Blog Song

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

NCW Is Here To Stay

Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:36-39).
The Neocatechumenal Way was started by Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez  It began in 1964 in the slums of Madrid, Spain. Yes, that is correct....1964.  The Way is 51 years old, and it is here to stay.  There is talk of destroying the Way here in Guam.  When one speaks of destroying the Way, one speaks of destroying people because the Way consist of communities of people.  Even the Bishops of Japan were unable to kick out the Way from the country.  The Way in Japan has been there for about 30 years. In 2011, the Vatican opposed the plan of the Japanese Bishops.  According to AsiaNews: 
"The Neocatechumenal Way (the Way) can continue its mission in Japan. A meeting between Benedict XVI, Curia officials and five Japanese bishops has ended in the cancellation of a five-year suspension imposed by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan (CBCJ) on the Way. Members of the Way and Vatican sources told AsiaNews that the CBCJ had written to the Vatican, calling for the suspension of the Way for at least five years."

The Vatican supported the NCW in Japan.  Why?  Because the NCW is Catholic and part of the Catholic Church.  It was never a separate church but part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that was founded by Christ through Peter.  We have the legitimate support of the Pope, the Vicar of Christ....which is the most important thing of all.  Why?  Because regardless of what people say, the truth is...the Pope supports us and recognize us as Catholic.  Some of the Bishops in Japan opposed the Way because they felt that it was too European, and they did not take into account the culture of the Japanese people.  According to the National Catholic Reporter: 

In his report, extracts from which were published in the recent book His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, Bottari writes that the Neocatechumenate symbolizes a broad failure on the part of the Catholic church to understand Japan’s culture.

“Here, I would say, stands the controversial point and the difficulties posed by the method of the members of the Neocatechumenal Way. From what one sees, they come and apply, to the letter, a method born and prepared in Europe, without caring about adapting to the local world. I’ve found among them here in Japan the same style that I saw in Cameroon, where I was a missionary twenty years ago; the same songs (with the guitar), the same expressions, the same catechesis, all transmitted with a style based more on imposition than proposition. One can thus understand the tensions, disagreements and reactions they generate, which sometimes find them little disposed to dialogue. Their intentions are certainly admirable, their good will, but insertion in the local culture is missing. This, in my modest opinion, is what the local Japanese bishops are asking of them – to take off the European dress in order to present the heart of the message in a purified way close to the people.”
The Neocatehcumenal Way has been in existence for more than 50 years.  If it were to fail, it would have imploded many years ago.  Instead, it has continued to grow.  The two by two mission in the United States, which took place in July brought tremendous fruits, and the Way's participation in Family Day in Rome and in the U.S. will also be fruitful. The Way is present in all continents except Antarctica with more than 1 million members.  In 2014, there are 100 Redemptoris Mater seminaries in total. Regional Statistics of the Way is found in the following weblink: 


  1. Diana, this is the latest post from Junglewatch. Timmy says there is hope after hearing this little boy speak at the silent protest. Do you know what is wrong with this picture?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:17 am,

      I had to listen to the video to try and understand what you mean. Correct me if I am wrong, but you must be referring to the boy named Jaiden. He said that this Church was built by the blood of the martyrs and then pointed to the Cathedral, which is a stone building. Jaiden does not understand that Christ never built a stone building. If the Cathedral were to be destroyed by fire or an earthquake, the Catholic Church still exists because the Catholic Church was never a stone building in the first place. Jaiden should have pointed to himself and to the people rather than to a stone building. And this is the hope that Tim Rohr sees? Let us hope that he at least teaches the youth that the Church that Christ built and with the blood of the Martyrs is an assembly of people rather than a stone building.

      By the way, did you see a lady there named "Mae Ada?" She must be the one who called up during the Patty Arroyo show. She has the same goal as Little John Mosquito: to reinstate Father Paul and Monsignor James. It is December 2014 all over again.

    2. Yep. Mae ADA must be related to John C. ADA Toves. This definitely smells of a deliberate conspiracy to oust the archbishop.

    3. Yes, Diana, you are correct. Doesn't Mae know that the Archbishop cannot help them because of what they did themselves to make a big deal to Rome. Just be patient. Same old stuff.

  2. The Way isn't going anywhere - from Mr. Zoltan

  3. Tim is really losing it! LOL!!! He doesn't even know how to read. Look at his criticism of Diana's comment:

    Diana stated: Correct me if I am wrong, but you must be referring to the boy named Jaiden. He said that this Church was built by the blood of the martyrs and then pointed to the Cathedral, which is a stone building.

    Tim stated: He didn't say the martyrs built the church, he said the church was built by the "blood of martyrs,"

    Tim needs to put on his glasses to read better. Diana did not misconstrue Jaiden's statement. But Tim twists it around to make it look like she did. LOL!!!

  4. Hey Diana guess what Timmy wrote in today's p.d.n he is mocking the archbishop August letter about gay marriage

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:52 am,

      Yes, I read the PDN. Tim Rohr is now dictating to the Archbishop as to HOW his letter SHOULD be written. As anyone can see, it is Tim Rohr who wants to control the Archbishop including to what he should say. And it was Tim who always accuse Father Pius of controlling the Archbishop. Many times, what the person accuses another tells more about the accuser. According to the Tim Rohr:

      "As for the letter itself, the archbishop, while heavy on things like “conspiracy” and “international agenda,” is short on church teaching. Not once does he reference what the Catholic Church actually teaches about the legalization of same-sex unions.

      And since he didn’t. I will."

      If Tim Rohr wants to write a letter about the Church teaching on homosexuality and same sex marriage, he can do that, but it is not necessary to criticize the Archbishop's letter. The Archbishop can write his own letter the way he wants. This is simply another opportunity for Rohr to demean the Archbishop.

    2. You say "Many times, what the person accuses another tells more about the accuser"

      And then you accuse Tim of wanting "to control the Archbishop including to what he should say"

      So, that means YOU actually want to.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:36 am,

      No, I was pointing out the FACT that Tim is indicating what the Archbishop should have written in his letter. In now way am I telling Tim WHAT to write in his letter. He can write whatever he wants. Unfortunately, he does not afford that same privilege to the Archbishop.
