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Friday, June 12, 2020

Congratulations to Four More from Former Guam RMS

Four more seminarians from the former Guam RMS will be ordained into the priesthood on June 21st, and their ordination streamlived.  Two of them are locally from Guam.  These men will be priests.  Continue to pray for them and for all priests and clergy. These men are Drazen Hosi from Croatia, Edmond Philip Ig from New York, Darren Tomas from Guam, and Preston Perez also from Guam.  Congratulations to these men on their upcoming ordination for the priesthood!  WAY TO GO!!!  Guam RMS has produced so many priestly vocation for the United States.  You can read their biographies here.   


  1. Kudos to Preston, Darren, Edmond, and Drazen!🤗

  2. This could have been Guam. It should have been Guam. We need four new priests. And two of them Chamorros!

    1. Dear Anonymous at 10:04 pm,

      Yes, many of these men would undoubtedly be Guam’s priests. Unfortunately, Archbishop Michael bent down to the will of the mob. The NCW and RMS priests were being demonized. Appeasing the mob only put Guam backwards where we would be asking for priests from the Philippines or the U.S. Bending to the will of the mob eventually will lead to the loss of our church buildings. Priests who lack support from their bishop have also left.

      We see the same thing happening in the law enforcement department in the United States. Many police are resigning in Minneapolis and elsewhere due to a lack of support from their state and city governments. They are being demonized. Certain state and city governments are bending to the will of the mob. In my opinion, the Governor of Washington and City Mayor of Seattle should have been arrested for treason.

    2. I was very upset and disheartened when Archbishop Michael shut down the RM Seminary and our seminarians had to leave. I thank God that other Bishops took in our seminarians to help, guide, and encourage them with their vocations.

      But as time when on, I accepted this as God's will and plan. Also, in my thinking, it was best the seminarians left otherwise they would suffer tremendously because of the evil coming from those who opposed the Way.

      God bless Preston, Darren, Edmond, and Drazen. Maybe one day, they can come back to Guam and say Mass with us.

  3. You are assuming innocence when you cannot be sure. We are all capable of evil especially in the NCW. Jesus came for the sinners not the saints. Let the evil be punished as God wills it. Speaking up against abuse of any kind is not wrong. Would you do nothing if it was your own child being abused? Please get in touch with reality! God puts each and every person on this earth to help each other, not to live in the clouds where no one from the NCW can do wrong. Are they not human? Judges and police were put on this earth by God too...they are there to uncover the truth. It is a blessing that these men still became priests with all the evil and deceit around them.
