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Monday, March 10, 2014

At the Vocations Gathering in Rio.

In Brazil, the number of young people answering the call to the vocation of the priesthood and the convent was astounding.  More than 50,000 people met in Rio for a vocational gathering organized by the Neocatechumenal Way. Kiko Arguello hopes to have 20,000 priests in China.  

When asked how many young men want to join the priesthood, about 3000 young men stood up and ran to the stage.  When it came to the women's turn, nearly 2000 of them stood up.  See the video below:


  1. Who would mock the fruits of the Way produced for the greater glory of Christendom? I don't know. But what I know is that an apple I ate recently was ruined by a little worm that was swirling and chewing away its way all around in the sweet texture of my apple. Ouch! This little worm truly enjoyed attacking my apple. ;(

  2. Nice figurative description. Persecution is our nature.
