Blog Song

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Israel Pilgrimage 2


 The following article can be found here


'Hope and Closeness' in the Holy Land: Patriarch Pizzaballa prays with Catholics on Mount of the Beatitudes

More than 8,000 young Catholics from the United States prayed together Tuesday on the Mount of the Beatitudes, where Jesus is believed to have delivered the Sermon on the Mount. 

Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, led the American Catholics in prayer on July 19 during a vocational meeting organized by the Neocatechumenal Way, a movement in the Church that provides an itinerary of Catholic formation.

As part of the vocational meeting, the young people are participating in a multi-day pilgrimage exploring the historic sites of the Holy Land.

More than 8,000 young Catholics from the United States prayed together Tuesday on the Mount of the Beatitudes, where Jesus is believed to have delivered the Sermon on the Mount. 

Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, led the American Catholics in prayer on July 19 during a vocational meeting organized by the Neocatechumenal Way, a movement in the Church that provides an itinerary of Catholic formation.

As part of the vocational meeting, the young people are participating in a multi-day pilgrimage exploring the historic sites of the Holy Land.

The Neocatechumenal Way draws its inspiration from the practices of the early Church, providing post-baptismal Christian formation in some 40,000 small, parish-based communities. The movement is present all over the world, and says it has an estimated membership of more than 1 million people.


  1. Congratulations on all those who stood up for the calling. God bless you all!

    1. Yes! Some of Guam’s youth also stood up for the calling! 🤗. Continue to pray, brothers!
