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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Krakow: The City Of Mercy

World Youth Day is coming up next year, and once again our youth in the Neocatechumenal Way is preparing themselves to participate in this beautiful event started by St. John Paul II.  Over 40,000 youths in the Neocatechumenal Way have participated in the last WYD in Brazil.  The next WYD is in Krakow, Poland, the City of Mercy; and our youth are brushing up on their Polish.  Our theme is Matthew 5:7  "Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them."  Poland is also the home country of Pope John Paul II who is now a saint.  It is also the home of many saints.  Father Krzysztof Szafarski, one of Guam's priest is also from Poland and is currently the pastor of the Santa Rita Church. 


  1. Hi Diana,
    What is your first language? It's not English as seen by your many grammatical errors. But correct English is not necessary since you are able to communicate your NCW message. I find the topic of second-language learning intriguing as I spent many years in Japan teaching English to native Japanese speakers. I hope to go to go to World Youth Day next year and spend a week in private retreat at the Divine Mercy Shrine. Does the Guam NCW fund WYD or does the chancery contribute funds to the NCW youth attending?
    Eleanor Aguon

    1. Eleanor, I am not a NCW member but many of the youths do fund raising such as car washes and bake sales. How do I know this? I use to bake and donate as a gesture of good will.

    2. Dear Eleanor,

      In the NCW, our youth fundraise for their trip. The NCW members would also help them out. The chancery does not contribute any funds.

    3. That's some huge amount of do re mi for kids to raise. Highly doubtful.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 3:28 am,

      O ye of little faith, why do you doubt. Below is a weblink of Guam's youth participating in the WYD of Spain in 2011. There were many of them. There were also many of them in Brazil, and there will be many in Poland. Going with the NCW is much cheaper. Why? Because rather than staying in a hotel, mission families and NCW families of Poland would graciously provide accommodations for them in their home. This was also done in Brazil where our youth stayed with NCW families.

  2. Ms. Eleanor Aguon,

    I am intrigued that you come onto this blog and ask so many questions of Diana about the NCW and then quickly take her responses over to junglewatch as if to make fun of them. It causes me to question your sincerity. I believe Diana(whoever she may be) answers you wholeheartedly and sincere, I believe you are taking advantage of this. I know Diana is aware of your actions but charitably she continues to entertain you. In may of your inquiries its as if you are hoping for a slip of tongue but I hope you realize that there's no chance of this because there is no reason to hide or lie.
    Maybe we can all meet up at the Divine Mercy Shrine in 2016, I hear the NCW will be visiting that Holy Place too. Hopefully you are willing to assist the youth of the NCW in their fundraising efforts. Tim Rohrs campaign to stop all Money is EVIL! Who else will suffer from all his propaganda? No one but our children, the future of the world, the church of today.

    1. Dear Anonymous 6/23/15 @4:11 AM,

      Could it be that Ms. Eleanor Aguon comes "… onto this blog and ask so many questions of Diana about the NCW and then quickly take her responses over to junglewatch" in the spirit of Scripture? In 1 Thessalonians 5:21 St. Paul tells us to "… TEST EVERYTHING; hold fast to what is good …" Maybe Ms. Aguon is simply TESTING the answers and comparing what she gets in the jungle so she can hold fast to the good she might get from Diana's answers.

      Is that so wrong of Ms. Aguon to do?

  3. Is it only NCW children going to the WYD or do other youth groups attend?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:06 pm,

      In the last WYD, not all the youth there were from the NCW. There were also youth from other Catholic organizations who attended. The Charismatic Catholic Renewal, for example, also sent their youth.
