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Sunday, March 10, 2019

News From RMS in Galilee

GALILEE – On Friday, February 15, 2019, in the Church of the Twelve Apostles and seventy-two Disciples of the Domus Galilaeae, on the Mount of the Beatitudes, the Patriarchal Vicar for Israel Fr. Hanna Kildani presided over the ceremony of the Admissio ad Ordines of five seminarians of the Missionary Seminary Redemptoris Mater of Galilee: Giovanni Bovi, David Sotgiu, Kacper Jurczyk, Michel El Khouri, Pedro Figueroa.

Some relatives of the candidates were present at the event, the Neo-catechumenal communities in which the candidates complete their permanent Christian formation, as also the team of the leaders of the Neo-catechumenal Way in Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates, seminarians, formators, and brothers in mission.

The celebration was introduced briefly by Fr. Rino Rossi, director of the Domus Galilaeae, who, returning from meeting with the Pope in Panama in recent days, and the subsequent vocational call made by the founder of the Neo-catechumenal Way Kiko Argüello, he wished to express his gratitude to the Lord for the generosity shown by many brothers to offer their lives for the priesthood and evangelization. “Today, said Fr Rino, we have the confirmation of this gift desired by the Holy Spirit, because five young men of this seminary ask to be admitted to orders and thirteen seminarians have been ordained presbyters and, soon, another will be in June.”

The Rector of the Seminary, Fr. Francesco Voltaggio, presented to the Vicar the five candidates and the various realities present in the gathering, underlining the important role that families and communities have had in the formation of the five young men.

Fr. Hanna Kildani, during the homily, addressed touching words to the five seminarians and to all the faithful, saying that each one, even before creation, was thought of and loved by the Lord. To adhere to the project that God has thought for everyone, Fr. Hanna emphasized that we need a formative journey during which it becomes possible to accept God’s call, as did the Virgin Mary announcing her “yes” to the will of the Father ( Lk 1: 26-38). It is also necessary to have the courage of Peter who, despite his weakness, said he was ready to give his life for the Lord (Jn 13:37) and not fear as the rich young man had before the invitation to follow him ( Mt 19:16-22). It is also necessary to fight to defend one’s call as Jeremiah (Jer. 20) and to be available as Isaiah (Is 5:6-8) and not fear to employ the talents that God has given, without hiding them (Mt 25:14-30).

Citing the second letter of St. Paul to Timothy (2Tim 2:13), the Patriarchal Vicar affirmed that God is faithful and does not deny Himself to those who invoke Him; he wished to encourage those present to offer their lives to God, sure of His help.

He also expressed his gratitude to the Lord for the help and support that the Neo-Catechumenal communities of the five seminarians gave to their formation, thus contributing to the life of the Church.

At the end of the celebration there was a big fiesta with music and a rich banquet, prepared by the brothers of the communities: the event ended in an atmosphere of great joy and sharing.

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