Blog Song

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Concerned Catholics of Guam Inc.

A small group of Catholics calling themselves the "Concerned Catholics of Guam, Inc." actually represent only Tim Rohr and his disciples.  How can they represent the Catholics on Guam when no elections were held to vote for them?  All they did was place themselves in power rather than democratically be elected by their peers. And ALL the officers in that organization oppose the Archbishop.  There is not one person there who is neutral. 

They listed as one of their objectives:  Review the practices of the Neo-Catechumenal Way to determine if they are in compliance with their statutes and the precepts of the Roman Catholic Church. 

Who in the Vatican gave them the authority to review our practices and determine whether we are in compliance?  When Pope Francis took over, he ceased all investigations of the Way.  So, who authorize them to start any investigation on the Neocatechumenal Way? 

These people who ALL oppose the Archbishop say that they want to sit with the leadership to resolve problems within the Church.  So, where were they when the Archbishop invited them to meet with him????  Why now are they coming forward with their list of demands?  They demand the Archbishop to meet with them when in the first place they did not even bother to meet with the Archbishop when he invited them to meet with him. 

Another one of their objectives stated:  Support local vocations; provide grants and scholarships to aspiring local seminarians to attend an established and an accredited Diocesan seminary.  In the past, Guam has often borrowed priests in the Philippines because we could not produce enough local priests for our island.  Since the establishment of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, Guam was able to ordain about 17 priests.  With a second seminary on Guam, more locals are now coming out because of the inspiration of the seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. 

Seminarians in the Redemptoris Mater Seminary have come out and assisted in the World Youth Day activities where many local youths see them as an inspiration to join the priesthood.  Now at this time, these small group of concern Catholics are coming out with this a time when Guam is already producing more priests for our Churches.  Don't they think it is a little bit too late for that??  Or perhaps, they are coming out to try and take credit for someone's work. 

If these concerned Catholics really want to help the Catholic Church, why don't they volunteer their time in cleaning inside and outside their church, become lectors, Eucharistic ministers, alter servers, sing in the Church choir, volunteer for office work in the parish, or teach our CCD students.  OH.....I forgot the Neocatechumenal Way is already doing that in the parish.  :) 


  1. Yep, the NCW is already doing that in the parish because that is their take over Mother Church with Kiko's teachings!!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:58 pm,

      Oh ye of little faith. Christ already said that He would be with His Church until the end of time......and here you are believing that His Church would crumble. Do you not believe Christ when He said those words?? The Catholic Church has been standing for over 2000 years. The NCW is Catholic and we are part of the Church.

  2. That is the goal of NCW. That at the end, the parishes will be reconfigured and the members take over parish work.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:00 am,

      If you, Tim Rohr, Chuck White and the rest of the disciples had been doing the volunteer work, we would not be able to volunteer our services because it has already been filled up. People were needed to teach CCD classes, maintain parish grounds, and to be alter servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and sing in the parish choir. If one really cares about their parish, one would do much more than sit in the pews every Sunday Mass.

    2. Must be only parishes with a NEO presbyter. Why aren't NEO seminarians doing "volunteer" work at non-NEO parishes? They really need practice on how to serve Mass and how to behave at Mass, especially when they become presbyters. I have witnessed their serving at Mass and they don't know what they are doing.

  3. C.C.G. should examine their own organization if it is really in conformity with the Catholic Church. It's clearly not.

  4. There you go again saying the NCW is involved in parish life. Please tell me where cause like I mentioned before I do training and seminars and have yet to come across them. In most discussion with the groups the NCW plays a negative role and is counter productive to parish life. You can easily identify them- we know who they are. They even signed the save Pius petition and not one of those names is on my sign up sheets and roster. So Princess Di or shall I say LieAnna. Even I n the parish visits of AAA the NCW are not even present and I went to them.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:06 am,

      Do you honestly think that we would have a sign on our heads saying "I am walking in the Way?" The reason we are out there maintaining the parish grounds, singing in the parish choir, volunteering to be altar servers, lectors, and Eucharist ministers as well as CCD instructors is because we are the REAL concerned Catholics whose goal is to build up our parish.

    2. Now, now, Diana, let's not get this REAL Catholics high above your head! There are those of us who teach CCD, sing in the choir, are lectors, ushers, EUCHARISTIC ministers, clean in and around the church and WE ARE NOT IN THE WAY! Such ARROGANCE! You need to confess your pride as WE ARE THE REAL CATHOLICS! BTW, we do our share at SNF, St. Dominic's, are volunteers at the hospital, etc. MY, Oh, My, PRIDE has gotten to your head!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:03 am,

      That is the problem with the Internet. It is not always easy to try and make a joke. The word "REAL" in capitalized letters was meant as a pun because the jungle usually used the word REAL. :)

    4. Please tell us the REAL Catholics where you all do this? You number less than 300 members on Guam who are walking. Many have gladly left. The state of our faith is 30 years of failed leadership of AAA. So if the NCW was sincere in bettering the church it will join in getting rid of the leadership. What's that? No response? I rest my case.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 5:59 pm,

      There are about 1,200 members in the Way, of which 300 are Responsibles and Co-Responsibles. During those 30 years, the Archbishop has managed to keep casino gambling and same-sex unions from Guam and had ordained 17 priests on Guam. Not one single Catholic Church has closed down, and we have two seminaries established.

  5. 7:06AM - I served my parish, I teach CCD for 5 years and I'm in the WAY. I did not ask for recognition.The WAY is for my Christian maturity development not for accolades or medal. Do you see Tim Rohr,Chuck White and the rest do this in any parish? Saint Fedelis is not a parish just to let you know.

    1. What parish? I know the CCD teachers and have been working along side them for years before you were born and I'm scared of what twisted theology you may be teaching. Don't be afraid!

  6. And the beat goes on . . . You are no different than the blog you admonish over here. The pattern will fit and you will deny and make excuses, but the fact is, you are no better than that which you are so quick to condemn.
    I thought this was an insider's view to the Neocatechumenal Way? Not so much of that happening.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:47 am,

      Did I ever say that I was better than the other? The Concerned Catholics of Guam Inc. has to do with the NCW due to the fact that the NCW is on their list of objectives. Jungle Propaganda has to do with the NCW because they claim that the NCW often uses the word "presbyter" and develop a conspiracy about us.

  7. C.C.O.G is really a self-defeating group because at their heart is not the true life of the church. Their PRIMARY goal as stated is to reinstate benavente, gofigan. The residual effect they hope to bring about is to bring down the archbishop. How sad. If they are really concerned Catholics, they should be concerned about how they have tacitly condoned the controversy, calumny and public show of disrespect against the archbishop. Should they have not called for reconciliation and understanding? Should they have not called these two priests to obey? Should they have not supported the archbishop, after all they are catholic? How can one be catholic and yet publicly call for everyone to act against the Church? Maybe they can call themselves 'Pseudo-Catholics'. Concerned Pseudo-Catholics of Guam. C.P-C.O.G.

  8. If these group want to finance their own seminarian, whose gonna sponsor the guy? Is Concenred Catholic going to build its own seminary? If they send him off island, whose gonna sponsor the seminarian? Whose gonna ordain him? What diocese will he work for? Do they have a bishop who will ordain the guy? Have they thought about this? Maybe they can make their own bishop, or, they can hire their own bishop who will ordaine the men they want? They got lots of work to do.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:10 pm,

      First they will want to remove the Archbishop that the Pope chose and put in an Archbishop that they choose. This is why one of their goals stated:

      "Evaluate the performance of the management of the archdiocese and recommend changes where necessary."

      If you heard David Lujan in the news, he said that there may be some leadership changes. That is what he is looking forward to. So, whoever they choose to be their Archbishop will be the ones to ordain these men.

    2. What news broadcast was David Lujan on? Whose leadership is he soeaking about?

    3. Greg Perez self proclaim Catholic will be Jesse Lujan show. What a waste of air time. Why a waste? He will belly ache about the Archbishop, be a man Greg and face the Archbishop! Your worst than Kanye West, unless he like seeing himself on TV.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 4:05 pm,

      He was on the air with Patty Arroyo a couple of days ago.

    5. As we have seen so often with Pope Francis....he has certainly removed that isn't going to stop him from removing AAA

    6. Warning: I would be very very careful when you attack Greg Perez. He is highly respected and a good man. The victim Apuron molested and had a relationship with was a close relative of his. (Very close). Your Guam NCW kingdom will come clunking down if you treat him as you do others. Let this be a warning to you diana and the rest of the NCW- Apuron isn't as innocent as you think. Keep pushing and I'm sure he can convince the victim to come forward and file the charges. Keep it up.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 9:32 pm,

      Another sexual allegation???? When a person threatens like this, it only shows their desperation.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 8:00 p.m.,

      I trust the Archbishop when he said that the Pope supports him because he was there to meet with the Pope. It was Archbishop who met with Pope Francis twice. You did not meet him. As I said before, Archbishop Krebs already said that the jungle is a hate blog, and I would not be surprised if he passed that message to the Vatican. So, continue to write you letters and emails to Archbishop Krebs and the Vatican.

    9. To Anonymous at 4:05 pm,

      Oops! I meant "David Sablan." I must have been thinking of Jess Lujan's show while I was typing and got the last names mixed up.

    10. When did Archbishop Krebbs call the Jungle a hate blog? Provide the proof please. Or are you just like Archbishop Apuron who can't provide proof to defend anything he has said or done in the past few months? And please don't tell me that Archbishop Apuron doesn't have to provide proof because he's the archbishop. If the Jungle is a hate blog, then what do you call this blog?

  9. It is truly disheartening to read that you blame the division of our Church on the creation of The Jungle blog and now on the Concerned Catholics of Guam Group. I have seen family and friends join the way and then leave the way. In between, the way became their new focus and family. And for some, the way became their only family. Those who we love and care for all of a sudden believed that we didn't love or care for them. They believed their salvation could only be found in the way and not our Catholic Religion. For my family, this division began long before either blog (your's or Tim's) or recently the formed group. There is a name for groups that believe they are the only way to salvation. I'm sure you know what it is. David Koresh, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Shoko Asahara, Fred Felps, Luc Jouret... just to name a few where talented, charasmatic, eloquent, and quite influential on groups of people who needed more structure or guidance than most. They remind me of someone. Can you guess who?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:37 pm,

      You find it sad that I blame the jungle and CCOG on the division. And yet you have nothing to say when the jungle blame the division on us? And then you compare the Way to those who are child molesters and killers?? Where is your evidence that Kiko molested or killed anyone? You do not have any just like John Toves who cannot produce any solid evidence.

    2. To Anonymous @ 10:37 pm -- :That would be Kiko Arguello!

  10. When CCOG realized that the John Toves Show fell flat on its face, they employed this latest tactic of organizing a group that basically had the same message as Toves but with a different face, or faces. No more the show with the puppet toves, now we are treated to have these the faces behind the mask reveal who they are and their plans. It's the same script only different actors and actresses. Does anybody really take these guys seriously? Will the person who funded the Toves show be willing to fund this new show, the CCOG dog and pony show?

    1. Call it whatever you want Diana. John Toves did not fall flat on his face. By trying to meet with the Archbishop several times and being denied, it just goes to show that there IS something the Archbishop Apuron is hiding and hopefully the CCOG will get to the bottom of it all.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 10:49 pm,

      Even BEFORE John Toves was ever heard of, the Archbishop has always remained silent and away from the media. So, John Toves failed. The CCOG is the next tactic of the jungle. They will fall too.


    3. AnonymousDecember 18, 2014 at 10:42 PM

      To Anonymous @ 10:37 pm -- :That would be Kiko Arguello!

      Praying that you start following Christ with your heart instead of your head.

  11. To anonymous 6:30am,

    "You pray that I start following Christ with my heart instead of my head..." My apologies for my timely reply:
    We are, by the grace of GOD, given a mind and the ability to discern right from wrong. A heart, with which, to demonstrate empathy and compassion. These gifts must be balanced and used judiciously for us to make the best choices in life. To rely only on the mind or only the heart would be a great disservice to GOD. Christ is in my heart and my mind...I pray that you may experience the same.
