Dear Jose,

      Since when is it a bad behavior to quote Tim Rohr? You already know my reasons for keeping my identity hidden. I do not want to be stalked just so jungle folks can photograph my car and person at my home and place of work.

      And for your information, I was not flattering myself. You simply revealed that my blog is a threat to you and those who stand against the Way. This explains the reason why you want suppress the free speech of all NCW members who do not agree with you. The jungle and CCOG was never interested in dialogue or reconciliation, but in the destruction. But that cannot happen because what comes from God cannot be destroyed.

    41. Jose M. you went back to JW where you belong. You did not raise any voice against the demented squabble they produce there. Actually, you are one of them! JW became so scared they sent here DonaMila to blow her cover as a person of interest. This was an unnecessary waste of human resource.

      Jose, what is more, you did not question Tim Rohr on his dirty fantasies about the Holy Eucharist. You left his obnoxious way of advising pedophiles without comment. Shame on you, hypocrite!

    42. White and whoever helped him reveal the archani should be excommunicated. It's that simple.

    43. Dear Anon at 12.52. Thankyou for confirming that Chuck White's sources are authentic and the information he discusses is true. I couldn't really believe it at first, but your comment indicates that it is all true.

    44. Dear Anonymous at 12:52 pm,

      Another twisting of words. Nothing in Anonymous 12:52 confirms that Church White's sources are true. Anonymous 12:52 says that White and whoever helped him reveal the archani should be excommunicated because it should not be taken out. Why? Because people like Chuck White would end up misinterpreting the archani out of context, which is exactly what he did.

    45. How do you know if the "archani" is misinterpreted, when you haven't even seen it yourself? What a load of baloney.

    46. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 pm,

      I have been walking for more than 8 years. What makes you think that I have not been in any scrutiny?

    47. What Chuck White did from the Second Scrutiny is correct. He has the manuscript and it is legit.

    48. Dear Anonymous at 5:21 pm,

      His interpretation is not legit. No one is forcing anyone to give up all their money or all their land.

    49. True, but you be left behind will not pass... He has more manuscripts of the scrutinies.. interpretation is already in the the manuscripts. He is just taking it out and making it public.


    50. Notice how all these guys seem to support one another on JW. Same names posting JW day in day out. Now Blockley posts JW almost daily.

    51. Dear Anonymous at 5:42 pm,

      No one knows what the other left behind.....not even the catechists. How can anyone know when everything was done anonymously? The only ones who did not pass to the next level were the ones who did not show up. They remain behind until the next scrutiny. When they pass that scrutiny, then they can join their community.

    52. Of course the catechists know what you gave up during the Rite....because they will ask you first during the scrutinies. Common Diana, you sure you have attended the Scrutinies...8 yrs walking not enough.

    53. Dear Anonymous at 9:47 pm,

      They do not ask because the right hand does not know what the left hand does. That is what they teach us in the Way. What we give is between us and God.

  15. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 18, 2015 at 2:32 PM

    Again, you people are too much! Chase your tails. Better than super nachos and beer at a fight!

    1. Dear John Toves,

      Show us where we are wrong? I know the difference between true and false friends. I heard your interview with Patty Arroyo, and even Patty admitted that you are not getting any support. Real friends always support one another.

      I also heard the interview of Tim Rohr with Patty. I heard Tim Rohr say that he is helping a family look for a lawyer to sue the Archbishop. However, your friend Tim has not done the same for you.

    2. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 18, 2015 at 5:22 PM

      I see your point.

  16. And not pass her in the next scrutiny....

  17. Maybe not all agree with what the NCW teaches. Maybe some of them are there just because of the scripture readings which help them. Maybe, some are just there because of the "IF" and the consequences "OR ELSE".


  18. The extremly rude Fr.Matthew Blockley returned to Junglewatch. I have never met a person who is so rude as Fr.Blockley. Today he referred to NCW members as dwarfs with anal retention. He is also referred to our much loved Fr. Pius as Fr Putrid. At same time he has degraded the office of the Archbishop into some kind of a circus . With credit to Fr. Paul and Monsignor James they have not posted rude comments in the world of social media. This is not so with Father Blockley. He is persistent in making statements that damage the Chirch of Guam. Beth


    1. Beth, what are you ranting about. Fr Blockley is a kindly priest. He feeds 500 children weekly two meals a day. Do you serve the Poor? His statements do not damage the church. He builds the church by his comments on JW. We need other priests to join us who express their thinking on our church in Guam. I would like Fr. Blockley to give a retreat to the NCW but I doubt archbishop would invite him here.

    2. Fr. Blockley is the most obnoxious left winger cuckoo in the nest of a decent priesthood. He is yelling his demented message of teenager level wishful thinking every day.

      He is a rouse messenger of doom, rebellion and revolution.

      But it is not him who will risk his skin when things turn hot. No by any means, he has safe haven far away from here. He still wants the Guamanian people to fight for his revolution and whatnot. Really, Fr. Blockley? For you is it just cheap Chamorros to be led by the nose? How revolting denigration of nobleness and valor. You should be ashamed of yourself!


  19. Focus today on human sexuality theology of the body by pope John Paul 11. JW blog in the person of Fr. Matthew Blockley is now teaching that our NCW understanding of sex as taught by Fr. Mario is not in conformity with Catholic moral teaching on sex.
    Father Blockley you are a disobedient priest. Fr.Mario is an obedient priest. No one believes your comments Fr. Blockley. you are seen as a joke and a rather bad joke.

  20. Diana, I think Jose M. is possessive of you, why the hate

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:08 pm,

      I think you meant "obsessed."


  21. Diana we have all seen through the Evil intention of the NCW in Guam. NCW will die its own death. Every day is nearing its final existence in Guam. Dead. Got it!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:33 pm,

      Did you read my latest entry post? The NCW has been in existence for over 50 years with more than a million members. The NCW continues to grow and is found in every continent except Antarctica. I provided the regional statistics in my entry post.

    2. Evil; die, death, final existence; Dead. Are these the only thing in your heart?

    3. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 23, 2015 at 6:45 AM

      Diana, it is clear that the NCW is dismantling Our Island Church as we knew it. Do you disagree? And, of course we will support each other in the fight to keep our Catholic traditions. We do this courageously as we list our names.

    4. Dear Little John Mosquito,

      I think you meant that you are dismantling yourselves. The Church cannot be dismantled because it was built by the divine hands of Christ and not even the gates of Hell will prevail against it. :-)

    5. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 23, 2015 at 1:19 PM

      Dear Pitiful Susanna Juliana Jayasuriya aka Las Dianas, if what you say is true, then YOU WILL NEVER PREVAIL!

    6. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 23, 2015 at 1:30 PM

      BTW, I hope you enjoy your YouTube video! It will be coming to a theatre near you. You soon will be famous globally as you will go absolutely viral. KUDOS!

    7. Dear Little John Mosquito,

      I am NOT Susanna. I cannot even pronounce that last name. I am Chamorro, born and raised on Guam.

      The NCW is recognized as part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. How else did you think I knew that the Church cannot be dismantled by anything. And here you are panicking that the Church is going to be dismantled.

    8. At 6:44 PM The bishop is Chamorro, born and raised on Guam spend his whole life for the Church, why all the Hate by his own people, like the Mosquito, and the the rest of them I don't get it, his own people. and here you have Tim and the rest of them not born here, trying discredit him, the bishop dedicated his whole life, I don't get it, '' Bless You Bishop'' :-)

  22. NCW you are so tribal in your mentality, outlook, perspective. Only NCW is the brand of Christianity you recognize. What about the good that others are doing in trying to live the Christian life. You need to pass beyond tribal mentality.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:03 am,

      Where under this thread did anyone say anything negative about the Latin Mass, the Legion of Mary, the Novus Ordo Mass, the Knights of Columbus, the Cursillos, etc.??? Just because members of the NCW say something positive about their experience in the NCW does not mean that all other Catholics organizations are not good. They are simply relating their positive experience and nothing more. Do not read anything more into it when there is none.

    2. Please correct me if I misunderstand your statement anonoymous 11:03....are you saying that following Jesus Christ and his Church is not Christian.

      Are you implying that there is another form or interpretation of Christianity? Is it the Christianity of rohr; white; ccog.....please with clarity be more specific.

  23. Diana, good fight let God be with you :-)

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:34 pm,

      Some of the anonymous commenters here have excellent comments as well.

    2. RIGHT ON!! RIGHT ON!! :-)

  24. JB, is back, look around you, there is no One Christianity, only Christianities.
    Read the New Testament,. ONE Jesus, 4 Gospels, LOL.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:36 pm,

      You are incorrect. There is only one Christianity.

    2. Thank you Diana. I wanted to say something else but your response to anonymous 8:36 sufficed. I hope one day to be graced with half the patience you have shown in dealing with the ignorant.
