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Friday, June 6, 2014

Kiko Arguello In The Philippines!!!

Kiko Arguello, the Founder of the Neocatechumenal Way is in the Philippines. Below is a very long video of the event. Wow!! The Neocatechumenal Way truly exists in the Philippines. There's a lot of people there.  And Guam is in the video!!  Hooray for Guam!!  I see a lot of Guam flags waving in the air! Guam and Saipan are there together. Guam has a great seat.  They are near the front!   Also, I see a lot of different countries there.  Even Singapore is there!  Amazing!  The Neocatechumenal Way is worldwide.  God is great and has given us a lot of blessings!   :-) 


  1. Bunch of fools!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 8:13 a.m.,

      Thank you for calling us "fools." :-)

      Matthew 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    2. It would be more accurate to call you liars. Wow, imagine getting a seat near the front! So close you could almost reach out and touch Kiko - what a blessing

    3. People don't revile you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for Jesus' sake. We revile you and speak ill of you because of the lies you tell, your fanatical devotion to Kiko, and for distorting the teaching of Our Lord. Yours is a different Gospel - and we reject that

    4. Dear Anonymous at 11:37 a.m.,

      Dear Anonymous at 11:37 a.m.

      As you say, we are reviled because of the way we worship God. No one in the Way ever claim to worship Kiko, but we do worship God, and that is why we are revile. Our songs are about Christ and Mary. We sing songs praising our Lord, and this is why we are reviled.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 11:32 a.m.,

      Thank you for calling us liars. Yes, we are very weak. You are correct and far better than us. God bless you.

    6. Gosh, Diana, why not just admit that you are a LIAR, that Kiko is a LIAR? Didn’t you write: "Since April, the NCW already knew that Kiko Arguello will be visiting the Philippines AT THE INVITATION OF THE CARDINAL. … We also know that after the Philippines, Kiko will be traveling to Japan. He was also invited by the Japanese bishops in Japan.… We know because WE RECEIVED THE WORD FROM KIKO WHO TOLD IT TO THE ARCHBISHOP and the Team Catechists here in Guam. If you do not believe me, that is not my problem. In time, the news report will come out that Kiko will be visiting Japan. JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU HEARD FROM THE NCW FIRST before it hit the internet and the news”?

      You did write that, didn’t you? Or did I misquote you? (Kind of hard when all I did was copy and paste your words) I’m sure if Tim Rohr had written those words and he had been proven wrong, you, Zoltan and the rest of your Gang would have been all over his case. As it is, when he posts the truth, you revile him.

      Actually, given your aversion to truth I doubt if you will post this comment, as you have chosen not to post other comments that contained truth, courtesy of Tim Rohr. Your heart is just so full of hate for him, that you cannot accept that he posts FACTS, not opinions like you. You probably know that your credibility has taken a nosedive, but you’re too full of Ecstasy from watching your demi-god Kiko to care.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:17 p.m.,

      First of all, I do not hate Tim. If you really had taken a good look at my blogsite, you would not find Tim's name as a topic in any of my posts. I am not like Tim that he puts Zoltan's name and photo, my name, and Jennifer Dulla's picture as topics of his posts.

      Examples of my post are "Youths of the Neocatechumenal Way", "Charistmatic Catholics Pray Over The Pope, " "Harden Hearts, with the Pope's speech of the Holy Spirit," "GIRM 43" etc. I do not put Tim's name or photo as part of my posts. So, who actually hates whom?

      Finally, if I really have an aversion of the truth, I would not admit that I was wrong. I said I stand corrected and admitted that I was wrong. A person who hates the truth is one who will never acknowledge the truth of their errors.

      I already stated that I was wrong.....but that is not enough for you, is it? You want me to say that I am a liar and Kiko is a liar?? Is that really all it takes to make you feel happy and satisfied? I actually have no problem with that.

      I am sinner like everyone else, so yes, I am a liar, a murderer, a thief, etc. In fact, I broke all the ten commandments. After all, if you broke one commandment, you break them all. Kiko is a human being and therefore a sinner like everyone else. He is not perfect and neither am I. So, If saying that I am a liar and Kiko is a liar will make you feel better, so be it. I am a liar and Kiko is a liar because we are all sinners. Only God is perfect.

    8. If you admit you lie without control, you should cease making statements about, or in the name of the Church. You have in fact confirmed what you have been denying all this time - that the NCW is false and its teaching is contaminated with lies and distortions.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 4:57 p.m.,

      There is a big difference between saying that I am a sinner and that the NCW is false. The members of the Catholic Church are all sinners....but that does not mean that the Catholic Church is false. Do not distort this truth......or should I say, "Look now at who is distorting Truth."

    10. No you said that both you and Kiko lie - which is of course what you have been denying all this time. We know you lie, Diana and we have been calling on you to stop with the lies and distortions.

      I did not say that "the Catholic Church is false" as you can plainly see. I said that the NCW is false and its teachings are contaminated with lies and distortions. I should also add deceptions, as you demonstrated, by sticking to the party line come thick or thin.

      The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth and no lie can be found with him. The NCW claim to be anointed with the Spirit ( or a "fruit" of the Spirit) and yet we can see the deception at work. In admitting your lies, how can anything you say be trusted?

    11. Dear Anonymous at 6:33 pm,

      Go back and read my comment. I stated, "If saying that I am a liar and Kiko is a liar will make you feel better, so be it." Well, I already said it, so why are you still unhappy?

    12. Diana,

      Your just like my neighbor whose dog keeps getting into my trash.

      Me: Please keep your dog from coming into my yard and going through my trash.

      You: At least he's not letting left over food go to waste

      Me: But he makes a big mess in my yard, and i'm always left to clean it up.

      You: So you rather that my dog starve to death? That's cruelty to animals...animal hater!

      Me: I'm just asking you to respect my property by tying your dog or something.

      You: Why don't you put up a fence to keep my dog out.

      Me: Listen, I'm not going to argue about this, but you need to respect my property or I will make a formal complaint with the Mayor.

      You: Thank you for the persecutions! It just proves I'm right.

      Me: Huh?

    13. Dear Anonymous at 9:31 p.m.,

      What persecutions did you receive from me? I was the one called a fool and a liar. What did I call you?

    14. Diana at 7:39 " Well, I already said it, so why are you still unhappy?"

      Why bother asking the question if you don't post my reply? Are you afraid of something?

    15. Dear Anonymous at 12:53 p.m.,

      I already said that I stand corrected and that I was wrong. You were the one who wanted me to say that I was a liar. So, I said it to make you happy. But you were still not happy. Apparently, you do not seem to understand that when there was a confusion about who invited us, you label us a liar. A liar is someone who was deliberately dishonest about something. There is nothing dishonest if one was confused about the invitation. The NCW was invited, but we got confused about who invited us. And for this little thing, it bothers you??

    16. Diana, the Holy Spirit which dwells in us does not render our reason obsolete – rather, through Him the intellect is enlightened and informed. This is why the Christian is urged to “test everything and hold fast to what is good”. In fact, it is our responsibility to do so. The NCW does not, though – because the whole model is based upon the “word from Kiko” or the “word from Rome (kiko)”. So we end up in these situations again and again. Everyone knows that it is nonsense, but the NCW, yourself included, continue with the party line ad nauseum. It is only because in this case hard evidence was produced that you acknowledge any fault at all – and you seek to minimise it afterwards as a “miscommunication”.

      It is not a miscommunication – it was a deliberate strategy – the same as is used everytime a NCW says something like “the Pope has sent us” etc. Kiko himself the other day said something similar. It is the same strategy used by you countless times in your promotion of the NCW – like the article on Finland. The truth is that the NCW have shipped in seminarians, but for you, this becomes “the NCW is responsible for more Catholics in Finland”. Was that a miscommunication too? Every complaint that is leveled against the NCW, legitimate or not, is met with the same trite responses, where those such as yourself refuse to actually exercise your reason, but only seek to justify someone else’s (Kiko’s) proposition.

      You ought to put aside your prejudices, start again and with an open mind thoroughly investigate the concerns that non-lapsed Catholics have with the NCW. You may find that very much of the NCW is in fact “miscommunications” and bears little resemblance to the true faith.

    17. Dear Anonymous at 7:38 pm.

      The NCW in Guam were invited to the Philippines. The fact that there was confusion as to WHO invited us is a very minor thing.

      As for my post on Finland, you are only looking at one sentence and ignored this other sentence which stated:

      "Finland’s high statistical ratio of seminarians to Catholics is attributable to the controversial presence of a Neocatechumenal Way seminary in the nation’s sole diocese of Helsinki."

      It is common sense that if you have an active role in the NCW, there would be an increase in Catholicism. I see the same thing now happening in Brazil and other Latin American countries. The Charismatic Catholics are very active in this region and proving to be a competition for the Pentecostals

  2. We are fools and you are right Anon 8:13 AM. God pick the weak. You are right and you deserve everything.

  3. Nope, we r no better than u r...but the truth would have been nice

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:42 p.m,

      Because we are the liars and fools, you are indeed better than us. As you say, you know the truth better than we do. May God bless you.

    2. Soon God replace Kiko he so old now.

    3. Diana, I never called you a liar or a fool. Don't put words in my mouth.

    4. Dear Anonymous at 2:18 p.m.,

      Then I apologize. There are anonymous posters in here that have called us fools and liars. It is difficult to tell one anonymous poster from another anonymous poster.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 2:16 p.m.,

      I am not sure how old Kiko is, but when God calls him home, God will indeed call another person to take his place.

    6. You are an anonymous poster as well, Diana.

    7. Dear Anonymous at 3:04,

      I actually have a name that no other anonymous has.

    8. Seems pretty lame, not as bad as the ones in Rome. Nobody wants to go to the tough countries, they only want the comfort of the Western Countries, especially U.S. or Canada.

    9. Dear Anonymous at 7:40 pm,

      On the contrary. Haven't you heard? Catholicism has deceased in Europe. We need to re-evangelize in Europe.

    10. C'mon Diana, thats not what i'm talking about. I'm talking about COMFORTS of western countries, not about the number of catholics.

      And how about Guam; does Guam need re-evangelizing. Because last time I checked the number of Catholics in Guam today is the same as before the NCW arrived.

    11. Dear Anonymous at 8:28 p.m.,

      Yes, Guam needs re-evangelizing. There are many people who call themselves Catholic, but you do not see them in Mass. These are the non-practicing Catholics. And then there are those Catholics who only come to Mass on Christmas and Easter. There are many people who call themselves Catholic, but they do not know what it means to be a Catholic.

    12. You only assume that Guam needs re-evangelizing. How can you say that they do not know what it means to be Catholic, when you don't even know yourself. Your practices are not Catholic; it's more like Lutheran, Protestant, or Peoples Temple.

    13. Dear Anonymous at 4:08 p.m.,

      First of all, the NCW is Catholic and recognized as Catholic by the Pope, the Vicar of Christ. It does not matter to me that you think we are Protestant. The Pope's recognition of the NCW as "Catholic" is what matters more.

      Secondly, Guam needs re-evangelizing because Guam used to be 97% Catholic. That number today is 85%. Over the years, church attendance has deceased for two reasons....1) Catholics are converting to other religious denominations and 2) some Catholics become non-practicing or think that attending Mass on Christmas and Easter fulfills the third commandment of God.

      Finally, the abortion rate on Guam is high and most are committed by Catholics. Suicide is also high on Guam, and most are committed by Catholics. Many Catholics are co-habiting and actually don't see anything wrong with fornication or pre-marital sex. Many of them also do not understand why the Church is against same-sex marriage or women's ordination. In other words, they are falling into the hands of the secular world.

    14. OK, Diana, if you truly want to evangelize the Catholics then please go after the NON-PRACTICING Catholics, the C & E Catholics and STOP forcing yourselves on us during our Masses. It is only here on Guam where the Catholics who attend Mass faithfully have to sit and listen to you and your friends tell us that our faith is DRY and DEAD because we have not joined your group. We cannot escape these "testimonies" because the Archbishop has happily given your group his blessing to invade our Masses and force us to sit through the narratives of unbridled sexuality. I don't need to hear the details of the sordid extramarital affairs of your members before they joined your group. Not only do I not need to hear the explicit details of the sexual escapades, the children in the congregation do not need to hear them either.


    15. Your Masses? It's our Mass too. There are people in Mass who don't mind listening.

    16. -Shouldn't you guys be evangelizing in front of New Covenant or at the Flea Market?

    17. Dear Anonymous at 2:45 p.m.,

      Evangelizing in front of New Covenant Life is disrespectful and rude. Evangelization is supposed to be done with love and respect. My community has never done it at the flea market. I do not know if other communities have tried it.

    18. "Evangelizing in front of New Covenant Life is disrespectful and rude."

      The actions of the NCW leaders and the Archbishop are beyond rude, but you never address them.
      And to the anon who said "It's our Mass too.", most of you guys don't even attend the parish mass, only on special occasions to showcase yourselves.

    19. Dear Anonymous at 5:55 p.m.,

      I and many of my brothers in my community do attend parish mass. A few of us attend parish mass every day and not just on Sunday. Some of the brothers in the community have become lectors, alter servers, CCD instructors, parish council members, etc. In other words, we are doing much more than just sitting in the pews on Sunday Mass.

      As for the Archbishop's behavior, everyone is a sinner and the Archbishop is no exception. I don't address them because the Catholic Church teaches that we must be obedient and respect the Church leaders. The Archbishop is a Church leader. This is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

      CCC 1269 Having become a member of the Church, the person baptized belongs no longer to himself, but to him who died and rose for us. From now on, he is called to be subject to others, to serve them in the communion of the Church, and to "obey and submit" to the Church's leaders, holding them in respect and affection. Just as Baptism is the source of responsibilities and duties, the baptized person also enjoys rights within the Church: to receive the sacraments, to be nourished with the Word of God and to be sustained by the other spiritual helps of the Church.

  4. Good morning, why are you discussing about that? Diana, Anonimus, are you members of the neocatechumenal way? I was for 20 years but now I am not. the why is not important.
    My name is Ubaldo, married to Montse we have seven childen and please taka a look both at this,
    when we were in the nocatechumenal way we did offer our lifes to Jesús so He could do whatever He wants, and he gave us a beoutiful life, family and a misión even thoug we de do not not deserve it becouse our sins, my personal sperience have to tell that you both are rright and wrong,
    any body can think that we were good when we were in the NW and we are wrong becouse we are not, we learn how to serve God and his church in the neocatechumel way and now we are serving him as we learn, many people say, if you are in, you are saved and if you are out you are not, foolish, the salvation is free, you have to do nothing, God does everything, God can take peolple like you and me and make them missionaries, but sinners at the same time, when we arrive to the Philippines, the said, HOW YO ARE SO BEOUTIFUL, YOU ARE HOLY, YOU ARE GRTEAT, YOU ARE GENEROUSE, my wife said, No is not, we are only sinners sendet by God to serve him in you.
    Now, we are serving the same people in church, but in Spain, and away from neocatechumennal way, what do you thin we are now? the answer is, we are sinners already and with the same objetive serve to God as he commanded us.......
    Do you want more?

    1. Dear Ubaldo,

      I am glad that you serve God despite that you are no longer walking in the Way. It appears that the Way has done some good in your life and have carried that goodness even when you left. In the Neocatechumenal Way, we do not teach that only those who join the Way are saved. That goes against Church teaching. Salvation comes only from God, and it is God alone who decides who is saved and who is not. Catholics are aware (or at least should be) that one can lose his/her salvation, which is why we do not go around asking people if they are saved and when they are saved.

      You are correct, we are sinners. By the way, your weblink is not working. It does not bring me to a particular website, but to a list of many websites.

    2. Anon 9:14 there are many non practicing Catholics within the Church. If you don't wanna hear it is because it probably brought your reality. This is the reality were lies within. Not a sugar coated type of announcing. The Church is not for the healthy but for the sick who were suffering. Christ announce the Gospel to the sick, widow and the prostitute not the priest or the parisees but for those who suffer.

    3. 4:28 No where in the Catholic World is this done. The levity is only granted on Guam. So we're "lucky".

      You should Evangelize outside of the New Covenant, there are many former Catholics in there that i could name. isn't that the goal of the NCW to bring back the Catholics?


    4. Dear CU,

      Only radicals would do that, and we are not radicals. Christian funadamentalists would evangelize outside a mosque, Jewish synagogue, or even a Catholic Church because they have no respect for freedom of religion.

      The Catholic Church, on the other hand, does respect "freedom of religion", which is why we do not evangelize in front of another religion's church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      CCC 1907 First, the common good presupposes respect for the person as such. In the name of the common good, public authorities are bound to respect the fundamental and inalienable rights of the human person. Society should permit each of its members to fulfill his vocation. In particular, the common good resides in the conditions for the exercise of the natural freedoms indispensable for the development of the human vocation, such as "the right to act according to a sound norm of conscience and to safeguard . . . privacy, and rightful freedom also in matters of religion."

  5. Well Catholic United it's on the cathechism. Are we still seperatist? Call the secretary of the Vatican and explain that the WAY is a protestant formation. Please do and Pope Francis will provide you a reality.

  6. Dear DianaJune 10, 2014 at 6:52 AM....
    So are you saying that if the Almighty Fr. Pius gave a directive and the Archbishop doesn't follow it, the members of the way will follow the Bishop? Doesn't Fr. Pius get his directives from Guiseppe who in turn gets his directives from Kiko? Please clarify, oh ever all knowing and prideless queen of this blog.


    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:52 a.m.,

      I never said such a thing. Where did you hear that?

  7. The Pope is not even against THE WAY, I'm not a member of the way but HELLOOO let's remember we are all catholics so please respect everyone. The Vatican already approved the Catechism of The Way and they are still in process in correcting the eucharistic celebration of the way so please let us give them chance.

  8. Hi im francis,i need a little help here,were preparing readings for the word celebration,but we don't know how to arrange the readings.we dont have copy/fornat of how to prepare readings,
    Hope you help,thank you

    1. Dear Unknown,

      I recommend that you ask your Catechist. Your Catechist is supposed to instruct your community on how to do the word celebration.
