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Monday, September 7, 2015

Pope's Message: The Earth And People Are Interrelated

An anonymous commenter quoted the following from the jungle: 

Diana, Tim thinks the conference was wrong in emphasizing the environment FIRST.

By the way, when I questioned why there was this "Earth First" bent at the conference which was supposed to address "the dignity of every human person" I was told "no planet no people." It's cute. And I've heard the cliche many times. But in God's view - since the earth was created for man and not the other way around, it should be: "no people, no reason for the planet." But the quip did remind me of something the late senator and pro-life champion Elizabeth Arriola was quoted as saying and I will copy it here:

Let me tell you, at the rate Guam Memorial Hospital is aborting children, between 400-600 a year, and most of them are not even reported. Where are the lives that we are going to protect and preserve? Here we go talking about indigenous rights and self-determination. What good is all that if we don't have our followers to follow and enjoy the fruits of our labor, of this generation's labor, of your labor and my labor to fix this island and have autonomous rights to govern our people?"

- quoted in: Asian/Pacific Islander American Women: A Historical Anthology, pg. 372, edited by Shirley Hume, Gail M. Nomura

Obviously this great woman and island leader knew that there was no sense in saving anything if we were going to permit the wanton killing of unborn children.
This is my response: 
What is the difference between the unborn child and the child dying in a polluted and unhealthy environment?  What good is Tim's fight for the unborn child if he has no compassion for the child dying in a polluted and poisonous environment?  The dignity of every human person started out in the Book of Genesis in the creation story.  God created the earth for man because He knew that man needed the oxygen and the animals to live on and survive.  In short, the earth and man are interrelated.  God also gave man the duty to be stewards of the earth.     
While it is true that human life is much more important than other creatures, this certainly does not mean that we should allow the earth to deteriorate.  God gave us stewardship over the earth, and it is our responsibility to take care of it.  Pope Francis reminds us that the destruction of the environment is a destruction of the people especially the poor who live in the WORST environment.  According to Pope Francis, the earth and the people are interrelated.  According to news report:  

In issuing "Laudato Si," his much-anticipated encyclical on climate change, the pope on Thursday took an extraordinary approach to an environmental issue often framed in the dry language of science. Francis' teaching document is a melodic yet radical indictment, depicting a materialistic and wasteful society that is hurting the planet and its poorest people.

.........The encyclical covers all sorts of environmental issues, including waste, extinctions, genetically modified organisms and the lack of clean water. Addressing "every living person on this planet," Francis calls for a bold cultural revolution to correct what he said was a "structurally perverse" economic system in which the rich exploited the poor.

Tim Rohr stated:  "....was no sense in saving anything if we were going to permit the wanton killing of unborn children."  Has he forgotten that there are starving children living in the poorest environment imaginable?  So, again, what is the difference between the unborn child and the child dying in the poorest environment resulting from pollution, lack of clean water, etc.?  It is hypocritical to have compassion for the unborn child and yet not care a thing about the dying child living in a poor and unhealthy environment.

Tim Rohr stated:  There simply is NO "Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person" if we do not first safeguard life at its most vulnerable.

Mr. Rohr, the Catholic Church teaches that ALL human life is sacred.  Who taught you that the life of the unborn child is more sacred than the life of a child that is already born and dying of starvation in an unclean environment or the elderly being put down as a result of euthanasia or the lives of innocent people murdered by ISIS?



  1. Looks like Timmy is backtracking.

    I am sure that the visiting bishop from the Philippines had nothing to do with the planning of the event or the visual presentation, but only offered his remarks on what was placed in front of him.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:01 am,

      Tim Rohr is SURE about that? Where is his evidence to his surety especially when he was not there at the conference??? I was there, and I heard Bishop Pablo said that HE (that is correct....HE himself) came up with those six categories that was on the visual presentation. He wanted to go through all six, but he was pressed for time. That was his presentation, not the Archbishop.

  2. Not sure exactly what is happening in our church. But when the division and deplorable comments being posed contribute to the growing tensions we need to bring this to a stop. Catholics, particular catholic priests should not be posting negative comments about any bishop on a web page. If a priest has any issue with bishop it should be resolved in private not in front of the community.
    Father Blockley way out of orde forwarding tweets comments all over which are really causing damage. I was in Kmart. Retired couple came to ask who is this Fr.Blockley? I explained he is not from Guam . They said he should stay out of our affairs .Fr. Blockley says this, Father Blockley say that. Who the hell is Fr.Blockley? Stop these comments the comments cause problems.

  3. John C. AdaToves TYPHOON NUT WORM BANANA ETCSeptember 8, 2015 at 3:07 PM

    Your numbers are minimal. Why do you persist in this charade. You are obviously not bright, ...or even eloquent. I was just bored so I wanted to see what stupid do. You know I haven't been to your pitiful site. Hello. Got your info. Say "cheese".

    1. Dear John.....worm banana,

      I only publish your comment to show people the reason for the division.

    2. Typhoon ''nut'' you're here and wanted to see what stupid do. look in your mirror and you find your answer. you need to go back to your Puppet master Tim. Got your info. Say cheese'' is that a Threat.

  4. Diana you say you are following Jesus in the way. Yet you call people worm Banaana. What kind of a Christian transgender woman does this?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:15 pm,

      Can you read??? I did not call him " worm banana". That was how he signed his long name.

  5. I was also at that conference and Rohr is wrong in claiming that abortion was left out. It wasn't left out. The theme of the conference was "Safeguarding the dignity of EVERY human person". Gays, the elderly, and all children are under that theme. Abortion was discussed because the unborn child also has a human dignity.

    BTW, Tim has been claiming that the repairs at the cathedral was a scam, and he would reveal that soon. So far, he hasn't revealed anything. You people need to stop listening to Rohr.

    1. don't know the insides of the renovations, so until you hear the truth, hold on to your pants.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:55 pm,

      Tim Rohr said that the repairs was a scam to get the insurance company to make payments. If Tim Rohr actually has evidence of it, why not go to the police? Scamming an insurance company is illegal. Also, what inside renovations are you talking about? Do you see anyone working in he inside??? I saw a lot of workers on the outside.

  6. It is a scam to get insurance money. It is a corrupt church with plunder and debt. For this reason our church needs a new bishop.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:10 am,

      And where is your documented evidence of this? Or is this simply your crazed opinion?
