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Saturday, March 11, 2023

Let Us Not Forget #2

Let us not forget that the ones who brought up the sale of the seminary was Richard Untalan and the former Finance Council. In a 2012 letter sent to then Archbishop Anthony Apuron Untalan wrote:

"Selling the property, then valued at $75 million, could eliminate the archdiocesan debt."

The former Archdiocesan Finance Council were dismissed in January 2012. Let us not forget that the JungleWatch Nation believed that the seminary was given away by Bishop Anthony. However, there were no Deed of Gift nor any Deed of Sale. Instead, there was a Declaration of Deed Restriction. A Deed Restriction is a private agreement that restricts the use of the property. The ownership remains the same. Nevertheless, the Jungle tried to convince people that the property was given away and no longer belongs to the Archdiocese. Let us not forget that the title of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary listed the Archdiocese of Agana as the owner.  Even Archbishop Hon publicly stated that the Archdiocese of Agana owns RMS. According to KUAM news:

It's a multimillion dollar question: who owns the Redemptoris Mater Seminary? According to the Vatican-appointed apostolic administrator, the Yona property is owned by the Archdiocese of Agana. "The archdiocese owns that property. No doubt of it....

Let us not forget that Archbishop Hon was called a "liar" for saying that the seminary was owned by the Archdiocese of Agana. One would think the jungle would be happy and relieved to hear Archbishop ensure that the seminary belonged to the Archdiocese, but they were not happy nor relieved and called him a liar. Let us also not forget these four facts: 

1.  Report from the Pacific American Title confirming that the lots on which the RM seminary sits identified the owner as the Archbishop of Agana.

2.  Report from the law firm of Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP in Denver, Colorado showed that the Archbishop of Agana retains substantial authority over the RM seminary. 

3.  Document of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts, which has the highest authority in the Catholic Church for interpreting the laws of the Church concluded that there was no alienation of the property

4.  The Certificate of title from the Department of Land Management listed the Archdiocese of Agana as the owner of RMS.

With these four facts, you would think that the Jungle would be thrilled and jumping with joy that the seminary still belonged to the Archdiocese of Agana, but they were not. In fact, they wanted Land Management to remove the Archdiocese of Agana as the owner in the Title because it did not fit their narrative. Official documents exist showing the ownership of the seminary to be the Archdiocese. 

They were so angry that CCOG demanded the removal of five priests because they believe that the Certificate of Title showing the Archdiocese of Agana as the owner of RMS was a fake document (see news report here).  Nevermind the rest of the facts. Nevermind the fact that it is an official document from Land Management. Then comes along Archbishop Michael Byrnes. For some reason, he was misled into believing the jungle rumors, thinking that the Archdiocese of Agana does not own the seminary. All he did was used his authority to rescind the Deed of Restriction, which he alone is capable of doing simply because he WAS the owner to begin with (see news report here). No one in RMS or in the NCW signed any documents giving the seminary to Archbishop Michael BECAUSE the Archbishop was the owner. It would be ridiculous to sign a document handing over something that already belongs to you. Archbishop Michael believed the jungle rumors so much that he went so far as to file a lawsuit against HIMSELF....yes, that is correct...a lawsuit against himself. According to the Pacific Daily News (the bold is mine):

Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes is seeking a court order, affirming the church's control over the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona, according to a lawsuit filed in Surperior Court of Guam.

A hearing in the case Wednesday morning was pushed back until May 3 because none of the defendants have received the lawsuit. 

Exactly, who were the defendants? Of course, no one received the lawsuits because there is no document showing anyone to be the owner of RMS except the Archbishop himself. And all Archbishop Michael had to do was read the Certificate of Title, which clearly stated that the Archdiocese of Agana was the owner. In fact, he can even refer to the report of the Pacific American Title.

Furthermore, the jungle have always accused the seminary of human trafficking and money laundering. Human Trafficking and money laundering are criminal acts; yet, none of the accusers ever went to the police to report such crimes. Why? Because the accusations are all false. They never had any evidence, just unfounded accusations. They never had any evidence of their accusations.



  1. The defendants in the lawsuit filed by Byrnes should be RMS. Why didn't RMS show up?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:02 am,
      Hello....RMS (Redemptoris Mater Seminary) is the NAME of the seminary OWNED by the Archbishop of Agana. The owner of RMS and the Archdiocese of Agana is the same person. 🙄

  2. The last thing Rohr should be talking about is the clergy child sexual abuse cases since he's also been accused of child molestation and physical abuse by his wife and daughter. Many people are blaming him and his cohorts of losing Church properties. So, he's trying to pin the blame on Apuron or the NCW. He and his cohorts pushed for the passage of a bill that opened the door for lawsuits to be filed and forcing the Church into bankruptcy. After losing Church properties, the people aren't blind.
