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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seminarians and Mission Families in China.

Voice of faith wrote the following comment in my last post: 

No recent praises for the NeoCat from Rome. Arguello promised to evangelize China and he got a lot of resources to do so. However, he is not going to China! China is led by communists who are dangerous for the missionaries. So Kiko postponed the mission indefinitely. NeoCat missionaries are not even speaking Chinese! So all this China business of the NeoCat is kinda fake and Rome just figured this out. That is why the Pope is not smiling on Kiko anymore...
I do not know where Voice of faith got his information, but since 2012 five seminaries  are in China.  According to the Catholic News Agency: 
The Neocatechumenal Way currently has five seminaries in China and hopes to carry out further mission work in Thailand and Vietnam.
“I have told young people that we need 20,000 priests for China and five thousand young people have come forward. We have five thousand young people preparing themselves, finding out how much studies they have completed, how they can prepare themselves, how they can receive formation.”

During the Jan. 20 meeting with the Pope, the movement also sent out 18 mission groups “to the aborigines in Australia as well.”

In 2014, Pope Francis commissioned several mission families.  Some of these mission families will be sent to China.  These mission families with their many children will be a sign to the Chinese of God's miracle.  As you know, China's has a one-child policy, which has caused problems today that the Chinese government is considering a two-child policy. Sending evangelizers to communist countries such as China is dangerous work.  I admire these seminarians and mission families who are sent to these countries. 


  1. Why would one send a couple of thousands to China. China already has the presence of the Church, may not be Roman Catholic but still. The Church must stop this Neo-colonization and should stop telling people what and how to believe. This has been the theology of the Middle Ages, "outside the church, there is no salvation" and so the Church through its theology and mindset been destroying peoples and culture. We all just have to look at our culture. The Neo-Cats disrespect of local Chamorro culture is evidence enough.
    The sending forth of mission to China is history repeating itself. The families should stay put in Europe as they are mostly European and be their to evangelize their own.

    1. China has two Catholic Churches. A pseudo Catholic Church run by the Communist government, and an underground Catholic Church which elects it's own bishops. This true, underground church is declining as young people are leaving rural areas for work in cities. The remnants have faith, but lack the theological knowledge of their Faith. These people deserve support and revitalization. This is not detroying their culture in any way but supporting it and offering an invitation to others to learn more. The NCW does not force anyone or tell anyone how to live. The Good News is proclaimmed and it is the Holy Spirit that opens ears for those to hear. People are always invited, never forced. They are asked to consider, "Can you find God in the midst of your sufferings, in your cross?" People can listen or reject, it's up to them. The approach taken is for the catechists to share not only catechesis but experiences of God in their own lives. When people see the love that the community members have for each other and for those amongst whom they live in peace, sacrifice, friendship,and always with humility,it is a powerful sign of God love. There are many Christian missionaries in China so why knock this group and something you clearly know nothing about, especially since you are not willing to put yourself in danger for the sake of the Gospel

  2. I would have much rather you had not published vof's comment on this. The missionaries in china are in danger and any attention you give them only increases their peril. Let her malign kiko if she must but protect the missionary. It doesn't matter how many news outlets have spoken about this. I am even refraining from giving any specifics because I am so afraid for them.

    1. Young and vibrant, maybe Diana and her husband should volunteer for China. A family of three is about right.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:10 pm,

      Even without Vof's comment, it is already in the news. The seminary is in Hong Kong, which is part of China. There are still a lot of persecutions of Christians in mainland China.

    3. goes back to Pope Francis' comments about culture. respect the culture and further, it's government. When Chinese authorities see the NCW movement usurp their authority it will further strain relations ultimately between the Holy See and the ROC.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 5:18 pm,

      The NCW is located worldwide. Which countries' government has the NCW usurped so far? None.

      You say that the NCW will further strain the relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China? What relationship? Vatican City and China has not had any good relations since 1951. The relationship between the two has been strained for a very long time.

    5. Diana REVEAL yourself or keep quiet. Does KIKO approve of your masked missionary work? Diana the Dishonest. Your gig is up. Don't you feel just a little bit guilty? A teeny weenie bit? Diana, did the Apostles do thier work in secret using a false name? NO. Soon I am going to ask the Archbishop personally if you are approved by him. He is coming to our parish. Very Soon. Alot of people will be interested in his answer. His face will turn RED. Just wait. That's what happens when you lie.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 6:23 pm,

      Do I feel a little guilty? Nope! I am going to sleep now. Good night.

    7. You see Diana, something is very fishy about this propagandist China campaign of the NeoCats. I would be very interested to know more about the 5 NeoCat seminaries in mainland China. Apparently, these might not be real seminaries, but some home schools without students. Arguello is an expert in selling appearances rather than real facts. But Rome learns how to figure out NeoCat exaggerations and will accept valid, justified results only.

      Having a seminary in Hong Kong is like having it on Guam. This is the safe way, where 80-85% of the population is Catholic. But NeoCat missionaries do not endeavor into mainland Chinese cities where they would be challenged. They would be challenged by common sense Chinese people who do not want to exchange blind obedience to the Communist government, what they have to accept now, to another kind of blind obedience to NeoCat leaders. NeoCat is nothing but a strange cult for the Chinese. If there is no message of liberation in Christ for them, then there is no message at all! It is too bad that the NeoCat message sounds more like a bondage to a proto-Catholic sect rather than a true liberation.

    8. Dear voice of faith,

      First of all, Catholicism only makes up 5% in Hong Kong. Also, Hong Kong is part of China, and one has to start somewhere if one wants to evangelize in China. So, of course, why not start in Hong Kong?

    9. I agree with Anonymous on October 9, 2014 at 2:10 PM. Better leave the issue. Let them think "the Pope is not smiling" on us, haha. Anyway, the more the Holy See does smile on us, the angrier they are. When they think the Pope is reprimanding us, they leave us in peace a little more.
      VOF's comment displays total ignorance; I say, better that way.

  3. yes. and once the ROC learns of further underground movements the more strained any relationship with Vatican will be. What is weak and strained will become weaker. The ROC rejects the Vatican's authority over it's bishops in China. So if you're not in there with the blessing of China and you go around to purport to say that the Pope himself sent you.....

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:10 pm,

      In the Acts of the Apostles, the Pharisees told them not to preach about Jesus Christ. The Apostles refused to listen because Christ told them to preach even to the ends of the earth. We are to follow Christ. The Vatican condemned the persecution of Christians in China.

    2. Dear Anonymous on October 9, 2014 at 7:10 PM,
      First of all, the ROC is Taiwan. The People's Republic is usually abbreviated as PRC. In the ROC there is no need for underground Church, because there being in communion with the Holy See is not forbidden. In the PRC it is. The "above-ground" church on the mainland is not in communion with the Holy See, even though the Holy See is seeking communion with them.
      Secondly, our baptism sends us. The Pope apparently agrees with this, which you would know if you read the things he says.
      Thirdly, do you seriously think that the Vatican wants better relations with the PRC at the expense of the faithful who are in communion with the Pope? Do you think the pope asks the government before he appoints a bishop of the underground Church (which he always does in secret)?

  4. you want to see evangelization in China? here: A Chinese bishop who suffered 14 years of imprisonment and forced labor at the hands of the Communist regime has died at the age of 89.

    Born in 1925, Bishop John Chrysostom Lan Shi was ordained to the priesthood in 1954 and arrested in 1965. With the mandate of the Holy See, he was ordained coadjutor bishop of Sanyuan in central China in 2000.

    The prelate died on September 21, and the Fides news agency and Vatican website reported on his death on October 8.

  5. The NCW is in China is a fact....not through the blessing or will of any one on earth... certainly not from people who are not in communion with spirit of God.

    1. Whether one is in communion or not with God is ridiculous! God can use Anyone, anytime, anyplace. Look at Diana and Tim's blog. You have a mix of pro/con.......on both sites, yet God uses both blogs to allow everyone to seek him.

  6. Dear Anonymous at 7:00 am,

    The NCW is also re-evangelizing in Europe, so it is not about the money.

  7. @AnonymousOctober 10, 2014 at 7:00 AM
    Why bother when there are billions who do not know Christ? Your post is scandalous: not enough that you don't bother, you are telling others not to bother. Not to mention that it is foolish also: do you really think someone earns money by going to evangelize in Asia? If I wanted to make money, I could think of a few ways; evangelization would definitely not be one of them...

  8. Ummm there is a Disneyland in Hong Kong. It is a huge tourist area and is safe. Let's not be dramatic here

    1. I am guessing you do not watch or read the news much.
