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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Role Of The Laity

Pope Francis said that he would like to see the laity more involved in the Church.  Of course, this never meant to go against the Church or the Archbishop.  It also does not mean to become lectors and alter servers, although that is a good thing.  It also does not mean to stand at an abortion clinic protesting against abortion, although that is also a good thing.  Although all these are good things and should be done, Pope Francis was implying much more than these.  The role of the laity is to spread the Gospel to all people in our workplace, our neighbors, and everywhere.  According to the National Catholic Register (bold is my emphasis): 

Cardinal Bergoglio was the principal author and presenter of the "Aparecida Document," which not only echoes many of his fundamental themes, but is a reliable indicator of his thought. 

The reform of the laity, the document says, must involve them to become "missionary disciples in communion." 

Those four words define the lay vocation:  converted followers of Jesus, who together with others, share Jesus' life and faithfully seek to spread their joy, life and love to those who have not yet come into that twofold communion. 

It's a community of believers trained and inspired to go out to transform politics, society, education, neighborhoods, family and marriages. 

It's a brotherhood of Good Samaritans drawing near to neighbors with love and mercy. It's the faithful who are the salt of the earth and not just salty critics of the Church. 

This sounds like the Neocatechumenal Way.  The members of the NCW do not criticize the Church nor the Archbishop.  We know that the members of the Church and the Archbishop is not perfect.  Yet, we have always been supportive of the Church and Archbishop here on Guam.  It was never the role of the laity to stage a protest against the Church or even their Church leaders.  Against abortion.....yes!  But certainly not against the Church or even the Church leaders.  It was God who put the Archbishop as the leader, and who are we to tell God that He chose the wrong leader.  Even David never went against King Saul because Saul was appointed by God.  You can read the rest of this interesting article in the following website: 

Reforming The Laity


  1. I know you said that you don't like us bringing stuff from JW, but the Filipino priest is back saying that you called him a contract priest, Diane. I don't recall you saying that. This is what that priest said,

    Filipino Guest PriestJuly 8, 2014 at 3:23 PM

    Hello Tim. I have stayed away from the Jungle for quite a while, but I am the Filipino Guest Priest, mocked by Diana as a "Contract priest".
    All this talk of a call to action is indeed heart warming. One of the significant acts of Vatican II was to call the laity to action. To give them a real place in the function of the Church; not equal but different. Not inferior, but different.
    It is indeed gratifying to see that people are realizing that they do have an absolute responsibility to speak out against injustice, regardless of where that injustice may originate from. Some speak out by writing quiet letters to the Apostolic Delegate, others through constant prayer, others through media outlets and blogs. As St Paul reminds us, there are many parts, with different functions, but only one body.
    The same is true for priests as well. However, because of our unique position as leaders in the faith community and subjects to the local bishop, we walk a very narrow path. Just as in the confessional, we need to be honest to the penitent but compassionate to their struggles as well.
    And so to the laity, please be assured that we are also called to action, an action this is not always seen or recognized by the laity. We need to go to our Archbishop as loyal subjects, compassionate to the complexities of running a huge organization such as the Archdiocese, but also honest and frank to help him guide our ship to Christ.
    Although we are very happy that the Archbishop has agreed to incardinate those guest priests who wish to make Guam their permanent home, we also see that many problems still exist that we all must face together. We hope to be able to work with Archbishop Anthony and his successors to create a better environment for our community.
    So even if you do not see your priests in a public showing of support for improvement in the Guam Church, please know we are working just a hard, and just as diligently, to restore our Church to a place of love and welcoming hospitality to all members who have a heart for Christ. Let us pray that this dream will soon be realized.
    God bless you all.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:10 p.m.,

      You are correct. I never called him a "contract priest." An anonymous poster was the one who called him that. From his comment, I see that his song and dance has changed.

      So, now he is saying that he is to go to the Archbishop as loyal subjects and help the Archbishop guide our ship to Christ? Then what is he doing going to the lay people who are calling for the Archbishop's resignation?? So, what happened to his loyalty to the Archbishop if he is actually supporting the very same lay people who are calling for the Archbishop to resign?? I am so sorry....but this sounds to me like Judas Iscariot going to the Pharisees to get Jesus arrested and crucified.

  2. Hop on over to Jungle Watch, where one can really read about The Insider's View

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:30 a.m.,

      No thank you. The jungle is against the Archbishop and the Catholic Church. The Neocatechumenal supports the Archbishop in accordance to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

  3. Well, Diana, guess you won't get to meet Archbishop Krebs since you are only a humble walker.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:31 pm,

      My faith and trust is in God, and I am certain that all will turn out the way God wanted it to.

    2. The Archbishop is in no way Like Christ.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 5:29 a.m.,

      Do you not know that Christ is in all of us, and He is very close to those who are persecuted??? And do you not know that when the Archbishop ministers the sacraments, he takes on the "person of Christ" (in persona Christi)???

  4. No one can be Christ . Anon 5:29 AM are you?

  5. Anon 5:29 was responding to Diana's comparison of Judas Iscariot and Jesus to the Archbishop and his critics. Hence, the Archbishop is in no way like Christ. Jesus was innocent.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:57 a.m.,

      The comparison was an analogy. The priest or bishop represents Christ.....does not mean that he is Christ.
