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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Biblical and Modern Day Jews

 In the Old Testament, God chose the Jews as His chosen people. The Jews founded and built the land of Israel. It became the homeland of the Jewish people. The Jewish Diaspora started in the Babylonian Captivity but grew after Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. A majority of the Jews were driven out of the Holy Land. However, there were some Jews who remained in the Holy Land; therefore, the Jews always held a continued presence in Israel. The Jews who remained continued to reside in Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberius while other Jews were driven to Europe, North Africa, and around the world. So, the modern day Jews and modern day Israel originated from the biblical Jews and biblical Israel just as the modern day Catholics originated from the biblical Catholics founded and built by Christ. The Jews did not simply disappear after 70 AD, no more than the biblical Christians of the Bible. 

The Biblical Jerusalem is the same modern-day Jerusalem. Anyone who has been to Israel can easily see that. Many members in Guam's NCW have been to Israel. The last time we were in Israel was in 2022. Being in Israel made the Holy Bible come to life. It demythologized the Bible and gave it essential meaning. Did anyone think that the biblical Jews suddenly stopped existing after 70 AD? Did anyone think that the biblical Church that Christ built simply stopped existing after the death of the Apostles? 

Today, there are attempts to rewrite history and assert that the Jews are foreign occupiers with no connection to the land of Israel. Those spreading this lie argue that the Jews have no historical connection to the land of Israel and that Zionists (those who believe that Israel should exist) came to colonize the land. The truth is...the Jews were on that land long before the Arabs came and called themselves "Palestinians." The Jewish claim to Israel is supported by abundant artifacts and historical records. In history, art, and literature, there is no trace of any Muslim people referred to by anyone as "Palestinians." In fact, both the Bible and Qu'ran do not mention the name "Palestine." But the name "Israel" is found in both the Bible and Qu'ran. Thus, the Jews were not the occupiers. 

The Jews were in favor of a two-state solution: A Palestine and Israel state. For over 50 years, two-state solutions were offered to the Palestinian leaders, but it was all rejected by the Palestinian leaders. Why? Because their intention was never on a two-state solution. They wanted ONLY a Palestine State from the river to the sea.

So, the question and real challenge is how does one establish peace between two groups of people in which one group works to kill the other?


  1. Christians who are are antisemitic seem to forget that Jesus Christ, whom they worship was a practicing Jew.

  2. So sad that many pressure Israel into a ceasefire, but no one pressures Hamas into releasing the hostages.

  3. Diana, Tim Rohr posted an article in his blog recently. Interested in your thoughts about the article?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:27 pm,

      The author of the article stated, "For orthodox Christians, in no way can the establishment of a modern State of Israel be confused with the fulfillment of the promises given to Abraham because Jesus is the true fulfillment of those promises."

      My response: What has the establishment of Israel in 1948 have to do with Christians or Christianity in the first place? The Jews did not establish Israel to challenge Christians. It was established because Israel was their homeland.

    2. Who cares about Tum Rohr, anon 2:27 must be eager for a click bait or must be one of em CCOG. The newly installed Archbishop Jimenez interesting homily. We are all part of the body of Christ.
