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Monday, November 24, 2014

Archbishop Apuron Met With Pope Francis

According to Father Adrian, the Archbishop met with Pope Francis and will be returning soon in December.  The Archbishop was never summoned by Pope Francis, according to Father Adrian. 

Therefore, would it be correct then to assume that it was the Archbishop who requested to meet with the Pope?  Perhaps, that is why he unexpectantly flew all the way to South Korea to meet Pope Francis when he learned that he was going to be there.   So, if the Archbishop did request to meet with Pope Francis, I find it interesting that the Disciplinary Arm of the Vatican was there alongside the Cardinal who was on Guam to certify the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.   

According to KUAM news (the bold is my emphasis): 

Guam - Archbishop Anthony Apuron met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. According to the Vatican Information Service, the archbishop had an audience with the Pope on Friday, November 21.

Archdiocese of Agana spokesperson Father Adrian Cristobal told KUAMn News, "I don't know what the details are of the meeting the archbishop is still off island perhaps when he gets back we will get more details overall I cans say is that the archbishop is very happy with the meeting it was a very positive meeting the archbishop was very impressed with the humility of the pope."

According to Father Adrian, Archbishop Apuron was not summoned by the pope. He added that Pope Francis was supportive and encouraging to Apuron. Father Adrian says he expects Archbishop Apuron to return to Guam in early December.

Jungle Watch blogger Tim Rohr finds it peculiar that not only was Archbishop Anthony Apuron given an audience with the but that the pope also met with two others that day and share what he believes to be the reason for the meeting.. "There is a news story in Swiss press published originally in French then German of Archbishop Apuron meeting with Pope Francis over the essentially the hiding or harboring of an accused pedophile priest well we know what that story is because that happened last July with Father John Wadeson," he said.

The two others that met with the pope are Cardinal Muller the disciplinary arm of the Vatican, and Archbishop Convolo who was on Guam last December to certify the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.  

In July the archbishop removed Father John Wadeson from active ministry in the Archdiocese of Agana. His removal followed the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) exposing his past and the fact that Father Wadeson was twice accused of child molestation in California. Father Wadeson was banned from the Los Angeles Archdiocese. The day after he was removed, Father Wadeson left Guam.

The allegations against Father Wadeson have not as of yet resulted in any convictions.


  1. It is so funny to see the way Jungle whatever interprets the facts. I cannot stop laughing at the assumptions that they are making about Archbishop Apuron’s meeting with the Pope. Since they do not have a clue about the reason behind this meeting, they come out with tall stories. Since they were not present at the meeting, they invent fairy tales. They keep repeating the deceptive ‘news’ of a bunch of amateur journalists – the KIPA/APIC press agency. It is so comical. They must be maddened at the audacity of Archbishop Apuron who just went to the top of the Church and spoke with the Pope himself. This took them by surprise. The mole in the Chancery did not report this to Jungle whatever, because this infiltrator did not know about this meeting. They must be shell-shocked.

  2. Dear Anonymous at 10:04 pm,

    You are correct. The jungle did not know that the Archbishop was not summoned by the Pope. They just automatically assumed that he was. I had a strong feeling that it was the Archbishop who requested to meet with the Pope, which is why I never posted anything about this meeting until now. That request was most likely made in South Korea. After all, the Pope was not expecting Archbishop Apuron to be in South Korea.

  3. WOW! DOUBLE WOW! The fact that he met the Pope is already a BOMB!. Way to go AB. TONY! Bishops usually meet the pope when they do their five year visit and the fact that Archbishop got in is really nothing short of a miracle. The pope is a busy man and thousands of people, more important people I think, want to see him. And here is our archbishop from this tiny little island chatting with the BIG GUNS in the Vatican! Kaboom! INCOMING! Look out Tim! Rohr is not only shell-shocked, but the shrapnel must be excruciatingly lodged. Did you hear that? It sounds like gnashing and grinding of teeth coming from the jungle?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:09 am,

      And it was God who managed to get them through about 4-5 security check points. The Archbishop, who was not invited in South Korea was able to get through the South Korean security and even through the Pope's security. This was indeed God's doing. And it is God's will that the Archbishop meet with the Pope.

    2. It was God's will too that the disciplinary arm of the vatican should sit in on the meeting with Pope

  4. how sick is it that you laugh and make fun of others while victims of sexual abuse are trying to live one day at a time. and u wonder why guam catholics aren't receptive or trust your neo club. sickening indeed.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:59 am,

      Nothing in my post above says anything about victims of sexual abuse. If you want to see those who make fun of victims of sexual abuse, just go to the jungle. Do you honestly think that Tim Rohr and John Toves were being serious about this relative who was abused? Below were comments that Tim Rohr and John Toves wrote in the jungle about their "BACK UP PLAN". You can find those comments in the weblink I provided below:

      TimNovember 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM

      Fr. Adrian's errors are just as documented as AAA's. So we'll probably get an outside administrator. I think Rome is waiting until Apuron is gone in order to clean up the whole mess in this region which is why they haven't assigned a bishop to Saipan after 4 years...and also why they immediately accepted Camacho's resignation (though they'll say it was illness related.) But even if we get Adrian, we have a back up plan. His name is John Toves.

      John C. "Typhoon Toves"November 10, 2014 at 8:42 PM

      Early Christmas present for you Adrian! It is only just a tiny teaser on YouTube. You are famous now! The bigger presents will be popping up, especially whenever you threaten people. So enjoy the stocking stuffer! And again, the bigger presents are to follow.

      As you can plainly see, Tim Rohr called this victim of sexual abuse (John Toves' relative) a 'BACK UP PLAN by John Toves." And John Toves called it a "PRESENT" to be given out. What else could they be referring to?

  5. I haven't read any of the blogs for some time now and decided to when I read about this John Toves. I was told about his video on YouTube so I proceeded to search for it when I stumbled on this video called "Guam Archbishop Dances for Money" -

    Sexual abuse is something not to be taken likely. It has to be supported by facts, not hearsay. It also has to be backed by credible people. This video clearly shows the lack of credibility Mr. Toves has. It is unfortunate that Mr. Rohr and "his followers" support this type of behavior. It is now clear why people are leaving the church today - and it is not because of people in the Way. If This is what it means to be catholic, it is sad. Thanks be to God that the church teaches me otherwise.

    I am also saddened that the priests who are not "Neo" sit silently and not say anything. I know they have their differences with the Archbishop, but to not say anything to their Parishoner's and to allow these types of attacks to continue, to condone (by their silence) the evil statements against the Archbishop and others, is really sad. Aren't they supposed to preach about loving, forgiving, turning the other cheek as our Savior has done? I do hope they come out and be more vocal and become signs of Jesus Christ.

    That all said, I thank Mr. Rohr, Mr. Toves, the non-Neo priests for helping me see my sins.

    There is no sin or wrong that gives a man a foretaste of hell in this life as anger and impatience.
    --Saint Catherine of Sienna

    'The person who has surrendered himself entirely to sin indulges with enjoyment and pleasure in unnatural and shameful passions - licentiousness, unchastity, greed, hatred, guile and other forms of vice - as though they were natural. The genuine and perfected Christian, on the other hand, with great enjoyment and spiritual pleasure participates effortlessly and without impediment in all the virtues and all the supranatural fruits of the Spirit - love, peace, patient endurance, faith, humility and the entire truly golden galaxy of virtue - as though they were natural.' --St. Symeon Metaphrastis

    For there are three ways of performing an act of mercy: the merciful word, by forgiving and by comforting; secondly, if you can offer no word, then pray - that too is mercy; and thirdly, deeds of mercy. And when the Last Day comes, we shall be judged from this, and on this basis we shall receive the eternal verdict. --Saint Faustina Kowalska

    ”If a man finds it very hard to forgive injuries, let him look at a Crucifix, and think that Christ shed all His Blood for him, and not only forgave His enemies, but even prayed His Heavenly Father to forgive them also. Let him remember that when he says the Pater Noster, every day, instead of asking pardon for his sins, he is calling down vengeance on himself.”
    --Saint Philip Neri

    "We must love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love."
    --Saint Vincent de Paul

    /s/ a Catholic in the Way

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:23 am,

      I am sorry to say but a few of our non-neo priests are just as bad as Tim Rohr. The priests who chose to follow Tim Rohr have lost their character on what it means to be a shepherd. Below was a comment posted by Father Mike Crisostomo in the jungle:

      Pale' Mike(not Anonymous)Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic ChurchNovember 8, 2014 at 8:27 AM
      Hey Anonymous or should I call you, COWARD! I will be at the Ordination. I dare you to reveal yourself to me then and there. Take it like a man, and come to me...You can't miss me, I am the big fat guy waiting for a coward to show up...Hope to see you!

      Pale' MikeNovember 8, 2014 at 1:31 PM
      I was at the Ordination at 930am...waited for anonymous to show up...but as I said, he is too weak of a soul to reveal himself...the devil hides behind his tail.

      As you can see, Anonymous, Father Mike's comments is very unchristian and unbecoming of a Catholic priest. There is no charity in him. Below is a comment from Father Efren. His comment is too long, so I quoted only the part of his comment showing that he is a sorry sort of a priest.

      Father Efren AdversarioNovember 10, 2014 at 2:37 PM
      Let us not be afraid to fight for our principles. Let us be willing to fight for our faith, our church or for our priests who find themselves silenced by a vindictive administration. Are we not willing to fight for your tithes that are not properly accounted for, and spent for fanciful soirees? Do we not see the farcical gesture of having a secondary seminary?
      Let us see ourselves as a people with the conviction to say Enough Is Enough, and put our face on it? No longer will we tolerate those whose hypocrisy, lies and wrongdoing continue to fester on this island.

      As you can see, Anonymous, Father Efren is more concern about saving the people's tithes rather than their souls. Also, in his comment, Father Efren views the Catholic Church as his and the people's Church rather than as God's Church. These comments can be found in the jungle.

    2. Who are you anonymous Diana to talk about real people hiding behind your mask

    3. Dear Anonymous at 8:48 pm,

      I did not have to say very much about them. What I quoted them in their own comments says a lot about themselves.

  6. I just cannot say this enough, but we are NOT the victorious. The victorious is always the Spirit! When the Archbishop lays his hand upon you, you have to be receptive because you are going to receive the Holy Spirit! This is what those Jungle dwellers do not understand. The laying of the hand is coming straight from St Peter who is apostle among the apostles, first among the firsts. You cannot hurt someone who is laying a hand upon you through the Spirit. You cannot hurt the Archbishop.

    Now Tim Rohr allowed this person to come out of nowhere and make scandalous and false accusations. But who is laying a hand on this person? Is this not Lucifer who is also called the devil? You are a spiritual descendant of those who lay a hand on you. Therefore, are a spiritual descendant of St Peter or of the devil? This is what I say! This person will go back from where he come from, go back to nowhere. But the shame will remain on Tim Rohr and his nonsensical pack of blind followers.

    Here me out, Tim Rohr, you go about hurting the faithful. You hurt them because you turn their face away from the Light. The Light is in the Spirit! Therefore you have to release those who do not belong to you and you have to let go free those you are not yours! On the day of reckoning you will have much to contemplate about. Even if you hurt the shepherd, you cannot hurt the flock. The flock does not belong to you! The Neocatechumenal Way is unshaken by your plots and will grow beyond the point when your voice cannot be heard anymore! If the Spirit comes by laying of the hands, then those hands will be blessed forever. It does not matter how much you try to change that.

    1. This really makes me feel sick.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 4:02 pm,

      Can you explain what it is that makes you sick?

  7. The truth will set us free.

  8. Tim continues to get all His info from a source at the chancery and I dont need to say names because we all know who this person is, even though he denies it. It is very obvious. Tim now shares that "he" knew very well that Archbishop was on his way to see the Pope for a request to get him to stop by on his way to the PI. There were even letters written by one of the catholic schools to be sent to the Pope. The plan was to either have the Pope stop by or send a delegation to Cebu.

  9. The problem with all this is that Tim R has activated hatred in the hearts of the people here in Guam. He, who is not even from this island, has triggered hatred in our island. Our job is to deactivate it. With God's help, it is possible.

  10. "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." Be careful all ye who are saying so many bad things on Archbishop. You may manage to destroy him. But, I repeat, be careful. There is a divine justice.

  11. Our sins are forgiven but there are still repercussion's. timmy r did not trigger hatred....its always been there. We can see his hatred....pray that he does also. He will be held accountable as will everyone

    1. To you all who talk about hatred, it was Father Pius who brought hatred into my heart!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 9:22 am,

      Hatred cannot go into your heart unless you ALLOWED it to go into your heart. So, if hatred is in your heart as you say, it was you who gave hate permission to dwell there.

    3. Dear Anon 9:22 AM - The evil coming from the you is rooted in the heart. Now, if Fr. Pius planted the evil in your heart, then it means two things: either Fr. Pius is a spirit (like and angel) who can enter the heart and thus plant evil thoughts, or, you yourself, as a person of free will and mind, allowed evil to rest in your heart. You did not resist. You did not repent of the evil. You are the one at fault. So, stop blaming others for the evil that comes from your heart. You allowed it there, so you deal with it accordingly by converting and repenting. Go to confession. Happy thanksgiving!

    4. Diana, what do you mean by Pius being a spirit like an angel who can enter the heart and plant evil thoughts?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 10:33 pm,

      I did not make that comment.

    6. Yet, you believe it because you posted it, but did not post my comment about Pius degrading. In the end he will answer to the Almighty God and just punishment will come!

    7. Dear Anonymous at 12:12 am,

      We all know what John Toves did. You need to be specific about Father Pius. Exactly, how did he degrade you?

    8. Diana, the stories of Pius insulting people abound.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 3:59 pm,

      Father Pius is not a pastor in any of the churches here on Guam. He deals with only the NCW. So who did he degrade when he is not a pastor in any church here? Are you walking in the NCW??

    10. Diana - It doesn't matter that Pius is not a pastor in any of the Guam churches for him to insult or degrade people and for you to say that he deals with only the NCW is not true. Do you really think he only talks to people who are in the NCW? Think again.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 6:15 pm,

      You are making an accusation without evidence. I have heard the jungle accuse Father Pius of many things such as telling the Archbishop what to do. Yet, I see Tim Rohr and the jungle demanding the Archbishop to reinstate Father Paul and Monsignor James. And not one single recording of Father Pius telling the Archbishop to do this or do that. Do you have a recording of what the degrading remark is?

  12. The accusation of Toves is second hand. He (they) are only looking for sensationalism and continue in their devilish plan to destroy Archbishop.

    1. Time will tell if it is true or not....
