Blog Song

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dialogue with a Jehovah Witness

From time to time, Jehovah Witnesses would come knocking on my door.  In the past, I would pretend I was not home.  Today, the Neocatechumenal Way has changed that.  Because we also go out evangelizing two by twos, that has completely changed my attitude.  Today, I welcome the Jehovah Witnesses in my home.  My priest said that we are to have a dialogue with everyone about the Gospel of Christ.  

Well, one day two Jehovah Witnesses came to my door, and I invited them in. They had their New King James Bible, and I brought out my Jerusalem Bible I don't have a King James Bible; nevertheless, we have all the books in the King James Bible.  

At any rate, somewhere in the middle of our discussion, there was a disagreement.  It was not a major one, and there were no harsh words exchanged.  It was simply a disagreement on Predestination.  So, the next week, the Jehovah Witnesses were back.  This time, they brought in their "expert" on Predestination.  So, I invited all three of them and we sat at my kitchen table.  Their expert proceeded to ask me a question on Predestination. I told her the Catholic version.  Predestination is one of those topics that is clouded in mystery just like the Holy Trinity. 

At any rate, as I spoke, the expert took out a notebook and started writing.  I was a bit taken aback when she took out a notebook and started writing down things I was saying.  Next to her, her friend was getting a bit nervous and started to call her husband to pick them up.  I think she wanted to get out of my house.  When their ride finally came, the other woman smiled, said her farewells, and walked out the gate.  Their "expert", however, stayed behind while they waited for her outside my gate.  The expert thanked me and said that she had never heard the Catholic point of view before, and she found it very interesting.  She also said that she was glad she came by to listen.  Originally, I was the one who was supposed to listen to their perspective.  

The following week, the Jehovah Witness who wanted out of my house came by to visit me again.  I suppose she decided to give it one more try in converting me to her religion.  I invited her to my kitchen table.  She brought up the topic of Jesus not being God, which is what she believed in.  I listened to what she said.  After she was done speaking, I told her that the Old Testament prophesied that God would come down incarnated as a man, and I told her that the prophecy is in Isaiah 9:6. She brought out her King James Bible and read Isaiah 9:6.  

Isaiah 9:6   For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.   

I asked her what the biblical verse meant to her.  She hesitated for a long time, thinking.  Finally, she spoke these words "It means Jesus is God". However, these words were said with a lot of pained confusion in her face.  My response to her was:  You know, as a Catholic, saying that "Jesus is God" is not a problem for me because Catholics believe He is God.  You're a Jehovah Witness.  Your religion teaches that Jesus is not God; yet, you are now sitting at my kitchen table telling me that He is God."  

Not wanting to confuse her more, I told her that she needed to discern for herself and with the help of the Holy Spirit to figure out who Jesus really is. She left my house with a confused look.  It appears she has questions inside herself that needed some answers.  

Missionaries need to listen and dialogue with those who do not share our faith, so that we can come to an understanding of one another.  They are not there to argue, persecute, or attack others who have a different religion. However, through peaceful dialogue, they hope that God's words can give them some light, even if it's a little candlelight.     


1 comment:

  1. This is good dialogue not even apologetics tactic to defend but to evangelize the same time. You did better job than me. I have many occasion visit from jehovah witnesses. You have planted a seed to that person and thats how they journey back home. If she look confused, then theres a chance that might take what she learn from JW and take a uwie back home (Catholic Church)
