Blog Song

Monday, March 10, 2014

Called To Be Faithful

I have read a few of Joel Olsteen's books.  For those who do not know Joel Olsteen, he is an American preacher, a televangelist, author, and the Pastor of Lakewood Church, the largest Protestant church in Houston, Texas.  

He is often labeled as a prosperity teacher because he preaches more on prosperity or success.  It is evident that Mr. Joel Olsteen is not a theologian because he does not preach about sin, death, or the end times.  And these things exist and relevant to our lives as Christians.  What he preaches is something that anyone can find in any secular self-help book.  Joel Olsteen often preached that God calls us to success or prosperity.....and herein lies the heresy.  Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say that we are called to be successful (although there is nothing wrong with being successful).  Rather, God calls us to be faithful.  

He calls us to be faithful to Him, to His decrees and commandments, and to His Bishops whom He appointed as shepherds to lead His Church.  He called us to be holy as He is holy.  He called us to be merciful and perfect just as God is merciful and perfect.  We are called to be humble, but also to be great in the sight of Heaven. To be great in the sight of Heaven implies that we are to be the light of the world so that all who see the light of Christ in us can glorify God our Father.  Of course, we can never be holy on our own.  Only God can make us holy for with God all things are possible.     


  1. Yes God makes us the light of the world . There is nothing being rich, unless you love money more than God.

  2. Diana, thank you for this blog site. I have a greater sense of God's presence.
