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Sunday, April 27, 2014

To Anonymous Poster Who Thought I Didn't Publish Comments

First of all, I publish your comments, which you posted on different parts of my post.  I apologize for the delay in publishing your comments as I was at the Eucharistic celebration last night and could not respond to your comments until this morning.  At any rate, I will use one of your comments for this post.  You stated here under my post "How Kiko's Words Are Misconstrued."  Your comments are in blue while mine are in black: 

It is true that both Popes JPII and B16 celebrated Mass for the Neocatechumenal Way when they visited; however, both popes were not in favour of the Mass. Pope PJII in his Eucharistic Encyclical and Redemptionis Sacramentum 2003/2004 makes it clear that no one can change the mass without written permission (recognitio) from the Pope. KIKO DOES NOT HAVE THIS. (Kiko also thought he was getting this in January 2012, BUT NEVER DID.)

Th Redemptionis Sacramentum is not a letter written to Kiko; therefore, you cannot use it as if it was a letter written only for Kiko and interpret that to mean that the Pope was against Kiko's mass.  Furthermore, Kiko did obtain permission from Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI, which is the reason he met with them often and even celebrated mass with them in the Neocatechumenal Way.  If Kiko's intention was not to get permission, he would not need to meet with the Pope as he often does.  The media has shown you that Kiko DOES meet and has met with Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI and even with Pope Francis I. 

Pope Benedict also through Cardinal Arinze in 2005 gave instructions that the Neo's must accept and follow the liturgical books approved by the Church without omitting or adding anything. This included:


Pope Benedict also in January 2006 told them: "Precisely to help the Neocatechumenal Way to render even more effective its evangelizing action in communion with all the people of God, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Cardinal Arinze) recently imparted to you in my name certain norms concerning the Eucharistic Celebration, after the trial period that the Servant of God John Paul II conceded. I am sure you will attentively observe these norms that reflect what is provided for in the liturgical books approved by the Church

As I already mentioned, the ONLY thing that the Popes have an issue with is how we distribute and receive the Body of Christ SITTING DOWN.  This part was specifically written in Cardinal Arinze's letter. In his letter, he specifically stated (written in red): 

On the manner of receiving holy communion, a period of transition (not exceeding two years) is granted to the Neocatechumenal Way to pass from the widespread manner of receiving Holy Communion in its communities (seated, with a cloth-covered table at the center of the of the church instead of the dedicated altar in the sanctuary) to the normal way in which the entire Church receives Holy Communion.  This means that the Neocatechumenal Way must begin to adopt the manner of distributing the body and blood of Christ that is provided in the liturgical books.  

The bold is my emphasis.  Nowhere in this statement is he saying that he is against the ENTIRE mass, but the manner is which the body of Christ is being distributed and received.  In fact, nowhere in this letter does he even say that he doesn't like the cloth-covered table, the place where the crucifix is placed, the place where the flowers are put, or the use of the Jewish menorah during special celebrations.  In his letter, he emphasized the word "seated" because that is really what the Pope was against and which is not in the liturgical books.  This issue has already been corrected.  The members of the Way now distributes and receives the Body of Christ standing up, which is in accordance to the liturgical books.      

To which Kiko replied:
"We also wish to thank you for the benevolence, mercy, and goodness You have shown to those farthest away in allowing the moving of the sign of peace and in GRANTING A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FOR THE ADAPTATION OF THE MANNER OF DISTRIBUTING THE COMMUNION OF THE BODY AND THE BLOOD OF THE LORD......where He himself, full of love, has them sit down and comes to serve them "He will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them" (Lk 12:37) In this way, every time WE celebrate the Eucharist WE experience the power this sacrament has to draw them into the Passover of Christ, bringing them from sadness to joy, from darkness to light, from death to life.....
Translation: " WE will not obey. YOU are wrong. We are right."

Do not translate in English what is already in English otherwise you are simply putting in your own English translation.  Nowhere in there is Kiko saying "We will not obey. You are wrong. We are right."  Kiko was referring to Luke 12:37 just as it was written in the letter.  This is what Luke 12:37 says: 

Luke 12:37  "Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching.  Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them.   

 I encourage you and all neo's to read about this, and pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the gift of strength to come against Satan's lies. Many, many good -meaning people are being greatly deceived in regards to what is most important in the Catholic Church - The Eucharist. Take courage and look for the truth; it has been hidden from the NW. Unfortunately, not only the unchurched, but even well-seasoned parishioners are accepting all the NW's liturgical abuses. Please, please, pray for Kiko's conversion. Pray that TRUTH not be suppressed.
The NW, although they now stand as they are given the Body of Christ, they sit immediately down, and wait till all have the Body of Christ in their hands, then they all together WITH THE PRIEST, RECEIVE THE BODY OF CHRIST INTO THEIR MOUTHS - WHILE SITTING DOWN. Not Acceptable. (A NOTE HERE - THE PRIEST IS REQUIRED TO CONSUME BOTH THE BODY AND THE BLOOD BEFORE THE REST GET COMMUNION

There are many liturgies in the Catholic Church.  Why do you see only one of them to be legitimate when the Church recognize so many of them.  The Statutes of the Way have already been approved by the Catholic Church.  The Statutes mentions three things....the Eucharist, the Easter Vigil, and the Reconciliation.  

Our Statutes explains how we are to celebrate the Easter Vigil and others are accusing us of not complying with the Roman missal, which states that there is to be only one Easter Vigil per parish.  Why not bring forth your complaint to the Vatican for violating the Roman Missal for it was the Holy See who approved the Statutes explaining how we are to celebrate the Easter Vigil in the Way.  This same Roman Missal says that the Easter Vigil must be celebrated during the night until daybreak on Sunday morning.  

Before the Neocatechumenal Way was even here on Guam, none of the parish ever celebrated all night long until daybreak Sunday morning.  Easter Vigil in the Parish is three hours long.  So, if the Roman Missal is what you follow, why didn't you complain to the Vatican that every parish only celebrates the Easter Vigil for only three hours, which is in violation of the Roman Missal? I read in Tim Rohr's blogsite all the complaints on the time the Easter Vigil started.  Regardless of whether the parish started on time or not, do you still not consider it a violation because of the time they ended? So, why hasn't anyone brought out the fact that the parish Easter Vigil is three hours long and does not end at daybreak Sunday morning as required by the Roman Missal?   

The Neocatechumenal Way, on the other hand, holds their Easter Vigil celebration all night until daybreak Sunday morning.  Also, what you don't know is that the Easter Vigil we celebrate in the Way is one with the parish Easter Vigil.        


  1. "Our Statutes explains how we are to celebrate the Easter Vigil".

    Where do you statutes explain how you are to celebrate the Vigil?

    "This same Roman Missal says that the Easter Vigil must be celebrated during the night until daybreak on Sunday morning"
    Please provide the quote from the source indicating that the Vigil *must* be celebrated until daybreak. Can you explain why the Pope's vigil Mass did not go until daybreak?

    "Also, what you don't know is that the Easter Vigil we celebrate in the Way is one with the parish Easter Vigil." Because you say it is? No, you are deluded I'm sorry to say. There is to be one Easter Vigil in the parish, one Paschal candle per church, and you are simply telling lies.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    My response is found on this weblink:

  3. Diana,

    You wrote "same Roman Missal says that the Easter Vigil must be celebrated during the night until daybreak on Sunday morning." It does not say UNTIL daybreak; it says that it should end before daybreak on Easter Sunday. Anytime before day break would be fine. It does not say that it should last UNTIL daybreak on Easter Sunday. I hope your errors are not made intentionally to support your view, but still causes confusion and misinformation if not intentional.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 7:40 p.m.

      Thank you for correcting me. You are correct. The Roman Missal says before daybreak on Sunday morning. The Easter Vigil can end anytime after 12:00 midnight before daybreak on Sunday morning. Sunday morning is after midnight. The Easter Vigil starts on Saturday night and ends before daylight on a Sunday morning.

  4. Please don't lump one anonymous with another. We are not one person.
    The Neo Statutes DO NOT give permission for all the changes to the Mass. Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis I have all gently tried to correct their Mass. The facts remain - Redemptionis Sacramentum 2004 (from John Paul II, by Cardinal Arinze, checked by Cardinal Ratzinger (soon to be Pope) was meant for everyone. - Pope Benedict through Cardinal Arinze in 2005 gave instructions that the Neo's must accept and follow the liturgical books approved by the Church WITHOUT OMITTING OR ADDING ANYTHING. (This makes the manner of receiving Communion not the only thing that the Popes didn't like and wanted changed. - Note: Consuming the Body of Christ sitting down still makes one "receiving" Communion sitting down.) eg. of omitting: not kneeling in adoration of our Lord Jesus during the Eucharistic Prayer; priest not consuming both the Body and Blood "before" distribution to others; no altar (table instead) eg of adding: flowers, Jewish menorah, music during Eucharistic prayer,.....
    Pope Benedict also in January 2006 told them: "Precisely to help the Neocatechumenal Way to render even more effective its evangelizing action in communion with all the people of God, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Cardinal Arinze) recently imparted to you in my name certain norms concerning the Eucharistic Celebration, after the trial period that the Servant of God John Paul II conceded. I am sure you will attentively observe these norms that reflect what is provided for in the liturgical books approved by the Church.
    I wish I could make you understand, that Pope Benedict when he says " to render even more effective" entails celebrating the Mass according to the approved liturgical books so as to not cause division. (Just look at all the horrible stuff said about the neos, and all the horrible stuff said about the anti-neos - Is this the Body of Christ?)
    Again the Neo Statutes do not give permission for all the changes the Neos have in their Mass - added or removed.
    Please understand that I tell you this with no hostility.

  5. Dear Anonymous at 4:53 p.m.,

    Please understand also that there is no hostility in what I say. Those things you mentioned has already been corrected. We receive the Body of Christ standing up and then sit down. We do not consume the Body of Christ, but contemplate on His body. After the priest receive Holy Communion, then together the rest of us consume the Body of Christ sitting down. This was the change that was made. I was there when Father Pius gave those instructions. He did say that they received those instructions from Kiko who in turned received it from the Pope. I do not see any reason why Kiko would disobey. A person can disagree with the Pope, but that does not mean they disobey the Pope. The fact that Kiko is constantly in touch with the Pope shows that he wants to be in communion with the Catholic Church.

    Furthermore, the Japanese Catholics in Japan do not kneel in adoration to Jesus Christ. They already have permission from the Pope not to kneel despite the fact that it's not written down but orally told to by the Bishop of Japan. In Japanese culture, kneeling is the same as sitting, which they feel is disrespectful. So, they stand.
