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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Change

On December 8th, Pope Francis has appointed Cardinal Tagle from the Archdiocese of Manila to head the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.  Cardinal Tagle is known to be very close to Pope Francis and shares his vision of a missionary Church as well as his concerns for the poor, which is reflected in his own lifestyle.  Because of this, Pope Francis made an excellent choice.  Being Asian of Filipino and Chinese blood, Cardinal Tagle can greatly promote the evangelization of Asia and Africa.  Cardinal Tagle is not against the Way.  In fact, the NCW in the Philippines invited Cardinal Tagle to preside when Kiko Arguello was in the Philippines.  

The NCW in the Philippines has been established more than 40 years, and members now exceeds over 25,000 in more than 700 communities, with concentrations in Manila and Iloilo province.  An RMS is also locaed in Paranaque and in Manila, while many families in missions are all over the islands. 

As for Cardinal Filoni, he was named the new Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre.  He succeeded Cardinal O'Brien.  According to Vatican News:
In a statement, Cardinal O'Brien expressed his great appreciation for the Pope's decision, and said he is particularly happy that Cardinal Filoni has been chosen as his successor: "His long and extensive partoral and administrative service in our Universal Church", Cardinal O'Brien said, "will be precious in guiding the Order on its future path".  
Image result for cardinal tagle  Image result for cardinal filoni


  1. We are all praying for guam and the evangelization, for the sake of the little ones who have been scandalized by those opposed to the evangelization of guam.

  2. Diana I just saw the umatuna the persecution against the way continues because father Julius is no longer the pastor of malesso

    1. Dear God is one,

      Do not worry. God always has a plan. Persecution is the strength of Christianity. So long as we are persecuted, it only us draws closer to Christ, who was also persecuted.
