Blog Song

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Missionary Family in Hungary

Daniel and Ana have six children, and they left everything behind - jobs, securities, friends, relatives, and the comforts of their home - and went to Hungary.  They are a mission family in the Neocatechumenal Way.  


  1. These folks and other mission family do not receive any financial support from YOUR parish. Their community supports them. So if any you Tim White Tiger Rohr read this it did not come from your dirty money.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      You are correct. The Parish does not give any money to the mission families. I also know that some mission families sold everything they have and use the money for their trip to become missionaries for the Neocatechumenal Way.

      Nevertheless, I'm sure that this will not satisfy Mr. Rohr. He will simply ask for proof, which is the reason why he wants to know the auditing of every parish on Guam. So, bringing Tim Rohr into the picture is not going to resolve anything. I think that Tim's problem is more with the Archbishop than with the Neocatechumenal Way. .

  2. Hi Diana, thanks for showing us this video about a mission family in Hungary. Beautiful kids! About the statistics: 55% of the population is Catholic and 20% is Protestant in Hungary. All other denominations/ religions are below 1% in total. That makes about 25% atheist or unknown. This is out of 10 million inhabitants.

    1. Dear Zoltan,
      I'm glad you like the video. It's amazing that a family is able to sacrifice everything to serve God.

  3. From the past the JW assume the professor and mission family thinks the staff in RMS are getting paid with Parish funds. The answer is no, these mission family are not funded at all and all supported by thier home community at whatever they came from. JW BLOG could not believe this and how is it possible. All of us in a community are reminded that love of GOD and our duty care for one another. I'm not saying this to erect the way on the top, no. The Neocathechumenal is for me , it healed me and my marriage, and discovered my history I could accept. This sharing often redicule by JW Blog bullies. I stand by the shepherd (Archbishop Apuron) I thank him opening the door for the WAY, 14 years ago I wan't it to leave the Catholic Church, there was nothing on it that made me love it. It's dry pretty much. The parishioner have their own click with the priest and you can't even genuinely talk to them with out of fear that you might say something wrong. I felt like the priest here are more authoritarian. I'm glad with the Neocathechumenal way, and it's good for my family.

    Tamuning Parish Community.

    1. Those walking in the Way have also seen miracles happen. With God all things are possible.
