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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Archdiocese Will Have Three New Priests

On Saturday, November 8, 2014 Guam will have three more new priests.  The ordination will be held at the Agana Cathedral.  These new priests who will be ordained are Deacon Harold, 32, from Columbia; Deacon Julius, 33, from Nigeria; and Deacon Vincenzo, 47, from Italy.  All three are from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. 

Deacon Harold currently serves at San Vicente-San Roke Catholic Church in Barrigada, Deacon Julius serves at San Dimas Catholic Church in Malesso and San Dionisio Catholic Church in Umatac, and Deacon Vincenzo serves at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Santa Rita. 


  1. Diana -- Is it true that they are among the rejects who are being sent to Guam to become priests so quickly? Just wondering why Guam, as tiny as we are, has so many sent our way.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:43 pm,

      I do not know where you heard this false rumors. None of the seminarians are rejects. They were sent to other places (including Guam) by lottery.

    2. Rejects my foot! We should be eternally grateful for these three young men who are giving their lives for our people.

    3. maybe anon@1:43 got his/her info from Father Mike Crisostomo. Who apparently out of love has alot to say......recently on his facebook he had this sarcastic remark about the chasubles at the cathedral....
      "I know right...but its better this way...the chasubles may not have been washed since its last use..Ewww..."
      As president of the Clergy Association he sure takes time out to encourage brotherhood among the priests. God Help us! For every foot forward, we take 5 steps back.

    4. I dont think 8-10 years is considered "quickly" but then again, Anon @1:43 is getting his/her info from the jungle. Too many vines in the jungle, and the vines are hampering any hope for fruit.

    5. They answered the call to help all the real rejects

    6. I remember in the last ordination, Father Mike Crisostomo presented the new priests plaques for joining the diocesan "club" and reminded them they must remember to pay their monthly dues... those in attendance laughed. I hope he Doesn't do that this ordination. It just didn't seem right at all for it to be part of the ordination. Father Mike looked ill at ease and flustered when he made his speech.

  2. 1:43PM how can you say these imdividuals are rejects? So are you saying everyone icluding the saints?

    1. El Camino - What do you mean by including the saints?

  3. It is really great that Guam will have three more excellent priests. Wonderful.

  4. Congratulations RMS Guam, condolence Catholics of Guam

    1. Dear Isaias,

      You are NOT congratulating the RMS. You are insulting them.

  5. It was a beautiful celebration. Out Island is blessed with three priest... God is good!!
