Blog Song

Thursday, April 27, 2023

My Body Grows Person By Person

The following was sent by a friend who is listening to Father Mike Schmitz's postcast, and I thought it is worth sharing. 


                   My Body Grows Person By Person

My body is built up of living souls, not of churches. Just as I did not come into the world fully grown but chose to develop, cell by cell, in my mother's womb, and gradually from a baby to a man, so it is with my body among you on earth. Unity is not to be achieved by negotiation between leaders of the churches, kings and high priests making treaties on behalf of the people under their authority. Unity will be achieved when two or three humble people meet together in my name, and cry out with my mother,  " My soul glorifies the Lord, who has done great things for me,"

My body grows person by person, just as I grew cell by cell.  All your high level negotiations can do is to remove obstacles to the meetings of the poor and humble; the real growing together in me happens when you listen to me and give words of comfort to those who are weary; when you share your bread with the hungry, bind up the wounds of the sick and give company to the lonely, all in my name. Then the world will be filled with my glory, and I shall be among you again. 


  1. Congratulations to Matteo mattarazo on his upcoming ordaination as transitional deacon

    1. Dear Anonymous at 12:41 pm,

      Thank you for the information. I will do a short post on Matteo’s upcoming ordination. I have been very busy helping the kids with their fundraising to the World Youth Day Pilgrimage to Portugal.
