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Sunday, August 3, 2014

RMS, A Miracle For Guam

On February 1, 2014, I wrote about the Redemptoris Mater Seminary, which is found in my blog here.  In my blog, I provided the news report from the Pacific Daily New of how the Redemptoris Mater Seminary came into the hands of the Archdiocese of Agana.  According to that news report (which can be found in my blog.  I also provide the same weblink below): 

This situation impelled us to search resolutely for a new facility. There were some options, but none seemed to be appropriate. Many prayers were raised to God so that He would give us a place, and indeed He did not delay in answering our prayers. He provided us with the building that is now our seminary, a previous hotel, built by Japanese, somewhat along the lines of a Spanish monastery. It was place too big for our little faith, but for God nothing is impossible. When God gives, He gives abundantly! Imagine, a property worth millions acquired by the diocese for free!

Yes, the Lord provided the place and the benefactors to make the purchase possible. Seek and you will find! Thus the new facility gave lots of room to accommodate more seminarians and to create new liturgical spaces needed in our formation.

RMS - A Miracle For Guam

The Pacific Daily News reported this a few years ago around the year 2010.  After I posted this in my blog, the jungle ridiculed me because they believed that it was their money that purchased the Yona Seminary. The Seminary in Yona did not cost the Archdiocese of Agana a single cent.  They did not purchase it with the people's money.  To this date, there has been 13 ordained priests from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.  One of those ordained priests include a local Chamorro - Father Luis Camacho. 

And in today's Pacific Daily News, Father Pius again reminded the people that the Seminary in Yona did not come out of the people's pockets.  If one believes that God can provide manna for His people in the desert, then it is not very difficult to believe that God can provide a free seminary for Guam.  According to Father Pius who spoke to the Pacific Daily News: 

The money for the purchase of the hotel was donated to the archdiocese by an off-island benefactor who offered it with the explicit intention of erecting the seminary and the theological institute. The previous owner of the hotel sold it for just $1.9 million with the proviso that the building be used as an educational facility. Actually, the archdiocese did not put down a penny.

Pacific Daily News, August 3, 2014



  1. It was donated to the Archdiocese, not to the NCW. Receiving a fortune for free does not reduce it's value, nor does it make it ant less yours.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:37 p.m.,

      The NCW is under the Archdiocese of Agana, and it was the idea of the NCW who proposed the purchase of the hotel in the first place.

    2. It was bought by neocatechumenal by millionaire benafactor. They did not come from AAA nor you Destroyer. Get it?

    3. It was the NCW who prayed to God for a place to house the seminarians, and God answered by giving a FREE hotel, which was converted to a seminary!! Back in February I provided a PDN article showing that the Yona Seminary cost the Archdiocese of Agana and the People of Guam nothing, and I was ridiculed in the jungle because they did not believe it was free.

      Anonymous at 6:37 p.m., for a long time, the jungle has been asking about the Yona Seminary. Why???? They had nothing to do with purchasing the hotel in the first place? They never even prayed to God for a seminary

    4. Diana, if you are walking for 8 years, you LIAR, how do you know any of this? Liar, Liar pants on fire.

    5. Dear Anonymous,

      What is it that you are accusing me of lying about??? Is it the fact that I am walking for 8 years???? Please stop the mockery and learn to discuss issues in a more mature and civil manner. God bless you.

    6. We didn't need a seminary. Our priests were fine being educated in the fine colleges and universities in the states. It was CHEAPER. The seminary was a poor investment in my book and un neseccary. I know because my family help educate the late Bishop Flores and many other priests in the Philippines and states. AAA said only 4% of the Total revenue of the archdiocese of Agana is supposedly used BUT 95% of the annual appeal is used to operate- I got the poorly made DVD. The archdiocese makes its money through monthly parish assessments which can range to about 30000 a month if not more. It is track cause deacon Kim is the collector. Who tracks the NCWs collections and where it is funneled to and split? Are books kept anywhere? Not at the parish level and that is a fact. Tamuning doesn't see a dime and neither Hagatna.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 7:59 a.m,

      In the past, the Archdiocese paid 100% for the FEW local men to go off-island to be educated into the priesthood. Guam was not producing a lot of priests, and we had to ask other countries such as the Philippines or the U.S. for priests.

      Now that we have a seminary.....and one that was actually provided free for us, we do not have to pay anyone to go off-island and we no longer need to ask other countries for priests. According to Father Pius, the Archdiocese is supporting 3 or 4 percent of the seminary's budget, while the rest is supported by Catholics from all over the world including different foundations and Propaganda Fide.

      As for the NCW, we have given money to the Parish, and that is a fact. Money in the NCW is also used to purchase our chalices, patents, candles, wine, and flowers for the celebration. Money is also used for the mission families or itinerants.

  2. So you say the NCW proposed the purchase, then you say it was free. You're a bad liar.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:52 p.m.,

      It was free because it did not cost YOU a single penny. God has always used people to carry on His ministry and His plan. And God used a Neocatechumenal benefactor so that the prayers could be answered and provide Guam with a free seminary at absolutely no cost to the people of Guam or to the Archdiocese of Agana

    2. Diana, God used a Neocatechumenal Way BENEFACTOR FOR YOUR FREE seminary? For all the confusion, rumors, outrages, playing with the truth, this is, without a shadow of doubt, the BIGGEST LIE OF ALL. repeat the biggest bold faced lie of all. The benefactor is aware of your nerve, and stupidity. THIS IS POSTED ON BOTH BLOGS.

    3. Diana, the direction you are taking is endangering the whole enterprise. Wait and see the results of your knowledgable pontificating about the seminary. Very Sorry the Archbishop will be that your irresponsibility and false sense of self, whoever you are, will be the loose thread to unravel the whole cloth. Perhaps for the better.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 2:23 am,

      Instead of accusing me of lying, show me HOW am I lying, especially when you admit that there was a BENEFACTOR. I showed you the PDN article that was printed in 2010. The 2010 PDN article said that the RMS seminary was paid by a benefactor and it did not cost the Archdiocese a single penny. It is now 2014, and we have not changed our story.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:33 a.m.,

      I am going to say the same thing to you that I told Anonymous at 2:23 a.m. Both of you stayed up so late (that is.....if you are not the same person). I showed you the PDN article that was printed in 2010. The 2010 PDN article said that the RMS seminary was paid by a benefactor, and it did not cost the Archdiocese a single penny. It is now 2014, and we have not changed our story.

    6. Diana, read my lips, neocatechumenal benefactor. Not benefactor. We work night shift, DI.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 7:32 a.m.,

      So, it was a neocatechumenal benefactor. Do you find it surprising that the NCW contributes to Guam?

    8. The benefactor is going to break her silence and go public and NO they are not in the NCW. She is saddened by all the wrong doing and recent moves of Apuron and the revaluation that foreigners are the BOD. She wanted to remain anonymous for as long as she could but something ticked her off. Sorry DI. The story is developing and they made contact with KUAM already. It is going to be an interesting news week.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 7:52 a.m.,

      And this is coming from someone who did not even believe that the Archdiocese did not pay a single cent on the RMS seminary?? Now, you believe that there was a benefactor and that Guam received a FREE seminary????

  3. Replies
    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:22 p.m.,

      Tell that to the Pope who made Kiko Arguello a Consultor for the Pontifical Council, which is part of the Catholic Church.

    2. No need, the Pope knows.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:35 p.m.,

      And we will pray for you and love you as our brother in Christ.

  4. anonymous who ever you are must have a comfortable relationship with God. Lord I will go to mass once a week, donate my excess and when I pray for the things I want....please...please Lord grant my prayers. The truth is the church is bigger than our comfortable village parish. Some village churches did not have full time priest and many, many of our friends, relatives, brothers and sisters may have not recieved the sacraments..the love of the church. Throughout all these times of famine, there was man who who prayed for those without a priest....the Arch Bishop.....Anthony Apuron. Do you know how hard the Arch Bishop worked and prayed to recruit priest to recieve the love of Jesus Christ? No my brother you do not. A ANONYMOUS donor donated the 1.9 million dollars. These young men at the seminary will die on Guam, serving the people of Guam. They offer their lives. What do you offer anonymous? You don't even have courage to state your name
