Blog Song

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Love One Another

 In today’s reading, St. John instructs us to love one another not in words or speech, but in deed and truth. However, human beings are incapable of true love especially towards their enemies and persecutors. Which one of us can forgive the thief who broke into our homes and stole from us? Which one of us can turn the other cheek without retaliating as they are being taunted and bullied?  Rather, it is easier to love family and friends. Nevertheless, it is possible to love and pray for our persecutors. But it is not us who do this but God Himself acting through us. We have seen God acting in our lives, so we go out to share our testimonies. We evangelize other Pacific Islands and participate in the Great Mission every Sunday. The Church often speak of the New Evangelization, and the NCW does this very well. It is by their fruit that one can know the true disciples of Christ. 

Matthew 7:16-18 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 

Christ also warned His Church that they will be persecuted just as He was persecuted. So, let us not forget that we are Christians, the followers of Christ. Let us not forget what happened at the Antonio B. Wonpat International Airpot in April 2016 when Professor Giuseppe Gennarini arrived in Guam. It is by their fruits that you will know who the true disciples of Christ. What happened in 2016 is also a great testimony of God acting in our lives. As you see in the video below, the leader of the NCW quietly goes to a car and loads his luggage and without retaliation while being harassed, bullied, and taunted by the Concerned Catholics” (CCOG). Mr. Gennarini forgave these people. This is the kind of leader who leads the NCW. 


  1. Mr. Gennarini turned out to a man of God in this situation.. God bless him. Some of our local priests could learn from his example.

  2. I remember that! That was an embarrassment to our island. Where was the Hafa Adai spirit that Guam was known for? What CCOG did was very unchristian.

  3. No retaliation? If the Way follows Christ, why are they supporting Israel who are killing Palestinians?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 1:18 pm,

      You are compaing apples to oranges. Gennarini faced a mob of people who was out to harrass and intimidate him. Israel, on the other hand, was attacked by Hamas whose goal is to kill all Jews in Israel and worldwide. Israel has the right to defend herself, and self-defense does not contradict Church doctrine.

    2. If the people attacked Gennarini, would that be comparing apples to oranges? Asking for a friend.

    3. Dear Anonymous at 7:57 am,

      Whoever took this video clip already put CCOG in a very bad light. And you want to know what happens if they physically attacked an innocent man?

      The members of the Way are called to martyrdom. Therefore, IF he was physically beaten, then Mr. Gennarini would indeed be a true disciple of Christ for Christ was also beaten. And CCOG would go to jail for physical assault.

    4. This is why something needs to be done. If this is the kind of Catholics the Church in Guam are raising, something is seriously wrong.

    5. Dear Anonymous at 7:29 am,

      It starts with their leaders. Some of the priests and deacons went against Apuron, their bishop whom they vowed obedience to. Some of the priests and deacons broke their vows. And worst of all, they judged him and took away his due process. Bishop Apuron was already found guilty by them without the due process of a trial. They did not follow Christ when he said,. "Judge not, and you shall not be judged."

    6. Time will come for CCOG, God will avenge the wrongs that they did. Not by our own hands. It will come. It may not be now or 50 years. It will come!
