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Friday, November 28, 2014

Archbishop Plans To File Defamation Lawsuit

The Holy Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war, a time to live and a time to die.  And I believe there is also a time to turn the other cheek and a time not to.  The Archbishop is the true representative of the Catholic Church on Guam and the Pope's representative.  According to KUAM news: 

Guam - The archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana is, by nature of the

position, the highest-ranking Catholic locally - and as such, the person who

takes the cloth in that role is usually the biggest target for scrutiny. But

 while it's taught to turn the other cheek and solve disputes through reason and

prayer, it seems the leader of the Guam's Catholic faithful is intending to file a

defamation lawsuit amid recent controversies involving the church.

It's been long and rough road for the island's Catholic church. This year, for example, the removal of Father John Wadeson stemming from allegation of child molestation prior to coming to Guam. Then there was the sudden removal of Monsignor James Benavente as rector of the Archdiocese of Agana, which was received with outrage and disappointment. Then just recently media reports about a man accusing the archbishop of sexual molestation, and then talks about why Archbishop Anthony Apuron really met with Pope Francis in the Vatican last week.

The head of the island's Catholic Church, is back on island and issued a statement exclusively to KUAM - Apuron requested to meeting with the pope and he was granted an audience on November 21.

"I wanted to speak with the Holy Father about the situation of the church in Guam and the critical role we play in the evangelization of the Pacific, we spoke of the challenges and the joys of our church. Pope Francis showed interest to know about Guam and the Pacific," stated his Excellency.

Apuron says that he also invited the pope to visit our island on his way to the Philippines. As for recent allegations of sexual molestation Apuron says nothing could be further from the truth. "It is a horribly calumny and I am obliged to defend not my person but the church. On the advice of legal counsel I will not answer any questions. However defending the church compels me to a suit - a defamation suit - any damages that I receive I will not keep for myself but will be given to the charitable causes of our church."

He adds that he has dedicated his life to spread the Catholic faith through his words and actions and leads through example in his own behavior. "I trust that the members of our Guam Catholic family who have observed my actions and leadership for the last thirty years will know in their hearts and spirits that these allegations are false," he expressed.

The archbishop did not provide any specifics as to who he will file the lawsuit against, but said he will be filing it shortly and will provide that information when its available. The archbishop would not take any further questions.


  1. God Bless You Archbishop. My family and I are grateful for you.

  2. My prayers are always with you, Archbishop. God bless you.

  3. Biba Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron! Love his comment there is a time for Peace and time for war.

    Tim Rohr,Chuck White, John Toves, Agnes White, C Benavente, Gerald Taitano, Janet B (Stay anonymous if I were you), Mary Lou Garcia, Jesus Cepeda, Father Efren, Msgnr Benavente, Father Mike Crisostomo and Jonathan Diaz of Barrigada. A world will take a turn.

    Lastly WE Love you Anthony Sablan Apuron. SINCERELY!

    Manuel Ayuyu - Adacao St. Latte Heights Mangilao

  4. Archbishop Congratulations! We are praying for you and we know GOD is in your side. The EVIL people in the Jungle will be crush.

    Retired USMC "Irish Catholic" who loves the Archbishop - George Santa Rita.

  5. BIBA Archbishop Apuron of Guam, we love you and congratulation.

    Gino C - Sinajana

  6. Diana - thank you for posting this. The Archbishop is no longer a shepherd but a Knight of the Catholic CHURCH. The only way a bully can be stop is to punch him in the mouth. Wha if? His meeting with the Pope, is the list of folks that will be excommunicated? If the EXCOMMUNICATION happens today, the following people below.

    Timothy J Rohr, Chuck White, Agnes White, Fr.Efren, Jonathan Diaz, John Toves, Mary Lou Pereda Garcia, Rev Mike Crisostomo, Michael Blockley, Gerald Taitano, Msgnr James Benavente, Janet B, Deacon Martinez
    Sen Tina Muna Barnes, Bernadette Meno, Owen Bollinger, Rey Dalisay and Deacon Len Stohr.

    Law suit will never be suffice but an EXCOMMUNICATION with second major degree penalty will be proper. Lastly they know who slash the Archbisho's tires. Soon will post the name since this Law Suit will arise.

    1. Dear El Camino,

      The Archbishop stated the things he discussed with the Pope. He said nothing about excommunication. The news report said that he will name the person/persons in the lawsuit soon. I am pretty sure that John Toves is on the list since he was the one who made the sex abuse accusation. It is highly possible that Tim Rohr and Chuck White may also be on the list since they committed defamation against both the Archbishop and the Catholic Church. As far as the Pope is concerned, the NCW, the RMS priests, and the Redemptoris Mater Seminary are part of the Catholic Church. So, yes, they have committed defamation against the Catholic Church.

      If whoever knows the person or persons who slashed the Archbishop's tires and have evidence, I suggest they go to the police on that one. Let the police take care of that one.

    2. Diana- I'm pretty sure they all not going to sleep well these days. I firmly believe that GOD is in Archbishop side. I take no pleasure on Civil Law suit but a decision from our current Pope will be enough for me. They need to be EXCOMMUNICATED.

      Yo amo a la Iglesia Católica y estaré a nuestro Arzobispo . ( I will stand by Archbishop)

  7. Diana: It takes a lot of guts to do a defamation lawsuit. There are many people in the island who are saying 'finally, it's about time!'. Is there a link and a connection between the visit with the pope and the defamation lawsuit? It seems either these are coincidental or separate & unrelated events. Does the Pope know what's happening here? If the pope knows what being done here in Guam, if the Archbishop did get a 'thumbs-up" from Papa Francisco, if the Archbishop did have the guts to break out a lawsuit, if we put all this together, it looks like the Vatican is saying 'way-to-go-bishop-Tony'. We got you covered! What if the lawsuit is just one piece of the puzzle. Could the church excommunicate the likes of Rohr, White, Toves and company?

    About the tire slashing. Didn't the same thing happen when they had the prayer vigil for Msgr. James back a few months ago? Is this what it boils down to? Rohr uses Toves to tell lies; now they resort to tire slashing? What kind of people will stoop this low to attack the Church? When they use this type of violence, the tire slashing, the false accusations, the calumnies, then the Church is correct in making defamation case against these characters. Have they lost all sense of decency and basic Christian values? Can the Church excommunicate these vandals?

  8. Dear Anonymous at 1:15 am,

    John Toves made his sex abuse allegation when the Archbishop was off-island, so there could not be any connection between the defamation lawsuit and the meeting with the Pope. At any rate, it is a good thing that John Toves planned to come to Guam anyway so a subpoena would be unnecessary. I do not think the jungle expected the Archbishop to file a defamation lawsuit. They always wanted the Archbishop to step down and was hoping that this sex abuse allegation would do it. Instead, he decided to file a lawsuit, which I think is the right thing to do to clear his name and to defend the Catholic Church.

  9. Dear Diana,

    Do you think this defamation lawsuit is wise? Don't you think that this can backfire? Think about it. It will bite the Archbishop back. Who can file a defamation lawsuit against the Srchbishop? Let's see. Oh yes, there is Father Paul, Mr. Lastimoza, Father Michael Blockley, Father Efren and many more.

    You seem to praise the Archbishop for doing this, which is the right thing according to you. In the end the Archbishop will fall flat on his face and this will drag in court forever. Who is going to suffer, but the island Catholic community as a whole.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:47 am,

      The Archbishop has already been accused of sexual molestation. If this was you, and you know that it is a false accusation, what would you do? This is a defamation on his name. He has every right to clear his name. The Archbishop has not personally done anything to Tim Rohr or to John Toves who lives in California. Why they keep harassing and persecuting him is beyond me.

      The Archbishop already apologized to Father Paul for the mistake he made. The fact that Father Paul did not forgive him is now his problem. The Archbishop admitted his wrong on this one. Besides, Father Paul has already taken his case to Rome. All he has to do is wait for Rome's decision.

      What is Tim Rohr doing now? Is he threatening to sue the Archbishop by releasing the recordings he has? Why all this threat for a lawsuit? After all, they were the ones who started this. Who was the one who stated that the Archbishop molested his cousin? And who was the one who gleefully published it on his blog?

      The island Catholic is already suffering. The jungle has never let up their persecution of the Archbishop and the Way. The Archbishop remained silent hoping that the jungle would get tired and just stop their persecution. It did not happen that way. This defamation lawsuit might actually be the key to end the division and suffering on the island Catholic.

    2. Diana, looks like the jungle folks are back to being "anonymous."

    3. Dear Diana,

      If you think this lawsuit will end things, I doubt it. This will only bring more harm to the church and the division will go wider. There will truly be chaos. Like someone mentioned, let the battle begin!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:25 am,

      It was the jungle who started this chaos and widen this division even further. If a person truly cares about the Catholic Church, they should never have gone to the media in the first place, but try to resolve the problem within the Church. Did John Toves do that? NO. He went to the media. Filing a complaint to the Archbishop is one thing, but going to the media to make it public is a different story.

  10. Diana - If the Archbishop is innocent and has nothing to hide, all he needs to do is step aside and let the new SARC Deacon Claros do his job to clear his name. Wouldn't you agree?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:47 am,

      Below is what Tim Rohr stated in his blog:

      TimNovember 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM

      Fr. Adrian's errors are just as documented as AAA's. So we'll probably get an outside administrator. I think Rome is waiting until Apuron is gone in order to clean up the whole mess in this region which is why they haven't assigned a bishop to Saipan after 4 years...and also why they immediately accepted Camacho's resignation (though they'll say it was illness related.) But even if we get Adrian, we have a back up plan. His name is John Toves.

      Do you see what Tim Rohr is saying here, Anonymous? Let us say that the Archbishop steps down, and Father Adrian takes over. It is not going to end there. Tim Rohr admitted in his blog that if Father Adrian takes over, they have John Toves as their back up plan. So, what exactly is this back up plan? Are they planning on doing to Father Adrian what John Toves did to the Archbishop?

      Tim Rohr will not stop until he puts the person he wants to be Archbishop in place. Who knows who that could be. Perhaps, Monsignor James or Father Mike Crisostomo?? Who knows?

    2. Diana, look at what Tim wrote in his blog:

      From someone who knows:

      I hope he files a lawsuit because he will then have no choice but to answer under oath everything and all questions in a deposition.

      John Toves will have the right to take his deposition and ask him any questions even remotely related to the suit as long as it may lead to relevant facts.

      John Toves can:

      •ask about the history of cover-ups within the Church,
      •ask about Fr. Louis,
      •ask about any and all sexual allegations file against the Church including all parishes and schools,
      •review and have copied all documents under the possession for the Church, review all financial records, both of the Church and AAA's personally,
      •review all financial transactions of the RMS,
      •review the psychological profile of AAA. VG, Chancellor,
      •depose all employees at the Chancery and the RMS who may have knowledge,
      •depose Fr. John Wadeson,
      •depose Fr. Louis,
      •depose Fr. Pius,
      •depose Giuseppe and Claudia Genarinni,
      •depose past employees of the Chancery,
      •depose all sex abuse victims,
      •and SO MUCH MORE.

      I can't wait!!!!!!!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:55 pm,

      Apparently, Tim Rohr does not know. John Toves made a public statement accusing the Archbishop of sexually abusing his relative. And that is what the lawyer is going to focus on. What has Father Pius, Father John Wadeson, and the rest have to do with it? Father Pius and Father John was not even on Guam at that time.

      John Toves made the allegation that the Archbishop sexually abused his cousin, so now he has to stand by what he said and produce the evidence. I do not know why Tim even bother to publish this. The issue of the defamation lawsuit has nothing to do with what Tim Rohr enumerate on that list. And no......John Toves does not have the right to ask about the history of cover-ups within the Church, Fr. Louis, etc. The focus on this lawsuit is going to be on John Toves' letter of sex abuse complaint

    4. So what about the accusation the Archbishop made about Father Paul having homosexual relations with Mr. Lastimoza as well as Father Efren with Michael Blockley. The game begins on both sides. defamation of character was also spoken of by the Archbishop. The game has begun... Bring it on!

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:10 pm,

      What are you worried about that you are now threatening a counter defamation lawsuit? Are you suddenly doubting John Toves' story????

    6. Diana @ 12:17 -- Once again, either you've misunderstood or are pretending to. I didn't say for the archbishop to step down. I said for him to step "aside" and let the SARC clear his name if he has nothing to hide.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:51 pm,

      If the Archbishop steps aside and allow SARC to take over, and once SARC finds him not guilty, the jungle will accuse SARC of lying because the Deacon in charge walks in the Way. So, it is best to go to court.

  11. No Diana, why should they be worried or have doubts? They are merely pointing out the fact that neither side of the coin is innocent when it comes to defaming someone, least innocent among these notorious defamers is our very own Archbishop. Oh he didn't slander or defame anyone? The fact he apologized about those malicious rumours he spouted in Tagaytay to Fr. Paul says he did engage in those unholy activities. Repent and pray you den of vipers! Hurry, the Lord is near!

    1. Dear Mark,

      You stated: "They are merely pointing out the fact that neither side of the coin is innocent when it comes to defaming someone......."

      Yet, the jungle have always claimed that they stand for the Truth rather than defamation. We already know about the Tagaytay incident, and that is already in the past. Read the post above. The post is referring to the allegations made by John Toves and the Archbishop filing a defamation lawsuit against him. So, let us stick to the present subject and leave out the past.

    2. The Tagayaty incident is not in the is still a defamation of character against 4 people! Four people the Archbishop is accusing of having homosexual relationships! No one has filed against the archbishop, but maybe now is the time! Two can play the same game and it will get dirty!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:36 pm,

      So, what are your back up plans on this one? Are you going to FORCE these people into filing a lawsuit. Your motto has always been about FORCE. You try to FORCE the NCW into changing its liturgy. You try to FORCE the Archbishop into doing what you want.

      Again, why are you so worried about the Archbishop filing a defamation lawsuit?? Doesn't the jungle folks believe John Toves' story? Are you starting to doubt his story that you now have to resort to something else???

  12. All of you have no clue to what the truth is. Any lawsuit will help bring out the truth; so I seriously doubt that AAA will be filiing one anytime soon. BIBA GUAM!

    1. Dear anonymous at 3:57 pm,

      What makes you think that the Archbishop will not file a lawsuit especially when he already made a public statement saying that he will file a defamation lawsuit.

    2. Dear Diana,

      So be it! Encourage the Archbishop to file his lawsuit! At this point I really don't give a hoot! The Jack of Spades will appear! Let the games begin!

    3. AnonymousNovember 29, 2014 at 3:57 PM we know the truth, is you people who continue to drink the Jungle's vomit. Be prepared to see the top 10 lies of the Jungle.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:11 pm,

      I am glad that we finally agree to something. I agree......let the Archbishop file his lawsuit against John Toves.

  13. Diana - thinks this is a bluff, stay anonymous below. Evidently really a pure hate group that continue to hide behind the vale of evil intentions. This is no bluff but reality that would hit the waves.
    John Toves may GOD have mercy on your soul once your EXCOMMUNICATION has been passed. Someone here knows behind the scene of Menlo Park stories.

    How you former seminarian abuse and misuse the money of the Archdiocese while your studying back in Northern California. Not even sense of gratitude that you have a freebee education and resort to homosexuality to submit to sins!

    AnonymousNovember 29, 2014 at 9:20 PM

    in the event Archbishop Apuron Files a case against John Toves then rest assured further cases involving sexual abuse will become public. Utter disaster for the archdiocese and Would take years to heal damage. Very often when one allegation comes forward like this case, others follow.
    AnonymousNovember 29, 2014 at 9:27 PM

    Archbishop Apuron please resign and save the church division and pain.

  14. Diana, I read your response about John Toves that he should take the matter to the church, not to the media. Someone wrote about that in the PDN and Tim posted this on his blog:

    "You chastise Mr. Toves for “casting stones in a public forum” and accuse him of taking a detour. How do you know that Mr. Toves did not confront Apuron privately? You don’t, do you? You don’t know because he did confront Apuron privately. But as usual, Apuron did not respond."
