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Thursday, July 24, 2014

SNAP Exposed

I found this article by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, which is a very interesting read.  Victims of child abuse by priests or any other deserves our love, compassion, and sympathy.  However, organizations who use the media for the sole purpose of trying to destroy the Catholic Church do not.  Below is only a few excerpts from the article.  You can read the rest in the weblink I provided below: 

Garabedian, a Boston attorney, isn’t interested in balancing the scales of justice: he wants to go for the kill. “This immoral entity, the Catholic Church, should be defeated. We must stand up and defeat this evil.” That’s exactly what he told the true believers. Candid statements like this give the lie to the argument that those who routinely bring suits against the Church are doing so out of fidelity to the law. Nonsense. What drives them is not outreach to alleged victims—what ignites them is the satisfaction of going after the Catholic Church. I learned this first-hand when I recently called Garabedian asking if he had any remorse after a spurious lawsuit he filed against a fine priest was tossed by the judge. What prompted my call was the revelation that the priest, though never found guilty of anything, died a broken man—this was the attorney’s second lawsuit against him! Garabedian not only showed no remorse, he went ballistic when questioned....................

“The Unmasking of the Dallas Charter and Other Recent Game-Changers” was the subject of a discussion by Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of, and Terence McKiernan, founder and president of the group. Many pundits and media outlets see BishopAccountability as nothing more than an organization that tallies accusations against priests. In actual fact, its agenda, which was made positively clear at the conference, has more to do with stabbing the Catholic Church.
Doyle is a founder, or co-founder, of several Catholic dissident groups, including Voice of the Faithful. She told the audience that “the conspiracy begins at the Vatican” and the “zero tolerance policy is a sham.” That’s right—she believes that Rome is at the heart of a world-wide conspiracy to protect molesting priests (it is precisely this kind of mindset that is shared by Anderson; otherwise, he wouldn’t constantly be suing the Vatican). She made it plain that she wants the names of all priests accused between 1930-1960 to be released, notwithstanding the fact that many are long dead and cannot defend themselves. She also stated that the “review boards have become a new pressure point,” and that “the Gavin Group [which gathers diocesan data for the bishops] is getting worried” that their audits may be found to be flawed or false.


  1. Good find. Describe the JUNGLE WATCH

  2. Diana, dioceses have thier own processes to CLEAR those accusations and the priest is returned to ministry. That did not happen. When those guys did return they looked like they were in a concentration camp; they suffered so much. Very few of those accused retrun to ministry. FEW, Diana. You want the case of Fr. Paul to go its course in Rome? Let the Church CLEAR Wadeson before you go ahead and
    CANONIZE him.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:09 a.m.,

      It was SNAP that got Father John's name on that list and only SNAP can take out his name. After reading this, do you think SNAP would take out Father John's name on the list? Some of those names put on the list were men who were already who could not defend themselves because they were already dead.

      As for Father Paul, he was the one who brought the case to Rome. That was his choice.

    2. How do you know it was SNAP who got his name on the list?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 12:46 p.m.,

      SNAP existed since 1989. Then in 2002, many controversies started coming up about SNAP. In 2004, Cardinal Mahony was pressured into submitting a list of priests who were accused regardless of whether they were falsely accused or not. So, if you look at that list, it says at the top that the accusations are only allegations and that the US legal system hold that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. However, Father John was treated as guilty and never received "due process' by SNAP. Whatever happened to "due process"?

    4. You are absolutely right, Diana. What you write here is the real essence of the humiliating circumstances Cardinal Mahony had to face in 2004 when he was forced to submit to an angry mob of arrogant lawyers hired by SNAP. He was not given a choice, he had to accept everything in order to cut the settlement cost to an acceptable level. It was still an enormous amount as we all know. Those who were accused innocently fell victim to those who were not innocent, the sheep fell victim to the goats. Who will ever separate the sheep from the goat now?

    5. There was supposed to have been a statement released in 2007 by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Maybe the good Archbishop Mahoney can clarify things! With this hitting the press, why are the two Archdiocese (LA and SFO) still mum about it? His name could have been cleared.

  3. Diana, what you found is a very good exposure of SNAP and related anti-Church organizations! These groups worked together with liberal media to create a lynching atmosphere against priests, bishops and Catholic clergy from the 90ties onward.

    The list you referred to is the direct product of this collaboration. They organized mobs to attack individual clergy. In the case of Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, for example, they brought up charges by hypnosis sessions conducted on the accuser. They diod not shy away from the most obnoxious tricks to get the Catholic authority down.

    Of course, it was like a field day, a big celebration of anti-religious groups when the LA settlement was announced in 2004. They managed to force their humiliating terms by an out of court settlement on the LA diocese. Cardinal Mahony of LA referred to some terms these groups forced on the diocese by sheer power. What you quote is right: these groups took this settlement as a first step to completely destroy the Catholic Church all around in California and later in the whole US.

    Now, we see exactly who are the people Tim Rohr and Junglewatch is siding with. These are the archenemies of all Catholics: anti-Christian, anti-republican, liberal mobs whose one single business is arrogant desecration and destruction all things Catholic.

  4. Hi Good People! "Big Load Of Gossip." BLOG. Proverbs 4:14 -27. Please be very careful w gossip in the jungle.

  5. What is SNAP definition sexual predator accused or convicted. It seems like the innocent is marked also as guilty as well. What made them much more superior than the CIVIL Law? Is there any Churches in the United States counter this group?

    1. Dear El Camino,

      From what I have seen, SNAP does not believe in the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." They go by "guilty until proven innocent." In the case of Father John, they use the fact that he was ousted from the L.A. Archdiocese as their so-called evidence of being guilty. Father John never went to court. The only group that has countered them is the Catholics League of Religious and Civil Rights. SNAP rarely goes after the Protestants, who also have a few sex abuse scandals of their own. Their focus in on the Catholic Church, which they view as a huge institution that needs to be brought down.

  6. Ahhh the bigger the institution the bigger money to be suck in. Whatever beyond the reasonable doubt?
