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Saturday, April 5, 2014

How Kiko's Words Are Misconstrued

Anti-Catholic websites always publish half-truths and half-lies.  Sometimes, they publish only the things they want you to hear and leave out the things that are pertinent and relevant.  For example, in Junglewatch, we see Kiko's words being miscontrued. 

In Volume 1 of Kiko's Catechetical Directory, he says, "The baptized Christian has already entered into divinity, into the Kingdom of God and can pass to the Eucharist.  The Eucharist is a celestial Eucharist, before the Lamb, the angels and saints.   

Christ came down incarnated as a man.  By becoming man, He shared in our humanity.  The Eucharist was instituted by Christ because He wanted humanity to share in His divinity.  Just as Christ became one with humanity through His incarnation, Christ wanted humanity to become one with God through the Eucharist. 

CCC  1354   In the anamnesis that follows, the Church calls to mind the Passion, resurrection, and glorious return of Christ Jesus, she presents to the Father the offering of his Son which reconciles us with him.  

In the intercessions, the Church indicates that the Eucharist is celebrated in communion with the whole Church in heaven and on earth, the living  and the dead, and in communion with the pastors of the Church, the Pope, the diocesan bishop, his presbyterium and his deacons, and all the bishops of the whole world together with their Churches.    

CCC 1396  The unity of the Mystical Body: the Eucharist makes the Church.  Those who receive the Eucharist are united more closely to Christ.  Through it Christ unites them to all the faithful in one body - the Church, Communion renews, strengthens, and deepens this incorporation into the Church, already achieved by Baptism.  In Baptism, we have been called to form but one body.  The Eucharist fulfills this call:  "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ?  The bread which we break, is it now a participation in the body of Christ?  Because there is one bread, we who ar many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread:"  

If you are the body and members of Christ, then it is your sacrament that is placed on the table of the Lord; it is your sacrament that you receive.   To that which you are you respond "Amen" ("yes, it is true!") and by responding to it you assent to it.  For you hear the words, "the Body of Christ" and respond "Amen."  Be then a member of the Body of Christ that your Amen may be true.  

In Junglewatch, Tim Rohr cited Kiko's statement about the Eucharist and then goes on to cite CCC 1090 in Section 1, Article 1 of the Liturgy.  What he deliberately left out was Section 2, Article 3 in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which specifically speaks about the Sacrament of the Eucharist.  Kiko's statement was about the Eucharist, so why was Tim Rohr citing Section 1, Article 1 of the Liturgy in the Catechism and NOT Article 3, which speaks specifically of the Eucharist? Section 1 of the Catechism cites "The Sacramental Economy while Section 2 specifically cites the "The Seven Sacraments of the Church."   

In the Eucharist, the Church in heaven and the Church in earth become one just as we become one with Christ as we receive His body and blood.  Kiko stated that the Eucharist is a celetrial Eucharist before the Lamb, angels and saints because in the Eucharist, it is Christ who presides (CCC 1348), and it is through the Eucharist that the entire mystical body of Christ is united as one Body and through the "communion of saints." 

The mystical body of Christ includes the pilgrim Church on Earth, the triumph Church in God's Heavenly Kingdom, and the suffering Church in Purgatory.  The Eucharist is the highest of all sacraments, and it is the heart of the Catholic Church.  Why the Eucharist?  Because it is through the Eucharist that we become one and united with Christ, sharing in his divinity.   



  1. If the Eucharist is the "heart of the Catholic Church," why celebrate outside of it's body of members at Holy Mass? You say one thing, but you neos do another.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      We are not celebrating outside of Church. The Mass everywhere is one. If you mean why are we celebrating outside the Church building.......the building itself is not what makes the Catholic Church. The Church is defined as an assembly of the Catholic faithful (where ever they are).

    2. exactly, many of the celebration is celebrated in the church. I am besides this before on jungle watch but they twist the words we are celebrating inside the church which is open to everyone to come

    3. Not all communities celebrate outside of the Church building. Some celebrate inside, some celebrate outside, depending on the conditions in a given parish. But this is not the point. The point is that a large open space as inside a Church or Cathedral building could discourage people from sharing. If sharing is part of the celebration of the Eucharist, then the environment should encourage sharing so that the Holy Spirit may manifest itself more easily among the sisters and brothers.

      But let me also ask a questions. Tim writes at his blog: "One no longer had to be a genetic member of a certain race to be among the "chosen people"." What does this mean? Who are the "genetic members of a certain race"? Would Time say God abandoned the Jewish people? Where in the Bible can you find such claim?

    4. Who said anything about a building?

    5. And where does this idea of "sharing" in the Mass come from?

    6. Dear Anonymous,

      It came from “Ecclesiae de Mysterio,” which was approved “in specific form” by Pope John Paul II and published on August 15, 1997. In this document, sections 2 of article 3 read as follows:

      §2 - “It is permitted to have a brief instruction that helps explain better the liturgy that is being celebrated, and even, in exceptional circumstances, a few testimonies, as long as these conform to the liturgical norms, are offered on the occasion of Eucharistic liturgies celebrated on particular days (for seminarians, the sick, etc.), and are thought truly helpful as an illustration of the regular homily delivered by the celebrating priest. These instructions and testimonies must not assume characteristics that might cause them to be confused with the homily.”

    7. in exceptional circumstances

  2. JungleWatch tries to frame the Way as an heretic, protestant movement. But they fail over and over again. Why? Because of the simple reason that the Way is not heretic, not protestant, not even a movement!

    1. The charge of heresy is coming from the statement that "The baptized Christian has already entered into divinity, into the Kingdom of God.: Perhaps, people at the JungleWatch have never heard about the realized eschatology spelled out very clearly in the Gospels? Luke 17:20-21 says: "“The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”" Because it has been realized among us, among the believers.

    In John 15:15-16 Jesus calls the disciples and the faithful his friends, because everything have already been taught: "15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." What is this if not the realized Kingdom? John 17:22 clarifies even more: "22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity." This unity is the unity of the glory of God that is His Kingdom on Earth.

    2. The Way is not protestants because we believe in the Real Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist that is manifested throughout the communities and the whole Church!

    3. We are not a movement, but an itinerary, a direction, a Way. ;)

  3. In addition to my comment, I know that many of the members in the Way attend the Mass in the Parish. A few of my community members attend daily mass. Others like myself also attend both the Parish Mass and the Way's Mass.

    1. Unfortunately, most neo's don't know that the "kiko" mass with all its novel adaptations is not permited by the Pope. For all the alterations that Kiko has implemented, he does not have "written permission" - recognitio. In 2005, Cardinal Arinze on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI issued them directions for them to change the "kiko" Mass - They were two years to return to the regular way of celebrating Mass according to the Roman Missal/GIRM. Kiko blatantly disobeyed and keeps "his" followers in the dark in this regard. Check it out - google "the strange mass that the pope doesn't like." There's tons of info re this online which Kiko doesn't want the members of the NW to have/

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      How do you know it's not permitted? Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the "kiko" mass (as you put it) and the only problem they had with it is the way we received the Body of Christ sitting down. That has already been corrected. We now receive the Body of Christ standing up.

    3. It is true that both Popes JPII and B16 celebrated Mass for the Neocatechumenal Way when they visited; however, both popes were not in favour of the Mass. Pope PJII in his Eucharistic Encyclical and Redemptionis Sacramentum 2003/2004 makes it clear that no one can change the mass without written permission (recognitio) from the Pope. KIKO DOES NOT HAVE THIS. (Kiko also thought he was getting this in January 2012, BUT NEVER DID.)

      Pope Benedict also through Cardinal Arinze in 2005 gave instructions that the Neo's must accept and follow the liturgical books approved by the Church without omitting or adding anything. This included:
      Pope Benedict also in January 2006 told them: "Precisely to help the Neocatechumenal Way to render even more effective its evangelizing action in communion with all the people of God, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Cardinal Arinze) recently imparted to you in my name certain norms concerning the Eucharistic Celebration, after the trial period that the Servant of God John Paul II conceded. I am sure you will attentively observe these norms that reflect what is provided for in the liturgical books approved by the Church
      To which Kiko replied:
      "We also wish to thank you for the benevolence, mercy, and goodness You have shown to those farthest away in allowing the moving of the sign of peace and in GRANTING A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FOR THE ADAPTATION OF THE MANNER OF DISTRIBUTING THE COMMUNION OF THE BODY AND THE BLOOD OF THE LORD......where He himself, full of love, has them sit down and comes to serve them "He will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them" (Lk 12:37) In this way, every time WE celebrate the Eucharist WE experience the power this sacrament has to draw them into the Passover of Christ, bringing them from sadness to joy, from darkness to light, from death to life.....
      Translation: " WE will not obey. YOU are wrong. We are right."

      I encourage you and all neo's to read about this, and pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the gift of strength to come against Satan's lies. Many, many good -meaning people are being greatly deceived in regards to what is most important in the Catholic Church - The Eucharist. Take courage and look for the truth; it has been hidden from the NW. Unfortunately, not only the unchurched, but even well-seasoned parishioners are accepting all the NW's liturgical abuses. Please, please, pray for Kiko's conversion. Pray that TRUTH not be suppressed.
      The NW, although they now stand as they are given the Body of Christ, they sit immediately down, and wait till all have the Body of Christ in their hands, then they all together WITH THE PRIEST, RECEIVE THE BODY OF CHRIST INTO THEIR MOUTHS - WHILE SITTING DOWN. Not Acceptable. (A NOTE HERE - THE PRIEST IS REQUIRED TO CONSUME BOTH THE BODY AND THE BLOOD BEFORE THE REST GET COMMUNION.

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    First of all, the Redemptionis Sacramentum is not a letter written to Kiko; therefore, you cannot use the Redemptionis Sacramentum as if it was a letter written by the Pope solely for Kiko and interpret that to mean that the Pope was against Kiko's mass.

    Secondly, as I already mentioned......the ONLY thing that the Popes have a problem with is how we received the Body of Christ SITTING DOWN. This part was specifically written in Cardinal Arinze's letter written to Kiko. In his letter, he SPECIFICALLY stated:

    ON THE MANNER OF RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION , a period of transition (not exceeding two years) is granted to the Neocatechumenal Way to pass from the widespread manner of receiving Holy Communion in its communities (SEATED, with a cloth-covered table placed at the center of the church instead of the dedicated altar in the sanctuary) to the normal way in which the entire Church receives Holy Communion. This means that the Neocatechumenal Way must begin toADOPT THE MANNER OF DISTRIBUTING THE BODY OF BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST that is provided in the liturgical books.

    Nowhere in this statement is he saying that he is against the ENTIRE mass, but the manner is how the body of Christ is RECEIVED AND DISTRIBUTED. As you can see in the statement, the word "SEATED" is mentioned. As I mentioned in the last post, the manner in which the body of Christ has been received and distributed in the past was by sitting down. That has already been corrected. We now receive and distribute the Body of Christ standing up, which is in accordance to the liturgical books.
