Blog Song

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Stand Together As One

These are trying times as Guam battles the COVID-19 virus.  Thus far, there have been 12 people who have tested positive for COVID-19.  Doctors have come out trying to persuade the public to stay home.  However, as I stand outside my porch, I see many cars passing by my home.  There are also many people shopping in the stores.  People, we need to stand together as one.  We need to help each other because we all face the same enemy.....the COVID-19 virus, which has proven to be more deadly to our elderly and those with a weaker immune system.  

When shopping, one member of the family can go to the store.  It is not necessary to bring your spouse and entire family with you. With that said, do not live in fear by stocking up on hand sanitizers, hand soaps and cleaners.  No need to fear, so share by purchasing only what you need.  Remember the elderly and health care professionals who also need those things. But if possible, stay home and do not travel.  And most of all, pray. Pray together with your family. Our God is more powerful and larger than any virus.  We pray for all those who have contracted the virus, for the grieving families whose loved ones were taken by the virus, and for all people in every nation to stand together as one in doing our part in eliminating the virus that has wreck havoc on human lives.  

If there is anything positive that has come out of this virus, it has forced people to observe better hygiene, and it has also come to benefit the planet (see news report here).  It has also made us see some of the things we have taken for granted.  Both China and South Korea are returning to normal lives as the virus in their country declines.  So, stand together as one.  We all come together as God's children.  I believe the song below is appropriate at this time.   


  1. 👏👏👏👏 DIANA 👈🌹

  2. If everyone has the mentality to think they are already infected, they would stay home and isolate themselves out of fear of infecting their loved ones. Those who complained at the airport for being detained for 14 days shouldn't complained. Better to be safe than sorry.

  3. Diana, Fr. Jeff is also on quarantine. Praying for him.

    1. Dear Anonymous at 9:31 pm,

      Yes, I read the news. Father Jeff placed himself in quarantine because he visited people at GMH who were confirmed positive for COVID-19. I hope he's okay. Let us pray for Father Jeff and all those who have the virus. May they recover quickly.

  4. The best is yet to come :)


    1. Dear Anonymous at 4:32 am,

      Thank you for the weblink. I already posted about it. May he rest in peace.
