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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Financial Disclosure Of Archdiocese of Agana

The financial disclosure of 2012 and 2013 of the Archdiocese of Agana can now be viewed in its website.  However, the financial report does not include the Catholic Social Services, Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc, and the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary.  The financial statements of these organizations will be disclosed separately in their websites. 

You can view the financial disclosure of the Archdiocese of Agana in the following website: 

Disclosure of Financial Statement

In July 31, 2014 Archbishop Apuron made the following statement, which can be found in the Umatuna.  According to the Archbishop: 

The Archdiocese of Agana has been working diligently to review its financial condition with the help of the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche and the Archdiocesan Finance Officer, following the indication of Cardinal Filoni, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Together with the Archdiocesan Finance Council, I decided that on an annual basis the Archdiocese of Agana, Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc. and the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary of Guam will publish the financial reports and financial review.

I am pleased to tell you that through this review we have verified that the overall financial situation of the Archdiocese is healthy and that the debt of the Archdiocese in the past years has been reduced by twenty percent (20%).

However, two (2) entities of the Archdiocese, the Agana Cathedral-Basilica and Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc. have about seven million dollars of indebtedness which has been reduced only marginally and which accounts for about one quarter of the total indebtedness of the Archdiocese of Agana.

Moreover, Deloitte & Touche has determined that the accounting practices, especially of the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc., are “inappropriate”. Deloitte and Touche, listing the cases of inappropriate accounting, concluded that an audit is not possible until appropriate accounting has been reestablished in The Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc.

College of Consultors and the Archdiocesan Finance Council about this situation, and they expressed their support.

Based on these findings, I have decided that a change in administration in these two entities, the Agana Cathedral- Basilica and The Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc., is necessary and urgent to reestablish proper accounting practices and to complete the financial review, financial report and the audit.

The statement made by the Archbishop about the Church being healthy is true.  The June 2013 report showed an excess of $400,000.  It would be interesting to see the report on the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam, Inc. when it finally comes out.   


  1. Yes, and being that Archbisop Apuron is the pastor, it would be very interesting indeed AND it would also be very interesting when Pope Francis finally removes him like he did Paraguay's Bishop Livieres.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:20 am,

      If it turns out that there is financial mismanagement, it would only justify the Archbishop's removal of Monsignor James.

    2. But the financial mismanagement was that the funds intended for the operations of the diocese were diverted to the Neo's to use at their discretion???? How is that MSGR James' fault? And why are you boasting of it when your NEOs were the ones who received the funds???? Oh, now I get it. Either way he gets blamed and you got the funds. Clever!! :-)

    3. Dear Anonymous at 11:05 am,

      The parish and the Archdiocese does not give the NCW any money. We pay everything on our own.

    4. How can you say you pay everything on your own when the Archdiocese pays for the RMS operations, utilities, etc. Parishes/communities sponsors seminarians; when the seminarians eat, sleep, use parish vehicles....aren't those paid for by the parishes/Archdiocese? Again, clever.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 12:22 pm,

      The Archdiocese pays only 20% of the Seminary in Yona while the RMS pays the 80%. The brothers in the community who has seminarians are also the ones who provide transportation for the seminarians whenever they have celebrations. They also wash their clothes. The community also pays for the seminarian to go other trips such as the last one in the Philippines.

    6. I meant to say that the Archdiocese Annual Appeal pays 20% of the Seminary in Yona while the RMS pays 80%. The John Paul II Seminary, on the other hand, gets 100% of the Archiocese Annua Appeal, if I am not mistaken. That is what I understood when the Annual Appeals report came out.

  2. Watch the jungle very carefully now. Tim began his rants by saying that the problem in Guam was the archbishop and that his evilness led him (Tim)to investigate the NCW.

    Now he is going to start very subtly to change his tune. First he is preparing the way to stop his focus on the archbishop. He began today with his post on kiko. Slowly you will see him modify some of the language he uses. Not the insults mind you, just the phrasing with which he makes certain statements.

    Finally this I-know-better-than-the-popes man will focus ever more on the way and the people who frequent it.

    I thought that the word persecution was a bit an exaggeration at first. But reading the jungle today I see that it was indeed not an exaggeration. He is mounting a full blown campaign.

    It shows that he is afraid. Afraid of that his corrupt dealings with mnsr James will come to the light. He needs to create such an atmosphere of hate that his own evil will be hidden.

    Mark my words. Watch as he changes his tune.

    1. I don't see your point, Anonymous at 9:25 AM. All criticism directed to the Archbishop have some validity as more and more facts are revealed. I recommended to Tim to focus on the exposure of questionable NeoCat teachings and practices, because this is something everyone would promptly understand. It is up to him if he follows suggestions like this or not.

      There is no persecution when we try to correct some of the misunderstanding you guys exhibit in presenting the Catholic view in your particular way. Your concept of Jesus' identity and Abraham's faith is under considerable criticism. The way you talk about "idols" is much reprehensible. Privacy and family life is never an idol! Individual freedom and liberties cannot be idol either. Your demand of blind obedience to your "catechists" is just an scheme of subjugation. You want us to be silent, but you judge us at every turn. Is this your policy of "not judging others"?

      You see there are a few things that we point out to you as areas of much needed correction and improvement for the NeoCat. Why would this be persecution? All we ask from you guys is that you don't touch decent doctrines of the Catholic Church, but present the true and approved Catholic view for your members.

    2. Tim published everything you guys wanted from him. So where is the recognition of his good faith?

    3. you try to correct our misunderstanding? the popes say go ahead and sent hundreds of families to propagate the NCW and you want to correct that? a little presumptuous maybe? You are joking right? and how is it that you are strategizing with Rohr about how to correct us? you do realize that he is ultra conservative. The liberal and the conservative who cannot agree on theology or liturgy or politics can agree that the NCW has to be suppressed (murdered). So whose version are we to follow? your nuns on the bus approach to Catholicism or his rorate cieli? You know there is a precedent for this situation? The Gospel speaks about this. And from that day Pilate and Herod were friends (LK 23:12).

  3. Now that the Archdiocese has published its financial statement, Tim Rohr should have the decency to publish how much of our money he received from Mgr. Benavente when he was on his payroll. And for the sake of transparency he should include how much money he received from his plea for help on his blog,

    What is good for the for the goose is good for the gander. Let us hope he is man enough to tell us.

    1. Anon at 12:50 PM -- You've got to be kidding. Unlike the archdiocese, Tim Rohr does not need to publish anything for transparency. You're hilarious!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 8:49 pm,

      What I find suspicious is Tim Rohr demanding that the Archbishop publish the entire financial report except for his salary while working in the Archdiocese. His salary and the salary of all the employees is part of the expenditures of the Archdiocese. There are even some private companies who chose to be transparent by publishing their employees' salaries.

    3. Of course, that's if the salaries of ALL the employees were published. Now, if it was only Tim's salary was published, that's a different story.

  4. How can we support an outsider like Tim Rohr who constantly attacks so viciously our beloved Chamorro Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron? Innumerable times foreigners dictated our national interests, acting as if they knew better, treating us as if we were stupid and ignorant. We cannot let this happen again. Our Archbishop is a wise and holy man. We love him. He is one of us.

    1. Deacon Tenorio - Is this you? You're the only one so far whom we've heard proclaim your love for the Archbishop.

    2. No, I am not Deacon Tenorio. I am sorry, dear Anonynous

    3. Brother, how can we, the universal Catholic church call Tim an outsider? So now the NEOs are racist? Aren't the seminarians and prysbeters non-chamorro? So, if you condemn and cast out Tim, are you willing to cast out all non-chamorros? Get thee behind me neocatechumenal way person (Satan).

  5. Well, let me say it. It is bizarre that someone who was on the payroll of the Cathedral for years decided to spend his entire working time attacking and making fun of Archbishop. The Cathedral was paying him and instead of doing his job he was writing against the leader of his Catholic Church. (He himself admitted that he spent days ‘investigating’ (!) for his hate blog.) It does not make sense. I give you money and you assault me.

    This fact speaks volumes about Mgr. James who hired him.

    And about Archbishop who allowed this abuse against him in his own home. Any other person, less holy than Archbishop, would have asked him to leave his job at the Cathedral.

    And by the way, does anyone know what was his job? I have asked around and no one seems to know. Hardly anyone saw him at the Cathedral during Office Hours. Perhaps he came after office hours to plot against Archbishop.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:14 pm,

      That is a good question. What was Tim Rohr's job under Monsignor James?

  6. Um, Tim explained everything in detail on his blog, to include dates, salaries, and a W2 to boot. Yet one has not seen a shred of any documentation regarding the Neo's profits, donations, expenses, etc. By the way, all other "itinerary of growth in the faith" groups gladly make their instructional documents for all "levels" available for public viewing. Why is the NEO so secretive with theirs? Oh, that's right, don't question, just obey and hand over your property deeds and income, we're your family now.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:56 am,

      Tim was one of those demanding that the Archdiocese publish the financial report, and Tim was working under the Archdiocese, so his salary along with the rest of the employees salaries can be published. The Archdiocese was correct in publishing the financial report in the Umatuna. They do not need to publish it in the PDN because they are not a public institution. The NCW has announced how much it has collected whenever there was a collection made. That does not need to be published to you because you did not contribute anything to it. However, it is announced to the brothers. Even at the Beginning of the Year Convivience, the cost of the hotel accommodations and meals are announced to the brothers and how much they have to put in for it. The NCW pays for it.

    2. you still haven't answered the question: all other "itinerary of growth in the faith" groups gladly make their instructional documents for all "levels" available for public viewing. Why is the NEO so secretive with theirs?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 4:14 pm,

      An anonymous poster under the thread in one of my posts said that it is made available. The anonymous poster is probably a catechist and is able to find where to order the books.

    4. Because the NCW is the only itinerary of catholic formation where people do not charge the diocese or the parish or the people to evangelize. Since everything is free, there are no accounts.
