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Friday, May 23, 2014

Fruit Of The Second Vatican Council

According to the news report dated  September 5, 2013 (whose weblink I provided below): 

One June 26th, Kiko Arguello received a Laurea Honoris Causa in Sacred Theology from the prestigious John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland), for his contribution to the renewal of the Church. 

According to the university, the Neocatechmenal way has followed "attentively the directions of the Second Vatican Council, bringing back Christians who have strayed from the ecclesia community to the foundations of the faith that spring from the Bible and from Liturgy." 

Among the reasons for receiving the honorary title, was the "preparation of the mission ad gentes, the active contribution of the Neocatechumenal itinerary, in the encounter between Christianity and Judaism and in the defense of the values of life, of human dignity, of marriage and of the Christian family.

Pope Francis Receives Neocatechumenal Way Initiators


  1. The cult of personality; all Kiko, all the time. Another instance of ncw idolatry on display.

    1. Anon 8:50 AM why is it A CULT when endorsed by St. PAUL JOHN II the great . Please point it out to us why is it a CULT. 50 plus years the WAY was establish thru Vatican. Please enlighten us. If you only gather half bake information from JW then you have no bearing.

    2. who is JW? Do you even know what the term cult of personality means?

    3. Uh we are in the left field again. LOL stick to my question.

  2. Dear Anonymous at 8:50 a.m.,

    Your comment says more about you than about the article I posted. If I was really obsessed about Kiko, my avatar would be a photo of Kiko rather than Jesus Christ.

    1. Diana, you are obsessed with yourself.

    2. Dear Anonymous at 11:47 a.m.,

      This comment still has nothing to do with my post. My post is not even speaking about myself.

  3. kiko prayer cards. cultic.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:23 p.m.,

      This one short sentence does not explain how prayer cards are cultic. There are prayer cards for St. John Paul II and even Benedict XVI. How are prayer cards cultic when the Catholic Church has many of them?

  4. Diana is right. It is not "all about Kiko". Not at all! He is only one of the founders of a post-Vatican II Catholic itinerary. The fruits are not Kiko's fruits, not even the fruits of the Neocatechumenal Way (only). These are the fruits of Vatican II!

    It was about 50 years ago that the Catholic Church demonstrated at the Council that it can reform itself, open up the way for the innovations of the Holy Spirit. Vatican II showed that our church is ready to face modernism and create something new for the new century. That is what we see now are producing spiritual fruits in abundance. Yes, even through Kiko and the Way. But the fruits were produced by the Council and the church itself.

    It is not mere coincidence that those who criticize Vatican II from the onset claiming that Vatican II was not Catholic enough for their taste are the VERY SAME PEOPLE who criticize the Way saying that it is not Catholic enough. It is not coincidence because they are actually attacking the same thing: the ability and the resolve of the Catholic Church to renew itself! This is very simple and straightforward. The Neocatechumenal Way is a fruit of the Council. Our opponents attack the Way because deep in their hearts they have never really accepted Vatican II either.

  5. I sincerely hope all of our Catholic Churches on the island are changed to the New Aesthetic. Please take down the stone and especially the plastic statues where many have venerated. we have been wrong so so many years to venerate on these idols. please replace them with the tapestries and murals of this great but humble man. Please replace our daily missal with his song book. He knows the true Way to all of our Salvation~

    1. Please, you NCW doesn't even kneel to respect the Lord during the offering of His Sacrifice.

      In Ephesians 3:14 Paul says, "I kneel before the Father,"
      Acts 9:40 Peter "knelt down and prayed."

      It's funny because kneeling is what the First Christians did and the NCW claims to return to the Early Christians, yet they only bow after the Body is offered up.

    2. You sound fake to me, man... are you not ashamed to come here and dirt in Diana's blog?

    3. Dear Anonymous at 3:24 p.m.,

      What is in a person's heart is more important. There are people who kneel in Mass and even go to Mass, but their minds are elsewhere. God is the only one who sees the heart of the person, and whether one kneels or not, God knows who truly worships Him in his/her heart.

    4. What is in your heart will show in your behavior.

      43 of the GIRM "In the Dioceses of the United States of America, they [the faithful] should kneel beginning after the singing or recitation of the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) until after the Amen of the Eucharistic Prayer, except when prevented on occasion by ill health, or for reasons of lack of space, of the large number of people present, or for another reasonable cause."

      Another liturgical abuse, discussed in some detail here:

    5. Dear Anonymous at 11:56 p.m.,

      My response is found on this weblink:

    6. They are people who go to Community Eucharist and they are secretly palming their iphones, their minds are elsewhere...the Community is not the one all be all game, by the way, Catholics in St. Peters' kneel.

      anon at 3:30pm am i supposed to just nod and agree and agree, hold back my questions while Diana the responsible speaks?

    7. Dear Anonymous at 7:41 a.m.,

      I do not know what community you witnessed this, but in my community everyone participates. The youths in my community are all cantors and are very much involved in the celebrations. Most people sing or clap during the songs. If you witnessed anyone in the community on their iphones, I hope that you correct them or bring it up to their Responsible so he/she can correct the person.

  6. "How are prayer cards cultic when the Catholic Church has many of them?"

    Who issued Kiko's prayer cards, the Catholic Church? Whereas likely the Vatican issued those for the two you mention.

    1. The prayers in the back are already Vatican approved. At funerals, sometimes people have pictures of their loved ones on prayer cards, and the prayers in the back of the card is already a famous prayer or from the Book of Psalms.
