Blog Song

Monday, March 3, 2014

To Those Opposing the Way

I would greatly appreciate that you do not derail any of the threads or posts in my blogsite.  If I do not publish your comment, it is because of this reason. If you wish to comment about the alleged liturgical abuses of the Way, I ask that you comment on the proper thread.  In other words, any comments of the alleged liturgical abuses should be under my post on Written Letter From a Priest. and not on "Altar of the Early Christians".  Also, bear in my mind that although I am really not a lawyer as some people suspect, I am intelligent enough to know that any typewritten letter from a person with a PH.D on Liturgy has more credibility than a news report of those alleged liturgical abuses.  

Regarding my post on "Altar of the Early Christians", I got that information from the Catholic Encyclopedia.  It was the Catholic Encyclopedia that stated: The earliest Christian altars were of wood, and identical in form with the ordinary house tables.  In order to dispute this, you can start by showing how the Catholic Encyclopedia is wrong.   


  1. Good point. You go. Ahmen.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      It seems that no one wants to post their news report anymore.

  2. On JW someone Post what their trying to prove of point winning the arguement. My opinion it's pretty hard to get a support from the Pope. The Neocathecumenal way is diffrent charism from Legion of Christ. Now on JW someone actually has the time to analyze 1MIL to opearate a seminary. One comment that the seminary need to cut down seminarian from 40 to something. Not all of them are fit to the calling. I have friend who use to be seminarian end up going because it was not his calling so not all of them are for sure for the calling.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I agree that not everyone of those seminarians will be priests. This is why they go through a scrutiny. I also believe before entering a seminary, the person should be evaluated first. This is the reason why I have no problems with the Church's decision to deny to sponsor Mr. Aaron Quitugua into a seminary. Based on his correspondence with Father Adrian, which was published in Junglewatch, I am of the opinion that he is not yet ready for the priesthood.

  3. This is what Tim said: Mainly the root Gofigan

    TimMarch 4, 2014 at 8:34 AM
    We have always known that you were making war on the Catholic Church. You were the ones telling us all how your lives have been changed thanks to Kiko. Your comments on this blog have told quite a different story. And in the beginning the blog was not about you, just about Fr. Paul's situation. However, you made it about you. I and others have only responded to your attacks. But thank you for telling us the truth about your making war on us. However, the war isn't mine. It's a world war, or haven't you noticed:

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Those weblinks are all anti-Neo, and it wasn't posted by any members of the Neocatechumenal Way. All the OP was started by anti-Neos. The Neocatechumenal Way has websites of its own, and those websites don't attack the Catholic Church. None of the Neocatechumenal Way websites ever say that the Traditional Latin Mass Catholics are NOT Catholics. It has always been them who called us "Protestants" or non-Catholics.

      Mr. Tim Rohr has always been against the Way even before the Gofigan incident. I think the root cause of his problem is more the Archbishop rather than the Way. He appears to hate the Archbishop more. He criticizes everything the Archbishop does. The fact that the Way supports the Archbishop only gives him more reason to be against the Way. But in my opinion, I think he hates the Archbishop more than the Way.

  4. yeah you are right, nearly 20 years ago he was in KOLG radio show, him Chuck White and some military guy from Naval Hospital. This is bad, a sin from him. Does he care, I don't think so.

    1. Whatever issues he has with the Archbishop has nothing to do with the Way. It's better for those who are walking in the Way to leave it alone. It's obvious that Mr. Rohr doesn't like the idea that the Archbishop did not sponsor Aaron Quitugua.....and this has nothing to do with the Neocatechumenal Way.

  5. The best way to silence the JW blog bullies is silence. Don't go to thier blog, silence with love will kill them. The speculate and disect it. It's all words; the way was called devilish and sect. Don't be mad cause we all know is not true. I witnessed and experience it that I can proudly say GOD's wonder. If they reject it, the also reject jesus Christ. Think about it, do you think what they are all doing are Christ like? You folks tell me. We have seen Pope Emeritus benidict XVI and Pope John Paul II celebrated the eaucharist the Neocathchumenal way... So it does not matter what they think. If you believe on this charism, get up! To be Christian is to be diffrent. Really, to be diffrent. They will persecute us in Christ sake not for Tim Tohr, Chuck White, Rodriguez, Frenchie, Maria or whoever. Christ bigger than all of these attacks.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I agree. It would be best not to even post on Junglewatch.

  6. Folks someone from other part of the world shared on JW. It hit the button

    1. AnonymousMarch 5, 2014 at 12:13 AM
    You are all making an issue of MONEY. Stop and listen to yourselves. You are blaming the existence of an RMS for the neglect of the Parish Financial debts. The RMS, remains our diocesan seminary. You are the only ones creating separation, which is very sad. You do not understand the itinerary of the NCW and claim that their celebrations are a cause for division. You dont hear any members of the NCW stating they no longer belong to a parish. If you want to talk about division in this diocese, talk about those who cant even lay claim to an individual parish. You pick and choose what you want to attack the NCW of. Very few of you are even well versed in church doctrine, liturgical guidelines and so on. You have your own definition of a Christian Life or even Parish Life for that matter. I am not saying that what the Capuchins had taught us are wrong but you need to realize that their actions in how they handle the parish community is influenced by their formation and it is not the only formation that exists. I always wondered why my parish took so long to rebuild itself(the church building). I realized it was the Capuchin way of life. Money was not made of an issue. The vow of poverty sort of forced the priest to make due with what already existed, even if it meant patching an already termite infested panel with another on top of another. You want priests who have attended academic institutions where they can receive degrees in psychology and business. I dont need to say more on that, it speaks for itself. Nonetheless, you are saying instead of priests trained in theology, sacred scriptures and other things pertaining to a spiritual life, you would prefer a psychologist or even a business professional. On another note,If you arent aware already, in every church it is highly recommended that the Holy Eucharist be reserved in a chapel suitable for private adoration and prayer. If this is impossible because of the structure of the church or local custom, it should be kept on an altar or some other place in the church that is prominent and properly decorated.(taken from the GIRM) So to say that if there is no tabernacle present on the main floor, it isnt catholic, this is just wrong. You fail to realize that it is even more beautiful to know that there is Chapel Dedicated to the Word and another Chapel dedicated to the Eucharist. Ive never been taught by my catechists that all those outside the community are evil. You who continue to speak of none sense give me reason to believe there is this evil that exists. I hate to come to that point ever. I do realize though that many of you just dont understand. Again, it will be sayed, "give us the documents and we will back down", but the way in which you all are acting says, that since you havnt presented the documents that allow you to receive communion in that manner then we will continue to be very unchristian to you and we will no longer refer to the Archbishop by his title and all you neos are minions of his. Just a sad day for this church.

    By the way a little history of my formation...
    Capuchin Baptized
    Capuchin Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation
    Diocesan Renewed and Enriched
    and since you all claim a difference in the two...
    Diocesan Neo Experiencing a long Walk in The Way.
