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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Camino Neocatecumenal JMJ Madrid 2011

In the last World Youth Day, the Neocatechumenal Way sent about 40,000 youths to Brazil. Although the video below was from the World Youth Day of 2011, it showed the experiences and impact that the Way had on the youths during these events.  The next World Youth Day will be in Poland.  Remember the youths.....our children.....the future Church. 


  1. Enthusiastic youth. On a pilgrimage. Announcing the Gospel. Wanting to see not a pop star but the Pope. Visiting Churches. Listening to priests and elderly people. Recreating themselves in a healthy way.

    The future of the Church is bright with these kind of youth.

    And some people criticize Archbishop Apuron because he supports these youth. And some people want to destroy the Neocatechumenal Way.

    I do not understand….

  2. See there is only one comment here. OK. I'll make one. The NCW HIJACKED the World Youth Day to the extent that others think they are not welcome. Kiko riding along on the back of the organizers. the YOUTH DAYS do not belong to the NCW. Bold, obnoxious.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:28 am,

      Who said that the World Youth Day belongs to the NCW? The World Youth Day is for all youths. And the fact is the NCW was able to send about 40,000 youths to the last WYD in Brazil. We send our youths to the WYD, so what is wrong with that?

  3. Anonymous September 30, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    your comment is bold and obnoxious. The Popes always acknowledges the NCW way youth in each WYD as evidence of the thousands of young men and women who have answered Gods calling to serve as priest and nuns. This can only be the work of the spirit. Your comment is not only contrary to this spirit but utterly ridiculous.
