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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Father John Wadeson Cleared Of All Charges

Our country says that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  Good news!!!!  The allegation of sexual molestation charges against Father John Wadeson has been proven to be unfounded.  He has been reinstated by the Archbishop.


Archdiocese reinstates priest following LA investigation

The Archdiocese of Agana has reinstated Father John Wadeson to practice ministry in Guam. Last July Archbishop Anthony Apuron removed the priest following the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), calling on him to have him removed.

SNAP said Fr. Wadeson was accused twice of child molestation and had been banned from the Los Angeles Archdiocese.

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles conducted a thorough re-examination of the whole issue concerning the alleged accusations against Father Wadeson. They had concluded that there is no reason to preclude Father Wadeson from serving in priestly ministry, showing that all the rumors and alleged calumnies against him were unfounded.


  1. Well thats just dandy. Except that the real story was not Fr Wadeson's guilt or innocence but the lack of proper process to his incardination.

    1. Hey, Tim Rohr is officially a big time loser. What a public ridicule for him!

  2. I'm glad Fr. John is reinstated he loved the people here and was always very attentive to the manamko... I knew this accusation was false.

  3. Fantastic. This is great news. Alleluia

  4. God is bigger.

    The strategy of the adversaries of Archbishop : We keep bullying you until we destroy you.

    But truth is coming out.

    Archbishop has been vindicated. He was right. The adversaries were wrong.

  5. He finally cleared his name after so many years. Still, AAA did not do his job by addressing the issue when he first knew. Wadeson was never the issue. He also never said he was innocent, just that there was no proof basically.

    Hey I'm not guilty because I didn't get caught.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:32 am,

      He did say that he was innocent. According to PDN:

      "Wadeson stated he's been falsely accused, but decided to leave because he didn't want the accusations against him to tarnish Archbishop Anthony Apuron."..."I was in such shock at the viciousness and lies of what was being said about me..."

      He never said "Hey, I'm not guilty because I didn't get caught." That is only your perverted misinterpretation. The Archbishop did do his job. He knew that a man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Tim Rohr threw Father John under the bus by calling everyone's attention of those allegations. When SNAP learned of those allegations from Junglewatch, they went after Archbishop Apuron. The Archbishop felt he had to remove Father John because of pressure from SNAP.....just as KUAM stated. Now that he has cleared his name, the Archbishop has reinstated him.

      It was never Archbishop Apuron's job to demand an investigation or even to conduct one because the allegations took place in California. His job is also not to fight for the rights of the priests. His job is to trust God, knowing that God will make things right. The Archbishop set an excellent example for his priests to follow. Let God take care of it, and He will in His own time. Justice and Truth has prevailed.

    2. Anon. 12:32, if you are accused of a crime, and you come out and say that you are falsely accused, and the accusation has no foundation, isn't that the same thing as saying you're innocent?

    3. Anon 12:32, ha-ha-ha, what a sour loser you are! Typical jungle liar.

  6. Adding words to the LA diocese statement isn't "innocent and clearing his name". It is just more lies and that LA doesn't have the time or resources. So where has he been hiding? Read SNAPs comment on the case- understand the bigger picture and what the problem is. AAAs failed us time and time again. Ciao!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:09 am,

      SNAP is anti-Catholic. SNAP praised the Archbishop for removing Father Paul, and the jungle was in uproar about that. However, they quickly supported SNAP is saying negative things about the investigation of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. I find this hypocritical behavior.

    2. SNAP is not anti catholic.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:34 am,

      Yes it is. See the weblink below:

  7. Then go to jungle watch and read the documented post "from" Tim, stating that he believed Fr. Wadeson was innocent. The problem is that AAA did not notify anybody about the credible allegations. If you people don't understand the real problem then that's on you. Your all just so desperately sad.

    1. Dear Anonymous at2:59 pm,

      This is what Tim Rohr stated at the beginning of his post:

      "Here, let me copy the whole post for you, just in case you forgot that I was about the only person on Guam sticking up for you after your bishop threw you under the bus:.."

      And then this is how he ended it:

      "After all that work to clear your name the jokers on the hill contaminate your moment with STILL MORE LIES. Meanwhile, tell us that you are innocent.

      Tim Rohr is demanding that Father John tell them (the jungle folks) that he is innocent. Why???? If Tim Rohr REALLY believed that Father John was innocent, why does he demand that he tell him that he's innocent????? I find that behavior hypocritical.

    2. They are all so livid that the Archdiocese of LA found out that “there is no reason to preclude Father Wadeson from serving in priestly ministry.” AND “For this reason, Father John Wadeson remains, to the knowledge of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a priest of good standing…”

      Tim Rohr and his buddies anticipated and worked viciously hard for a different outcome.

      The honest facts are that it is they who caused all these months of humiliations and suffering on Father Wadeson. He must have suffered terribly. These self-righteous accusers gave vent to fancy stories and conjectures just to demean Father John and gain some points in their battle against Archbishop.

      They made sure that his name was splattered on the media. They made allies with SNAP, an anti Catholic organization that bashes constantly Bishops and priests. They wrote personal letters to Archbishop Cordileone, they spoke on the phone with the Vicar General of Brisbane, Australia, they contacted the Bishop of Fresno.

      Well, they were wrong, wrong, wrong…. They are the liars!

      And now they are saying that the problem was not Father John but Archbishop.

      It is what you Diana, have been saying from day one. Anything bad that happens under the sun is the fault of Archbishop. “If the Tiber rises too high, or the Nile too low, the remedy is always feeding Christians to the lions” (Tertullian). All the evil in Guam is the cause of the Archbishop.

      This is called malice, vindictiveness, enmity, rancor…. May God bless them!

    3. Yes..if you are innocent then say your innocent. There is no way around it. Don't just say unfounded, no evidence, no witnesses, etc. SAY YOUR INNOCENT! so simple


    4. Howard Wadeson is Innocent but he must stand before KUAM News and say so. Our readers demand this.

    5. Rohr made a serious mistake by picking on Fr John. He jumped on the wrong person. Now Rohr tries to clear his own record saying that he only "helped" Fr. John. Gosh, what a liar!! He only wanted to "help" huhh? Yeah, the same way he is trying to "help" Archbishop Apuron and Fr. Luis. Thank you Rohr, we don't need your kind of "help"! Ouch, he obviously has zero sense of shame and moral stance about what he is doing.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 4:38 pm,

      Do you speak English??? Father John already said that he was falsely accused. What does that translate to????? The fact that he already said that he was falsely accused says enough. Perhaps, you need a dictionary to comprehend the phrase "falsely accused?"

    7. Dear Anonymous at 4:51 pm,

      You stated: "Howard Wadeson is Innocent but he must stand before KUAM News and say so. Our readers demand this."

      No, he does not need to. Who are you to make demands???? He has already been cleared by the Archdiocese of LA. And he has been reinstated by the Archbishop of Guam.

    8. Father John has been TOTALLY EXCULPATED; we do not need any other thing. HE IS A PRIEST IN GOOD STANDING, PERIOD!!!!!

      Father John has been TOTALLY CLEARED, we do not need any other thing. HE IS A PRIEST IN GOOD STANDING, PERIOD!!!!!

  8. Someone somewhere assisting Tim Rohr inside snap.

  9. The point is that no matter what Archbishop does or says, they will attack him. Period.


    There is nothing else to say on the argument.

  10. Round and round - said he was twice-accused
    Round and round - that they had banned him
    Round and round - rumors and calumnies

    Having reviewed the documentation presented by Father Wadeson, and following the 2014 reexamination, the Archdiocese has concluded that there is no reason to preclude Father Wadeson from serving in priestly ministry. For this reason Father John Wadeson remains, to the knowledge of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a priest in good standing.
    There is nothing else to say on the argument.

  11. Why are we surprised? Tim Rohr has built his career as a blogger on lies, deception and double talk.

  12. All are alll children of the light walking in individual unique ways within our own mystical experience towards the light. Seems Diana is not aware of the God within herself. When God is in self there is nothing in this world you cannot do. I know I'm going to heaven because I'm with God.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:21 pm,

      When a person says that he/she knows he/she is going to Heaven.....that person has already committed a sin. It is the sin of presumption. If you do not know what the sin of presumption is, you can read about it in this Catholic website:

      As for me, I can only HOPE and pray that I would be in Heaven even though I know I do not deserve to be there.

    2. sticking up for the bishop you will. god bless.there's a lot of good in people that other people don't see.


  13. No presumption. Only true democracy in this world is God. You mentioned Heaven is already here when we live in God's presence. Agree with you. I know I live in God's presence going direct to take my seat at the table of the lord. I live in heaven today as I live with God. I'm going on a direct flight to heaven.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:07 pm,

      The Kingdom of God (Heaven) is manifested on earth through holiness......not in sin. Sin separates us from God, and there is such thing as the sin of presumption. Also, there is no democracy in Heaven because in Heaven, God is the ruler and He was not elected by the people.

    2. whoa.....a person who walks on

    3. yes Anonymous April 16 appears to walk on water...on earth....Hate to break the news to you but our God does not practice "democracy". Follow me or go to hell. We may have the freedom to choose but it is only God that really chooses.

      I'm going on a direct flight to heaven.???? First class or economy?

    4. Many believe they are already saved with direct flights to heaven. Salvation to them is already here.

    5. 5.06am. You need to book your one way ticket to heaven . Plan well, like me, you also can receive first class business seat on the flight. This flight takes you direct to the eternal banquet . Almost like a bullet train. Boy, moment eyes close,second after, you have arrived. you just need to get the ticket and that means walking now with Lord Jesus Christ.

    6. April 18 2015 Anonymous

      sorry my friend; I am giving up my seat the brother beside me; I am giving up that ticket to someone less worthy.

      as for the banquet; I eat the Word of Jesus Christ.......that is enough for me

      have a nice flight

    7. Brother at 1.15pm. Sacred word of Lord Jesus Christ will take you to the father. But the spiritual food of the banquet, the body and blood of Lord Jesus Christ will lead you to the eternal banquet. Cannot stress enough Holy Mass. Lord Jesus Christ says , " He who eats my body drinks my blood has eternal life. He who believes in me has eternal life. Brother, you must believe before you arrive at the eternal banquet. I am simply here to assist miss guided souls find Lord Jesus Christ.

  14. God is the only true democracy in this world.

    1. Democracy is "a system of government in which all the people of a state or polity ... are involved in making decisions about its affairs, typically by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar assembly."[1] Democracy is further defined as (a:) "government by the people; especially : rule of the majority (b:) " a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections."

      you do not chose God.......God choses you

  15. Only democracy is God. freedom, justice, truth, democracy. When you stand on the side truth you stand on the side of God. When you stand on the side of God world super powers cannot even touch you.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:19 am,

      God has nothing to do with democracy because God is a King. And in His Kingdom, only the King rules and makes all the decisions.

  16. I am going to heaven no question in my mind. On my grave will be inscribed " Here rests love."

    1. In Spirit, you have fulfilled the Sermon of the Mount my brother.....but just for thought as you are on the way to your never rest..

