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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Kiko Arguello and Salvatore Martinez

On December 5, 2014, Pope Francis received a private audience with Kiko Arguello (the Founder of the Neocatechumenal Way) and Salvatore Martinez (President of the Renewal in Spirit in Italy). 

Pope Francis held two private audiences with the heads of Renewal in the Spirit (Charismatic) movement and the Neocatechumenal Way.

In a statement released today, Martinez, the President of Renewal in the Spirit in Italy, said that both recalled the national meeting which took place in June at Rome’s Olympic Stadium.

Martinez also stated that the Holy Father expressed his gratitude for the Family of Nazareth International Center, which is run by Renewal in the Spirit. The foundation took part in the recent Synod on the Families, giving out copies of their book “Rosario della Famiglia” (Family Rosary).

“‘Move without caging the Holy Spirit’”, Martinez said, recalling the Pope’s words. The Pope has shown great joy for the commitment of the Movement in translating a new service of missionary responsibility, the pastoral teachings contained in the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”.
He also stated that the Pope encouraged the members of Renewal in the Spirit to carry on the “spiritual and social renewal of our time.”

Communities in Mission

Kiko Argüello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, met with the Holy Father shortly after in which he explained several new initiatives.

In an interview with Vatican Radio, Argüello said the Pope recognized and appreciated the fruits born of the Way which “do much good for the Church” and “for vocations.”

“I spoke to him about the Communities in mission and of this meeting which we will do to send families in mission from the Way,” he said.

According to its statutes, the Neocatechumenal Way is not a movement or an association, but an itinerary of Catholic formation “in the parishes at the service of the bishop to return to faith many of those who abandoned it.”

“We have roughly 40 communities who have finished the itinerary of the Neocatechumenal Way and offer themselves to the Church to be sent out to the peripheries, to parishes that are in need of help,” Argüello said.

The founder of the Neocatechumenal Way went on to explain that the “communities in mission” help parishes look for those are far from the Church by visiting neighbourhoods in difficult or de-christianized areas. There are currently 15 communities in mission throughout the diocese of Rome who were sent by Pope Benedict XVI on January 10, 2009.

Pope Francis meets with Arguello and Martinez


  1. Kiko Arguello plans to send "communities in mission" to help parishes who are struggling or on the verge of closing down. This article shows Kiko Arguello meeting with Pope Francis to obtain his approval so as to be in communion with the Pope.

    1. And they had to come to Guam because we're struggling or on the verge of closing down??

    2. Dear Anonymous at 6:38 pm,

      None of the Catholic Churches on Guam were on the verge of closing down. Guam was chosen because of our location. We are to take a large role in evangelizing Asia.

  2. Ahh Zenit, at last - it had to happen eventually

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:15 pm,

      And what exactly is wrong with Zenit? Are you saying that Kiko asking the Pope to send communities on mission is false?? From my previous posts of news from Rome's report, we already know that he met the Pope on December 5th.

    2. The director of zenit is fr. Federico Lombardi official spokesperson for the pope. He is a Jesuit I think. attacking him is attacking the pope.

    3. @AnonymousDecember 10, 2014 at 4:03 PM
      Are you sure of it that Lombardi is the director of Zenit? I would be surprised...

  3. Their now claiming in the jungle that the chancery is their place

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:32 pm,

      As I said, it has always been about the money.

  4. Diana, don't you have a better photo of kiko? I don't like the one psoted.

  5. I guess rohr has lost, hard pill to swallow .... c.c.o.g. is a failed proposition. Time to close shop.

  6. Diaa, Tim thinks that he hasn't threatened anyone.

    TimDecember 12, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    Show me anything on this blog that comes anywhere near Apuron's mafioso threat to Fr. Paul to resign or SUFFER A MORE ARDUOUS AND PAINFUL CLOSURE to his assignment.

    In fact show me any threat at all. Apuron is a bully and a coward and is trying to make himself out to be the victim when it is he who has victimized so many.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:19 pm,

      I guess Tim Rohr forgot that he threatened Zoltan's job for disagreeing with him.

    2. Didn't Tim Rohr only question how Zoltan could be a reliable teacher when he was clearly wrong about so many issues?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:26 pm,

      Zoltan was a MATH professor. What does his religious beliefs have to do with calculus or algebra???

  7. Diana, Didn't he threaten you when you posted the PDN picture of the VIBE authors and his daughter was in it? Did'nt he threaten you with FBI and didn't he threaten you by offering a $500 bounty on your head? Apuron really is not the coward, Rohr is the coward for not telling us who really is paying toves. Concerned Catholics Inc are the cowards when a few months ago Apruon had to publicaly place an ad in the paper INVITING those cowards to meet with him? They didn't even leave a phone number. Did they show who they were? No Way, they were cowards. Apuron was willing to talk. Hey, and guess what, now they show themselves. They have come out of darkness. I recall reading stories about demons that they love darkness.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:51 pm,

      Yes, Tim Rohr did all that, and I guess he forgot about it.

      Yep. The Archbishop INVITED to meet with them. And they were nowhere to be found. Now, SUDDENLY, they appeared with their names and demanded certain things from the Archbishop. Suddenly, they are no longer afraid to reveal their names.

  8. A logical man who takes a minute to rationalize the arguments of the jungle vs NCW....Arch Bishop cannot be mislead.

    Comments posted on jw are screened......if a person has a opposing opinion or is just not posted. The person voicing a different is usually "unfriended". So much for balanced forums. So much for truth.

    I believe that we now have a group of people.....concerned catholics that will investigate the Arch Bishop. No specific details as to what.

    If they are in fact concerned catholics; why don't we investigate why Guam.....who claim to be catholics would have a suicide rate that almost doubles the US. How many catholics have killed themselves. How many?

    Concerned catholics???? Perhaps only of their hidden adjenda. I would like to investigate how many of their relatives actually are practicing many of their families are single parents....or have left the church.

    gospel says;
    Matthew 7:1-5English Standard Version (ESV)

    Judging Others

    7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

    yes please investigate......

    1. After the smoke of toves was cleared, the source of the smoke appeared. The source of the smoke reared its head and there appeared in all its glory the one and only 'Concerned Catholics of Guam'. The connection is obvious, toves to rohr to james to paul to c.c.o.g. they are all in bed together. Their agenda is clear - defame, defrock and depose the archbishop AT ALL COSTS.

      How is it that they are 'concerned catholics' who have no real concern about the condition of many catholics here in Guam. Guam has one the highest divorce, suicide, and abortion rates in the nation. We have a large portion of the population living below poverty level. We have one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy and along with that STD's. The majority of families are 'broken' by divorce, 'common law' unions, etc. Now, we have the push to have gay unions. We have a high rate of violence. We have a problem with addictive gambling. Oh, and we are, supposedly, predominantly Catholic! On top of all this is the drug problem - need i say more. WHO WILL DEFEND THE PEOPLE FROM THIS TRAGEDY? WHO? Rohr??? Benavente (money)????? Gofigan (suspect)????? Vangie (is she a divorcee?????), Shinohara/Tommy (check their court record), sablan (he's gonna make big bucks with incinerator)????, perez???

      Their guiding principle: destroy Apuron AT ALL COSTS. These so-called 'concerned catholics' are really concerned about tearing down the moral leadership of the island at all costs. They are willing to sacrifice the moral leader of the island, at all costs. At all costs they will put into power clergy who are suspect and clearly on the side of money. They will go to great lengths to destroy the church at all costs. At all costs they will want the seminary sold for money. All in the name of what? Money, power, prestige. WOW, they are really 'concerned', not about the church, but about power.

  9. why so afraid Anonynous 10:31.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:06 am,

      He/she is not afraid. He/she is simply telling it as it is. I guess John Toves was their Plan A and that turned out to be a fiasco for the jungle folks. Concerned Catholics is their Plan B, and that is not going to fail as well. Why should the Archbishop entertain them when they were not interested in meeting with him a few months ago?

    2. The fact that John Toves came here to confront the Archbishop about the alleged abuse and being denied speaks volumes. I believe it's just the start of more to come.

    3. In my comment published on December 13 at 6:58 a.m, I meant to say that Plan B will fail as well.

    4. Have not mentioned it for a while, but, Diana, you sure do know an awful lot to be a young woman, not, a priest and walking for 8 years. Hardly seems you would have time for work. Will you take a break for Christmas?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 9:43 am,

      We will be attending the regular Mass on Christmas.

  10. Why would the archbishop not see John T? On a pastoral level, he should be like a father to all. But i guess he is not.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:53 am,

      John Toves was not serious about his meeting with the Archbishop. He brought the media with him. The only purpose for bringing the media with him on his meeting was to mock the Archbishop in front of the media so all of Guam can see it. Why did he bring the media???

    2. Bottom line... if the Archbishop is innocent, he should have faced Mr. Toves and welcomed the media.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 6:55 pm,

      The Bottom line is.....if Toves was REALLY serious about having a serious talk with the Archbishop, then he should have come alone and with no recording devices.

    4. Come alone and with no recording it will just be the Archbishop's word against John's. This just proves that Archbishop Apuron is guilty of the allegation, just admit it Diana.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 4:27 pm,

      The jungle criticize the Archbishop for not meeting with Toves. And now here you are criticizing the Archbishop if he decides to meet with Toves. You jungle folks could never make up your minds on what you want.

      What did you expect the Archbishop to say to Toves that you would constitute a lie??? It seems that you already judged the Archbishop a liar regardless of whether the media was there or not.
