Blog Song

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Disobedience Leads To More Sins

Do you see the damage disobedience can do?  It can lead to more sins.  This whole fiasco surrounding Father John Wadeson started with a disobedient priest who leaked out information from a closed meeting.  This one action led to a chain of events that hurt an innocent priest and many others.  This act of disobedience is an act of betrayal.  By leaking out this information, it has caused distrust among the clergy.  With this inability to trust, it becomes more challenging to come back to the table for more discussions.  There is fear and insecurity.  Priests would be worried as to whether their conversations are being recorded to be published in the jungle. 

One priest (Father John Wadeson) expressed his disappointment in an email to his brothers about the leaked information.  Toward the end of his email, he reminded his brothers that the real enemy is Satan, not each other.  Unfortunately, this email was also leaked to the jungle where it was misconstrued.  The owner of the jungle misconstrued Father John's email by thinking that Father John was calling him (Tim Rohr) "Satan."  How in the world the owner of the jungle managed to think that is beyond me when in the first place, that email was not even addressed to him. 

Thinking that he was called "Satan", brings anger (another sin).  Then comes revenge (another sin).  From there, everything went downhill.  Other sins such as denial and blame start to appear.  So, this whole fiasco started with the disobedience and betrayal of one priest.  Whoever this "Judas Iscariot" is, I hope he repents and change his ways. 

I call him "Judas Iscariot" because Judas Iscariot was the betrayer.  Judas' crime was worse than the Roman soldiers who nailed Christ to the cross.  Why? Because the soldiers who nailed Christ to the cross were only following orders and did not know Him.  Judas Iscariot, on the other hand, knew Christ because as an Apostle he lived and ate with Him.  

Disobedience causes division since the beginning.  It separates angel from God and man from God.  Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, becoming separated from God through his disobedience.  Lucifer (which means "morning star" or "light bringing")  is well known as Satan (a name associated with "plotter") is the enemy of both God and man.  Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden becoming separated from God through their sin of disobedience. 

Obedience, on the other hand, brings harmony.  In the human family, when children obey their parents there is harmony.  How much more true this would be in God's family when priests obey their Archbishop.  


  1. Nice write up, sometimes for you stop a bully to bully you is to punch him in the mouth. Padre Pio fought back the devil. I pray that the Holy Spirit will send an Angel to end this CIRCUS that the following folks intent to do:
    Jess Cepeda
    Mary Lou
    Chuck White
    Tim Rohr
    Janet B
    Destruction (Catholic Not-United)

    I pray for your soul cause when your time comes on the Mercy Throne, may GOD have mercy on your soul. Year after year remember, your closer to death.

    1. El Camino- not sure if this is worst than being persecuted in Iraq, nice Avatar by the way.

    2. Listen, Diana, by the way we know El Camino with Arabic nun character you stole from CNS is YOU, Princess DI. Don't threaten people about death. Filter comments about getting cancer. What you don't know is that that list you have formed is minus a few names. Your poor grammar and spelling are giving you away again. Tsk.Tsk. Do no judge, lest you be judged.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 1:11 a.m.,

      I am not El Camino. This is my blog, and there is no reason for me to take up another name on my own blog. Also, what he said is not a threat. He is praying for those people's souls, and it is true that we get closer to death as we age each day. Death is a REALITY.

      As for the part over cancer, he said that the team of OJ Simpson died of cancer when the won the case. I can also say for a fact that the person who persecuted Mother Teresa was Christopher Hitchens. He also died of cancer, and that is the truth. Hitchens did die of cancer. There is nothing threatening about Christopher Hitchens or OJ Simpson's team dying of cancer.

      After all, I learned from one of the posters under this thread that Tim has threatened the Archbishop to Hell. You think that it is okay for Tim to threaten the Archbishop about Hell, but it is not okay for El Camino to say that the team of OJ Simpson died of cancer?? Sounds hypocritical to me.

    4. AnonymousJuly 27, 2014 at 1:11 AM I didn't know that this is a spelling bee contest? Thanks for viewing my comments. By the way the way the avatar it's free all over the web to be shared to support IRAQI Christian that are persecuted. Sorta sound like you in the other side JUNGLE WATCH. My comments must push a nerve. I pray for you also that GOD may have mercy on your soul; for disobedience,anger,jealousy and slander. Please enjoy mass but I suggest you confess your sins before receiving the body of Christ.

  2. I join in prayer with you.

  3. Diana - SNAP is cruel look at this link.
    Wadeson will fight this on court.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:26 a.m.,

      Your weblink does not work.

    2. Diana this is 9;26AM, they took it out. Per the vile of JW Fr.Wadeson was also ask to prevent him from practice in San Francisco. Gut feeling this might go to a higher court. Tim might have open a can of worms here.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 2:51 p.m.,

      Thank you for the weblnk. Apparenly, SNAP has found Father John, and how did they manage to do that? Junglewatch must have listed Father John's destination on his blog. SNAP will pressure SF to remove Father John otherwise they will sue for millions of dollars. That's usually how they work. Obviously, SNAP is not interested in taking Father John to court to determine whether he is innocent or not. Why? Because SNAP already treat him as guilty.

  4. Diana - Archdiocese fought back. An article :

  5. This is on GOD hands now, in took one wicked leak to Tim Rohr. It destroyed a human being. I call on all the saints to intercede for Father John. I hope you folks in JUNGLE WATCH can sleep at night. I remember the OJ Simpson case when he won the case; his defense team died of cancer. I don't wish evil but GOD is not asleep.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:13 p.m,

      I do not think Tim Rohr sleeps very well at night. A man obsessed with hate and vengeance does not sleep well.

  6. SNAP is an organization of free-masonic roots. It was not organized to prosecute the guilty because the guilty were prosecuted by legal authorities and were convicted by court. SNAP was organized to persecute the INNOCENT, following the basic tenets of free-masonic strategy. According the free-masons, the Catholic Church can be brought down by making the innocent look like guilty, especially high ranking clergy, thus undermining respect and leadership in the Church.

    Free-masonic influence was spread, among others, by Archbishop LeFebvre, a cult person for Catholic traditionalists. He was ordained by an openly free-masonic bishop, Cardinal Lienart and LeFebvre was never unfaithful to his roots. See here:

    When Archbishop LeFebvre openly disobeyed Pope John Paul II, he and his free-masonic sect had to excommunicated. However, many of his followers including lay people and clergy hid and disguised themselves and stayed in the Catholic Church. We see them all around in the traditionalism movements.

    Now, we see the background of Tim Rohr's Jungle Watch much better. We also can understand how the collaboration between Tim, the SNAP and the liberal media is working in unity to bring down the Catholic Church in Guam. Tim, a secret informant for SNAP, orchestrated the crucifixion of Fr John choosing his own time and own means of attacking him. But he is not content with destroying Fr John, he is up to destroy our Archbishop. Bottom line: a free-mason SNAPper, a "traditionalist" follower of Archbishop LeFebvre, is always looking at the top and is never satisfied by bringing down the little guy at the bottom. He wants to dismantle the Church from the top way down to the bottom!

  7. Junglewatch became a media outlet for SNAP. Actually, Tim Rogr's blog is designed to support and enact SNAP strategies on Guam to marginalize vital Catholic functions.

  8. Dear Anonymous at 7:00 p.m.,

    I agree. The jungle is now a "useful idiot" for organizations like SNAP to try and destroy the Catholic Church.

  9. Folks he (TIM ROHR) just made a bold letter post to Archbishop burn in hell 3X. Msgr.James is out and believe me not obeying also.

  10. Using your logic of obedience brings harmony, we can confer that if your parents tell you to go jump off a cliff, you should do it. Isn't there a line that is drawn that when you feel it is being crossed, you must choose otherwise?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 11:39 p.m.,

      Are you a parent who ever told your kid to jump off a cliff? If you are, then that is when your child can disobey you.

  11. Jesus didn't have a problem obeying his Father anonymous. Parents destroying the God given gift of joy in their children contradicts all Catholic and Christian logic.
