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Saturday, June 5, 2021

In Response to Question From Jeff

This post is in response to Jeff who emailed me from Colorado.  His email was not published since it was addressed to me.  Nevertheless, he asked me a question in the email that I believe is worth addressing in my blog.  The NCW members may even find the question and answer beneficial.  Jeff's question was: 

Also was curious to ask you about this article below — The archbishop recognized the good that the movement has brought to many people’s lives, and he noted that it is recognized and approved by the Holy See.  However, it is imperative that it adhere to liturgical norms, he said, and this adherence “will only enrich the fruits of the Neocatechumenal movement.”  

 First of all, the link is not working.  Nevertheless, you stated "The archbishop recognized the good that the movement has brought to many people's lives, and he noted that it is recognized and approved by the Holy See.  However, it is imperative that it adhere to liturgical norms..."  I assume you meant Archbishop Michael Byrnes. 

The Holy See gave the Neocatechumenal Way the Statutes and General Directory.  The Statues of the Neocatechumenal Way is what we are supposed to follow.  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term "Statutes" is defined as: 

1 : a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government

2an act of a corporation or of its founder intended as a permanent rule
3an international instrument setting up an agency and regulating its scope or authority

In short, the word "Statutes" means "LAW" and is even synonymous with "LAW."  Therefore, the Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way, which was approved and ratified by the Holy See, is what the Way is mandated to follow.  In fact, it is the LAW, that we are to follow.  This LAW was given to us by the Vatican, and it is this LAW that the NCW should strictly follow.  In a speech, Pope Francis listed 7 points.  According to the seventh point, Pope Francis stated:

SEVENTH: The Neocatechumenal Way is the one that knows the most about the Christian Initiation. Consult them and, if necessary, correct the catechists, the communities…(because to correct is to love)…but correct with the Statutes in your hands.
Notice that in the Statutes, the Easter Vigil is mentioned (Article 12, Section 1).  The Holy See has given the NCW permission to celebrate the Easter Vigil on its own.  Unfortunately, our critics believed that the NCW is being disobedient simply because of this rule found in the Liturgical book (the bold is mine):

Of this night’s Vigil, which is the greatest and most noble of all solemnities, there is to be only one celebration in each church. 

Thus, our critics falsely accused the NCW of disobedience despite the fact that we have told them that we were given permission to celebrate the Easter Vigil apart from the parish Easter Vigil, and we were branded as liars.  The only time our critics believed us was when it was reported in a Catholic news article that the Vatican had allowed the NCW to celebrate the Easter Vigil.  This is the very reason why Article 12, Section 1 was placed in the Statutes.  According to that news article (the bold is mine):

The episcopal council of the Rome diocese, in a document distributed March 1, said the unity of the diocese — seen especially through the unity of the bishop and pastors of parishes in the celebration of the Eucharist — is especially important to emphasize during the triduum: the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Good Friday liturgy of the Lord’s Passion and the Easter vigil Saturday night.

“To express visibly the unity of the holy people of God and express the deepest meaning of belonging to an ecclesial community,” the council said, those who frequent non-parish churches, chapels and oratories or who belong to special groups, associations or new movements “are exhorted to take part in the celebrations of the Easter triduum in parish churches.”

An exception exists for “national churches,” like the U.S. Catholic community at St. Patrick Church in Rome, and for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes allow for small-group celebrations of the Easter vigil, Father Midili said.

Exceptions were made for members of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Vatican-approved statutes (LAW) allowed it.  And what else did the LAW mentioned?  It also mentioned the Eucharist (Article 13, Section 1-4).  Therefore, the NCW is also mandated in their statutes (LAW) to celebrate the Eucharst in small communities.  The Statutes declared that the celebrations of the Eucharist in the Way are part of the Sunday liturgical pastoral work of the parish and open to others who are not in the NCW communities.  The Eucharist in the NCW is celebrated following the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite and with the exception of the explicit concessions of the Holy See.  Those explicit concessions can be found here.  

The NCW is mandated to follow its approved statutes (law) given to them by the Holy See.  And as long as the NCW follows its Statutes, it will bear more fruit.  As for the Archbishop, his role is to continue to be in communion with the Pope.  And Pope Francis have already given his support and blessings to the NCW. 


  1. Isn't the Way supposed to follow its bishop?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 2:40 pm,

      Of course. In fact, Pope Francis even told the NCW to follow their Bishops. So, when Archbishop Michael told the NCW to celebrate the Eucharst inside the church building before a consecrated altar, we obeyed. My community celebrates the Eucharst inside the Church, and we continue to bear fruit. The NCW continues to foster vocations,, and those who expressed a desire for the priesthood were sent to a seminary in the U.S. at the expense of their communities. In other words, their communities spent for their trip to the seminary. And those sons of Guam will someday become priests for the Church in the U.S. mainland or the country they were sent to. I will also remind you Pope Francis instructed the bishops of Japan to support the charisms such as the NCW.

  2. Diana, the Saturday Eucharist is part of the Sunday Mass. So, is it necessary for the brothers and sisters to attend the parish Mass even if they attended the Saturday Eucharist in the Way? Isn't that what Cardinal Arinze meant?

    1. Dear Anonymous at 3:38 pm,

      No. That is not what Cardinal Arinze meant in his letter. According to his letter dated December 2005:

      "Sunday is the “Dies Domini” as the Servant of God Pope John Paul II wished to illustrate in the Apostolic Letter on the Lord’s Day. Therefore the Neocatechumenal Way must enter into dialogue with the diocesan bishop in order to make it clear that the community of the Neocatechumenal Way is incorporated into the parish even in the context of the liturgical celebrations. At least one Sunday per month, the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way must participate in the Holy Mass of the parish community."

      In short, the Cardinal was recommending that members of the Way attend the Parish Mass once a month to make it clear that we are incorporated into the parish. The Cardinal wrote that letter on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI. Kiko Arguello responded to the letter. According to Kiko's letter;

      "With respect to the first point of the letter (“at least one Sunday per month, the Communities of the Neocatechumenal Way must participate in the Holy Mass of the parish community), each team of itinerant catechists will speak with the Bishop of each Diocese in order to arrange this participation, paying particular attention to the least brethren and those farthest away."

      Therefore, Kiko did not have a problem with the NCW members attending the Parish Mass once a month. Kiko specifically stated in his letter that arrangements will be made with each diocesan bishop to allow for such participation.

      I will also point out that some brothers and sisters have participated in the Parish Mass more than once a month through their voluntary work with the parish. It is taught in the Way that husbands and wives are to die for each other. We are taught to be humble and become martyrs. So, we are also to die when a Cardinal, Pope, Bishop, or priest recommends us to attend the Parish Mass once a month even if to make clear that we are incorporated into the parish. After all, my community died for Archbishop Byrnes when he instructed us to hold our Eucharist inside the church building.

  3. Hi Diana. A few brothers and sisters also participate in the parish Mass more than once a month cuz some of them are lector. I think being involved with the parish helps us connect with other parishioners, who may be interested in deepening their faith through the Way.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 6:05 pm,

      It is the same with my community. Some of them are involved in parish activities. Our involvement also show the parishioners that many of us are not how the Junglewatch nation portray us to be. Thus, the rift can be healed.
      Pope Benedict XVI was a wise man. And Kiko was humble enough to follow the Pope's recommendation. However, I must admit that I never knew those recommendations were in the Statutes. A brother in one of the communities pointed it out to me last year.
