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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How The Way Helps Families

Neocatechumenal Way : Families are destroyed, causing a phenomenon of loneliness

Every four minutes a family in Spain and Italy is broken. This figure demonstrates a major problem with modern society, according to Kiko Argüello. He is the initiator of one of the Catholic Church's largest institutions, the Neocatechumenal Way. It has more than one million members throughout the world. 
Initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way
"Families are destroyed and there is a new phenomenon where people live alone. They're lonely. And being alone makes it very difficult to communicate. Atheists are amazed to see a Christian family. It impresses them. We invite them to eat in a home with seven children and they love it and do not leave. It is ten o'clock at night and do not leave, because otherwise they are alone with a bottle of whiskey. "
He says it's an increasingly dramatic problem and that the Neocatechumenal Way tries to offer the right answer.
Initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way
"We must make Christians. If people do not understand what Christianity is, they will never know God. Nobody offers a path to Christianity. We ask the brothers what sense is there in the suffering in your life? Illuminating the suffering is fundamental. Or how you understand your sexuality, or what is your relationship with money? This is educating them in faith. Well, there are parishes where they merely offer masses and social things but not catechism."
Just a few weeks ago, the Pope sent 250 families from the Neocatechumenal Way on mission. They are going to places where there are no Christians. Argüello said that on that day, the Pope wanted to show them that the Church was with them.
Initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way
"I showed him the papers saying that we had a meeting in Madrid with two million people in favor of the family. Also the Family Day in Italy. And I said, 'How is it possible that after all we are doing for the family, you have not invited us to the synod? Everybody may think that you are against the Way.' And he told me, 'No. No.'   He wanted to show the whole Church that he is with us. "
A million people follow the Neocatechumenal Way, and they are divided into 21,000 communities in 124 countries. The Way is a program of catechesis initiated by Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández in the slums of Madrid more than 50 years ago.



  1. "Just a few weeks ago, the Pope sent 250 families from the Neocatechumenal Way on mission. They are going to places where there are no Christians."

    This. No Christians, ok.

  2. AnonymousMarch 17, 2015 at 9:49 PM

    We can talk about Christians....what is a Christian? Who is a Christian? Are you saying that all the Catholics on Guam are Christians?

    Before you answer or provide a the Sermon of the Mount. Its a start


  3. AnonymousMarch 17, 2015 at 9:49 PM

    This. No Christians, ok

    Anonymous....pleaassee.....are you implying with complete certainty that all the Catholics going to church...not going to church are Christians and the NCW is not needed on Guam?

    1. Not "some Christians" but "no Christians". Telling, isn't it?

    2. Dear anon at 7.50 and 8.14. Your response is what those in the NCW would call a resonance. You heard something in the "word" given by Anon at 9.49. All that Anon at 9.49 said was "This. No Christians, ok.", obviously quoting the article. It is you who jump to the extremes - "are you implying with complete certainty that all the Catholics going to church...not going to church are Christians and the NCW is not needed on Guam?"

      How is that implied? It seems that the article implies that wherever the NCW, there was "NO" Christians. That's pretty clear isn't it. Its also what the NCW claim when they deliver the catechesis. And its also what pretty much all the members of the NCW believe.

    3. AnonymousMarch 18, 2015 at 10:39 AM

      I believe the Pope's comment were abbreviated to suit Anonymous March 17, 2015 at 9:49 PM and Anonymous March 18, 2015 at 10:39 AM comfort level.

      We have many comfortable Catholics on Guam....


    4. AnonymousMarch 18, 2015 at 9:48 AM

      AnonymousMarch 18, 2015 at 10:39 AM

      read the Popes statement....the whole statement..

      Non-Christians who’ve never heard about Jesus Christ and the many non-Christians who’ve forgotten who Jesus Christ was, who Jesus Christ is: baptized non-Christians, but to whom secularization, worldliness and many other things have made them forget their faith. Awaken that faith!

      Stop manipulating the truth

  4. Hope you watched the news! this how the way helps people?!!! Y'all are crazy!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:16 pm,

      You are only doing what Anti-Catholics have been doing. They say that the Catholic Church is evil because of the sex scandal that was covered up. A few misguided priests does not represent the entire Catholic Church. There are many good priests in the Catholic Church. It is the same with the Way. One priest do not represent the entire NCW. There are many more good priests in the NCW. Furthermore, I am glad that Father Luis resigned. He did the right thing.

  5. He did the wrong thing before the "right thing". And he only resigned because he had no other choice.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:19 pm,

      A person always has a choice. He chose to step down rather than to fight to keep his position.

    2. There was no reason for Fr. Luis to fight for his position. He broke his vow of celibacy and to make matters worse with a 17 year old. Unlike Fr Paul, he was fired for doing good that is helping a sinner. At one point, AA allowed this sinner to work in church grounds despite his background.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:27 am,

      Where are you getting your information?? The Police Department stated that he was charged with custodial interference. If it was a sexual crime, he would not be booked and released. But the police booked and released him.

    4. He couldn't be charged for a sexual crime because the age of consent on Guam is 16.

    5. What Luis was doing in car is uncertain. But what is for certain a NCW priest was found in a car with a school girl in school time in a romantic location by ocean. This is a compromising position for a NCW priest to be in. it is a direct result of the lack of formation in the rms. we should expect more scandals on Guam from NCW formed here on Guam.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 8:48 am,

      Let us stop inventing stories. According to KUAM:

      "Balajadia says Camacho was with a 17-year-old female minor who was not in school at the time they were found by police parked at a beach in Agat. Balajadia says Camacho was booked and released."

      Nowhere in Balajadia's statement did it say that they were having sex.

    7. Camacho's case is a criminal case and Gofigan's case is a policy case. Camacho was arrested. Gofigan was not. Sex or not, Camacho should receive a harsher punishment than Gofigan.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 12:50 pm,

      What Monsignor James did was also a crime. It is a "white collar" crime. I have said this before. Monsignor James is very fortunate that he committed a crime against the Church because the Church is not in the habit of prosecuting people. If he had done this at the government level, the government would not hesitate to prosecute him.

    9. Transferring an asset of the Archdiocese to another entity without the express permission of the Finance Council is a "white collar crime" committed against the Church. Its a good thing for the Archbishop he did not do this at the government level - the government would not hesitate to prosecute him.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 2:03 pm,

      The Archbishop did not transfer seminary to another entity because the title is still under the Archdiocese of Agana. Whether you believe that or not is not the Archbishop's problem nor mine. I hear that CCOG is exploring the option of suing the Archbishop in order to get the seminary back. So, how is that going??? Or were they finally told that the title is already under the Archdocese of Agana?????

    11. I wasn't referring to Monsignor James, I was comparing his case to Gofigan's case. However, since you brought up Monsignor James' case, I find it appalling to believe that our AAA will publish Monsignor James "White Collar" crime in our Umatuna vice settle his case in court. I am greatful that our Church is not in the habit of prosecuting people. But it is worse to prosecute people in public without due process. The same concept applies to Camacho. People in Junglewatch are crucifying him which I believe is unfair to him. I believe in innocent until proven guilty. Both Camacho and Benavente should have their fair share in court to explain their case.

    12. It is an alienation of the property, whether strictly transferred or nor. It has been demonstrated time and again that the NCW judge the impropriety of an action on whether or not they get caught, but for the rest of us, a wrong action will always be just that. Whether the CCOG, or anyone else, successfully sues the Archbishop to get the seminary back is not the measure of whether the action was right or wrong. And the fact that you used the words "to get the seminary back" is quite revealing - you obviously believe it was alienated too!

    13. Dear Anonymous at 2:51 pm,

      Please do not make false assumptions simply because I said "to get the seminary back." How else am I supposed to say what the intention of CCOG is????? When I say that CCOG is exploring the option of suing the Archbishop in order to get the seminary back.....I am referring to the intention of their lawsuit. Surely, you do not think that I was going to say that they are exploring the option of suing the Archbishop for the seminary to stay in the Archdiocese of Agana just as it is now?????

      You stated, "It is an alienation of the property, whether strictly TRANSFERRED OR NOT." So, it does not matter if was transferred or is still an alienation of property????? This is the same thing as "damned if you do and damned if you don't."

    14. Dear Anonymous at 2:37 pm,

      You stated: " I find it appalling to believe that our AAA will publish Monsignor James "White Collar" crime in our Umatuna vice settle his case in court. I am greatful that our Church is not in the habit of prosecuting people. But it is worse to prosecute people in public without due process."

      It is worse to prosecute people in public?? The jungle does that all the time with the Archbishop, So, I am not surprised that they are also prosecuting Luis Camacho in public.

      As I recall, It was Monsignor James who went public first. If Monsignor James had not gone public, the matter would have been dealt with and settled inside the Church between him and the Archbishop. Both CCOG and the jungle cried out for "transparency." When the Archbishop remains silent, they demand that he speaks and be transparent. And when he spoke and was transparent, they complain.

      No matter what the Archbishop says, CCOG and the jungle will label him a liar even if he is telling the truth.

    15. Diana, The difference between Tim Rohr/Junglewatch and our AAA is quite obvious but you tend to totally ignore it. AAA is our spiritual LEADER for the Catholics in Guam. He has the authority to transfer priests to other parish without explanation. It is also expected for people in the community who don't agree with AAA to criticize and antagonize his decision. That is something all Leaders will endure. Our Governor moved Directors around. The Superintendent of Education moved Principals around. The Police Chief moved Precinct OICs around. People in the community who don't agree with the moves criticized them. But as good leaders, they don't post in public the details of the move to humiliate their subordinates. It doesn't matter if Gofigan or Benavente drew first blood. AAA should remain focus and stay with the high roads. He is our spiritual leader. The more AAA reacts to Junglewatch, the deeper he puts himself in the hole. That is exactly where Junglewatch wants AAA to be.

    16. Dear Anonymous at 9:57 pm,

      The Archbishop never post in public the reasons why he transferred the priest such as Monsignor James. It was Monsignor James who made the reason public. And the Archbishop was following the Pope when he published the Internal Review. Pope Francis made it clear that he wants all financial report published. CCOG and the jungle also wanted the same thing. Why they are complaining when the Internal Review was published is beyond me.

  6. Why is it so hard to believe that mortal....human man is a failure......we are all losers....all sinners.

    The Apostles themselves were no better when Jesus called them.

    Instead of seeing our own failures.....we are ready to point our finger at others.

    Luis is still a worst. I am praying for my brother Luis.


  7. It is unfortunate that some people think the Way is evil because a brother falls. They forget that the members of the Catholic Church are sinners. I am also praying for Luis. We need to pray for all our priests, bishops, and Pope. If anything, this at least shows that those in the Way are no better than those who are not in the Way.

  8. a youth from the parish, not in community, tweeted the all too common scenario...he said..
    "when a priest speaks truth, we ignore. When rumors or mistakes happen, we all jump to criticize."

    I pray for Fr. Luis in this time. The devil really wants to put something where there is nothing. I am saddened that so many people have decided to take it upon themselves to write their own stories of this situation.

    The formal charge against Father Luis is "Custodial Interference". Nothing in that charge is of a sexual offense but yet we are already hearing about the back seat of the car, and whether the AC was on or not. These rohrbots are really sickening. Their insinuations are okay according to their standards but for Fr. Edivaldo to talk about oranges is not?

    The future of San Dimas & San Dionisio parishes will be rough as we deal again with the sudden change in pastor but the future is certain that God will never abandon his people.

    As a parishioner of San Dimas, I ask for your prayers for the parishioners who may be troubled over this situation. Continue to pray for Fr. Luis, his family and all priests in general. Keep Fr. Julius in your prayers too, as administrator of the two parishes he has a heavy load and a responsibility to the healing process that must take place.

    1. i argree Antoine Tajalle "Custodial Interference" in that custodial interference is not a violation of the law. Such circumstances can include:Protecting a child from danger, Events outside of a parent's control preventing timely transfer (e.g., bad weather), Previous agreements that disrupt custody arrangements (e.g., a trip or special event). come on people, get your dirty minds out of the gutter, what other reason would a priest be doing with a 17 year old girl in a car at the beach,she was confiding in him, and he was just protecting her.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 8:09 am,

      The police report and the news report also cite "Custodial interference" as the reason for his arrest. It is the jungle who is creating a different story.

      They did the same thing when Father Paul was removed. The Archbishop's letter to Father Paul never mentioned Neocatechumenal Way as the reason for removing him. It was Patty Arroyo who created the story and Tim Rohr picked up on it. As a matter of fact, Tim Rohr stated in his blog:

      "On her K57 radio show (Tuesday, July 23), host, Patti Arroyo, suggested a possible ulterior motive for the firing of Fr. Gofigan from his Dededo parish post and his otherwise rather clearly implied direction to go find another diocese.

      In her interview with Fr. Gofigan - and independent of any comment made by him - Arroyo suggested that the action taken against Fr. Paul was not about the status of the registered sex-offender but about the desire of the Archbishop to implement the Neo-Catechumenal Way into Guam's largest parish, a move Gofigan is said to have resisted."

      They were the ones who brought up the "Neocatechumenal Way" into the picture by creating this false story. They are now doing the same thing to Luis Camacho regardless of what the police report states. They were the ones who had been inventing fiction stories since the removal of Father Paul.

  9. Only through grace can we see scripture comes alive in this situation

    ..all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

    To acknowledge my own reality of this truth is ask God for this grace not to live in sin is harder...this is why I walk.

    the Catholics who will be destroyed by this are the ones who look at that building in their villages and see God. In truth...God wants to be build his Church in our hearts.

    the look at the priest and see truth he is just a messenger for the Word of God.

    We may criticize all we want today careful..

    What do you want then? Am I to come to your with a stick in my hand or in love, and with a spirit of gentleness? 1 COR 4-21


  10. They were the ones who had been inventing fiction stories since the removal of Father Paul.

    The arrest was a "fiction".....

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:57 am,

      The story of sexual crime is the fiction.

  11. I, as well as everyone else should be praying for Fr. Luis and the whole Catholic on Guam. What kind of Christians beat a man while he is down? To assume and put awful thoughts in people's heads about the police report? It saddens me that it has come to this. All of a sudden there are surges of anonymous comments crucfying the Archbishop and Fr Luis. How clearly I can see the evil that has infiltrated our people.

    We must pray and love one another. Please people. Would you say those awful things if your name was attached? Let the Church handle the matter. ImHow dare people demand details to further pollute their twisted minds.

    Hoping for peace

  12. Diane ths was published by Sharon O'Mallen in the jungle:

    Sharon O'MallanMarch 19, 2015 at 9:03 AM

    I was hesitant to comment but at the same time I am concerned about everyone's reaction to this story. At this time we don't know the whole story and should wait to hear what really transpired between Father Luis and the 17 year old minor. Was she a relative? a Friend?, a possible suicidal? or something else. Whatever transpired, the best we should do is wait until we learn the whole story. We need to afford Father Luis and this 17 year old minor the same courtesy we had wished the Archbishop should have done to Father Paul and Monsignor James. If we don't, then we are no better than the Archbishop on his treatment of Father Paul and Monsignor James.

    Father Luis will be properly held accountable by the civil authorities. The 17 year old minor will hopefully be counseled so that she does not feel that this was all her fault. She is the minor and we don't want to make her a further victim by our reaction.

    Let us not blacken our souls and say mean and angry things. The CCOG has been doing a great job of presenting the facts and making this a clean fight. This incident is not related to the problem and we shouldn't be distracted by it or become our own worst enemies.

    Please, we should always pray for our Priest, all Priest including Father Luis. I am hoping this is all just a misunderstanding.

    Thank you for listening.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:21 am,

      I am glad that Mrs. O'Mallen came out to say this. I agree with what she says. We do not know the full story. We only know what was printed in the PDN and KUAM.

    2. "The CCOG has been doing a great job of presenting the facts and making this a clean fight"

      "If we don't, then we are no better than the Archbishop on his treatment of Father Paul and Monsignor James."

      Nice to know you agree with these statements Diana

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:39 am,

      Please do not twist my words around. I said I agree with her. We do not know the whole story.


  13. Diana, rms is known as a rogue seminary . As you support all this you support Luis Camacho. This is the brand of obedience that you teach.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:40 am,

      Please be realistic. There are priests who are not in the RMS seminary and who have committed sins and even crimes. Let us take a look, for example, at the priests who were found guilty of the sex scandal. Do you blame the seminary that these priests attended?? Is the entire Catholic Church to be blamed for the sex scandal committed by these few priests? I agree that it does not look good for the Catholic Church that these priests have sexually abused young boys, but who is at fault.....the Catholic Church or the priests who committed the act??

  14. Diana, do you really feel your house is yours if you have given it to strangers to USE in PERPETUITY? that is the point. And it was signed by a guy named Anthony S Apuron, not the Arcbishop of Agana. Remember , your house is yours, but you can't use it. Will you agree? How will your family feel if you did this without asking them??

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:59 pm,

      I already said that the title is under the Archdiocese of what part in that sentence do you not understand????? The house still belongs to the Archdiocese. Perpetual use simply means that it cannot be sold or mortgaged. It is to be used for only one purpose. This keep people like the former finance council from selling it. If the finance council had sold it, then the title would no longer be under the Archdiocese of Agana.

    2. Dear Diana, what happens if the next Local Ordinary does not want to use the property as a seminary. What is the next Ordinary does want to mortgage and build a better suited seminary? What happens if the next Local Ordinary does not welcome the Neo Way in his diocese? What happens if the next Ordinary sees the wisdom to sell and invest for the present and future needs of the poor, the sick the homeless the building and upkeep of churches and schools? These are legitimate questions. Can you answer any of them? Please note that none of these scenarios include paying off bank debts.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:52 pm,

      The anonymous donor said that he wanted the money he gave to the Archdiocese to be used specifically used for a seminary. The perpetual use was made to ensure that his wishes were carried out. The Archbishop should be commended for keeping his promise to the donor.

    4. How is it , Diana, that you are authoritative spokesperson for the status of Yona transactions??

    5. Dear anonymous at 8:37 pm,

      The Archbishop alreadY came out and publicly said that the title is under the Archdiocese of Agana. His story has not changed.

  15. here is what the Popes says...

    Pope Francis gave an example: “when I feel envy in my heart and I know that this envy is capable of speaking ill of others and morally assassinating them”, this is “the wisdom of judging oneself”. "If we do not learn this first step in life, we will never, never be able to take other steps on the road of our Christian life, of our spiritual life”.

    “The first step” then, “is to judge ourselves. Without saying anything out loud. Between you and your conscience. Walking down the street, I pass by a prison and say: "Well, they deserve it" - "Yet do you know that if it weren’t for the grace of God you would be there? Did you ever think that you are capable of doing the things that they have done, even worse?” This is what judging yourself means, not hiding from the roots of sin that are in all of us, the many things we are capable of doing, even if we cannot seen them”.
