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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Obey And Respect Our Church Leader

Archbishop Anthony Apuron was called and appointed by God.  He is God's chosen one because he is the Archbishop of Guam.  The Catholic Church is very clear in her teachings of which I cannot emphasize enough: 
CCC 1269  Having become a member of the Church, the person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to "obey and submit" to the Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection. Just as Baptism is the source of responsibilities and duties, the baptized person also enjoys rights within the Church: to receive the sacraments, to be nourished with the Word of God and to be sustained by the other spiritual helps of the Church.

Canon Law 212 S1  Christ's faithful, conscious of their own responsibility, are bound to show Christian obedience to what the sacred Pastors, who represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith and prescribe as rulers of the Church.

However, Satan goes against the Catholic Church.  One thing is for certain.... obedience to God, His Church, and those whom God appointed as His representatives has always been the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Anyone who goes against the Pope and everything the Pope endorses goes against the Church.  Anyone who shows disobedience and disrespect to our Archbishop of Guam goes against the Church. 

There is no higher moral good than following Christ who was obedient even unto death.  Obedience and authority appear to be unpopular concepts these days especially in regards to the Church.  In our secular lives, obedience to authority is not taken seriously especially in regards to the Archbishop of Guam. This is probably a bitter pill to swallow for some Catholics who perhaps envision a more democratic Church. 

Interestingly, people who have trouble with obedience to the Archbishop will still obey their boss, the weatherman, or a police officer and not even notice the inconsistency. Yet, following Christ in His Church ranks highest in the hierarchy of goods. 

Obedience should be popular because we grow when something reaches us from outside of ourselves.  It can be as simple as food or as vital as the imperative to love and follow the truth.  We are tied to many larger realities: as children to our parents; as students to universities, as employees to employers, as workers to our factories, as Catholics to the Church, and so on.  The list is endless.  

We cannot do without the myriad of things that reach us each day.  The love, the food, the information, the exercise of our political and economic rights all open life to something larger.  In other words, "None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself (Romans 14:7).  Although St. Paul wrote about people in the act of faith in that biblical passage, obedience - the handing over of ourselves - is part of the structure of faith.  It is self-abandonment to Christ as He comes to us in the Church through His appointed bishops.   

This lack of understanding of the obedience and respect we owe to our bishops suggests that, while many of us are quick to assert that our faith is important, we do not fully grasp what "faith" means in the context of the Church.  The Catechism pairs the words "faith" and "obedience" repeatedly: 

CCC  143  By faith, man completely submits his intellect and his will to God. With his whole being man gives his assent to God the revealer. Sacred Scripture calls this human response to God, the author of revelation, "the obedience of faith".

Jesus may love all sinners, but there are consequences for not obeying His commandments, including His command to obey and respect those whom He appointed as His representatives on Earth.  The Gospel parable of the narrow gate illustrates this readily (See Matthew 7:13-22 and Luke 13:22-30).  We were warned that the "wide" road leads to destruction, and that few will take, or even find, the narrow gate.  Furthermore, Jesus' comments, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven" (Matthew 7:21).  Although the mercy of Jesus is eternal for repentant sinners, those who do not recognize His authority in their lives will, in turn, not be recognized by Him: "Then I will declare to them solemnly, 'I never knew you..." (Matthew 7:23). 

So, brothers and sisters recognize that Archbishop Anthony Apuron was appointed by God as His chosen one to lead us to Christ.  Obey and respect him whom God has chosen and sent as His representative and shepherd on Earth.   Therefore, I urge my brothers not to engage in anything that is hostile to our Archbishop and contradictory to our Catholic faith.




  1. If there were not more than a few problems in our local Church, then you would not have to write this defense of our Archbishop. We understand to whom and what we have to be obedient to.

    The present state of affairs has nothing to do with anyone understanding the Church to be a democracy. Obedience comes at the end of a DIALOGUE. That component of obedience is MISSING.

    Diana, stop using that air of authority and preaching to us. Although, it is your blog.... Maybe you are preaching to yourself? When the fog of disagreement lifts, we might discover where the hostility began. Hostility, your word. We are trying to initiate a conversation. So far, we are met with silence. Strange. BTW, did you get a chance to listen to the KOLG tape that Archbishop did not want anyone to hear? Wow, talk about hostility toward Church authority. Poor Cardinal Arinze. No respect.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:00 a.m.,

      There will always be problems because that's part of life. Obedience comes with faith just as I wrote. When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham did not question God. When the Angel Gabriel told Mary that she will have a child, her only response was "Let thy will be done."

      You are met with silence because you belittle and mock. You have no interest in a dialogue. You speak about the KOLG tape that was not aired?? Was it not Father Mike who said not to air the tape in the BEST INTEREST of the Catholic Church?? That is what Tim Rohr said in his blogsite. Father Mike said not to air the tape in the best interest of the Church, and he was correct. Tim Rohr published the tape. So, what happened to the best interest of the Catholic Church??? Talk about hostility toward the entire Catholic Church. No respect for the Catholic Church.

      Ask yourself what is the intention of having that tape published? What do you hope to accomplish with its publication? The intention was never about justice, but revenge. The purpose was never about truth, but humiliation.

    2. There is absolutely no problem whatsoever with what the Archbishop says on the tape. The only reason repeated airing was not advised is the incredible viciousness of some callers they exhibited. They tried to provoke and entrap the Archbishop by distorting what he just said. These callers claimed the exact opposite what the Archbishop explained just a minute age in a previous sentence! It was extremely shameful, a prearranged plot to embarrass the Archbishop! But he stood tall, simply swept aside these silly provocations, demonstrated his high class and leadership as the supreme Church authority of Guam.

      One thing that should be understood: if some of the faithful believe that a full experience of Christ comes through a devoted participation in the Easter Triduum, then a local bishop has the duty to provide accommodation to their zeal. It is very simple: the Neocatechumenal celebration of the Paschal Mystery is such a wonderful experience that can be recommended to everyone who is not shy to spend the whole night with our beloved Christ.

      Despite accusations, the Archbishop was not disobedient to Cardinal Arinze at all, he gave an account of what he testified about to Pope Benedict at Vatican at an earlier meeting. That is all folks, everybody has eyes to read the transcript and understand what is there. Our Archbishop also embraced the changes that came later in 2008, when the communities started to follow the Arinze letter recommendations as layed out in the Statutes. Those who lie about the tape and distort the truth have a hidden, dark agenda to hurt the Archbishop, hurt the communities and hurt the whole of the Catholic Church.

      "1 Happy are those
      who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
      or take the path that sinners tread,
      or sit in the seat of scoffers;
      2 but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
      and on his law they meditate day and night.
      3 They are like trees
      planted by streams of water,
      which yield their fruit in its season,
      and their leaves do not wither.
      In all that they do, they prosper.

      4 The wicked are not so,
      but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
      5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
      nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
      6 for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
      but the way of the wicked will perish."
      (Psalm 1)


    3. Not a matter of those who are 'shy' to attend. That would not be possible for general population. That is a judgement. The Church allows pastoral decisions even as far as how many readings are used for the Easter Vigil. One is not full and the other less than full. PERIOD

    4. Dear Anonymous at 10:26 a.m.,

      It was the Holy See, in the fundamental document on the Paschal Vigil, "Paschalis Solemnitatis", who expressed sorrow in seeing that the Easter Vigil, instead of being "the mother of all vigils" and the center of the liturgical life of the Faithful, has been REDUCED instead in many parishes to an evening Mass.

    5. Yes, sadly we have the REDUCTION and now add to that we have the SEPARATION of the Paschal Vigil because on this Island our Shepard believes that the Fullness of the Mass can only happen in the NCW.

      As if Christ would rise twice. Would it not be the Archbishops responsibility to see that there is a fullness of the mass as such caliber that is experienced in the NCW? Or no, if you're called, you're called. everyone else is not salt?

    6. Dear Catholic United,

      As the Holy See said, you have the reduction, but the fullness of Christ is still there because Christ is the Head of the Catholic Church. The Pope says the Easter Vigil has been reduced to an evening mass because many people do not want to stay up for 6 or 7 hours like we do in the NCW.

      That's the problem when you listen to Tim Rohr's INTERPRETATION. You only know Tim's interpretation, and you did not read what the Bible says about the "salt." The Holy Bible calls ALL CHRISTIANS to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Everyone in the Way hopes to be the light and the salt as God called us to be.

    7. Like WEEEEE do. That's the whole problem, right there! WE, WE, WE. WE is the Archdiocese of Agana! The Easter Vigil is NOT and evening Mass any where in Guam. It is the EASTER VIGIL. Really, Princess Di, you are the problem personified ! Reduction? where did that word come from?

    8. Diana, can you do us a favor? Can you tell Archbishop Anthony that he is the PASTOR of the Cathedral Parish and that is where he belongs to Celebrate the Easter Vigil? With all the ministers, Choir, altar servers etc. at the Cathedral...that is a REDUCTION? And tell him not to run off to ANOTHER Vigil...that's just too much, already.

    9. Dear CU, the Archbishop was NOT disobedient to Cardinal Arinze! He would have been disobedient if he said the recommendations won't be followed. But he NEVER said that! Right? Please confirm, because this is very important for you to understand this tape. The Archbishop had never said the Arinze letter won't be followed! What the Archbishop pointed out was that Cardinal Arinze set up a TWO YEARS period of time to make the changes. These two years were given for transition, weren't?

      What do you think dear CU, why did Cardinal Arinze give the Neocatechumenal Way two years for transition? What is your opinion about this? Not because compliance was expected AFTER two years? Cardinal Arinze did not want immediate compliance to his recommendations for a serious reason: because of the time factor you forget! After two years everybody around the wide world, in each and every Neocatechumenal community complied with the Arinze letter as laid down in the Statutes. Yes, this is true, please, get a copy and read. Of course, our Archbishop complied just like anyone else in the Way! Where is disobedience?

      The Archbishop also said that every mass is full when celebrated by an ordained priest. He emphasized this over and over again. However, looking from the viewpoint of the faithful, some of us THINK that we would have a closer experience of our beloved Christ and His resurrection, if we celebrate the Paschal Mystery all night long, following each steps of the liturgy at the Easter Vigil without omission. Even if some omissions are permitted, we want our celebration without those omissions! Do you see this, dear CU, it is coming from US, from the flock, not imposed by the Archbishop. But he has a duty as our shepherd to allow us to do it this way. Why don't you come and get the experience firsthand with us one day? We would welcome you with joy!

      So please, stop to distort the truth! Stop giving FALSE interpretations manufactured by a morally depraved Jungle blog and its international ilks who simply cannot keep pace with the time and got frozen helplessly in an overdated ancient past. You have to serve the truth with full heart if you are to serve the Lord!

      "11 Serve the Lord with fear,
      with trembling 12 kiss his feet,
      or he will be angry, and you will perish in the way;
      for his wrath is quickly kindled.
      Happy are all who take refuge in him."
      (Psalms 2:11-12)


    10. Dear Anonymous at 3:59 p.m.,

      The word "reduced" came from the Holy See. See my comment on June 27, 2014 at 11:04 AM.

  2. I will reiterate again to my brothers: Do not engage with anything hostile to our Archbishop and contradictory to our Catholic faith. You cannot change the minds of those who have already made up their minds. The Way has taught us that we cannot change others. We can only pray for them.

    1. Diana you are right, no matter how much fruits the WAY has produce but these folks just insult you. Your post has already been stolen by Tim and posted on his blog for propaganda.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 7:54 a.m.,

      That is why I do not make any comments in Junglewatch, and I hope that our brothers follow this same example. We meet insult with humility.

    3. In the "Time for this" blog entry Tim admits that the fake comments are coming from his own side! He is even asking his own anons to restrain themselves because he already has enough trouble. What can we say? Well, it was time to admit it, Tim!

    4. Tim has cracked and the rest. How can you receive communion if you have great judgement in your heart. Me? I just simply can't.

    5. Unfortunately, Diana, your brothers still like to make comments in the jungle. Do you really think that those who agree with Tim Rohr would be calling him "nut hugger" or "dingleberry"? No, words like those come from your brothers. Those insults are not reserved for Tim either. They're also used on those who put their names on comments, for example Chuck White, Mary Lou and Janet B.

      BTW: Anon @ 8:46AM, do you really think that the fake comments Tim is referring to "are coming from his own side""? The fake comments he refers to are the claims that Fr. Adrian has been named the new bishop or auxiliary bishop which would be a dream come true for the NCW communities.

    6. Dear Anonymous at 12:39 p.m.,

      Those comments came BEFORE I wrote this post "Obey And Respect Our Church Leader." Besides, Tim Rohr had no problem calling anyone vile names, so why should it bother him when vile names are returned to him? Also, there is no way for certain to determine if those vile comments came from the NCW members. Given the hatred found in the jungle, I would not put it pass Tim Rohr to make those anonymous posts himself to discredit the NCW itself. The fact that Tim even publishes those vile comments shows his lack of morality. Vile comments were also made on my blogsite, but I chose not to publish those comments. Instead, I made an announcement about it, informting the readers that their comments were not published for that reason.

      Furthermore, what makes you think that those fake comments came from the NCW. Why would the NCW disregard the Archbishop and say that Father Adrian is the new bishop?

    7. AnonymousJune 27, 2014 at 12:39 PM, how do you know the vile name calling coming from folks from NCW. Tim and the REST where using vile name to Archbishop and Father Adrian. Did it occur to you this is a small island and they do have family who might be hurt. Luckily they are Christian and there is no Marshall Law here on Guam or Tim should be watching his back at night or while his sleeping. HE IS VERY LUCKY, I know Father Adrian would not do anything but I know some family member are tempted but I know they will not do that. AGAIN the Cristobal family has class and CHRISTIAN. He will not stoop to ROHR with his feeble mind.

  3. You know, i read the transcript and it was very clear to me that Archbishop Apuron himself was disobedient to the Cardinal and in effect disobedient to the Holy Father.

    Did Archbishop, comply saying "yes we will do as Cardinal says." He didn't. He discredited the Cardinal, doubted the Cardinal. So what that the letter was meant to be internal, the Cardinal didn't deny the authenticity of the letter and it's contents in later reports.

    Diana, Is the Archbishop held to the same standard of obedience you are opining about, or not? Or can he do as he pleases? There's a Nuncio for a reason. There are men above the Archbishop for a reason.

    Further more, it looks like the Founder of the NCW, Kiko Arguello, regularly threatens Rome with schism or converting to protestantism.

    Whenever the Bishops give him trouble, the idea of schism this comes out of his mouth. And really now, is this the behavior of a Catholic?

    2010 Porto San Giogio. (schism)
    2014. Porto San Giorgio(convert to protestantism)

    you can dig it up and try to disprove me as i have my transcripts.

    Of course Rome would like not like any souls to separate but if the founder keeps flaunting it whenever he meets adversity trying to advance his agenda, why not. Why don't you guys just get the schism over with and we can all be happy?

    1. Dear Catholic United,

      To answer your question, the Archbishop should be obedient to the Pope. Just because you interpret the Archbishop to be disobedient to the Cardinal does NOT mean that you are to be disobedient to the Archbishop. As I mentioned in one of my posts, we are all sinners and that includes the Archbishop. Nevertheless, Christ used sinful men to carry on His ministry. So, who are you to cast stones?

  4. United - no body is sinless including yourself. Again, the motive of your group is to continue to discredit the Archbishop and humiliate him. I would like to see you fitting his shoes, I bet you'll excommunicate everyone that does not fit your criteria.

  5. I would like to ask United a question; Do you still receive communion after all this motive attacks you have with the Archbishop? Do you feel any remorse what your doing is right or wrong? If you have a clear mind to still attend mass and receive the "body & blood" of Christ. Wow, how do you do that? I'm uncomfortable just thinking about it.

    1. It's not easy. Of course we want to respect and be united with our Ordinary. We didn't start any of this. Do I feel it is wrong? Sorry, I don't. Not at all. Wow, how do you do that? Sit at your computer and judge away? Receiving communion is part of inner forum. Not your business @11:29 a.m. I'm uncomfortable thinking how you stayed up so late to say this. Now I'm afraid you won't get a good night's rest. Joy!

    2. I feel remorse and then i confess to a priest and then i sit and do my penance. And then i hear all the alleged injustices this Archbishop has done and i start all over again. Kiko said man can help but to sin right? When the Archbishop clears his name of all of these troubles and issues that divide this Archdiocese i will be one of the first to kneel and adore his ring.

    3. United this a no brainer; you have to reconcile with him. No it's or buts.

    4. 10:42. We go back a long way, Archbishop and i, to before Felixberto Flores passed away. The man is unreachable now. As is evident here on the island.

    5. Dear Catholics United,

      I personally do not know the Archbishop. He does not know me. After reading the survey, I found that most priests say that he is very shy. I do know that he's not in his best of health and is careful on what he eats.

  6. United - (NOT including CATHOLIC, cus your not) Further more, it looks like the Founder of the NCW, Kiko Arguello, regularly threatens Rome with schism or converting to protestantism.

    This part here; if it's true, Pope Francis would have push for deep scrutiny, don't you think ( What internet website did you find this?) Just pure speculation? Could it be from another ITALIAN Anti-Catholic website? Pope would stop it the minute Kiko Arguello claim this. Again, PURE speculation and hate. I don't easily buy in to web site main stream media.



    2. Dear Catholics United,

      Why are you shouting?? You gave me a youtube video of Kiko speaking in Spanish. The video is useless for most of us who speak English.

    3. Sorry about that, operator error on my part. Everything he says is in Spanish. All the good stuff that doesn't make it out of Europe is in Spanish. i will provide more references in the coming weeks.

  7. United - this is where you and ROhrbots including Timothy feed off poison from A ONE sided sites that no one can say any thing good about the WAY. Because your heart is shut. It's worst dealing with viscous HALF HEARTED Catholic than Protestant Sects.

    Very Sad. Who is the blame? The CHURCH (PEOPLE)

  8. I didn't speculate on anything. i have his quotes on paper. The last one is a video of the founder himself discrediting the Sacrament. I don't hate you because if you knew me, you'd know that isn't true. I don't want anyone to go down the wrong road.

    These are fighting words. I thought for a second Kiko is Irish....."is Rome expecting a schism from us?" Kiko Arguello, Dec 2010 Porto San Giorgio.

    "I'm John the Baptist between you brothers" K.A. Written in his "Orientamenti"

    " is irrelevant for mortal sins ("you may seal it, if you want"). K.A. 2013 On the Sacrament of Penance

    1. Dear Catholic United,

      Can you provide the website of this document?

  9. Dear Anonymous at 12:03 p.m.,

    I am aware of those one-sided, anti-Catholic websites. Those websites are frozen in time. They do not update anything. Tim Rohr's book is also one-sided.

    Also, please remember that the Quakers are in no way like Tim Rohr. The Quakers did not fight against the Catholics. They were persecuted in England along with the Catholics.

  10. Again many misinterpret his words which are the tactics

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:22 p.m.,

      I agree. They misinterpret his words and even take it out of context.

  11. Pope Benidict XVI and Pope Francis would have step in from the get go. Why then Pope Francis cease investigation then? Hmmmmmmm

  12. Dear Catholic United,

    The video is in SPANISH. Where is the English translation?

  13. Thought that was one thing good about having multinational seminarians :)

  14. This is a long video to interpret. He said Convert NOW, HE SAID CONVERT NOW,CONVERT NOW!
    United - how in the world did you think Kiko Arguello was Irish? He is Castilliano like my great,great,great great Grandfather.

    Diana he swung and miss.

  15. So, is this the sort of vile comment you are happy to post "Diana"?

  16. Dear Anonymous at 1:49 pm,

    Compared to Tim calling me a "mule", Quaker is not a vile comment. The Quakers are a religious group who call themselves the Society of Friends. I have reminded Anonymous poster not to use the name "Quaker" to refer to Tim Rohr. The Quakers deserve more honor.

  17. Diana despite we don't post with the Church of Rohr, he copies and paste our comments in his blog, maybe there is way you can encrypt the comments. Is like stealing your materials, he should work for a tabloid. Majority of his bickering are bitten off your blog.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:14 p.m.,

      Look at it this way. Tim Rohr is obsessed with me. I can try and get my blogsite encrypted if I can, but I think you already see how Tim Rohr is suffering. For a man to go through my entire blog in order to copy and paste insane.

    2. Anon @ 2:14PM, people who come to this blog copy and paste interesting comments to share in the Jungle just as people who go to Tim's blog copy and paste interesting comments to share in this blog. Tim doesn't do the copying and pasting of comments from this blog himself just as Diana doesn't do the copying and pasting of comments from Tim's blog herself.

      It's that simple.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 10:39 p.m.,

      In the first place, I have asked my readers not to bring anything from the jungle to my blogsite. All comments published in the jungle should be left in the jungle. Tim Rohr, on the other hand, has copied and pasted comments on my blogsite to put up as a spectacle where he can misconstrue and twist our words around.

      For example, Tim Rohr took my comment from my blogsite where I wrote that Father Mike said not to air the tape in the best interest of the Church. Tim Rohr took that comment only to make a mockery of it. He said that Father Mike did not say that.....He SUGGESTED it. Really??? Couldn't Tim Rohr find a more worthwhile topic to write about than trying to making an argument about the terms "said" and "suggestion"???

    4. Diana,

      Again, you take his words out of context, which was a response to your post that took the incident out of context. Your not that clever. Fr. Mike said not to air it in the best interest of the Church because that was the best statement they could think of to avoid an outright lie to protect the Archbishop. There is nothing wrong with exposing the truth. If you are for lies and not truth, then you are against God because the truth is God.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 9:53 a.m.,

      I think you need to read what I posted again. This is about revenge.

    6. He goes to ur blog to verify that the comments copied from ur blog and pasted on his by commenters are accurate, but you will always insist on a negative motive. It's called integrity, look it up you might learn something.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 6:29 p.m.,

      He copy and paste my comments for the sole purpose of twisting my words and for degrading my writing skills. He only wishes to degrade and belittle. All you needed to do was look at the topic of his post. It says "For your entertainment this afternoon" . And then he paste my comments right underneath it., it is not called "integrity."

  18. United sounds like Chuck White, can't wait for Janet B to post here. I know Bernie is waiting for it to debate with her.

    1. i'm not chuck white. i'm a brown islander.

  19. Anon @ 1:45PM, Catholics United wrote, "Those are fighting words. I thought for a second Kiko is Irish....."

    I really think CU was making a joke, something that goes over the heads of you and Diana and many of the NCW members because even though you like to say "Joy" your "joy" doesn't include a sense of humor. Too bad.

  20. Dear Anonymous at 9:13 pm.

    This is what the document stated (Capitalization is my emphasis):

    "However, in some areas where initially the reform of the Easter Vigil was received enthusiastically, it would appear that with the passage of time this enthusiasm has BEGUN TO WANE. The very concept of the vigil has almost come to be forgotten in some places with the result that it is celebrated as if it were an evening Mass, in the same way and at the same time as the Mass celebrated on Saturday evening in anticipation of the Sunday.

    It also happens that the celebrations of the Triduum are not held at the correct times. This is because certain devotions and pious exercises are held at more convenient times and so the faithful participate in them rather than in the liturgical celebrations."

    Synonyms for the word "Wane" are "Reduce", "Decrease," or "Decline."

  21. Kidding aside...may i ask you folks this question:

    If for some reason the NCW was disavowed by the Vatican. Or in a smaller manner, if it was regulated to a stop on Guam, would you keep walking?

    Just yes or no. Don't deconstruct the question to make it implausible. Yes or no. If NCW is disavowed by the Roman Catholic Church, would you still follow the NCW?

    Would you, Diana?

    1. Dear Catholics United,

      If the Pope disavows or excommunicates the NCW, I would not follow it. I follow God, His Church, and the Church leaders whom He has placed as His representatives, which includes the Pope.

      And so far, we have gone through five popes already, and all five of them support and endorse the NCW. Whatever the Pope supports, I will also support.

  22. Begun to wane is nicely put. Saying other celebrations are reduced goes along with Bernie's idea that we are shy to put in the time. She looked for a nicer word too. I think she meant too lazy to put in the time. Because the practice is on the wane does not mean our liturgies are reduced. Sorry.

  23. Dear Anonymous at 10:31 p.m.,

    If you look back at my comment above, this is what I stated:

    "It was the Holy See, in the fundamental document on the Paschal Vigil, "Paschalis Solemnitatis", who expressed sorrow in seeing that the Easter Vigil, instead of being "the mother of all vigils" and the center of the liturgical life of the Faithful, has been REDUCED instead in many parishes to an evening Mass."

    In other words, I never said that your liturgies were reduced. I said that it was the Pope who expressed his sorrow in that document, which says that the Easter Vigil you celebrate has been reduced to a regular evening mass. It was the Pope who expressed that.
