Blog Song

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mountain Tops

Some people may be wondering why I chose a mountaintop as my template. Father Joel de los Reyes submitted an excellent article in the Umatuna about mountaintop, which is found here.

Father Joel writes that it's on a mountaintop where we meet God.  The Holy Bible is filled with stories about mountaintops and mountainsides.  These are a small sample:  

  • Moses receive the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. 
  • It was on a mountainside that our Lord Jesus Christ delivered His Sermon on the Mount. 
  • It was on Mt. Moria where Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac. 
  • It was on Mt. Calvary where Christ gave His life to redeem mankind
  • It was on Mt. Zion where God reigns.
  • It was on a mountain where Jesus brought St. Peter, St. James, and St. John to witness the Transfiguration.  

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