Blog Song

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Archbishop In FD

A few anonymous poster/posters do not approve of the Archbishop speaking about what is happening in the local Church at FD. These are high school students, and some of them will be graduating into the world.  I think that it is important for young adults to be made aware of what is happening in the local Church so they can objectively form their own opinions about it.  Reading only the jungle and never hearing the Archbishop's side is an injustice.  That is what communists countries do, which is why they control the media.  By controlling the media, the government is able to brainwash the populace into believing what they want them to believe.  Young adults should be made aware of what is happening in Guam and in our world.  I would hope that the dire situations in Iraq is also being taught to the students of FD so they become aware of the things happening in our world.   

The beauty about living in Guam and America is that we have freedom of expression.  It is important for individual growth to have the right to present ideas and opinions as well as to consider other points of view.  Also, if a leader has the opportunity to express opinions freely, others may be more willing to accept a leader's decision, including ones that you disagree with.  

For example, many years ago, I did not agree with my boss' decision to lay off some employees due to budget constraints.  I felt that some of those employees were excellent; but because they were new and only worked there for a short period of time, he allowed these employees to be laid off.  I disagreed with the decision, but I accepted it.  As the leader, it is not always easy to make decisions like the one my boss made.  I later learned that hard lesson when I became a leader myself.  I am not the Archbishop nor do I wish to be in his shoes.  I am certain that some of the decisions he had to make was not an easy one for him. 


  1. I think it should be kept out! What would happen if this turns into a debate within the school system and causes friction, hatred, and division amongst fellow students and friends. KEEP IT OUT!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:52 pm,

      This is where students can be taught the rules of proper debate. After all, we do not want our kids to imitate the gross, immature behavior of many of the comments in the jungle. Our kids are the future, and they should be taught how to debate in the proper manner of a civilized world.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 3:41 pm,

      In case you have not noticed, it has already been done. The Archbishop already spoke to the students of Fd. This is the kind of unreasonable and intolerant behavior that our kids need to avoid. In order to have a proper debate, one needs to explain their position and not FORCE their opinion on others by simply saying "KEEP IT OUT."

      People may want to understand why you prefer to keep the young adults ignorant. Young adults have access to the Internet, so they can read the jungle. However, what the Archbishop has to say is more important because it came directly from the horse's mouth ( excuse the pun). Tim Rohr can say that the REAL reason Father Paul was removed is because the Archbishop wants to establish the NCW in Dededo. Nevermind the fact that it has already been over a year since the removal of Father Paul, and still there is no NCW in the Dededo parish. Nevermind the fact that the Archbishop could have easily put in an RMS priest in Dededo after Father Paul's removal, which was never done. Students need to think and not be brainwashed by everything Rohr says.

    3. The real reason the Archbishop did not immediately put an RMS priest at Santa Barbara Church is because if he did he would have proved that Tim Rohr is correct. There's no way he would do that. Think about it. What the Archbishop has to do is wait until Rome makes the decision about Fr. Paul so that he can do one of the following:

      If Fr. Paul wins his case the Archbishop would have to let him go back as pastor of Santa Barbara. The Archbishop could then begin the canonical process to transfer Fr. Paul out of Santa Barbara and then assign an RMS priest as pastor.

      If Rome upholds the Archbishop's actions against Fr. Paul, then he will be able to assign an RMS priest as the pastor and kick Fr. Paul out of the Archdiocese.

      Whatever Rome decides the Archbishop will make sure THERE WILL BE AN RMS PRIEST assigned to Santa Barbara Church sooner or later. It's only a matter of time but it will happen.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:28 am,

      The reason the Archbishop removed Father Paul was because he DISOBEYED. He was told to remove a registered sex offender, and Father Paul did not comply. See my comment below at 8:31 am.

    5. Anon @ 9:28 -- Yes, I agree that it will only be a matter of time before it happens. We shall see.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 12:40 pm,

      I think that the right way would be to ask Father Dan to open the Dededo parish to the NCW, and I hope that he upholds his oath of obedience to the Archbishop.

    7. Diana @ 12:07.
      I understand that Fr Paul was told to terminate this man's employment by the parish, and he did so. Can you please post the source of your statement that he was told to "remove" this man? Thanks

    8. And at whose expense would that be again Diana?

    9. Dear Anonymous at 1:22 pm,

      "Remove" as in taking him out of the job.

    10. Dear Anonymous at 1:32 pm,

      For every choice that a person makes, there is always consequences. Father Paul made his choice when he disobeyed the Archbishop. However, the Dededo Parish still has a priest even with the removal of Father Paul. So, Mass still continues on in the Dededo Parish.

    11. I'm talking expense, as in cost, Diana. If the neo will be established in Dededo, the cost for their use of the church facilities will fall on the non-neo parishioners. Case closed.

    12. To Diana @ 12:55 pm
      This again is an imposition on the priest for something he may not believe in and for the Archbishop to pull out the "obedience card" as the reason to do it. The Arch shouldn't have joined the NCW or any other movement for that matter. He is supposed to "oversee" ALL the different movements in the Catholic Church, not join them Could you imagine if he joined the Christian Mothers and forced all priests to join? But of course they would have to do it out of obedience to him, right?

    13. Dear Anonymous at 4:42 pm,

      Why not go to parishes that have the Neocatechumenal Way and ask what contributions they have made before you make such an accusation?

    14. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 pm,

      First of all, you know very well that the Archbishop cannot join the Christian Mothers because he is not a mother. However, he is free to join the Charismatic Catholic Renewal if he wants. He is the Archbishop. The priests, on the other hand, took an oath of obedience. Joining the Way is not going to kill them.

    15. So what's to happen if a non Neo priest were to choose not to join the NCW? Will they meet an arduous and painful departure?

    16. Dear Anonymous at 7:37 pm,

      They can return to their home country to be with their people and families. Do you see going home to people and family as a painful and arduous departure?

    17. Lets not forget Fr. Wadeson...and how the Archbishop KNEW he had allegations on him BEFORE accepting Wadeson into the diocese yet he took him in anyway...

    18. Dear Anonymous at 7:31 am,

      That is not the same. Father Paul took in a man who was convicted. Unless you live in North Korea, Father John is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The man whom Father Paul harbored was guilty.

    19. The firing of a person/s is the boss prerogative. The problem is if the process or certain laws have been violated in the process. Do not pull out the OBEDIENCE card so soon.

    20. Dear Isais Ginson,

      If your boss asks you to do something that is beneficial for the company to move forward, and you say no, do you think you will have a job after that??

  2. It is absolutely necessary for AAA to speak to his people and for parents to support him at least in front of their children. Disagree with him in private but defend him in front of your children. What scandal you will give criticizing the head of the church in Guam!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:01 pm,

      I agree. Parents must set the example. The Archbishop is the Shepherd. If children see their parents showing disrespect to an authority, what example are they setting for their kids? If children see from their parents that it is okay to show disrespect to an authority, then it would be okay to also show disrespect to parental authority.

  3. I am an FD student and I think that there was no problem in bringing the events up at my school. We aren't toddlers that adults have to babysit and watch over. We are about to enter the real world and yet you anonymous are still trying to "shield" us. We are young adults. We are growing up. WE can handle our own problems without hatred and fighting and division. FD is about a brotherhood and it certainly won't be broken over a topic such as this

    1. Maybe so 4:08, but you are still a minor and your parents are responsible for you. Do you think FD would allow you to attend their school without your parents permission? Not even if it was free tuition. No one here can tell a parent not to protect the best interest of their child. I also have no problem with you students knowing the truth. However, I do have a problem with you hearing lies during mass.

  4. The tactics being used in the jungle are worthy of the worst time during the reign of terror of the French Revolution or of the KGB. Tim Rohr present unverified and partial facts as truths. He calls for secret informers to tape what people say, provide gossip and hearsay about public figures and puts rewards out for information on people's identity. He releases the private data, addresses and phone numbers of individuals and excites a mob to go after them. We are daily witnessing a slander campaign against the archbishop, against priests and private individuals. Tim Rohr is following in the steps of roberspierre and beriya and incites a mob full of hate that responds to neither appeals to reason or kindness never mind Christian charity.

    1. And what would you call the tactics of the archbishop? Christian charity? Rome's commands? The will of God? Do you honestly believe that all the uproar is for no reason? Please wake up and smell the coffee!!

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:10 pm,

      The Archbishop went out and told the truth. It was always the jungle saying that he removed Father Paul because Father Paul was against the neo, and the Archbishop wants to put the neo in Dededo. But the real reason was because Father Paul disobeyed the Archbishop in removing a convicted and registered sex offender.

    3. So let's just say I agree that the archbishop told the truth and that it had nothing to do with Father Paul being against the neo. By the archbishop's direction to Father Paul to remove this convicted/registered sex offender, technically the archbishop is implying "once a sinner, always a sinner" and that the Catholic Church doesn't allow forgiveness. It's as simple as that Diana. Can you tell me otherwise? But of course you don't have the answer, so I know you won't post this.

    4. Even if the archbishop made a mistake, and I'm not saying he did, to be catholic means obedience to the bishop. Disobedience in the Catholic Church means de-facto excommunication which means literally out of communion. Either you are in communion with the ordinary and hence with Rome or you are not and so you exclude yourself from the communion with the whole church.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:19 a.m.,

      The Archbishop removed Father Paul because he DISOBEYED. The Archbishop told Father Paul to remove the person from employment because he is a convicted and registered sex offender. Father Paul disobeyed.

      Father Paul claimed that he did fire the person in 2011 and therefore claimed he was NOT disobedient. In fact, he even had a letter of termination dated 2011. However, the letter of termination is now in question because the Santa Barbara Church website, which was updated in April, 2013 showed the sex offender working as Director of Facilities Management under STAFF.

      Father Paul claimed that he fired this person in 2011; yet, his name appears in a website of Santa Barbara Church (which was updated in April, 2013) as the Director of Facilities Management. This now places that 2011 letter of termination in serious question. See Santa Barbara's website below.). By the way, I took a screen shot of this website.

    6. Its not the website that matters. Was this man paid by the parish after the supposed termination of employment in 2011? That shouldn't be hard to find. Both the Archdiocese website and the RMS website are demonstrably out of date as well, particularly with respect to staff appointments.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 1:26 pm,

      The man was supposed to be terminated from his job in 2011. The website was actually updated two years in 2013 with man's name still holding that same position. The website was NOT outdated. It was updated.

    8. anon at 4;12 p.m.: OMG! I am very much impressed by what you said. This is so exact, so accurate -- and so sad! Tim Rohr is indeed a mental terrorist, a modern day Robespierre, a fanatical Beria. He is unleashing the methods and tactics made infamous by these anti-Catholic and anti-Church jackals who did not shy away from violent means of terrorizing people around them.

      Tim Rohr is calling on his mob now to confront those who belong to the Neocatechumenal Way. We might be only one misguided step away from physical altercation and mob lynching by Tim Rohr's overheated crowd. History tells us that mental terrorists are never right and they inevitably go down on their well deserved path of self destruction.

    9. Diana at 1:53. As I said, its not the website that matters. We should find out whether he was paid by the parish. That should settle the issue immediately. Who can provide this information. If he was paid there is definitely reason for the Archbishop to do as he did. If he was not, then the Archbishop was wrong. Simple

    10. Dear Anonymous at 1:37 p.m.,

      The investigation showed that the man was still doing the same duties as before. So, even if he was not being paid as a Director, he should also not being doing the job of a Director even on a voluntary basis.

    11. If he was Director he would have been paid. Let's find out the truth

  5. Thank you anonymous 4:08 for speaking for youself. It speaks volumes of your character in not being afraid to voice what is in your mind. Speaking for myself, I grew closer to both my children when I listened more than dictated. It is maybe hard to believe the number of youth on Guam that are slowly dying of lonilness because no one listens to them. Tragic because we cannot see the spirit in youth.

  6. The Archbishop has warned against blogs because they are full of lies and half-truths and are less reliable than actually listening to him. Please Diana, in the spirit of obedience to his Excellency, shut down this blog and let the Archbishop speak the truth as God's chosen shepherd. God has chosen him, NOT you and Tim Rohr. If Rohr and his jungle monkeys wish to disobey the Archbishop and keep his blog running, then it is their souls on the line, but you must be better than him. WE must be better than him. We must put it in God's hands, and in our Archbishop's hands. Peace to all!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:47 a.m.,

      When the Archbishop warned against blogs (plural), he was actually referring to the jungle and to thoughtful Catholic.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 2:47 a.m.,

      The Archbishop does not need to name the blogs. It simply takes logic and common sense to know which blogs he meant. By the way, as you can see, I did not publish your second reply as it is simply an insult.

    3. Don't close this blog! It's the voice of reason and truth. Veritas! Truth in Latin, it was also the name of a radio station in the PI.

    4. Really? If she (or he or whatever it is) is the voice of reason and truth, why hide behind a pseudonym?

    5. Dear Anonymous at 1:00 pm,

      When Christ told His Apostles to spread the Good News to the world, He was saying that His message to the world is more important than the messenger. The messenger's goal is to bring the people to Christ by spreading His word. The goal is not for the messenger to be famous and well-known.

    6. The message is only as credible as the messenger

    7. Dear Anonymous at 1:28 pm,

      Christ said that you will know His disciples by their fruits.

    8. Diana, it is not our place to second guess and assume which blogs the Archbishop was talking about. Obviously everyone believes that their blog is the "truthful" blog. When we the laity begin to believe that we know what his Excellency thinks, that's when miscommunication and disunity occurs. Please be humble as our Archbishop is humble and obey, and do not assume you are above his rules. Peace!

    9. Dear Anonymous at 3:20 p.m.,

      When the Archbishop says not to go to the blogs, I believe the most logical and most reasonable blog he was referring to would be the jungle. Why? Because all it does is call him a liar.

  7. The Arch Bishop warned against certain blogs that are recognized as hate blogs. World wide the Way is being persecuted, Guam is not excluded. The catehist told us us to speak and share our experiences. Experiences of waking up every morning feeling afraid, filled with anxiety of what the day will bring. Why are we afraid of people who persecute us? If you are truly walking in the way in spirit..... courage. Recognize your weakness and pray. Waking up and being afraid is not living.....IT IS NOT LIVING.

    1. You guys should learn to re frame this situation. You call it persecution, but its just not. It's about asking questions. It is in fact a Christian thing to "test everything; hold fast to what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

      You have been subject to a machine, the purpose of which is to demonize independent thought, counter-cultural questions, and the exercise of one's reason. Right from the beginning you are taught to doubt your own judgement and give over your decision-making faculties. You are taught that he expression of doubt or the asking of questions was the work of the devil in you. That you are "saved" by the party line. None of this is Catholic.

      Reframe your understanding of what is going on here. You will find that the so-called "hate blogs" are nothing of the sort. And that if you allow your God-given intellect to work in the light of faith, you will see these "persecutors" are actually working for truth, and for your own good.

    2. TO Anonymous 1:39 pm - Chuck is that You? Your line of thinking is what we can call "Chuck White-wash". Here's how: The "Reframing of understanding" means the basic presupposition used by the hate bloggers from which flows their statements. The basic presupposition of the hate bloggers is: "the archbishop is a liar, he is evil incarnate, he must be removed, he must die, he uses the seminary to launder money, etc." Since their basic premises are all lies, then it follows that the reframing of reality based on these lies makes all their conclusions lies.
      The hate bloggers are the ones that need to REFRAME their understanding by starting first with the truth. A God-given intellect that sincerely desires to know the truth and work in the light of faith will never use a lie as their basic premise. It would be an offense against God to use lies to build something we label as 'truth'.

    3. anon at 7:23 p.m.: Congrat, brother! It is very clear and logical what you say. We have all the intellectual capacities and conceptual power to smite the lies and misinformation spread by the enemies of the Church and the Way. You just proved that again! Please, do not stop here...

      This is the reason we cherish Diana's blog, the truth is shown here plain and clear! Our truth is so gentle and peaceful, still sharp as the double edged sword. We need to present this as our apologetic for the Catholic Church and for the Way.

  8. You guys...anonymous. you can only speak from your perspective, what your intellect is able comprehend hopefully through experience. You cannot speak or comment about fighting in combat in Korea if you were not ever a combatant during the war. Do not attempt to tell the "you guys". anything about what truth for them. If you find truth in the jungle. ..good for you. We don't.

  9. John Paul 2 told young people to always ask questions because by asking you will know the truth. Or something to that effect. There are questions asked in good faith because one wants to understand and and know the truth. Then are questions that are posed only to negate the other and his or her point of view. I have yet to read one question from the jungle or the jungle followers that is phrased in a tone if inquiry not of accusation blame and a spirit of finding fault in any answer given. Do you want to know about the archbishop: let's talk. Do you want to know about the seminary? Let's talk. Do you want to know about the NCW? Let's talk. But do not say this is not persecution and that I'm blindly following someone when all you want to do is point fingers, slander, and ultimately destroy!

  10. anonymous 1:39 ...I don't understand your referene to machine but if you are referring to the Way and its evolution after the Second Vatican Council, it might be prudent fou you to read, reflect and pray for understanding. The Church was dying. I'll leave it at that and maybe again if you pray for understanding can find your truth that can only come from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit anonymous, not the bushes, vines and wild confusion within the junkgle.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Ok, Anon at 2:49, I would be happy for you to prove me wrong. Let's start with this. Show me please that the practice of sitting to consume the Blessed Sacrament is a Catholic thing to do. Show me the rationale - the working of your God-given intellect. Show me that you don't do this just because you are told to, but because the Church teaches you to do this and you understand the Church's teaching. An answer like "this was the practice in the early Church" will not suffice, because we are not in the early Church, and secondly that would be only on the basis of something you are told too!

    Now, I can show you where the Church teaches you to stand, or to kneel, but I can't find any permission to sit, nor am I aware that this occurs anywhere outside of the NCW. But prove me wrong.

    If you can do that, perhaps we can move on to some of the other questions. If you can't though, perhaps its time for you to acknowledge that what I said at 1:39 is actually the truth..

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:21 p.m.,

      It came from the directives of the Pope. It was something that the NCW was practicing since the beginning, and the only problem the Pope had was how we receive the Body of Christ. He never said anything about how we consume the Body of Christ. How we receive the Body of Christ was already corrected.

    2. Just as I said before your tone is spurious and antagonistic and even if you are posing as a provocateur with veiled insults in your writing, I will take time to answer and you will not believe me because you do not want to believe. You will call me a kikobot and a liar and say I have drunk the KAKA but I do think there are readers of good will out there who merit honest discussions.
      Mercifully we are Catholics. Catholics believe in Tradition. 50 years + of celebrating while consuming sitting is called praxis. When popes ( did you know john 23 attended a catechesis when he was patriarch in Venice?) bishops and cardinals participate in that praxis, what was before only quaint and curious becomes norm.

    3. According to the jungle anyone walking in the NCW is either a brainwashed idiot or a person of evil intentions. There is no winning

    4. Dear Anonymous at 12:36 a.m.,

      That is why I do not post in the jungle. They have already made up their minds on who we are. We cannot change them. We can only pray for them. God will take care of the rest.

    5. A letter sent to the Pope, this will end soon.

    6. Anon at 12:18. Not surprisingly, you can't answer that simple question. Doing something illicit for a long time, does not make it licit. The fact remains that your so-called "praxis" is not Catholic, but a perversion of the teaching of the Church. But, I would be happy for you to prove me wrong. I won't hold my breath.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 11:25 a.m.,

      Did you even look up to find out if this so-called "praxis" is Catholic? Or did you just assume that it is non-Catholic. For your information, it is Catholic. See the weblink below on theological praxis.

    8. Ok. So perhaps it is a question of terminology. Any philosophy student 101 can tell you that the most important thing to do before a discussion is to define the terms that will be used. Illicit. By illicit I understand forbidden. Now if we follow that logic, 3 popes have celebrated forbidden Mass. Is this what you mean?

    9. Dear Anonymous at 12:50 p.m.,

      This is the reason why this discussion with you and the jungle can no longer go on. You and the junglewatchers were never interested in honest dialogue. Any philosophy student 101 can tell you that the most important thing to do before a discussion is to ask a question if you do not understand the terms rather than be so quick to judge it as "NOT CATHOLIC."

  13. NOTE for diana (please delete this line before publishing): Sorry, part of my comment jumped to another paragraph and cut the rest of it out. please publish this one instead and erase the first.

    I don't understand how people can read what is published in Jungle Watch and believe any of it to be factual and/or true. How could it NOT be considered a hate blog? Aside from Tim Rohr's entries, I find a majority of the comments published to be laced with pure anger and hatred, anonymously posted or not. If anyone in the NCW attempts to speak some truth and shed some light on an issue, if the comment is published at all, they are met with fallacious, spiteful and personal attacks.

    What the archbishop chooses to divulge to students is his business. Perhaps he feels it is his duty to shed some honest light on the whole situation because these students are very impressionable and could be shaken by the angry accusations that they may have read regarding the archdiocese. I feel terrible that he should feel the need to be censored by his own flock. That seems a bit backwards, doesn't it?

    How CONVENIENT that this all bleeds into campaign season. What proof can you anonymous people produce against any suspicion of you wanting the archbishop out in hopes of bringing in casino gambling? Or making all forms of abortion legal? Or maybe you are trying to keep the archbishop busy enough to prevent him from being vocal about the dangers of legalizing medical marijuana here? How can I be reassured that one of the M.O.'s here is not to make political that which is not? Meaning... the church is not a democracy, but in drawing political attention to that which is not political at all, no one is paying attention to all our potential actually political candidates! Let the government keep their politics. The church does not need them. The people have never voted for the bishop... what makes people think somehow this has changed?

    1. Dear Doubting Thomas,

      I found this comment in my spam mail. I apologize for the delay in publishing it. I deleted your first comment under this thread as you requested. However, I cannot edit any of your comments in here. I can only publish or delete comments, not edit them. All comments made by posters are published exactly as they wrote them, spelling errors and all.

  14. God tells us to live according to his will anonymous, not the will of man. People in jungle watch are searching for any and every excuse not to acknowledge their spiritual weakness. Read the Sermon of the Mount, stand at the foot of the cross and ask yourself....what is easier to do? Run away to the jungle and hide?

  15. This is from your post on 5/31/14 Diana.

    "Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops, and your religious act like religious.”


    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:13 a.m.,

      "Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests".......means that priests who disobey their Bishops are not acting like priests. And this is why I blast those priests. They should start acting like priests by taking their oaths of obedience more seriously.

    2. The mission of the junkgle watch......the only mission is to follow Jesus Christ. Tomorrow is not ours anonymous. Please have your junkgle watch pass to heaven ready and good luck to you.

    3. Diana @ 8:18 AM - Good on you! But you also forgot to take it one step further to include "bishops who disobey their Pope are not acting like bishops". Don't they have their oath of obedience too? You think maybe these priests are just following the footsteps of Archbishop Apuron? After all, he's supposed to be their leader.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 9:50 p.m.,

      Yes, the bishops should also obey the Pope, and that is the reason why the Archbishop is trying very hard to get the financial report finish so he can publicize it.

  16. There is a HUGE difference between showing somebody his mistake and telling everybody else about his mistake. If you do not agree with your bishop tell him personally and make your case to HIM not the media, not the world at large. By telling the world about his mistakes you give scandal. And if the bishop persists in his mistake the catholic OBEYS trusting that God will make justice. Unless of course the bishop is telling you to sin. But that is hardly the case here.
    In this case, it is not by a long shot proven that AAA has made a mistake or commited an injustice. Some people do not like his actions and policies. Well if you join a Protestant sect you are free to lobby for your pastor's dismissal. We thank God are Catholic and as all Catholics throught history have done have to submit to the tyrannies of our bishops. Joan of Arc did and now she is a saint. Maybe this was fr. Pauls and fr. James' chance to be saints! What a lost opportunity for them!

  17. Deacon Martinez has praised the use of the internet and blogs in today's PDN. He uses junglewatch as his example but I know he was also thinking about this blog. Blogs like this, as well as junglewatch are important because they provide differing viewpoints and opinions. Diana has one opinion on something, Tim may have another opinion. Diana has never said that what she has written here is the only truth, she is humble and gracious enough to acknowledge that what she writes is just her personal opinion and she is open to being wrong. It is up to us to read and decide for ourselves using our God-given intelligence.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:58 pm,

      That is correct. This is why I value freedom of expression. Every young adult have access to the internet, and the internet has millions of information. However, that does not guarantee that all information on the internet is accurate information. There are, after all, hate websites, which I do not value at all; yet one has to determine on their own what information is the correct one. Due to the vast amount of information, it is always best to listen to the Church leaders, such as the Bishops and Pope.

      I also Learn from what other posters have said on my blog. That is the value in free speech. It helps to grow and understand when we listen to what others say. And when I find that I am wrong about something, I can admit that I was wrong and the other person is correct.

      With that being said, freedom of expression comes with certain responsibilities and limitations. I have announced this before and will do so again. Just because I value free expression does not mean that I will publish the name-calling comments and insults that have been coming into this blog.

  18. To the Anonymous poster who commented on September 1 at 12:50 p.m.,

    This is what I already stated:

    This is the reason why this discussion with you and the jungle can no longer go on. You and the junglewatchers were never interested in honest dialogue.

    Any philosophy student 101 can tell you that the most important thing to do before a discussion is to ask a question if you do not understand the terms rather than be so quick to judge it as "NOT CATHOLIC."

    Any further comments from you will not be published as I already see that you are not interested in any honest dialogue.

  19. For the jungle bloggers:

    ”Saint Paul commands us to obey all superiors, even those who are bad. Our Blessed Saviour, His Virgin Mother, and Saint Joseph have taught us this kind of obedience in the journey they took from Nazareth to Bethlehem, when Caesar published an edict that his subjects should repair to the place of their nativity to be enrolled. They complied with this order with the most affectionate obedience, though the Emperor was a pagan and an idolator, so desirous was Our Lord of showing us that we should never regard the persons of those who command, provided they be invested with sufficient authority.”
    --Saint Francis of Sales, Doctor of the Church

    ”If a man finds it very hard to forgive injuries, let him look at a Crucifix, and think that Christ shed all His Blood for him, and not only forgave His enemies, but even prayed His Heavenly Father to forgive them also. Let him remember that when he says the Pater Noster, every day, instead of asking pardon for his sins, he is calling down vengeance on himself.”
    --Saint Philip Neri

    "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." (Matthew 6:14)


  20. Saint Padre Pio Gives Us Sound Advice for Spiritual Advancement

    How can we feel free if we are to cow-tow to another’s whims and directives especially when we are sure that we are smarter or better equipped to make our own decisions? But that is exactly what we are asked to do in order to become saints ourselves. Note the following quote from the newly canonized Saint, Padre Pio: “Obey promptly! Do not consider the age or merit of the person. And in order to succeed, imagine you are obeying the Lord.” And should you wince at the mistakes that your superiors make and seethe from the unfairness that permeates this world one must also keep in mind another of his councils: “Do not disturb your soul at the sad spectacle of human injustice…. One day you will see the inevitable triumph of Divine justice over it.”

    Why is obedience to those in a position of authority a necessity for spiritual progress? Why should we take our direction from those who seem incompetent or those who we know are simply wrong? Saint Pio responds, “Where there is no obedience, there is no virtue; where there is no virtue, there is no good. Where good is wanting, there is no love; where there is no love, God is absent; where God is absent, there is no heaven.” Therefore, obedience is directly connected to our salvation by its relationship to the theological virtue of charity or love. Says our Saint: “Charity is the queen of virtues. As the pearls are held together by the thread, thus the virtues are held together by charity; as the pearls fall when the thread breaks, thus virtues are lost if charity diminishes.” Obedience it seems is the epitome of self-denial: correcting inordinate self-interest and self-love, for the love of God. Christ counseled us on precisely this same point: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” __Luke 9:23

    To read the entire article:

    1. One of the hardest prayer for me is to pray for government leaders. From the heart and with all my soul, I've struggled, gone to cofession and asked for forgiveness but through all this I do pray for them with reverence. Give God what is Gods
