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Monday, September 22, 2014

An Exercise In Futility

A friend of mine has been reading my blog on a daily basis, and he offered his observation based on the comments in the threads.  I thought his observation was excellent and decided to publish his comment on my blog.  His observation are the following with some highlighted points: 

A deacon aired his view on PDN that Archbishop should answer to the criticism that this dude on ‘Jungle or Wilderness something’ is presenting. Well, I hope Archbishop has more important things to do than to read and answer this nonsense. Moreover, does Deacon believe that these people, who are behind this blog, really care about the truth? 

    The Popes, not one, not two, not three but ALL the recent Popes have said that the Neocatechumenal Way is great and we have presented excerpts of their speeches and their documents. Since 1974. 40 YEARS OF constant APPROVAL FROM THE SUPREME PONTIFFS.  These gentlemen discard them as irrelevant. And they claim that they are Catholics.

    The Holy See have studied and, not only approved, but lauded our catechesis and they still claim that these catechesis are heretical = deviating from the Catholic faith. What is the point of even reasoning with these folks if they do not listen to Rome?

    We have furnished a whole list of Cardinals and Bishops who favor the Neocatechumenal Way. They reject their testimonies and then this one bloke had the cheek to make a whole story and publish it in PDN about one (I repeat, one) Bishop in the Philippines who wrote a letter somewhat against the Way!!!

    We have the Statutes approved by the Holy See.  Coolly they put them aside as inappropriate. Where is their Catholicity?

    Many brothers and sisters dared to share their lives in public. They made fun of them. Insensitivity at its worst.

    TWO POPES, innumerable Cardinals (even Cardinal Canizares who at the time was the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments - February 2013) celebrated the Eucharist the way we do it.  And yet they keep harping the same broken disk that we are not obedient.  So neither the Pope nor the Cardinals are obedient?!!

Sometimes they write that the Neocatechumenal way is wrong – other times they claim that only the leaders are wrong…. Which is which? As Dr. Eusebio wrote, “you claim that you have problems with 1% of the Neocatechumenal Way. No, you have issues with 99% of the Way.”  One simple question : Are these people more knowledgeable than the Popes!?

They constantly finish their rants by digging at the Archbishop that is allowing these things to happen in his Archdiocese.  If the Pope himself allows “these things” in his diocese, give me one good reason why should Archbishop not allow them?



  1. Diana - Although the Pope allows it, he does not force it, unlike Archbishop Apuron.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:30 am,

      If you remember, the Bishop of Japan wanted to take the Way out of the country. The Pope intervened and said no. The Way stays in Japan. Was the Pope forcing the Bishop to allow the Way to remain in Japan when the Bishop wanted them out? The Bishop must be obedient to the Pope. In the same way, the priests must be obedient to the Archbishop. It is not "force" when the priests made a promise to obey the Archbishop.

    2. Diana - Who is this Bishop of Japan? Is there one for the whole country of Japan?

    3. Oops! I meant the Bishop in Japan.

  2. "this one bloke had the cheek to make a whole story and publish it in PDN about one (I repeat, one) Bishop in the Philippines who wrote a letter somewhat against the Way!!!"

    Apparently, there's more than one. Archbishop Apuron also called out a Cardinal who was against the Way.

    1. It is true there are more than one. But they are the minority. The number of Cardinals and Archbishops who support the Way is staggering... We may add that there are countless other Bishops who support the Neocatechumenal Way. Three Bishops were formed in a Redemptoris Mater Seminary and still participate in all the activities of their respective community. They are
      • Bishop Marcos Antônio Tavoni, Bishop of Bom Jesus do Gurguéia, Piaui [Brasil]. Formed in the Redemptoris Mater of Brasilia [Brasil].
      • Archbishop Javier Augusto Del Río Alba, Archbishop of Arequipa, Peru. Formed in Redemptoris Mater – Callao [Peru]
      • Bishop Peter Baldacchino, Auxiliary Bishop of Miami, formed in Redemptoris Mater- Newark [USA] He hails from the same Neocatechumenal community in Malta as Father Pius.
      Besides these three, other Bishops, who we know, walk the Neocatechumenal Way are
      • Bishop José Luis Del Palacio y Pérez-Medel, Bishop of Callao [Peru]
      • Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski, Bishop of Legnica [Poland]
      • Bishop Peter Machado, Bishop of Belgaum [India]
      • Orani João Cardinal Tempesta, O. Cist. Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro [Brasil]

      Some of the Cardinals who are openly in favor of the Way
      • Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, O.P., Archbishop of Wien [Austria]
      • Philippe Xavier Ignace Cardinal Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon [France]
      • Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
      • Darío Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”
      • Paul Josef Cardinal Cordes, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”
      • Stanisław Cardinal Dziwisz, Archbishop of Kraków [Poland]
      • Péter Cardinal Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest [Hungary]
      • Fernando Cardinal Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
      • Julián Cardinal Herranz Casado, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
      • Gérald Cyprien Cardinal Lacroix, I.S.P.X., Archbishop of Québec [Canada]
      • Nicolás de Jesús Cardinal López Rodríguez, Archbishop of Santo Domingo [Dominican Republic]
      • Theodore Edgar Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, District of Columbia [USA]
      • Joachim Cardinal Meisner, Archbishop Emeritus of Köln [Germany]
      • Kazimierz Cardinal Nycz, Archbishop of Warszawa, Poland
      • Sean Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts [USA]
      • Marc Cardinal Ouellet, P.S.S., Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
      • George Cardinal Pell, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy
      • Vinko Cardinal Puljic, Archbishop of Vrhbosna {Sarajevo} [Bosnia-Herzegovina]
      • Paolo Cardinal Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo [Italy]
      • Antonio María Cardinal Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid [Spain]
      • Pedro Cardinal Rubiano Sàenz, Archbishop Emeritus of Bogotá [Colombia]
      • Stanisław Cardinal Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
      • Odilo Pedro Cardinal Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo [Brasil]
      • Telesphore Placidus Cardinal Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi [India]
      • Orani João Cardinal Tempesta, O. Cist. Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro [Brasil]
      • Christian Wiyghan Cardinal Tumi, Archbishop Emeritus of Douala [Cameroon]
      • Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala, Archbishop Emeritus of Kampala [Uganda]
      The list of Archbishops and Bishops who openly endorse the Neocatechumenal Way is so many that it would be very challenging to simply enumerate.
      We can just add that there are hundred Cardinals/Archbishops/Bishops who esteem and value so highly the Neocatechumenal Way that they have asked for a Redemptoris Mater seminary in their countries.
      Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron is in good company.

    2. Just this weekend the Cardinal in Korea asked for a REDEMPTORIS MATER SEMINARY for Korea. Like Archbishop Apuron!

  3. "Dr. Eusebio wrote, “you claim that you have problems with 1% of the Neocatechumenal Way. No, you have issues with 99% of the Way.” And who is this Dr. Eusebio??? Is he the other spokesperson for the neos?

    1. Dr Eusebio is simply a guy who knows more about the Neocatechumenal Way than most of the blokes who voice their opinions so loudly and so mistakenly.

    2. So Diana is Dr. Eusebio!

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:45 am,

      I am not Dr. Eusebio.

  4. They tell me that the dude on ‘Jungle Wilderness something’ claims that the Neocatechumenal Way does not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. This is an outlandish claim.
    1, This guy is not a theologian.
    2,This guy does not have a clue what the Neocatechumenal Way teaches.
    3. Mgr. Bibi – he asserts - said that this is not true. But he apparently knows better than Mgr. Bibi.
    4. And so his claim is just ridiculous.
    5.But we should not be surprised because the early Christians were even called atheists! And incestuous cannibals!!!
    +++++ This is the power of rumor and stupidity.

  5. Archbishop forced the Neocatechumenal Way on no one. This is another rumor that has already been repudiated. No point in repeating it.

    1. Anon @ 8:59 AM - It is not a rumor. There ARE letters with the Archbishop's signature on them to prove it. And actually, there is a point in repeating this over and over again.

    2. Anonymous September 22, 2014 at 12:18 PM

      so are you a priest or a deacon? How can we address your holy orders...your oath to the first priest Jesus Christ?

  6. In the jungle, they are spreading the false rumor that the NCW does not believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist. We have always believed that the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, so how did the jungle come up with that conclusion.....especially when we have always been saying that we believe in the Real Presence. Do we have to take a lie detector test to prove it????

    Only God can see the hearts of men and determine whether he/she is lying or not. So, how did the jungle come up with this conclusion that we do not believe in the Real Presence? This is why one should never listen to the jungle. They have never been to a catechesis or a Eucharist of the Way; yet, they claim to know everything about the Way. Now, they are making themselves as God determining for themselves who is lying and who isn't.

    1. So what happens when the crumbs fall on the floor? Do you dust your hands off after consuming or do you wash your hands?

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:08 pm,

      We take the crumbs from the floor and eat it.

    3. You admit that crumbs fall on the floor?!!

    4. Dear Anonymous at 5:30 pm,

      No. But IF it does fall on the floor, we would eat it because it is the Body of Christ.

    5. The Neo-catechumens do not believe in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist!!! Anyone can say antyhing but does not mean that anyone is right. I can say that Tim Rohr is a freemason. But that does not mean that this is correct. In fact Mr. Rohr is not a freemason.

  7. Because Kiko defends that the Eucharist is an eschatological banquet, that Christ would come to serve you as you sit, meaning you are joining the REAL PRESENCE of Christ at the table. And since he is, then the bread and wine no longer serve the embodiment of Christ.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:49 pm,

      In a regular mass, is not the priest "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ)?? How is that different from the priest in the Way who is also "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ)?

    2. Diana - So what you're saying then is that we're doing it wrong in the "regular mass" and Kiko's teaching is the right way?

    3. Diana -- You agree then that the reason why the neos sit when they consume bread and wine is that the Eucharist is an eschatological banquet (as Kiko calls it) where Jesus Christ comes to serve you as you sit and that you are joining His real presence at the table?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 8:31 pm,

      Why are you answering a question with a question? I asked whether the priest in the regular mass is "in persona Christi"? Do you believe that the priest in a regular mass is "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ)?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 8:31 pm,

      First of all, it is not bread and wine that we are consuming. It is the Body and Blood of Christ.

      Secondly, we drink the Blood of Christ standing up. However, we do consume the Body of Christ sitting down.

      And finally, to answer your question, the Eucharist is BOTH a meal and a sacrifice. Kiko did not invent this catechesis. The Catholic Church does teach that the Eucharist is also a meal. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      CCC 1328 The inexhaustible richness of this sacrament is expressed in the different names we give it. Each name evokes certain aspects of it. It is called: Eucharist, because it is an action of thanksgiving to God. The Greek words eucharistein and eulogein recall the Jewish blessings that proclaim - especially during a meal - God's works: creation, redemption, and sanctification.

      CCC 1397 The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognize Christ in the poorest, his brethren: You have tasted the Blood of the Lord, yet you do not recognize your brother,. . . . You dishonor this table when you do not judge worthy of sharing your food someone judged worthy to take part in this meal. . . . God freed you from all your sins and invited you here, but you have not become more merciful.

    6. To Diana at 12:30am: The priest is the "representative" and not the person of Jesus Christ himself.

    7. Diana - No where in the CCC does it say you are to sit. This is Kiko's invention wherein Jesus Christ's presence is the priest (in the person of Christ as you say), sharing in the meal, therefore the reason for you all to sit like it is a banquet. If Jesus' presence in the form of the priest is already there, he is therefore not in the bread and wine.

      Catholic teaching is that we are not yet at that banquet table. The banquet at the table for all to sit and enjoy with Him will be the ultimate destination when we are in His kingdom and not here on earth. This is why we do not sit when we consume the Body & Blood.

    8. Dear Anonymous at 12:27 pm,

      Kiko also did not invent the sitting part. The Apostles SAT during the last supper when Jesus said, "Take and eat for this is my Body." The Apostles consumed the Body of Christ sitting down. The Early Christians consumed the Body of Christ sitting down. Therefore, it was never Kiko's invention. He was simply practicing something that the Apostles and the Early Christians have been practicing in Early Christianity before it was changed.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 12:06 pm,

      According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      CCC 1548 In the ecclesial service of the ordained minister, it is Christ himself who is present to his Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock, high priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of Truth. This is what the Church means by saying that the priest, by virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, acts in persona Christi Capitis:

      It is the same priest, Christ Jesus, whose sacred person his minister truly represents. Now the minister, by reason of the sacerdotal consecration which he has received, is truly made like to the high priest and possesses the authority to act in the power and place of the person of Christ himself (virtute ac persona ipsius Christi).
      Christ is the source of all priesthood: the priest of the old law was a figure of Christ, and the priest of the new law acts in the person of Christ.

      The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly says that the priests acts "in persona Christi" (in the Person of Christ).

    10. Diana @ 12:57pm

      This section is talking about how the priest has the power to change bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. "In persona Christi" is Christ himself acting through the priest to perform this process which we call transubstantiation. "In persona Christi" is an explanation of how this process can happen with the priest.

      You must also remember in your previous post (@12:50 pm) that Christ was present, in the flesh, at the Last Supper. This mixes perfectly with CCC 1548, because at this supper Jesus said, "Do this in memory of me." This was a command, by Jesus, to do this again and again until he returns on the last day. His command would be impossible to do again and again, since it was God the Son who had done it, which is where "in persona Christi" comes in. It explains that the priest is not the one who performs transubstantiation in the Eucharist, but Jesus Christ through the priest.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 5:51 pm,

      The priest acts "in persona Christi" not only in the Eucharist, but in all the sacraments. In the Sacrament of Recociliation, for example, it is Christ who gives absolution for the forgiveness of sins. So, when the person hears the words "your sins are forgiven, " it is actually Christ speaking through the priest giving absolution.

  8. Lets look at the claims of your friend one at a time:

    1. "40 YEARS OF constant APPROVAL FROM THE SUPREME PONTIFFS." The only approval that matters is the Statutes of the Way. Insofar as the NCW follows its statutes it is "approved". If the NCW deviates from the Statutes, it is not "approved". The criticism is always levelled at the NCW where it deviates from the Statutes. The care of the popes for souls of those in the NCW (the "approvals" as you put it) is not surprising nor is it a blanket approval of all that is done in the name of the NCW. Incidentally, the popes have from time to time also given direction (eg Card Arinze's letter) and guidance, particularly in regard to those contentious matters like the changes to the Eucharist. Please be balanced in what you claim the popes have said (see for example :

    2. "The Holy See have studied and, not only approved, but lauded our catechesis ". The Holy See has in fact granted "approval for publication" of these documents. Where are they? Why are they not available? How can we be sure that the NCW actually uses those that were "approved for publication". This is the problem that the NCW does not ever answer sufficiently. When the approval was given, Kiko said in interview that now if a pastor has concerns, he can refer to the books so as to satisfy himself that what is taught is orthodox. So why is it that pastors, let alone the ordinary Catholic, not have access to these documents?

    3. "We have furnished a whole list of Cardinals and Bishops who favor the Neocatechumenal Way" It is not unreasonable to think that those Bishops and Cardinals believe that the NCW follow their own Statutes and have a desire to obey the liturgical books and other guidance of the Church. (See 1. above). These Bishops and Cardinals are "sponsored" by the NCW in the form of tours to the Holy Land and other incentives. They are also inclined to look the other way, so long as they can claim that priests are being ordained. In short, many of these Bishops and Cardinals are ignorant of what is really happening, are compromised by the NCW "buying" their favour, and are smitten with the so-called "fruits".


    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:13 pm,

      You stated: " These Bishops and Cardinals are "sponsored" by the NCW in the form of tours to the Holy Land and other incentives. They are also inclined to look the other way, so long as they can claim that priests are being ordained. In short, many of these Bishops and Cardinals are ignorant of what is really happening, are compromised by the NCW "buying" their favour, and are smitten with the so-called "fruits"."

      So, essentially what you are saying is that these Bishops and Cardinals are not taking their calling to God seriously, and that you know better than they do.

  9. cont.

    4."We have the Statutes approved by the Holy See". See 1. above - Actually the critics of the NCW rarely want to "put aside" the Statutes. Rather, they insist that the NCW should actually follow them. For example, although the NCW claims that the Statutes give permission to sit to consume, they in fact do not. Again, the Statutes mention the Paschal Vigil, but give no extraordinary permission for there to be a separate NCW Easter Vigil.

    5. "Many brothers and sisters dared to share their lives in public". In fact, all religious traditions practise this type of "witness". How their respective religion "saved them". It is valid, but it does not answer the particular questions or problems. Virtually every time a legitimate question is asked, especially a hard one, the NCW reverts to this "witness" as a type of catch-all final answer. Not good enough unfortunately.

    6. Actually, only ONE pope said Mass with the NCW (as pope). That was Pope John Paul II in 1988. In almost 27 years as pope, he participated in the NCW Mass ONCE. He also ordered that the NCW should have Statutes, and that the catechetical books be examined. Also, it is an assertion only that Card Canizares celebrated "the way we do it". In many cases, the NCW slightly alter their practises during the Eucharist at large gatherings or when officials are present.

    As for culpability, every member of the NCW should satisfy him/herself that these issues are resolved. Certainly the leaders bear the greater guilt for perpetrating distortions, secrecy and manipulations on the members, but anyone who remains silent is culpable. Start with this for example: there is not one other organisation, movement, order or itinerary of the Church that keeps its instruction secret. That should be enough for the ordinary member to start being a little nervous.

    Finally, the Archbishop is the supreme teacher of the faith, and the chief liturgist. Why on earth is he undertaking an itinerary of formation? If he is not formed, he should not be Archbishop.


    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:13 pm,

      So again, essentially what you are saying is that you know much more than the Archbishop and the Pope. It was two Popes who celebrate in the Way. Benedict XVI was fully aware of how the NCW celebrated even as he became Pope.

      When news came out that there may have been liturgical abuses in the Way, it was Pope Benedict who ordered an investigation. Nothing ever came of that investigation during the entire time that he was Pope. By the time Francis took over, what happened to the investigations? Pope Francis dismissed it. The only logical reason he dismissed the investigation is because all the allegations were unfounded.

    2. My catechist always says that it is useless to explain color to a bind man. An exercise in futility means just that - a totally pointless effort. It is to try to do something that you can never succeed in doing, like making a legalist understand mercy.

      I think it is very clear to anyone with a good intention that the Neocatechumenal Way is a fully approved manifestation of Catholic life, that has brought thousands of people back to the Catholic Church and closer to our Lord and allowed many thousands of others to live their faith in a more vibrant and fruitful manner.

      Just three points…

      It is mind-blowing to read that forty years of constant approval of Popes is swiped away by a simple statement “the only approval that matters is the Statutes of the Way.” It is like saying that what matters in the Bible are just the Ten Commandments! Isaiah, Jeremiah, the Gospels do not matter.

      It is totally disrespectful to state that “many of these Bishops and Cardinals are ignorant of what is really happening, are compromised by the NCW "buying" their favor, and are smitten with the so-called fruits.” Are these Bishops and Cardinals so stupid? Give us a break!

      The Neocatechumenal Way is following fully the Statutes. To say otherwise is simply false.

    3. Diana, can you answer this?

      Since the Archbishop is the supreme teacher of the faith and the chief liturgist, why is he undertaking an itinerary of formation?

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:24 pm,

      All of us (including the priests and Bishops) need to grow in faith. One can grow in faith by joining the Legion of Mary, the Christian Mothers, the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the Crusullios, the NCW, and other organizations available to the Catholic faithful. The Catholic Church is rich in a variety of ways to help the faithful grow more in faith. Knowledge of Scripture and the doctrines of the Church is a good thing, but one also needs to put this knowledge into practice so that even the pagans can see that we are truly the sons and daughters of God in word and in deed.

      We always pray for the Pope, Bishops, and priests because the Devil attacks them more than the laity. The Devil rejoices more when a priest falls rather than when a laity falls.

    5. The Archbishop as a Bishop is the supreme teacher of the faith, and the chief liturgist.
      The Archbishop is also Christian. As a Christian he needs to convert like everyone else.
      Evidently he found the Neocatechumenal Way a help in his conversion.

      Let us listen to one of the foremost Bishops of the Church, Saint Augustine. On an anniversary of his episcopal ordination, he once preached, "I am fearful of what I am for you, but I draw strength from what I am with you. For you I am a bishop, and with you I am a Christian. The former designates an office received, the latter the foundation of salvation."

      At another anniversary of his episcopal ordination, he said, "Help me by your prayers and your obedience to carry out these many serious and varied duties. Then I shall have the joy of not so much ruling you as of being useful to you." (Sermon 350, 1)

      Let us all pray for our Archbishop

  10. Yes, the Way is in Rome. No Bishop of Rome "walks" . True or False?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:06 pm,

      There is only one Bishop of Rome, and that is the Pope. He does not walk, but the Pope openly supports the Way.

    2. Give me one good reason why a Bishop cannot 'walk'. Saint Augustine told his people, I am a Bishop for you, but a Christian with you.

    3. These neo-catechumens are so secretive! Are they? They have the whole itinerary spelled out in their Statutes. And the Statutes are ion sale in any Catholic Bookshop or on the Internet. Not so secretive, are they? One other lie debunked….

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:53 am,

      Can you provide the source of where St. Augustin says that? I would like to see exactly what he is referring to because I know he could not be referring to the Neocatechumenal Way.

    5. Dear Anon @ 10:54. Yes the Statutes are available. But, what about the catechetical texts? You can "debunk" the secrecy by providing those texts (or a link). Otherwise, the problem of "secrecy" remains.

    6. There is no secrecy. Come and listen! We do not preach behind closed doors!!!

    7. 7:09 AM -- That's how they ensnare you!!

    8. Dear Anonymous at 9:58 pm,

      Listening is not an entrapment. You always have the choice not to return.

    9. Anonymous Sep 24 at 7:09am: We'll be asking for the time of your services to be listed and we'll be there!! Get ready for an audience!!

    10. Dear Anonymous at 12:55 am.

      The catechesis is always announced, and the parish Church usually have a big bulletin near the Church. Pamphlets are also handed out in Church and in the villages.

  11. 10:54 the 13 volumes are not, show us where they are

    1. You have access to the first volume. It is on sale. Ask Chuck White where he acquired it. But believe it or not, even if this document was approved and praised by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, some people in Guam still manage to question it. Yes, discussing with certain people is definitely is an exercise in futility! Because a. they criticize even the Congregation and b. I am sure they will say “how do we know that the catechists are being constantly faithful to what is written?!” It keeps going on and on. You can never satisfy a doubting mind.

      By the way, I do not need to read the Catechetical Directory. I trust my catechists. They have never deceived me. They have brought fresh air to my Catholicism. Through them God saved my life. That is enough for me. Amen. Alleluia.

      A PS for your general information. Founded by Pope Paul III in 1542, the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith’s sole objective is to "spread sound Catholic Doctrine and defend those points of Christian tradition which seem in danger because of new and unacceptable doctrines.”

  12. St augustine sermon 340. Nothing in it says that a bishop should not have a community to help in his spiritual life. On the contrary.

  13. I am sure that had you the volumes you would be able to give us much better feedback than the cardinals who approved the directories

    . The libel directed at people who walk in the way has reached the level of ridiculousness. The more proof is presented on the NCW legitimacy the more these scholars and sages hysterically scream "lie,lie!" There is not possible way of reasoning according to facts. This is the same situation that Jesus describes in the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus. If they do not believe in Moses and all the prophets they will not believe in One who comes back from the dead. If they do not believe the popes and the bishop they are not going to listen to anybody. They know better. Makes me a little sick to think that they call themselves catholic but there it is. Let us pray for them and wait for providence to help them. Let us pray they do not give enough scandal that it prevents people from staying/returning to the church. Woe to you Pharisees and doctors of the law who do not enter the kingdom nor let others enter.

  14. Today is the feast of a wonderful Capuchin priest, Saint Padre Pio of Pietralcina.
    Perhaps his greatest legacy is his obedience to his Capuchin superiors and to Rome. Just two examples. Accused of being the cause of disrupting Mass because of people’s mania to see the stigmata, Padre Pio was ordered to say Mass privately in his room and without a single objection, he did so for six years. Afterwards, his superiors trying to hold down the crowds to his daily Mass ordered them said at 4:00 AM and Padre Pio never even asked why. What a wonderful example to be imitated even here in Guam.
    He once said, “Where there is no obedience, there is no virtue; where there is no virtue, there is no good. Where good is wanting, there is no love; where there is no love, God is absent; where God is absent, there is no heaven.”
