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Monday, December 8, 2014

Pope Francis Meets With Kiko Arguello

When I wrote my last post, an anonymous person wrote me to provide the weblinks to my last post. publishes all the public and private audiences of the Pope.  Below is a video from Romes Report of Kiko meeting with Pope Francis on December 5, 2014.  Our Archbishop Anthony Apuron was able to meet privately with the Pope at his request, and now Kiko Arguello also met with the Pope.......a good sign showing that Archbishop Apuron and the Neocatechumenal Way is in communion with the Holy See.   


  1. I notice that Kiko presented the Holy Father with a copy of his autobiography - just to make sure the Pope understood how humble he (Kiko) is.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:26 am,

      Let us be honest here. Kiko did not hand the Pope a copy of his autobiography. He handed him a piece of paper. The autobiography remained on top of his black binder that he carried with him to see the Pope. That is what is shown in this video.

    2. It has been reported that Kiko gave the Pope a copy of his book.

    3. Sorry Diana, but Pope Francis doesn't look too enthusiastic.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:48 pm,

      The Pope is a very busy man, and not many people are granted an audience to see him. The Pope can choose not to see Kiko. However, the fact that he gave the time to meet with Kiko Arguello privately showed his enthusiasm.

  2. Look at what the jungle is saying He may also want the Archbishop to restore Fr. Paul and Msgr. James to their positions and for the Archbishop to "step down", but those are not his primary objectives.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:42 pm,

      What is his primary objective? They are saying that the only thing Toves want is to take responsibility for the molestation of his cousin. Is Toves even sure that his cousin was even molested, considering that he has never spoken to his cousin. Toves admitted that he obtained information about the molestation from fellow seminarians. He never said that he received the information from his cousin or even from his cousin's.

    2. So why is it so hard for the Archbishop to meet with him so he can clear up the so-called allegations?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:51 pm,

      The Archbishop already made a public statement. He specifically said that "the allegations are false." How do you interpret "the allegations are false" to mean?? In other words, when a person says, "the allegations are false" what does that mean to you? Isn't that clear enough?

    4. Where is Carmen in her Addidas t shirt she wears for audiences??

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:47 am,

      Carmen has been ill. She was even in the hospital for a while.
