Blog Song

Thursday, July 16, 2015

To DonaMila Taitano

This is from your comment which is found here.
This is my last response to this unending diatribe of zero intelligence, civility or any ounce of Christian values. I sincerely hope that the administrators of this blog are not part of my community or any community member that I personally know, for if you are, shame on you.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Mrs. Martinez for the community here, now, and personally if and when I see her: Mrs. Martinez, on behalf of myself and anyone else in the Neocatechumenal Way who still have an ounce of integrity and honor, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I apologize for this attack on your person and I pray that you will find it in your heart to forgive us for even giving credence to this blog by reading it and allowing it to continue.

You stated:  I sincerely hope that the administrators of this blog are not part of my community or any community member that I personally know, for if you are, shame on you.
Why do you hope that the administrator of this blog (my blog) is not from your community or any community member that you personally know?  Do you honestly think that only your community and those whom you personally know are better than other community members?  We are all the same and no better than anyone because we are all sinners.
You also stated:  This is my last response to this unending diatribe of zero intelligence, civility or any ounce of Christian values.
The moment a person makes a personal attack rather than discussing the issue at hand is the moment the person lost the dialogue.  Disagreeing with a person is one thing, but name calling is a whole different matter.  Your description of “zero intelligence” is a personal attack that has no basis at all in this discussion.  You asked why I allowed the publication of a comment you dislike, and I gave an honest answer.  You could have easily asked Anonymous 9:47 why he/she speculated that Mrs. Martinez would have anything to do with providing Tim Rohr any information.  Perhaps, he/she may have heard or seen something that led him/her to make that speculation.  And if you had asked him/her that question, you might have learned something.  This is why I value freedom of expression.
However, you asked me why I chose to publicize the comment.  The fact that you disagree with my reason is not a valid excuse to resort to belittlement, which is uncalled for.  I put your comment on an entry post, not to judge you, but to CORRECT your behavior.  If you feel hurt over my words, I apologize for that is not my intention.  You may disagree with me over a topic, for I never expect anyone to wholly agree with me.   We are all different in our backgrounds, histories, and perspective.   
You also said:  on behalf of myself and anyone else in the Neocatechumenal Way who still have an ounce of integrity and honor,…..
You label yourself and a few people you know as the only ones having an ounce of integrity and honor while I do not have any.  And you are correct. You are much more intelligent than I am.  You have more honor and integrity and are more of a Christian than me, and I say this with humility. The Way has taught that it helps to listen to what the brothers have to say about ourselves because many times we are blind to our own sins. 
I thank you for your judgments in claiming that I have "zero intelligence", lack integrity and honor, and have no civility and Christian values.  Nowhere in my blog have I ever claimed to be perfect and without fault in any way, but I do pray for God's grace so that I may walk more like my brother Jesus Christ and truly be a daughter of God as He calls me to be.   May you walk in peace, Sister DonaMila, and you are in my prayers.  I hope that you also keep me in your prayers as well.    


  1. Intelligence, integrity, honor, civility and Christian values, Diana you have all that, WELL DONE :-))))))))) P.S love reading Blog.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:28 am,

      Thank you. I will take your comment as a compliment. But I am still a sinner and not perfect.

  2. Diana, thank you for being a great sister in the Way. I hope Donamila would see that you didn't call her any bad names. There's a lot of integrity and honor in what you say here. You are right. People don't always agree with each other, and that's normal. In the Way, brothers and sisters have disagreed and fought, but they have also reconciled and that's one of the many miracles I see in the Way.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:32 pm,

      Thank you for your comment. However, I have done things in my life that are not honorable. I am not proud of the sins I have committed, but I find comfort knowing that God loves me and gave His life for me. I try to remember that as often as I can, which is why I carry a crucifix with me all the time.

  3. Diana,

    DonaMila wrote "This is my last response to this unending diatribe of zero intelligence, civility or any ounce of Christian values." to which you responded "The moment a person makes a personal attack rather than discussing the issue at hand is the moment the person lost the dialogue. Disagreeing with a person is one thing, but name calling is a whole different matter. Your description of 'zero intelligence' is a personal attack that has no basis at all in this discussion."

    At no time did DonaMila attack you as having "zero intelligence, civility or any ounce of Christian charity" so how did you come up with the idea that the "zero intelligence" that DonaMila used to describe the DIATRIBE is a "personal attack"??? DonaMila did not say that you, Diana, are a person of zero intelligence. DonaMila used the phrase zero intelligence referring to the unending diatribe.

    You also claim that "I put your comment on an entry post, not to judge you, but to CORRECT your behavior." Sorry, but it sounds like you have unintentionally admitted that you consider yourself as having "zero intelligence" by being unable to distinguish between "diatribe" and "Diana" and by your posting of DonaMila's comment as a post under the guise of a "correction."

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:50 pm,

      Why did you only focus on ONE sentence? Don't you think you should have read the entire comment and dialogue between me and DonaMila? When I first published DonaMila's comments on July 14th and 15th, these were some of the judgments and SPECULATIONS of me found in her comments (Capitalization is mine):

      1. I guess I just answered my own question as to why YOU would allow such slanderous comments to be posted. YOU fear dying (being persecuted) and thus YOU hide behind this anonymous character and allow sinful acts to occur.

      2. For YOU to post this so called slanderous speculation regarding Deacon Steve Martinez' wife and blatantly attacking her position in her job is disgusting, alarming and downright un-Christian.

      I ignored these judgments coming from her comments and explained my reasons why I published the comment. Nowhere in any of my comments did I ever made any judgments of her nor called her any negative names. I respected her opinions despite that I disagree with it. Nowhere in any of my comments did I call her opinions "invalid", "childish" or anything of that sort. However, she continued to make SPECUALTIONS as to why I chose to publish the comment despite that I already told her my reasons. According to DonaMila's comment published on July 16th (Capitalization is mine):

      1.Unfortunately, the reasoning you provide is again NOT VALID. In your new response, you give credence to this anonymous person's libelous speculation. Why? I'm ASSUMING you are still trying to reference Deacon Steve's issue, which is not our focus; thus confirms that the attack on his wife is primarily about her being married to him.

      In her discussion with me, she invalidated my opinion and SPECUALTE as to why I publish the comment. I already told her my reasons why I published the comment she disliked and she is ASSUMING why I published it AFTER I already told her???? As to her last post, she was referring to me and the second sentence ( which you ignored) proves that. She stated:

      "This is my last response to this unending diatribe of zero intelligence, civility or any ounce of Christian values. I sincerely hope that the administrators of this blog are not part of my community or any community member that I personally know, for if you are, shame on you."

      The above was DonaMila's FIRST paragraph. The second sentence in that first paragraph showed that it was not the diatribe she was referring to, but to a this case the administrator of this blog. There will no longer be any comments allowed under this thread. I am not here to fight with a sister.

  4. Hi Diana,

    I know that you said you won't publish anymore comments here, but I hope you consider to publish this one. I read the discussions between you and DonaMila. I can see what you mean when she made those judgments. This was also in her comment to you, which you missed.

    " Your reasoning as to posting the libel is invalid, incredibly childish, a shame on the Neocathechumenal Community and being a Guamanian Catholic."

    I just wanna say this. I have been a victim of stalking. My ex-boyfriend was stalking me two years ago. He kept getting information from people I know to find out where I am. Some of those people never told me. It took one person who suspected that something wasn't right, and I'm glad that person came forward. So, I can understand how the Archbishop feels when his photos, flight schedule, and whereabouts were being published in a blog. I'm glad that there are some people like you who feel that if someone thinks or suspects that something is wrong, they would say something and let the person know. It's better to be safe than sorry.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 5:48 am,

      I went ahead and publish it. I appreciate the comment, and I am sorry to hear that you were a victim of such a horrible crime.
